James looked at Chloe"s dragon eyes with fear and was about to do something when Mars suddenly appeared out of thin air and spoke

"There... Jane has agreed to me taking over the city... I believe this concludes our bet with me as a winner"

James stammered

"B-bulls.h.i.+t, as if the governor of Ular would simply give over the city to you!"

"Well she did when she swore her undying loyalty to me"

James" eyes turned crimson as he yelled

"If you refuse to hand over the crystal card I will return with an army from the NNE and conquer the city!"

Mars gave a sigh and asked James

"Are you daft mortal? Did you not see how your first arm disappeared in a flash of light? What do you think will happen if you send another army?"

"That was merely a fluke! Now hand over the crystal card! Or end up as a decaying head on a spike once our armies trample over Ular!"

Mars gave a sigh and looked up into the sky and spoke

"Info can"t you explain it to him... I might kill him soon otherwise..."

As soon as Mars finished speaking something broke through the clouds above the platou and quickly descended in front of Mars, it was an avatar that had a slight frown on its face

[How long have you known I was here Mars?]

Mars gave a happy smile

"From the start"

[Che... I wanted to surprise you...]

Info looked a bit unhappy but still turned to James Ichma and spoke while releasing her full divine might

[...Why are you not kneeling mortal?]

The two eyes of the avatar shone with divine might as James" legs went numb and he kneeled down along with the one still conscious general and Vanessa, after a few seconds he finally managed to stammer a response out

"P-Please forgive me lady archangel"

[Now I believe you made a bet with Mars here... As far as I remember it went something like this: "Well you present me with a defended city on the edge of the NNE"s territory and I"ll conquer it within a day, if I can I"ll get the city and become it will become a free citystate under the NNE, if I can"t you get the crystal card... What do you say?" is that correct?]

"That"s... Correct"

"Wait Info your missing a part"

Mars pointed to the general that had mocked him and Info made an "oh right" expression and continued

[Right... The life of the general that mocked Mars was part of the deal too was he not?]

James gritted his teeth and gave a nod, Mars showed a smile and waved his hand before the general disappeared in a flash of light much like the one that had swallowed the NNE"s army a few minutes ago, Mars gave a smile and thought to himself

"Energy is matter and matter is energy... Makes perfect sense that the living G.o.d of energy can exchange the two freely right?"

James gritted his teeth even harder before he slowly spoke out while glaring at Mars

"I will remember this!"

Mars gave a sneer and waved his hand which made the the sky carriages disappear in a flash of light before he walked over and grabbed James by the neck and lifted him up to his own eyesight and slowly spoke

"I am sure you will, now have a nice trip home"

Then he dropped him like a sack of potatoes and walked over to the girls that were busy talking with Info

[---And then he said "this sack of s.h.i.+t and his goons tried to mug me in the forest" while he himself had dragged him about 4 kilometers from the forest]

78 gave a giggle and spoke

"That"s so Mars"

Varvei that stood next to her also gave a nod, as did Chloe, Mary and Elsa, meanwhile Yel asked Info

"So what happened after he arrived in that town?"

Info was about to speak when Mars arrived next to her, silent like a reaper and put a hand on her shoulder

"I met with Elsa and she fell for my charms at once... But enough about that, let"s move into our new home"

[...Be sure to call me and tell me all about once you are settled in Mars]


Mars waved his hand and made their luggage float before he and the girls walked towards Ular, meanwhile Info was left with the three from the NNE, she gave a glance at James that was fuming while staring at Mars" back and gave a sigh before she mumbled

[In the end mortals are only that... Mortals]

Then she flew off and quickly disappeared in the clouds above the platou...

A few days later Mars awoke from a deep sleep, he was a little disoriented when he woke and for a moment he didn"t know where he was, but then he remembered

"Oh right..."

Mars laid his head down again and stared into the ceiling for a bit before he got up and wore a pair of boxers before he walked out of the master bedroom, while pa.s.sing a young blus.h.i.+ng blus.h.i.+ng maid Mars let out a yawn as he though back to the talk he had with Jane a few days ago about having servants in the palace. Now Jane was all for the servants as they had been around her all her life as she was born into a long line of governors, but Mars was against them at first since he didn"t like feeling being treated like royalty but after having a long talk with the head butler that had served the last generation of governors too he eventually decided to keep them around after he replaced some of them with new staff

"Well I really can"t have a servant that looks at me with disdain can I..? After all, I don"t have that kind of hobby..."

Mars monetary imagined the girls looking at him with disgust but eventually shook the thoughts out of his head as he reached the toilet

"Why isn"t the toilet connected with the master bedroom anyway...?"

Mars was about to stip out of his boxers and take a refres.h.i.+ng bath when he noticed another maid was cleaning the very same bathtub and paused mid action before he eventually let go of the rim of his boxers and gave a cough which caught the maids attention

"Well... I would like to bathe, do you mind?"

The maid (a more mature one than the one he pa.s.sed in the hallway) stopped her work and gave a elegant bow as she spoke

"Certainly, would you like me to wash you back Mars?"

Mars considered having a maid to wash his back for precisely one gentlemanly moment before he almost nodded, the thing that stopped him was a chill that went down his spine as his acute ears picked up the sound of one of the girls waking up in the master bedroom. After quickly varying the cons (being caught by one of the girls) and the pros (having a maid serve him while he bathed) he gave a wry smile and shook his head

"Not this time no"

The maid gave a smile and another bow before she left the bathroom behind, Mars gave a sigh, he had almost made a choice which could have cost him dearly, Mars praised himself as to have made the right move and quickly stirpped before he walked over to the already filled marble bathtub which the maid had been in the progress of polis.h.i.+ng the outside of and soaked himself

"Ah... This is life..."

As Mars soaked in the bathtub the door opened to the bathroom, Mars didn"t open his eyes as he was able to hear who it was that had entered by her footsteps, then his ears picked up the sound of clothes falling to the floor as the footsteps neared the bathtub before he heard Mary"s voice

"Mind if I join you?"

"Be my guest"

Mars felt Mary enter the bathtub and opened his eyes as she leaned against him, feeling her smooth skin Mars let out a fake cough before he spoke

"Sitting there is... Slightly dangerous"

Mary gave a coy smile and leaned back unto him and nestled in his embrace before she asked

"Dangerous? I have no idea what you are talking about, why don"t you tell me more?"

Mars gave a slightly "hungry" smile as he felt a certain part of him getting ready for action and spoke

"Well a big bad dragon might eat you"

Mary gave a giggle and spoke

"Oh my, a big bad dragon you say? I am so scared"

Mary fained fear and leaned further into Mars embrace which only promoted him to wrap his arms around her as she let out a girly Kyaa~ outside the bathroom stood the maid from before with a smile on her face as she mumbled

"Looks like we"re going to have young marsters and missus in the governor"s palace soon..."

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