Mars walked into the city with Varvei by his side and after shopping for a few hours they stopped to have dinner at a cafe on the main street, during the dinner Varvei suddenly leaned in over the table and asked Mars

"So... I heard from Yel that you want children soon?"

Mars gave a nod and cut the stake on his plate before he ate a piece and spoke

"I had planned to talk with you all about it after I had officially become governor... But yes I think it"s about that time... What do you think Varvei?"

Varvei reached her hand over the table, Mars got the message and quickly grabbed her hand as she gave the sweetest smile Mars had seen in awhile

"I think it"s about that time too"

Mars and Varvei shared a moment before they both realized they were in a public place and went back to their food, Mars stole glances at Varvei, she did the same of course as both of them speed up their eating until they were finished eating and Mars quickly paid the bill before they then half rushed back to the manor to get started with what they had been talking about during dinner...

The next morning Mars awoke, his body was slightly sore, since he got... Well a little too much into it last night, they had also stopped using prevention magic so their hard labor should bear fruit sometime soon...

"Well enough about that... today"s the day..."

Mars gave a yawn as he crawled out of bed and quickly got dressed leaving the girls in dreamland as he quickly exited the master bedroom and walked towards Jane"s room, his intentions were pure of course and it was her that had invited him yesterday, that"s what he told himself anyway as he knocked on the door

"Come in"

Mars walked in and found Jane drinking tea served by a maid, she quickly gestured for him to sit down across for her which he did before he cleared his throat

"So... Today"s the day"

Jane gave a nod

"Indeed it is... The ceremony will find place at noon and last until sundown, but there"s something else I would like to talk with you about first"

"Please do say"

"Well... The thing is the chefs have reported food going missing and some of the maids have reported finding black and orange fur around the palace, as embarra.s.sing as it is to say I think we have a rodent problem so I would like your input on what to do..."

Mars showed a strange expression before he gave a sigh

"I knew that there was something I was neglecting... Victoria, have you been stealing food?"

There was silence for a bit before a slightly wronged voice sounded out in Mars" head

"...I would... Not call it... Stealing... That"s a... Strong word"

Mars gave a sigh a long one at that, Jane looked a little confused but soon Mars called out

"If you"re not guilty then stop hiding like a convict"

"Mars... Who are you talking to?"


Then Mars stood up and walked away from the table before he sat down on the floor and patted his leg twice as he spoke

"Come on, I am not mad"

Just as Jane was about to ask what Mars was doing Victoria jumped out of a shadow and landed on the floor before she looked at Jane, then the maid (That was frozen in fear) before she walked over and laid down on Mars" lap and began purring as Mars petted her between the ears, then Mars looked over at the surprised Jane and explained

"This is Victoria, she"s under a contact with me"

"Oh... I see"

Jane showed her strong mental fort.i.tude by quickly accepting the fact that a deadly magic beast had been wondering around inside the palace without anyone knowing for the past week by giving a sigh before she got up from her chair and walked over to Mars and also sat down on the floor before she asked Mars

"May I pet her?"

"Victoria do you mind?"



Jane was surprised as Victoria"s voice appeared in her head before she timidly reached out with her hand and touched Victoria feeling her soft fur, a few minutes of healing fluffing later Mars and Jane had returned to their previous spots sitting face to face as the maid served some fresh tea

"So... About the ceremony first of all---"

Jane spent a couple of hours with Mars as she explained the ins and outs of the ceremony he would attend in the evening, eventually Mars got a pa.s.sing grade from Jane and was let go as she herself also had to prepare for the ceremony...

Mars walked back towards his and the girls quarters but on the way there he decided to take a walk around what was soon to officially be his city, so after he sneaked out of the palace (by casually jumping the 15 meter high wall) he walked out into the so called upper city or simply the silver part of the city (since the rock that made up most of the buildings were carved out of silver rock the citizens mostly had a so called upper cla.s.s feel to them and few people spared Mars a glance (since he wore a t-s.h.i.+rt and jeans).

Mars walked around the upper cla.s.s silver city for a while before he eventually reached the outer part of the city were the buildings were carved out of red granite, here the feeling was a little more relaxed there were children running around the streets playing as well as street vendors selling their wares, his stroll however didn"t last to long as a group of guards approached him and saluted him

"Lord Mars, the time for the ceremony approaches please follow us back to the palace"


Mars was done strolling around anyway, plus he didn"t want to make life hard for the guards since they were just doing their job, so under the confused gazes of the citizens he walked back to the palace, when he arrived in the palace he was let into a changing room where he was dressed in what looked like a officer uniform for the ceremony, then he followed the instructions of the maids and was let to a grand hall that already was filled with important people of Ular, ranging from wealthy merchants to local n.o.bles and forgin diplomats (although there was no diplomat from the NNE since the recent war), Mars pulled back his perception from the hall and gave a sigh

"Well then... here we go"

Mars put on a calm expression and pushed open the grand door, instantly all attention was put on him as various gazes inspected him, Mars however looked undisturbed and walked forwards into the grand hall with a slow and confident pace without looking to the sides until he arrived in front of a elevated throne where Jane sat and looked down on him, she wore a silver dress and had a solemn expression on her face as she stood up from her throne and asked in a loud voice that carried over the entire hall

"Who are you?"

Mars kneeled down as the ceremony demanded and before he spoke in a voice loud enough to shake the very cores of all the people present

"Mars, the current living G.o.d of energy"

Jane gave a slight smile before she then asked

"What are your purposes?"

"To rule all of Ular"

"Very well... With the authority given to me as governor of Ular, I appoint you Mars, the current living G.o.d of energy as the just ruler of Ular!"

Mars rose and walked past Jane that walked down from the throne and sat himself in her, no now his rightful place as ruler of Ular. Then his gaze swept over the people in the grand hall for a moment before he began speaking again

"I am now governor of Ular"

"""""""""""We all great you Mars, the current living G.o.d of energy, ruler of Ular!"""""""""""

Mars gave a nod as a charming smile formed on his face and he spoke again, only this time a little more casually

"I appreciate all of you coming to the ceremony and attending in person, as stated before I am Mars, the current living G.o.d of energy... Some of you may be confused by Jane"s current appearance and I will now explain, with the powers bestowed on me as a living G.o.d I am immortal and recently I have been given the authority to grant this favor to others"

The eyes of the people in the grand hall lit up, powerful and rich as they may be they were all mortals and thus they were bound to have a limited life

"Now before you begin to gain any funny ideas I will state this now, only those that render extraordinary service to Ular will be granted a time extension on this mortal plane, it can and will not be brought by cel or intimidation..!"

"well now that the cat"s out of the bag I imagine that there will be some fools that try anyway..."

With such thought did Mars continue his speech

"As for how I plan to rule Ular, the first project I have planned is to extend the city with a new outer wall that is set to be finished construction in a little under 5 years! the new outer wall will be named after my predecessor Jane and will last for melinums to come with me personally engraving the magic formations on the walls so that they may withstand any invasion!"

loud cheers was heard all over the hall, after all s.p.a.ce was limited in a fortified city and new building s.p.a.ce would stimulate the market a lot which in turn would mean ma.s.sive profits for all the rich and powerful people present

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