Next Mars appeared on the walls of Ular still holding the neck of the messenger tightly, he was a little blue in the face but Mars hardly cared about a soon to be corpse"s wellbeing, s.h.i.+elding the sunlight coming from above with a hand Mars looked into the distance and soon spotted the general"s tent and took aim before he threw the messenger, several snaps sounded out as the body of the messenger broke the sound barrier along with a sonic boom, Mars dusted his hands off as he spoke

"And... Splash one"

Mars confirmed that the messenger hit the general"s tent before he sat down with his legs hanging down from the wall, then he waited for a response from the NNE, meanwhile the guards that were on the wall with him stared into the distance after the poor messenger Mars had just thrown before they looked at Mars with some disbelief

"Err... Lord Mars?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Did you just throw the messenger from the NNE?"

"Yeah, he was being rude so I sent him back to the NNE"s commanding officers"

"Then... is it war now?"

"Yeah, but don"t worry I"ll be doing all the heavy lifting"

It didn"t take long for the NNE"s army to start moving with the siege engines being the first to open up flinging rocks and shooting tactical cla.s.s magic spells at the walls of Ular

"I would be a bother if they destroyed the work we already have done on the walls of Jane... Oh well, stop"

At Mars" command the projectiles and magic spells stopped mid air, this of course baffled the guards that heard him give the command, the one from before was the first to snap out of his daze and asked Mars

"are you some sort of G.o.d?"

"Yeah a living G.o.d of energy"

Mars then floated up and spoke in a voice that carried all over the city and even out to the soldiers from the NNE

"First I address the citizens of Ular, this is your governor Mars, some of you may have been panicked by the fact that our great city is now under siege by the mongols of the NNE. But don"t worry they will never touch our walls! They will parish, we will use their sacrifices to grow our city furthermore I announce that this will be the start of a safe Ular that no foireng force will be able to touch! To the models from the NNE I say this I hope you find peace in your next life!"

"better do this a little more theatrical than last time...

Mars rose up into the air and soon he was about 200 meters up into the air where all of Ular could see him, then he raised his arms over his head and let out a low shout that seemingly completed the surrounding ambient energy sending out a wave along with a low hum that could be felt by every citizen of Ular, when this wave eventually reached the armies of the NNE it made the soldiers float up into the air before they were turned into flashes of light that dissolved them into nothingness, after a few moments of silence the guards on the walls all erupted in cheers, when the concerned citizens heard the cheers of the guards they were relieved and also let out cheers

"...That"s that I guess... Well all in a day"s work as governor..."

Mars flew back to the palace and returned to his work, he was about to be done when someone knocked on the door to the office

"Come in"

Jane opened the door and walked in, she was all smiles and looked the happiest she had been in a while

"Lord Mars, it"s simply amazing the whole city is celebrating! There have been talks of making a banquet this evening with you as the person of honor"

"I see, in that case I"ll gladly partic.i.p.ate"

"Ugh my head..."

Mars woke up, he had a buzzing headache

"Need... Water..."

Mars had just found out the hard way that being a living G.o.d with a mandate didn"t give him immunity to hangovers as he desperately reached for water that stood on the night table, after downing a jug of water Mars felt a little better, it was 3 days since he had repelled the invasion of the NNE the baquet had lasted 2 days and a night and right now Mars was feeling the entire hangover from those 2 days and a night of drinking

"Where are the others...? Well it"s late already so I guess they are not in bed anymore..."

Mars laid perfectly still (as to not get dizzy) while he just kept himself breathing, yeah it was that bad... about an hour after he had woken he felt his stomach rumble

"Ah... I want junk food... the saltier the better..."

Mars let out a goarn and got on his feet, just as he was about to get dressed the was a knock on the door, he quickly looked down at himself and confirmed he was wearing boxers before he answered


The door opened and in walked an angel, or at least it looked like an angel for Mars as it was 78 in a mid attire pus.h.i.+ng a cart with tasty smelling food, she smile at Mars and spoke

"I brought you some food Mars"

"...Are you actually an angel?"

78 let out a girly giggle as she pushed the cart into the room before she spun around once and asked Mars

"Does it suit me?"

Mars looked at the frilly black and white maid attire and gave a nod

"Yeah it suits you very well... I see you finally convinced the head maid to let you help out"

"Yeah, I think I like working as a maid... But anyway lay down, I"ll feed you"

Mars looked at 78 that beamed a happy smile and really looked like she wanted the feed him so he cast aside his manly pride and laid down again before 78 pulled a chair up next on the bed and began feeding him breakfast, after Mars was done eating/flirting with 78 he felt relieved and after giving 78 a kiss he got dressed and was about to walk out when he remembered something and asked 78

"Are you staring yourself 78?"

"No not really, what do you mean?"

"With your transformation"

"That"s... A little..."

"You don"t have to keep it up you know, if anyone dares bully you just tell me"

"...I"ll thing about it"


Mars gave 78 another kiss before he walked out of the master bedroom and walked towards his office where he soon arrived, after working for a bit there was a knock on the door

"It"s open"

Jane walked in and put a stack of doc.u.ments on Mars" desk which made him sigh before she spoke

"Progress on the new walls are 2 weeks ahead of schedule, I imagine it"s because of the high morale of the workers"

"I see, then give the egger ones a raise of 10 cel an hour"

"But that would cut into our budget..."

"I can always invest more in the initial project, morale of the workers is more important, besides when the walls are done we will be able to make our complete investment back through sale of land alone"

"I know that, but what if we run out of funding doing the project?"

"In that case I"ll sell some old and powerful people a few more years of life to fund the walls"

"I see... Then I"ll go on with my report, we have caught about 6 spies from the NNE, they have been sowing disorder and slandering your name so they were rater easy to catch because of how united the city is at the moment, what do you want to do with them?"

"...I"ll interrogate them myself"

"Understood, then on with my report some forgin merchants have showed interest in buying a immortality from you and even threaten to cut off the supply of goods to Ular if they don"t get their will, what should we do?"

"Ignore them, if they pull their goods a hole will open on the market which will be filled by other merchants, unless a guild or union of merchants moves to blockade Ular we can just sit back and let it solve itself"

"Okay, what should I relay to them on the surface?"

"Tell them that they don"t meet the criteria for my attention"

"Understood then next the annihilation of the NNE army, we have not received word from the NNE yet but we a.s.sume that they are aware that their army is no more, what should we do?"

"Hmm... Tell them to send a diplomat to officially end the war, else I might get bored and go wage war in their territory"

"Understood, that concludes my report"

"Thanks as always Jane"

"Your words honnor me, well then I will return to my work, excuse me"

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