as the sun was setting Mars finely woke up, lying on his back completely naked in the middle of a crater

[good morning host]

"yeah good morning Info"

responding to Info"s greeting Mars discovered his entire body was almost completely immobile, finding nothing else to do he admired the sky turning red for some time before he asked Info

"i am still alive right?"


"this is Alfan right?"


feeling relief that his one man s.p.a.ce mission was a success, Mars remained dazed while looking at the sky until the sun completely set before he confirmed his status


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

t.i.tles: [Living G.o.d of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell form the sky]

Cla.s.s: [Energy]

Cla.s.s level: 1

Status points:

Strength [6/1000] Const.i.tution [3/2000] Dexterity [5/1500]

Intelligence [3/600] Wisdom [3/900] Charisma [1/10]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmans.h.i.+p lv 4]

Cla.s.s skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 100/100] [Energy: discharge] [Energy: upgrade shop]

Pa.s.sive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

looking over his pitiful remaining status points Mars felt some despair before he decided to remain positive he noticed his [Pain resist] had leveled up 2 times

"...well at least i am still alive"

Mars remained dazed a few minutes before Info spoke

[message from administrator: living G.o.d number 5 chance of survival increased to "likely" preparing rea.s.signment of sub-administrator 13 Info...]

panicking when he herd Info would be leaving him Mars yelled out

"wait! Info please tell me one thing before you leave"

[request approved]

"...what is my purpose? why did you reincarnate me?"

[the purpose of any living G.o.d is keep Alfan from stagnating, so host please do as you wish with the new life granted to you] feeling the presence of Info leaving his mind Mars looked at the countless stars in the sky while he mumbled while feeling lonely

"do as i wish huh..."

the night pa.s.sed before he noticed it was only when sun started to rise was Mars finely able to move his aching body, sitting up he observed the silent dense forest beyond the creator, it looked like a temperate forest where the tallest tress stood a little under 50 meters tall

"maybe the shockwave scared off all the animals?"

feeling happy something had not come to chew his face off while he was immobile Mars stood up and looked around as he decided his cause of action

"first comes water, and then food and shelter, form there i guess exploring the forest to find people?"

starting to walk he felt a breeze that made him change his priorities

"...definitely need some clothes at some point too"

walking a random direction though the dense undergrowth while keeping a look out for some animal tracks to help him find water he remembered his [Energy storage] cla.s.s skill was at full capacity and willed to activate his [Energy: upgrade shop] cla.s.s skill, within a few seconds the half transparent words appeared before him

Energy upgrade shop

[Energy] cla.s.s skill level up price: 100

Cla.s.s skills currently available: [Energy: restoration] price: 500, [Energy: healing] price: 500

[Energy: information] price: 500 [Energy: absorb s.h.i.+eld] price: 800, [Energy: reactive s.h.i.+eld] price: 1000

"level up my cla.s.s"

commanding his cla.s.s skill he felt the acc.u.mulated energy leave him before a warm feeling spreed over his entire body

"i guess i leveled up?"

not entirely sure what happened he was confused for a second before remembering he could cheek his status


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

t.i.tles: [Living G.o.d of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell form the sky]

Cla.s.s: [Energy]

Cla.s.s level: 2

Status points:

Strength [6/1000] Const.i.tution [3/2000] Dexterity [5/1500]

Intelligence [3/600] Wisdom [3/900] Charisma [1/10]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmans.h.i.+p lv 4]

Cla.s.s skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 0/200] [Energy: discharge] [Energy: upgrade shop]

Pa.s.sive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

"so the storage goes up by 100 units per level huh... well considering the backlash of 50 units broke all the bones in my lower body and "killed" me once that feels like a lot"

walking further away from the crater for some time Mars stated to gradually hear birds singing in the trees as well as other signs of life from animals in the distance, he somewhat casually walk a little more before finding some animal tracks that only had one problem

"...this is some kind of wolf tracks right? but what is up with this?"

the problem was not that it was a predator, no Mars had expected this the problem was the size of the paw print

"that one heck of a wolf"

the paw print was more then half a meter long and from the amount of prints Mars estimated that there was more then 10 wolfs in this pack

"how the **** is this fine Info"

grumbling a little at the no longer present Info that had a.s.sured he would be "fine" anywhere, Mars held his breath and adjusted his posture by bending his knees a little lowering his center of gravity while he cautiously looked around for a few seconds before breathing out

"...looks like i am fine for the time being"

Mars decided to move along swiftly before the pack of wolfs returned to eat him and play with his bones, not long after he reached a clearing with a small lake in the middle, now on alert for big fury friends he observed the clearing and the opposite forest edge for dangers for some time

"...looks like it is clear"

only seeing some small white and blue birds moving on the edge of the lake he decided the cost was clear and moved closer to the lake, scared off the birds when he got within a few meters he keeled down to drink some water, after satisfying his thirst he looked at his own reflection in the water

"i am kind of handsome"

in the water was a refection of a youth with short black hair, deep blue eyes, pure white teeth and a overall sharply defined face, well satisfied by his own face Mars nodded with a slightly arrogant expression, before inspecting the rest of his body

"...some how i feel like this is an upgrade from my last life"

his whole body was covered by slender but densely packed muscles giving his overall body a lean and powerful look, feeling even more satisfied by his new body he looked down to cheek his most important "a.s.set" before uttering in amazement

"...well this is certainly something"

admiring his "a.s.set" for some time Mars remembered what Info had told him about half dragon race and quickly tried to transform to his combat form for some time before he felt something

"is it like this?"

with the feeling of a invisible muscle slowly moving inside his body Mars stated to notice his senses sharpen, he looked at his own refection again

"this feels weird, weird but awesome"

his nails had grown to sharp claws, scale like spikes had grown from his elbows and knees, less then 5 centimeters long curved horns had grown form his head and his eyes had turned to that of a reptile with yellow vertical slit pupils, his transformation had given him a over all sinister look, but he still felt joy like a childhood wish form his past life had been achieved

but his joy was short lived as his sharpened senses picked up rapid movement towards the clearing form the forest behind him, turning around he saw twelve giant giant wolfs that was taller then him rus.h.i.+ng out of the forest quickly surrounding and watching him with bold thirsty and hungry eyes

"****... well i geese this could solve my food problem if i survive"

falling in to a combat stance by slightly bending as knees and holding out his left hand towards the wolfs looking at the biggest wolf he shouted to boost his own courage


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