the pack of wolfs had surrounded him in a half circle, Mars with his back to the lake felt like he was driven into a corner but still silently observed the hungry pack, there was 12 wolfs in the pack the biggest standing a little under 2 meters tall with jet black fur it"s sinister red eyes showed a glint of cunning intelligence while it growled at Mars showing it sharp long teeth

"come on fluffy! whats wrong are you scared!?"

feeling the puny man i front of it was mocking it, the black alpha wolf (fluffy) let out a short low growl commanding one of it"s underlings to end Mars, a slightly smaller but still giant black wolf shout out from the encirclement towards Mars

"that right come at me!"

the wolf rapidly charged at him before leaping with an open maw tying to bite his head off, Mars felt little happy that he manged to provoke the wolfs to come at him one on one, but still kept his focus while he felt like time around him slow down as he waited for the perfect moment

"just a little closer...NOW!"

when to wolf was less the half a meter from his face Mars started to move, kicking off the ground he dived under the leaping wolf while swiping his claws along the soft belly of the wolf as it pa.s.sed over him with blistering speed resulting in the wolfs entire lower body being cut open, not even turning to look at the wolf he just pa.s.sed under Mars charged at the encirclement with his body low like a shadow gliding across the ground, only when he was about 6 meters form his original position was the load splash of the wolf hitting the lake heard


the alpha and the rest of the pack was understandably enraged that this puny human had killed one of their pack roared while 2 of them broke the encirclement and charged at Mars from both sides, having learned from the first wolf they did not leap but tried to ram and bite him to death

"that"s right come!"

Mars now wearing a bloodthirsty smile roared back while he changed direction towards the wolf on his left, now within 2 meter of the wolf he dramatically slowed down while he dodged around to the right side of the wolf and trusted his claws at the side of the wolfs head aiming at its eye


his claws easily penetrated the eye of the wolf all the way into it"s skull while it let out a deafening howl of pain, but soon slumped over when Mars pushed his arm into it"s head burying his left arm all the way up to his elbow

"that is 2"

pulling out his left arm that was covered in blood he quickly jumped just before the second wolf that had charged at him that had tried to ram him with it"s giant body chased into it"s now dead pack mate, landing elegant the back of the wolf Mars trust his claws into the neck of the wolf aiming at it"s spine


and equally loud and pain filled howl as the last followed, but soon abruptly stooped as Mars pulled out a section of the poor wolfs spine, standing on the back of the of the wolf while it was slowly falling over Mars looked at the encirclement and roared at the rest of the wolfs


the alpha no longer considering Mars as an easy target as he already had killed 3 wolfs without taking a single hit ordered the rest of the pack to tighten the encirclement while it stated to gather

it"s mana

"9 left"

Mars still standing on the back of the dead wolf looked to the lake out of the corner of his eye and saw the first wolf that had charged at him was slumped over on the edge of the lake while the surrounding water had turned red from blood, confirming that i was dead he stated to taunt the rest of the wolfs

"is that all you got fluffy?"

the words barely left his mouth before the alpha (fluffy) opened it"s maw and spew out what looked like an orb of pure darkness

"oh s.h.i.+-"

before he had at chance to doge Mars was. .h.i.t by the orb in his stomach and blasted backwards by the impact lunching him several meters into the air before he hit the ground rolling almost 10 meters more before he stooped by the sh.o.r.e of the lake, when he raised his head he saw the alpha looking at him with a mocking expression, slowly standing up like a zombie out of the grave Mars glared at the alpha and asked in a low tone

"so you like to play with magic?"

as soon as the words where out of his mouth 10 small flames formed around him quickly growing bigger into 10 giant red flame arrows, looking at the wolfs that was now slowly backing off Mars roared


as soon as he launched the flame arrows towards the alpha wolf the pack off wolfs started the flee but still 4 out off the 10 flame arrows. .h.i.t their mark, nailing the alpha to the ground while roasting it alive


after howling out for the last time the alpha collapsed while the remaining 8 wolfs ran off into the forest Mars monetarily considered giving chase before he felt large amount of pain i his stomach where the orb of darkness had hit, looking down he saw that almost all of his stomach had turned a blackish blue color he decide to not to run after the pack that had now disappeared into the forest

"**** this hurts"

sitting down on the gra.s.s his half dragon transformation started to wear off, only after a few minutes was he able to stand up again, looking at the b.l.o.o.d.y scene of carnage around him Mars sighed and mumbled to himself

"looks like the half dragon transformation not only changes my body but also my mind"

remembering how he felt getting covered in blood pleasant a few minutes ago while he rampaged around Mars shuddered and decided to keep the amount of time he transformed to a minimum, walking to the lake he started to wash the blood off his body, when he suddenly started to feel something strange in his stomach other then pain, after being confused for a second he remembered what this feeling was

"i am hungry, that is what this feeling is right?"

looking at the still burning remains of the alpha wolf mars decide on his meal

"i wonder how wolf meat tastes?"

walking over to the body of the wolf Mars reached into the fire and ripped of some charred meat and stunk it in his mouth after a few second of chewing that sounded like rocks getting crushed in a rock grinder he swallowed and evaluated

"...yep can"t eat this"

having decided to to some proper cooking he waked back to the lake, grabbing it"s hind leg he pulled the several ton dead wolf out from the water and onto the sh.o.r.e, after palatially transforming his arm mars used his claws to skin and butcher the wolf, but as he was at no means an expert in either one of those fields it took him a long time before he was done, looking at the half ruined black wolf pelt Mars felt some regret but as the sun had long set he was way to hungry to care and quickly started to roast some wolf meat over his flame, after having burnt some meat he started to get the trick to roasting meat over his own flame and started to eat

"this is way better"

while he ate he looked at the half transparent black bead he had found near the heart when he disa.s.sembled the wolf, playing with it in the palm of his hand for some time under the moonlight he started to have a strange urge to eat it

"...**** it"

trowing cation to the wind he put the bead into his mouth and swallowed it, after a few seconds he felt like he had just absorbed a large amount of energy and quickly opened his status to confirm


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

t.i.tles: [Living G.o.d of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell form the sky]

Cla.s.s: [Energy]

Cla.s.s level: 2

Status points:

Strength [6/1000] Const.i.tution [3/2000] Dexterity [5/1500]

Intelligence [3/600] Wisdom [3/900] Charisma [1/10]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmans.h.i.+p lv 4]

Cla.s.s skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 105/200] [Energy: discharge] [Energy: upgrade shop]

Pa.s.sive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

"105 energy points... so 5 points from when the orb of darkness. .h.i.t me and 100 from the bead?"

looking over at the 3 remaining wolf Mars had a feeling that he would soon level up his cla.s.s

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