3 days after the execution of the diplomat from the NNE a giant sky carriage arrived on the outskirts of the city, to put it into perspective how big it was if a normal sky carriage was a car then this was a small yacht. The giant sky carriage landed outside the city before a great amount of people walked out of it, most of them were soldiers wearing the NNE"s uniforms and there was even some active mana armors, although only a few, Mars floated over the middle of the city and watched as the emperor finally emerged from the giant sky carriage

"He"s here... Now for the welcome..."

Mars flew over and descended a few meters in front of the group and was about to speak when he detected something and looked back towards the city and gave a genuinely happy smile for a moment before he looked back at the group from the NNE and spoke

"Welcome to Ular"

The emperor put on a diplomatic smile and gave a nod before he spoke

"I thank you for welcoming us lord Mars"

Mars gestured for the group to follow him whilst ignoring the glares he was receiving from the numbers that also were present, as they neared the worksite of the Jane walls Mars began speaking with the emperor, the diplomatic talk was mostly about the new walls of Ular and about having the NNE guarantee the independence of the city of Ular to avoid having forign forces attack the city since Mars really could not be bothered about wiping out another army if he could avoid it, as the two of them talked the glares from the number gradually got annoying for Mars to bare so he suddenly stopped mid sentence and looked over at Erio and spoke

"Oi, if you have something to say then say it"

Erio was about to speak up when the emperor spoke instead

"It"s nothing lord Mars, please just ignore it"

"It"s clearly something and it"s bothering me, come on speak"

Erio took a deep breath before she spoke

"I want you to... Fight me again"

Mars showed a smile

"Sure I"ll play with you when I am free"

The emperor gave a sigh before he pleaded

"Please go easy on her, she is after all a major a.s.set for my empire"

"Sure, besides if I had the habit of taking mortals serious she would already be converted into pure energy"

After that the talks continued as they walked into the city past the walls and eventually into the palace, after sitting down in a meeting room the real talks started, Mars pushed the emperor slightly and easily got him to agree to pay war reparations, but to the emperor"s surprise Mars didn"t push further than that and easily let him sign the peace deal without making him bleed anymore than that, after that Mars excused himself and left the meeting room behind and walked out to the training yard to find Yel

"There she is..."

Mars walked over, Yel saw him coming and showed a smile before the two of them exchanged a short hug, then Mars spoke, or rather asked

"You already know right Yel?"

"Yeah... I am pregnant too"

Mars gave a smile and gave her a kiss before he spoke again

"I want you to stop training in two months... You know, for our child"s sake"

Yel gave a wide smile before she let out a giggle and raised two finger

"Children Mars, there"s two"

Mars felt his jaw drop before he quickly picked it up from the floor and kneeled down and put his hand on Yel"s flat stomach and closed his eyes as he felt the energy beneath her skin

"Sure enough... It"s twins!"

Mars looked up at Yel with a confused expression and asked

"How did you know?"

"My mom have been doing a weekly inspection to cheek if I was expecting and that picked up that there was two"

"I see... We have to celebrate this!"

Mars picked up Yel in a princess carry, other than letting out a "kyaa" Yel didn"t resist at all and leaned against him...

The next day Mars was working at his desk when someone knocked on the door

"Come in"

The door opened but instead of being Jane as Mars expected it was Erio, she looked around the office for a bit before her eyes landed on Mars and she asked

"Do you have time now?"

Mars didn"t look up from the doc.u.ment he was reading until he was finished reading it, then he signed it and gave a smile

"Sure, I"ll play with you now"

Erio gave a slight frown, she didn"t like Mars" way of referring to fighting her as "playing" in fact she was not at all convinced that Mars was a so called "living G.o.d" she only felt that he got lucky with the skills he was granted

"I can win over him... And when I do it"ll be when I "accidentally" kill him"

Mars felt the slight killing intent from Erio and gave a sigh before he asked

"How"s your stomach?"

"It"s fine"

"Well then let"s get this over with, I have work that needs to be done..."

Mars, followed closely by Erio, walked out into the training yard, soon a group of local graduates gathered along with some soldiers from the NNE. Mars stretched a little before he snapped his fingers and the adamant.i.te broadsword appeared in a flash of light before he grabbed it and stood ready

"Ready when you are"

Erio gave a confident smile and drew her longsword before she kicked off the ground and slashed out at Mars...

Mars gave a sigh as he looked at the battered and bruised Erio that sat on the ground with empty eyes, he had spent the last 2 hours beating her up, even right from the start she had been beaten badly but she refused to give up calling it a fluke. But now it seemed like he had finally broke her spirit

"Well then... I have work to do so I won"t play with you anymore"

Mars shouldered the broadsword and walked off back to his office and started with his work again, as for caring about Erio he left that to the soldiers from the NNE, in fact he had debated killing her off to save himself of future troubles since she showed killing intent towards him and all, but alas he gave up the idea as he wanted to maintain a good relations.h.i.+p with the NNE (at least on the surface)

"Oh well... I guess that served as a good workout at the least"

Mars went back to his work and spent the rest of the day working without any further disactions...

The next day Mars woke up to something.... Unexpected

"Well then... What to do about this..."

He confirmed once again that the person he was feeling at the edge of his perception was really there once more before he gave a sigh

"Better go meet him..."

Mars got out of bed and got dressed before he flew off into the wasteland, after flying about 200 kilometers he landed in front of a trading convoy which was a little wary of him

"there you are..."

Mars walked over to one of the escorts and called out

"Hey little brother"

"Hmm..? M-Mars!?"

it was Terry, Mars looked him over and found he looked a lot more mature since he had seen him last, but besides that there was also something else

"...What happened to your eye Terry?"

Terry raised his hand and held it over his left eye which was dull and gave a sigh

"It"s my punishment... From the administrator"

Mars gave a nod and walked over before he patted Terry on the shoulder and spoke

"Don"t worry I"ll kick his b.u.t.t one of these days"

"...Thanks, give him a kick from me too while you"re at it"

"I will... Do you know what happened with the others?"

Terry gave a nod and spoke

"Hel lost her dear and comitted suicide, while Tatiana lost her arms"

Mars gritted his teeth before he spoke

"That f.u.c.ker..."

While Mars and Terry was speaking Mel walked over and stood next to Terry, Mars remembered her as a sky person that had become Terry"s slave during the invasion, she had lost her right arm during the final battle for the portal which Mars was in the progress of healing when he was thrown to the ends of Alfan so now she still missed her hand but she seemed to have gotten used to it

"Hey Mars"

"h.e.l.lo Mel"

Terry gave a smile and asked Mars

"So how are you doing right now Mars?"

"I am fine, conquered a fine little city for myself not far from here actually, so now I am the governor of Ular"

Terry looked a little surprised before he gave a nod

"That"s where we are headed right now... Let"s have a drink when we arrive"

"Sure, I"ll treat you two"

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