Chapter 3018 - 3018 Try It

3018 Try It

“Yeah!” Leng Xiaoyao answered, and didn’t explain further.

“Fine!” Leng Changyuan was worried that Leng Xiaoyao couldn’t sleep well in the hospital, but he didn’t turn her down when she said she needed to deal with some things for him. After all, he didn’t want his business to be delayed either.

After her call with Leng Changyuan, Leng Xiaoyao helped Leng Yecheng change his medicine.

She looked even more skilled than a doctor, which surprised Leng Yecheng. “Yaoyao, where did you learn medicine? You’re even more professional than the doctor who treated me this afternoon!”


“It’s a secret.” Leng Xiaoyao replied with a mysterious smile.

“Fine!” Leng Yecheng was disappointed, but he could understand it, so he didn’t ask anything else.

Leng Xiaoyao was becoming more and more mysterious, and he somehow felt that she was strange.

However, he was happy that she was getting better and better. No matter how she changed, she was always Leng Xiaoyao, his niece.

Before long, Leng Xiaoyao finished changing the medicine and wrapping the wound for Leng Yecheng.

“What if Secretary Chen’s mother doesn’t trust me and doesn’t allow me to treat Secretary Chen? If she’s reluctant to let me do it, I can’t force them,” Leng Xiaoyao said.

“You can go and call Mrs. Chen over. I’ll talk with her about it,” Leng Yecheng said.

“Great.” Leng Xiaoyao replied, but she didn’t rush to go out. Instead, she took out Leng Yecheng’s medicine first and told him to take it.

“Herbs are bitter, but it’s good for your health. For the sake of your health, just swallow it,” Leng Xiaoyao said. At the same time, she handed him a gla.s.s of water.

“It’s not an issue!” Leng Yecheng exclaimed. As long as it could improve his health, he was willing to take it no matter how bitter it was.

After watching Leng Yecheng take the medicine, Leng Xiaoyao went to Chen Yuxi’s ward.

As soon as she went out, she knocked on the door of the next ward.

After a moment, Mrs. Chen opened the door. She knew Leng Xiaoyao, but disliked her. In fact, she hated Leng Xiaoyao, but Leng Xiaoyao was the niece of her son’s boss, so she couldn’t show her dislike on her face.

“Miss Leng, may I help?” Mrs. Chen inquired.

“Mrs. Chen, my uncle wants to see you. He needs to talk to you about something,” Leng Xiaoyao said.

“Sure.” Mrs. Chen agreed and went over with Leng Xiaoyao.

In Leng Yecheng’s ward.

She saw that he looked much better, but she didn’t think further about that. “Executive Chen, what can I do for you?”

“Mrs. Chen, I know a way to help Yuxi recover quickly. I’ve already tried it, and I’m much better now, but I need you to trust me,” Leng Yecheng said seriously.

“Really? What is it?” Mrs. Chen asked excitedly. She hadn’t decided whether to believe it or not, and simply wanted to know what it was.

In addition, since Leng Yecheng said he had already tried it and became much better, she believed that he wouldn’t fool her.

“Um, my niece, Yaoyao, can help us. She just treated me. As for the details, she can’t tell us. I won’t ask about it either, but it’s really helpful. Mrs. Chen, haven’t you noticed that I look much better now?” Leng Yecheng said.

Because Leng Yecheng understood that it was hard for other people to believe that Leng Xiaoyao had completely changed, he was afraid that Mrs. Chen might not be willing to trust them and try it.

“What?” Mrs. Chen looked at Leng Xiaoyao in astonishment. She was aware that Leng Xiaoyao was a naughty, good-for-nothing. It was really unbelievable that she could treat patients now, but Leng Yecheng did look much better, and she noticed that as soon as she walked inside. She just didn’t pay much attention to it.

Now Leng Yecheng told her that, so she trusted him even though she didn’t trust Leng Xiaoyao.

Could Leng Xiaoyao really treat her son?

At this time, Leng Xiaoyao said seriously, “Mrs. Chen, I know it’s hard for you to believe that I’ve completely changed. I honestly can’t discuss why I’m good at medicine now, but I’m sure that I can help your son recover faster. It won’t do me any good to lie to you. It’ll only cause me trouble.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Chen didn’t say anything, but sized Leng Xiaoyao up.

She still couldn’t believe it, but she couldn’t deny that Leng Xiaoyao’s words made sense. There was indeed no need for Leng Xiaoyao to lie to her. It wouldn’t do her any good and would only cause her trouble.

“How will you do it?” Mrs. Chen asked. Although Leng Yecheng just said that Leng Xiaoyao was unwilling to tell them any details, she was still curious about it.

“I need to ma.s.sage Secretary Chen’s wound first. Although it’s just a ma.s.sage, it’s a secret method to heal the wound. It can help him wake up. After he wakes up, you can see whether he indeed feels better. Then you can decide whether to trust me and take the medicine I bought,” Leng Xiaoyao explained.

The ma.s.sage was the key, because she needed to put magical energy into their bodies, but in Mrs. Chen’s eyes, it was just a ma.s.sage. It wouldn’t hurt Chen Yuxi, and the medicine was more important.

Therefore, Mrs. Chen agreed. “Sure, we can try it.”

After that, Leng Xiaoyao and Mrs. Chen returned to Chen Yuxi’s ward where Leng Xiaoyao began to ma.s.sage his head.

Because Chen Yuxi was in a coma, he felt nothing.

After seven minutes, Chen Yuxi’s head was cured. Although it wasn’t completely healed, it was enough for Chen Yuxi to wake up.

When Chen Yuxi woke up, Mrs. Chen wasn’t excited or happy, she was shocked. She was shocked that Leng Xiaoyao really had the ability to wake Chen Yuxi up so quickly.

Although Leng Xiaoyao said that she could help Chen Yuxi wake up faster, Mrs. Chen thought it wouldn’t happen until a few hours later. After all, the doctor made it very clear that Chen Yuxi might only wake up tomorrow morning.

Therefore, when Leng Xiaoyao promised to wake Chen Yuxi up faster, she thought the time would only be a bit shorter.

The next moment, Mrs. Chen was excited and full of happiness.

“Yuxi, you’re finally awake! You’re awake!” Mrs. Chen burst into tears of joy. Then she immediately walked towards Chen Yuxi, but she didn’t dare to touch him, because she was afraid it might hurt him.

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