Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 2752 – s.h.i.+ Feng’s Madness

Chapter 2752 – s.h.i.+ Feng’s Madness

“So, this is your true trump card?” When Illusory Words looked at the information displayed before her, she couldn’t help finding s.h.i.+ Feng beyond her ken.

First, it was the Teleportation Hall. Then, it was the Secret Covenant Tower. Now, there was even a Small Mobile Fortress. Not only did s.h.i.+ Feng reveal one secret after another, but every secret was also more amazing than the other.

At this point, she even wondered whether s.h.i.+ Feng still had more astonis.h.i.+ng secrets and trump cards hidden. She got the impression he was simply waiting for his enemies to come at him so that he could use them as Zero Wing’s stepping stones.

Simultaneously, she felt fortunate that Crimson Emperor did not oppose Zero Wing. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. “Sort of,” s.h.i.+ Feng said, chuckling. “May I know if you two are interested now?”

In reality, even s.h.i.+ Feng coveted the Small Mobile Fortress. However, although he had the design for it now, he barely had any of the necessary materials to construct it.

Incidentally, he could pull two wealthy Guilds into the endeavor.

Taking a deep breath, Illusory Words turned to look at s.h.i.+ Feng and demanded, “Out with it. How do you want to do this?” Unyielding Heart also nodded in agreement with Illusory Words’s question. He wanted to hear s.h.i.+ Feng’s plans.

“You’ve seen the Small Mobile Fortress’s basic information already.” Smiling faintly, s.h.i.+ Feng said, “The wealth needed to construct it is astonis.h.i.+ng. I can confidently say that even if we empty out your two Guilds, we still won’t have enough resources to build it.”

Neither Illusory Words nor Unyielding Heart refuted s.h.i.+ Feng’s words.

Although s.h.i.+ Feng did not show them the requirements for constructing the Small Mobile Fortress, even a fool could tell that the cost of such a terrifying sky fortress would be astronomical. It definitely wasn’t something current superpowers could afford.

“I don’t need you to pay for the fortress’s construction cost. However, I will need your two Guilds to pay two million Magic Crystals and five million Gold Coins each for the Secret Covenant Tower’s shares. What do you think?” Elaborating on his point, s.h.i.+ Feng said, “Once we fully occupy the Secret Covenant Tower, we can collect entrance fees from other players. For example, we can charge two Magic Crystals or one Gold Coin. Your two Guilds will each get 25% of the profits.

“Of course, before this, I still need your two Guilds to lend me your help. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to accomplish this task.”

At s.h.i.+ Feng’s words, Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart began pondering in silence. What s.h.i.+ Feng said was simply too astonis.h.i.+ng. If they followed his plan, they would basically be declaring war on the eastern continent’s other superpowers. Moreover, it would be irreconcilable.

Of course, if s.h.i.+ Feng’s plan succeeded, Crimson Emperor and Unyielding Soul would stand at the top of the eastern continent.

To put it simply, this was a gamble!

s.h.i.+ Feng was not at all surprised to see the two’s reactions.

In reality, he had planned to carry out such a plan since the very beginning. However, instead of revealing his full plan right off the bat, he had chosen to reveal it sequentially to the two Guilds. Otherwise, they would most likely have rejected it then and there. Zero Wing wouldn’t be able to become a true t.i.tan in G.o.d’s Domain in that case.

Only by securing the Secret Covenant Tower could Zero Wing continually produce Tier 3 players in large numbers. After all, a complete Tier 3 Legacy could be used only nine times, at most. In other words, a Tier 3 Legacy could, at best, produce nine Tier 3 players. After a Tier 3 Legacy’s uses were exhausted, it would disappear automatically, and one would have to find another complete Tier 3 Legacy.

Hence, it was necessary to keep sending players to explore the Secret Covenant Tower. However, if Zero Wing held the tower for only a short period, the small advantage it would gain wouldn’t be enough for the Guild to undergo a qualitative transformation. Only by having complete control over the tower would Zero Wing build a foundation solid enough to dominate G.o.d’s Domain.

Now that Crimson Emperor and Unyielding Soul had seen the preliminary parts of his plan coming to fruition, the two Guilds would also have more confidence in Zero Wing.

Meanwhile, Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart simultaneously contacted their respective superiors and secretly discussed the partners.h.i.+p s.h.i.+ Feng proposed.

At this time, Zero Wing had given them two options. Moreover, they had to choose between these options right now.

The first option was to give up on further cooperation and focus only on obtaining some benefits from the Secret Covenant Tower. Afterward, the tower would no longer have any connection with their two Guilds, becoming the compet.i.tion ground of the other superpowers, instead. The second option was to further their cooperation with Zero Wing, taking full control of the Secret Covenant Tower and making an enemy of every other superpower on the eastern continent. If their plan succeeded, their Guilds would gain an endless stream of resources and Tier 3 players. If they failed, it wouldn’t be surprising if their Guilds disbanded.

This was a gamble that put everything on the line!

After discussing for more than ten minutes, Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart simultaneously disconnected their calls and looked at s.h.i.+ Feng.

“Guild Leader Black Flame, Crimson Emperor has decided to take your gamble this time. However, we have a condition for doing so,” Illusory Words said slowly. “If you cannot agree to this condition, we cannot further our partners.h.i.+p.” “Brother Black Flame, it is the same for my side, as well,” Unyielding Heart said with a bitter smile. “You are playing with too big a fire this time. Our hesitation is natural.”

“Go ahead.” s.h.i.+ Feng wasn’t at all surprised by this response. After all, the bet he proposed basically involved their Guilds’ life or death.

However, not everyone would have the opportunity to make such a bet, either. The two Guilds should know this as well, which was why they did not refuse his offer outright. Instead, they had chosen to accept his offer while increasing their chances of survival as much as possible by adding conditions. In fact, it would be strange if they didn’t do so.

“I’m guessing the requirement of our two Guilds should be the same.” With a helpless smile, Illusory Words said, “If Zero Wing’s plan this time fails, Crimson Emperor wants half of Silverwing City’s profits.”

Unyielding Heart nodded in agreement. The price s.h.i.+ Feng was asking their two Guilds to pay was no laughing matter. If the plan really failed, their Guilds would be doomed for sure. However, if they had Silverwing City’s income, they could more or less survive the ordeal.

“That won’t be a problem,” s.h.i.+ Feng answered without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Since he had invited the two Guilds into an alliance, he naturally had to provide them with a safe path of retreat. Otherwise, who would be willing to take such a risk?

After all, even if Crimson Emperor and Unyielding Soul secured only a small advantage through the Secret Covenant Tower, they could still become t.i.tans in G.o.d’s Domain, unlike Zero Wing. And even if the two Guilds managed to gain full control over the tower, their situation would improve only slightly. They would be a step ahead of the various superpowers but still be no match for the Five Great Super Guilds.


s.h.i.+ Feng’s decisiveness stunned Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart.

In their opinion, Silverwing City was Zero Wing’s last path of retreat. It was also one of Zero Wing’s main sources of income right now and would most likely remain so in the future. One could say that so long as Silverwing City remained standing, Zero Wing would continue to survive in G.o.d’s Domain. However, s.h.i.+ Feng had agreed to give its income away without hesitation.

What the two of them did not know was that s.h.i.+ Feng had never once deemed Silverwing City or Stone Forest City that important.

The Small Mobile Fortress was the way to go!

Even if his plan failed this time and he managed to gather only a small portion of the Small Mobile Fortress’s construction materials, he would’ve profited ma.s.sively.

In his previous life, Guilds had been willing to exchange three Main Guild Cities for one Small Mobile Fortress, let alone a measly Basic City. Even then, no Guild had accepted the trade.

Following this, Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart signed a Guild Contract with s.h.i.+ Feng on behalf of their respective Guilds. As stipulated in the contract, Crimson Emperor and Unyielding Soul would do everything they could to support Zero Wing during this time. Both Guilds would also pay two million Magic Crystals and five million Gold Coins to Zero Wing. In exchange, Zero Wing would have to give up all of Silverwing City’s income to the two Guilds should the plan fail.

When the Guild Contract took effect, both Illusory Words and Unyielding Heart breathed out a deep sigh of relief. This was undoubtedly the scariest and craziest wager they had partic.i.p.ated in, in their entire lives.

“Brother Black Flame, what do you need us to do next?” Unyielding Heart asked s.h.i.+ Feng.

With the contract signed, their two Guilds would move according to s.h.i.+ Feng’s arrangement.

Moreover, Unyielding Heart was also curious about what s.h.i.+ Feng needed their two Guilds’ strength for. Although he didn’t know what it cost to construct a Small Mobile Fortress, the price definitely wasn’t something even five superpowers working together could afford. Otherwise, Mobile Fortresses wouldn’t be so rare in the various kingdoms and empires.

“There’s nothing much you can do now. Your two Guilds just need to focus on locking down the Secret Covenant Tower. At the same time, send some trustworthy members to explore the 30th floor and beyond to obtain as many Tier 3 Legacies as possible.” After giving the matter further thought, s.h.i.+ Feng said, “In addition, I’ll need your two Guilds to organize a 100-man team of peak experts, which will follow me to a place.”

“A 100-man team of peak experts?” s.h.i.+ Feng’s words shocked Unyielding Heart.

Even working together, Crimson Emperor and Unyielding Soul wouldn’t be able to form such a team. At best, they would be able to bring out 70 or 80 peak experts.

“Can you tell us where we’re going?” Illusory Words frowned at s.h.i.+ Feng’s words. Peak experts were the pillars of their Guilds. Fielding so many peak experts for one operation would place a heavy burden on their Guilds.

Chuckling, s.h.i.+ Feng answered honestly, “The Ruined Mountain Range!”

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