Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 263 – Lightless Sword

Chapter 263 – Lightless Sword

Sword Law Saint?

When s.h.i.+ Feng saw the system notification, he chose to activate his Tier 4 Legacy without hesitation. Immediately afterward, a series of notifications rang in his ears.

System: You have activated your Tier 4 Legacy. You have unlocked all three learning topics of your Legacy. You have one hour to learn them. So long as you learn just one topic listed below, you will be promoted to Tier 4.

[Holy Law] (Action-type)

Requires: Sword

Tier 4 Apex Legacy Skill

Integrate your weapon with the world and transform every object within a 200-yard radius into your weapon. All weapon bonuses will be increased by 100%.

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 1 minute

Learning condition: Achieve 85% Skill Completion Rate

[Thousand Lights] (Domain-type)

Requires: Sword

Tier 4 Apex Legacy Skill

Transform your mana into a maximum of 1,000 mana swords that can cover a 500-yard radius. Each mana sword will carry 40% of your Strength. Mana swords conjured can be merged, and each mana sword merged will grant the primary mana sword an additional 10% of your Strength.


Duration: 3 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour

Learning condition: Achieve 85% Skill Completion Rate

[G.o.dslayer] (Action-type)

Requires: Sword

Tier 4 Ultimate Legacy Skill

Integrate your weapon with your body, greatly increasing your Mana and Concentration.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooldown: 10 minutes

Learning condition: Achieve 90% Skill Completion Rate

A Tier 4 Ultimate Legacy Skill? s.h.i.+ Feng was stunned by the system notifications.

Tier 4 Legacy Skills could be categorized into four ranks: Basic, Advanced, Peak, and Apex.

Among the many players in G.o.d’s Domain, the average Tier 6 G.o.d-ranked expert would generally receive the option of one or two Peak Legacy Skills when they were challenging their Tier 4 promotion, with the rest of their options being Advanced Legacy Skills. So long as a player completed their Tier 4 promotion with a Peak Legacy Skill, they could hold their ground against a Superior Mythic monster of the same level, even if they were only equipped in Epic Weapons and Equipment.

As for Tier 4 Apex Legacy Skills, these were incredibly powerful Skills that, when mastered, could allow players to essentially become invincible among players of the same tier. However, players who could receive the privilege of learning one during their Tier 4 promotion were exceedingly rare even in the Greater G.o.d’s Domain, and those who could complete their Tier 4 promotion with one were even rarer.

Yet, now, two out of the three options s.h.i.+ Feng had received were Tier 4 Apex Legacy Skills.


As for Tier 4 Ultimate Legacy Skills, s.h.i.+ Feng had never even heard of Legacy Skills having such a rank.

However, before s.h.i.+ Feng could ponder any further over this anomaly, the sound of Broken s.p.a.ce shattering brought him back to reality. Then, he gritted his teeth and chose to learn G.o.dslayer.

The Tier 4 promotion was achieved by making a Tier 4 Legacy Skill into the core of the player’s Tier 3 Mana Body. Completing this process would cause the Mana Body to undergo a qualitative transformation. This was the main reason Tier 4 players were vastly stronger than Tier 3 players.

Now that s.h.i.+ Feng had the option of choosing a Tier 4 Ultimate Legacy Skill, which was superior to Tier 4 Advanced Legacy Skills, he naturally wouldn’t consider the other two options.

Moreover, G.o.dslayer was the only Skill that could help him survive his current predicament.

Mana was the basis of everything in G.o.d’s Domain. If he could elevate the standard of his mana, he would receive a corresponding boost in all aspects.

After s.h.i.+ Feng chose to learn G.o.dslayer, all information and simulations related to the Skill flowed into his mind.

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This difficulty…

s.h.i.+ Feng’s expression darkened when he finished processing G.o.dslayer’s information.

The difficulty of learning Tier 4 Skills and Spells was very high. Even peak experts tended to only be able to achieve a Completion Rate of roughly 80% on their first learning attempt, and every subsequent increment of even 1% would require a lot of training.

As for Tier 4 Legacy Skills and Spells, their learning difficulty was even greater. Yet, players were only given one hour to learn their chosen Tier 4 Legacy Skill during their Tier 4 promotion. It was why many Tier 3 players failed to reach Tier 4.


One shouldn’t underestimate the complexity of Tier 4 Legacy Skills, even if many of them only require a few simple physical actions to execute. In reality, executing a Tier 4 Legacy Skill was far more than just a series of physical actions. It also involved the manipulation of one’s mana and Mana Body, which wasn’t something one could master within a short time.

The complexity of Tier 4 Legacy Skills would naturally vary depending on their rank. In the case of Peak Legacy Skills, they typically required the user to construct three to five magic arrays in their Mana Body. As for Apex Legacy Skills, they required the user to construct no more than 15 magic arrays.

Yet, G.o.dslayer required the simultaneous operation of 28 magic arrays. Moreover, even the slightest interruption in the flow of the user’s mana would result in the Ultimate Legacy Skill failing to activate…

However, before s.h.i.+ Feng could start to marvel at G.o.dslayer’s complexity, Tia Pollena had already thrown another lightning spear at him.

Let’s hope this works!

s.h.i.+ Feng manipulated his Mana Body according to the instructions he received and merged the Winter of Eternal Night with his body, causing the standard of his Mana and Concentration to skyrocket. Immediately afterward, he executed Lightshadow to block the incoming lightning spear.


The collision between greatsword and spear caused the surrounding s.p.a.ce to shatter into oblivion once more.

This time, however, s.h.i.+ Feng only lost a few thousand HP from the clash, which was nothing compared to s.h.i.+ Feng’s max HP which exceeded three million. He also felt extraordinarily spirited after the clash.

System: G.o.dslayer activated successfully. Skill Completion Rate 70%. Learning conditions not met. You may use G.o.dslayer again in 30 seconds.


What a powerful Legacy Skill! It can already provide such significant improvements to my Mana and Concentration at a 70% Completion Rate? When s.h.i.+ Feng focused on his Mana and Concentration, he found that both had reached extraordinary heights.

It should be known that a Tier 4 Skill executed at a 70% Completion Rate could only exhibit 80% of the Skill’s original effects. Only after a Skill’s Completion Rate had reached 85% could it exhibit 100% of its original effects.

Yet, even though G.o.dslayer had only exhibited 80% of its effects, s.h.i.+ Feng found that his mana had not only reached a near-solid state in terms of density, but its strength was also nearing the Tier 5 standard.

As for his Concentration, it had grown so strong that he could shrug off the Ancient G.o.d’s Arm’s mental attacks entirely. In fact, his current mental state was even better than when he was in the outside world. Now, he could execute Lightshadow without much thought, and executing the Mana Technique hardly depleted his Concentration…

“Your mana might have improved, but it still isn’t enough to get you out of this place alive!”

When Tai Pollena saw her attack failing to eliminate s.h.i.+ Feng yet again, she thoroughly grew serious as she began throwing lightning spears at s.h.i.+ Feng like a machine gun. She did not intend to give s.h.i.+ Feng any breathing room whatsoever.

“That remains to be seen.”

s.h.i.+ Feng smiled and responded to the hail of lightning spears by executing Lightshadow without reserve.

Whenever their attacks clashed, s.h.i.+ Feng was bound to lose some of his HP. However, the amount of HP he lost could be entirely offset by his battle recovery, so this loss was negligible.

Moreover, with each subsequent use of Lightshadow, s.h.i.+ Feng also grew more familiar with manipulating his mana. This, in turn, allowed him to manipulate his mana with much greater ease.


When thirty seconds pa.s.sed, s.h.i.+ Feng could finally use G.o.dslayer again.

Taking advantage of the gradually dissipating bonuses to his Mana and Concentration, s.h.i.+ Feng quickly reconstructed the 28 magic arrays needed to activate G.o.dslayer. Then, he swung the Winter of Eternal Night he wielded at the three lightning spears that flew at him simultaneously.

Second Sword, Holy Devour!


The three dazzling spears vanished instantly, and the sky above the Ancient G.o.d Graveyard transformed into a dark void. Then, silence fell onto the battlefield.

System: G.o.dslayer activated successfully. Skill Completion Rate 91%. Learning conditions met. Do you wish to be promoted into a Tier 4 Sword Law Saint and utilize G.o.dslayer as the core for your Mana Body?

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