Athletic Festival Arc
19 Athletic Festival and the Pretty Boy

 "We"ll now begin the ceremony for Reiryuu Academy"s athletic festival."

Amidst the press conference-like storm of flashes, the athletic festival began with Hayate"s announcement.

Was there an athletic festival where you could hear this many shutter sounds with just the opening greetings?
Standing beside the tent, Meru was smiling with half-open eyes.

"The flash is amazing, huh?"
"Yeah. My eyes hurt a little."

With a troubled face and one eye closed, Hayate was charming in a different way from Fuuga. If that was how Meru thought, then of course other people thought so as well. Hayate had stepped off the platform, but outside the tent, shutters continued to sound.

"You"re on the same level as a celebrity."
"If you use that comparison, what level does that put him on I wonder?"

Hayate murmured while laughing evilly. Looking where his line of sight fell, Meru agreed, thinking That"s true.

"Look over here!"

At Fuuga"s appearance, the sports ground grew boisterous.

Clad in a mostly crimson kimono, Fuuga was the one who fit that appearance the most of the three cheering squad leaders. Appearances that give the impression of ancient j.a.pan suit Fuuga very well.

Fuuga raised his hand. When he waved it, the students inside the tent as well as the visitors outside, women of all ages had their eyes turn into hearts.

"Just as you"d expect from a good-looking guy."
"I"m envious of that remark."

When Meru stiffened, Hayate asked, "What"s wrong?" with a smile. Since the refreshing smile on his face was too much like him, Meru ignored it as something she had misheard.

"Then, Meru, head to your next station."
"Got it."

Nodding at Hayate"s instruction, Meru trotted toward the edge of the field.

Meru"s next job was drawing the lines on the sports ground. As became clear due to Fuuga just now, people were likely to step into the track, so this work was relatively important.

"Um…what should I do…"

Meru marked the surface. Fuuga"s fans and glamorous women were right where she wanted to draw a line. Even though it was the athletic festival, they were wearing makeup full of fighting spirit as if to say they were indifferent to sweating.
Meru looked at her skin which was covered only in sunscreen and the simple way she had tied her hair back and was astonished by her nonexistent femininity.
However, now wasn"t the time to worry about that kind of thing.

"Umm…I"d like to draw a line…"

Meru inquired timidly. Sure enough, Meru was glared at. The female students who had increased their air of intimidation with false eyelashes looked at Meru"s face, openly showing their disgust.

"Ahh, you. What? This is the best place to see Fuugkun, but are you saying we"re in the way?"

Meru really wanted to confidently say "Yes, that"s right," but she faltered at the anger held within the other person"s voice.

"Ahh, if you could move back just a little bit, it"d be fine."

Meru felt that she had made a great compromise. However, it seemed the female students weren"t pleased even with that.

"Huh? You won"t even let us look as we like? You, who slyly entered the student council and are getting closer to Fuuga, are telling us to move back?"

Meru narrowed her as at this remark, not knowing where to begin correcting it.

In the background, the 3rd year leaders were still giving their dance performance, so Fuuga"s turn hadn"t come. She had wanted to finish now for the female students" sakes, but she wouldn"t progress at all if it continued like this.

Meru took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"This is an executive"s job!"

Meru pushed Fuuga"s fans aside and began drawing the lines.

"Hey, you!"
"Stop that, it"s disgraceful."

At the same time the female student grabbed Meru"s shoulder, a commanding voice sounded.
Meru felt relieved upon hearing that voice and looked over her shoulder. However, because she didn"t see the figure she expected, her eyes widened.

"She"s doing her job, so complaining is weird, isn"t it?"

The one sending an icy gaze toward Fuuga"s fans was a boy who fit the words "pretty boy" perfectly.
He was wearing a red headband and a boy"s school uniform. In other words, he was a member of the second year cheering squad.

"U-Um, that"s not it, we just misunderstood a little. Ah, sorry for getting in the way of your work."

The att.i.tude Fuuga"s fans were showing had a complete reversal. The pretty boy"s face grew more and more gloomy at that, but that was beyond the notice of the girls and they continued to flatter him until the end before moving to a different place where they could see Fuuga.

"…Really, I hate those kinds of people."

The pretty boy muttered while looking at the girls who had been flattering him and were now looking and shouting at Fuuga.

"Thanks. Laila, is "-chan" ok?"

When Meru grinned, the pretty boy made a surprised face.

"Ahh, so "-kun" is better after all? In this appearance."
"No, either is fine… You noticed really easily, or should I say you aren"t surprised?"

Laila retorted a little impatiently.
The long, golden hair had become pretty purple-tinged short hair. He was completely different from the usual Laila. Wearing the boy"s uniform, dressed exactly like a boy, Meru couldn"t judge this Laila as the Laila that would usually come to mind.

"Yeah, I was a little surprised. You changed your hairstyle?"

In regard to Meru who was less surprised than he expected, Laila was half regretful and half happy.

"This is my real hair. My usual hair is a wig. This year"s dance performance is intense, so my wig wouldn"t stay on."
"Ah, I see."

Meru tapped her fist on her other hand.

"So far, you"re the only one who has realized it"s me so far, Ruu-chan."
"Eh, that can"t be true. It"s just your hairstyle and appearance that are different, so people will figure it out quickly."

When Meru said that with a puzzled face, Laila stiffened. Meru asked, "What"s wrong?" with a strange face. Laila snapped back to himself and said, "It"s nothing" while smiling happily.

"Fuu-chan"s fans, though. When I"m in women"s clothing, they don"t take any notice, but in this appearance, they become this manageable… It"s lucky that I could help you, Ruu-chan."
"Seriously, you saved me."

Meru bowed her head to Laila and began drawing the lines.

Here"s the second chapter for this week! Is it just me, or does it feel like it ends really abruptly? I had to go back and check like three times to make sure I hadn"t missed something.

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