Athletic Festival Arc
24 Memory and a Trace

 Meru and Yuuri headed toward the guest seats. It seemed that they had just a little bit of leeway before President Toujou arrived.

The Toujou Group was the number one enterprise in j.a.pan and even compared to others internationally, it was a leading enterprise. They had their hands in every possible field from transportation and business to IT-related areas. It was no exaggeration to say that there was no business in the country that didn"t have the support of the Toujou Group.

That large group"s current president, Toujou Kenichirou, was coming to this one school. And that without prior arrangements; from this side, it was a major event.

Because Toujou was coming, Hayate had to accompany him. If they didn"t borrow Meru, Yuuri would have to receive all of the other guests.

"Aidou-kun. What should I do for receiving people?"

Meru asked. She wasn"t originally in charge of reception and didn"t exactly know what she was supposed to do.

"Things like serving tea and greetings. Fundamentally, the guests are here with the intent of seeing the future prospects of the academy"s students, so you should accurately answer any questions they have."
"That seems like it"ll be difficult for me with my lack of experience."
"If it"s you, it will be ok, Kusuharsan."

Meru wanted to ask why he could say that with such confidence when it had no basis.

"But I wonder what is bringing the Toujou Group"s president himself here."
"Who knows? There"s know way I would."

Even though Reiryuu Academy was a gathering of elites, the world-leading charismatic company president himself didn"t have a habit of coming as a guest. Of course, there was no information that his children were attending the school. As such, it expectedly became a large question.

"He probably had spare time, right?"
"Is it possible for the president of a first-cla.s.s group to have spare time…"

Yuuri replied seriously, so Meru said "It was a joke," and laughed.

"Kamishiro-kun. I brought Kusuharsan."

Yuuri called out to Hayate who had just left the guest seats with seemingly planned timing.

"Ahh, you"re just in time. It looks like the president will arrive shortly. Will you come greet him as well, Meru, Yuuri?"
"Then I will take advantage of your kind offer. Please allow me to do so."

Yuuri replied immediately. Meeting the unreachable President Toujou was a rare opportunity that one might not have in their whole life. Hayate probably thought of that as well and offered.

However, Meru shook her head.

"I"m fine."

That was seemingly unexpected and both Hayate and Yuuri were surprised.

"Is that ok? Meeting the president will give you status."
"Do you think I"m interested in status?"

Meru said while shrugging her shoulders and Hayate smiled wryly.

"Besides, I don"t want to stand out for not being used to working in front of big presidents. Please allow me to stick to reception practice with the moderate names."

Since Meru"s words were logical, Hayate readily agreed and went to receive Toujou together with Yuuri.

When she started her reception, Meru grasped the gist of it surprisingly quickly.

"It"s unexpectedly something I can do if I try, huh."
"That"s why I said that, isn"t it?"

Yuuri said, abruptly appearing next to Meru as she was pouring tea. Meru unintentionally dropped the paper cup, but perhaps it should be said to be expected, Yuuri caught it.

"Not at all. I"m sorry for startling you."

Yuuri stood next to Meru and began to pour tea. Meru took a glimpse at that situation from the corner of her eyes. After making a slightly thoughtful face, Meru opened her mouth.

"Are you taking that to President Toujou?"
"Ah, yes."

Meru took a nearby paper cup, filled it with water, and pa.s.sed it to Yuuri.

"President Toujou. I"m positive he can"t have caffeine, so it"d be better to take that."

Meru nodded and put the cups of green tea to deliver to the other guests on a tray. When she went to lift it, Yuuri s.n.a.t.c.hed the tray away.

"Please go meet the president as well, Kusuharsan."
"Eh? I said it earlier, too, but I…"
"If it"s someone you respect that much, you should meet them."

Meru didn"t understand what he meant by "that much," so she thought a little. Then, she quickly realized the reason.
Meru knew that Toujou couldn"t have caffeine. That was something you wouldn"t know without deeply researching about a person.
With that as the basis, Yuuri came to the conclusion that Meru was a fan of Toujou.

"So I"ll take care of this area."
"Wait a sec…!"

Yuuri picked up the tray and headed toward the guest seats without listening to Meru"s reply.

"It"s true that I respect him, though…"

Meru gazed at the water-filled cup. That utterance didn"t reach anyone"s ears.

Meru went from the guest tent to a different one where the board chairman and were.

"…That"s right. Especially the executives are superiorly talented people that I singled out and gathered together."

Meru heard Hayate"s voice and felt a little relieved. Hayate and Toujou"s backs were reflected in her eyes. She immediately picked up on the good mood of the board chairman and the who were sitting next to Toujou even though she had just entered the tent. That was to be expected, but the degree of Hayate"s ability to chat with a composed face was incredible.

"For example…hmm? Meru, you"re the one who came?"

Hayate"s face opened up a little bit as he looked over. He gestured behind him and introduced Meru to Toujou.

"She most recently became an executive, but she"s considerably excellent and… President?"

Hayate was looking at Toujou dubiously. That was understandable. Even though someone was in the middle of being introduced to him, Toujou still had his back facing Meru.

At Hayate"s reaction, Toujou also realized that his behavior was strange and he took a deep breath as though he was calming something down.

Meru"s shoulders twitched at Toujou"s appearance as he turned.

Meru and Toujou"s gazes intertwined.

It seemed that time stopped for an instant.

"If I become someone worthwhile…someone who can make Dad smile more…"

Meru recalled an old memory from the drawer in her mind.
There weren"t many good things in her past memories.

If she was careless, the dignified, large back and the contents of a dark room soon popped into her head.

Meru immediately locked that drawer and locked up her heart.

Meru and Toujou locked eyes with one another without their complexions changing a bit.

A very refined atmosphere could be felt, and for some reason, a silence was naturally born.


The one to break the silence was Toujou. However, his voice only slightly leaked out from his mouth; for some reason, he didn"t speak any more words than that. Looking at the inarticulate Toujou, Meru"s face was a little painful.

"…Nice to meet you. I"m Kusuhara, Meru."

Meru announced her name in a small yet clear voice. Toujou replied "…Nice to meet you, too," in a slightly hoa.r.s.e voice.

Meru released the tension in her shoulders and calmly, slowly approached, placing the cup on the tray in front of Toujou.

"Water? Did the tea run out?"
"No. There"s still tea, but…"

Next to Hayate who was looking at Meru strangely, Toujou opened his eyes wide.

"…Ahh, Kamishiro-kun. I can"t have caffeine, so water is better."

Since Toujou said that, Hayate fell silent.

"Then, please excuse me."

Meru immediately turned to leave without the intention of making conversation, especially with Toujou.


Toujou called Meru to a stop. Meru looked back at him. Her eyes were surprisingly wavering a little.

"Thanks for the water."
"…You"re welcome."

Meru bowed lightly and this time returned to her own station. Hayate felt that that action was a little curt.

"What kind of girl is she?"

When Toujou asked that while watching Meru"s retreating figure, a gentle smile floated on Hayate"s face.

"She"s someone with a strong sense of responsibility. She"s not the type to proactively engage in something, but one"s she"s decided to do something, she will definitely accomplish it. She"s a splendid person with just that ability."

Hayate emulated Toujou and turned his eyes toward Meru"s retreating figure.

"Did she catch your eye, President?"

This time, it was Hayate who asked Toujou who didn"t remove his gaze for a long time. Toujou opened his mouth quietly with just a small time difference.

"She"s very similar to my late wife."

The Toujou Kenichirou that Hayate saw at that time seemed incredibly lonely and empty…

I…can"t remember if Yuuri always talked this politely, but holy h.e.l.l was he keigo-ing it up this chapter. Bruh. Bring on martial Yuuri cuz his random curses are less of a headache. ;;

Also, there were several internal screaming moments translating this chapter. Just gotta say that. Meru meeting daddy had me rolling around.

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