Residence Of Monsters

Chapter Epilogue

A+A-Chapter Epilogue

However, Feng Ping Lan could not retain his harmoniously smooth days for more than ten hours.

Monday, the official starting day of school.

Feng Ping Lan felt expectant and happy, his footsteps turning into skips as he joyfully entered the school compound and welcomed his days as a freshman.

But, about half-an-hour into his first period, he was called to the teachers’ room by the cla.s.s advisor to talk.

“Take this.” Yin Su Shuang placed a piece of paper in front of Feng Ping Lan, “Expulsion notice from your dorm.”


Feng Ping Lan took up the notice in shock, to see the words written on it said:

High school department, general studies Year 1 Cla.s.s 21, Feng Ping Lan, due to breaking the rules of the dormitory countless times will hence be canceled dormitory rights; expulsion from his dorm as a disciplinary measure.

“Why? You must be joking!”

“You went out without cause or reason countless times—”

“It wasn’t countless times!” Feng Ping Lan interrupted Yin Su Shuang’s words, explaining himself, “It was only two times! Ah…” With that, he realized that he had spoken too much.

Yin Su Shuang glared at Feng Ping Lan, continuing, “Most importantly, people are saying that they saw you on the day the girls’ dormitory called the police.”

Feng Ping Lan had a guilty conscience, his gaze moving elsewhere, “T-that’s just a misunderstanding!”

Yin Su Shuang took out a photograph, pushing it in front of Feng Ping Lan.

The background was of the female dormitories, and Feng Ping Lan stood by the surrounding walls, his lower half blocked by the walls.

That was right before he was about to return to the male dormitories after cleaning up the s.e.xual demons.

The photograph did not have Conglong and Simo, as the both of them had concealment spells to let them move around freely in the human world.

Looking at that photo, Feng Ping Lan began sweating bullets, but he was sincerely happy that he had taken off his wig after completing the task, and the photo had only captured his upper half and not the skirt on his lower half, or else he would become inexorably mixed up in misunderstandings.

“Do you have anything else to explain?”

“…Hahaha…” Feng Ping Lan didn’t know what to say. He could only laugh foolishly.

Goodness, he was really unlucky. He had originally thought that everything was okay, that he could finally live peacefully, but who knew that his fate had cruelly thrust him suddenly into this.

This development had come in too comically, that it had surpa.s.sed difficulty and dismay which made him feel really laughable.

“I’ve already contacted your family. You can leave after handling the procedures, the deadline is three days.” Yin Su Shuang drank a mouthful of medicinal tea, “Your brother said that he’d call you today.”

“Oh, okay…” Feng Ping Lan let out a sigh, at the same time sighing in relief.

Luckily it wasn’t his parents, but Jing Lan. He didn’t want to cause trouble for his parents…

But, to cause trouble right before starting school, how should he explain to Jing Lan-gē2?

And a more complicated problem for him was, where would he stay from now on?

After the first period ended, Feng Ping Lan returned to his cla.s.sroom and spoke of his situation to Conglong and the others.

“I’m done for now…” Feng Ping Lan looked distressingly at his notice letter, “I have nowhere to stay.”

The demons looked at each other, showing an expression unfathomable expression.

“Are you an idiot?” Morris frowned.

Morris wore the student uniform which bound tightly onto him, his muscles showing and collar unable to be b.u.t.toned up.

“Yes, he is.” Byriel laughed lightly, “You should be asking ‘Aren’t you an idiot?’ so that his answer becomes the flip side, which will be in accordance with the rhetoric format, hehehe.” This was what he had learned in language cla.s.s earlier. Human were much more interesting than he had expected.

“Ah? What was that?”

“You’re really stupid. You have no potential of learning anything.”

“We can just live together,” Dongya said gently.

Feng Ping Lan grabbed his head embarra.s.sedly, “Is that really okay? Can I really continue troubling you guys?”

n.o.body replied. Everybody rolled their eyes at the same time, refusing to answer.

“Oh right, where’s Quetzal?”

“In the sickbay.”

“What’s wrong? Is he sick?”

Dongya smiled slightly, “Go and see and you’ll find out.”

Feng Ping Lan hurriedly ran to the sickbay. Zephaniah had nursing, so the sickbay was an independent building by itself.

He crossed into to the building, went through the hallway, checking every single room.

At last, he found a room that had no nameplate in the most desolate area of the building. A melodious sound came from the back of the door.

He carefully opened the door to see Quetzal in a white doctor’s coat, leisurely sitting on his chair with his eyes closed. The radio on the desk was playing a cla.s.sical piece.

Feng Ping Lan slowly walked in front of Quetzal, staring at him without blinking, then extending a hand through his bad habit to touch that complexion that looked like a work of art.

But before he could touch it, Quetzal opened his eyes and sat up, avoiding Feng Ping Lan’s touch.

“Why didn’t you become a student?” Feng Ping Lan asked while smiling.

“…No one set it as a rule to have the same roles.”

Most importantly, he couldn’t stand being supervised by others, he couldn’t follow the instructions of others. He couldn’t act the role of a student.

The only one above him was Prince Shuekan. He didn’t want to lower his head to others, even if it was an act.

As for this guy…

Quetzal glanced at Feng Ping Lan. He didn’t know what kind of existence Feng Ping Lan was to him either.

He would observe silently for any changes.

“Huhuhu, you’re really handsome, Quetzal. You’re even a school doctor, you’re just absolutely bewitching!” Feng Ping Lan let out a weird laugh in starry-eyed infatuation, and then put on an act by putting a hand on his forehead, pouting playfully in feigned helplessness, “Mr. School Doctor, I’m not feeling well. Will you help me with a tactile examination? Hahahahaha!”


In the evening, while Feng Ping Lan was arranging his things in his room, his phone rang.

Feng Ping Lan looked at the caller’s ident.i.ty, sucking in a breath. He picked it up, “Hi, Jing Lan!”

“Are you living well? You fitting in with the school environment?” A gentle male voice sounded through the speaker.

“Mm! Jing Lan, um I—”

“I received the school’s notice.” The person on the other side of the phone continued to say, his voice carrying a bit of regret, “You were banned from your dorm…”

“Yes, but that was because—”

“Will you be expelled? Can you continue studying?”

“Of course! I was just banned from the dorm!” Feng Ping Lan hurriedly said, saying everything he wanted to say in one breath, “I’m really sorry for my mistake, I’ll take note of my future actions, so—”

“Okay, I know.”

“I’m really sorry…” Feng Ping Lan continued to say, and he couldn’t help but feel frustrated at the same time.

The same…

Feng Jing Lan did not care about anything he did. He had originally thought that he’d receive some sort of scolding or punishment, but it was still the same as before, nothing. No one cared.

It was alright if he didn’t cause trouble for his family, n.o.body would care whatever he did. Praise if he did something right, punish if he did something wrong, it was alright if he didn’t do anything serious enough to let them interfere.

Aiya, freedom was a kind of pinnacle that it wasn’t any different from being lonely, haha.

“Do you still want to stay in that school?”

“Of course!”

“Stay there then.”

“What?” Feng Ping Lan was startled.

“Then, what are you going to do with the living situation? Do you have any arrangements?”

“I have I have! Actually, I’ve already found a new place to live! My friends live near the school, and their family is willing to take me in and let me stay here!” Feng Ping Lan pulled himself together and spoke excitedly.

“Really? That’s good then.”

The phone sounded with an ear-grinding mixed sound, and a ramming sound.

“Sorry.” Feng Jing Lan spoke, “Wait a minute.”

Next was a long silence, and Feng Ping Lan quietly waited. Just as he was about to think that the other had hung up, Feng Jing Lan’s voice sounded through.

“I’m done.”

“Jing Lan, are you busy?”

“Mm, I’m working.” Feng Jing Lan said lightly. “Sorry, let me wipe my hands.”

Feng Ping Lan could not see it, but on the other side of the phone, the place Feng Jing Lan was in was a complete red. Thick blood, spilled in all four corners of the room.


The next moment, Feng Jing Lan opened his mouth, “So, you’ve decided to stay with your friends?”

“Yes! Can I?”

“Of course you can.” Feng Jing Lan smiled in reply, “This is your chance to become independent, Feng Ping Lan.”

“Mmmm! Thank you! I’ll try my best in the future, I definitely won’t—”

Gēgē had always called him by his full name Feng Ping Lan. It had felt distant and out of sorts at first, but he had gotten used to it.

“Do you have anything else to say?”


“Alright, then I’ll be going now.” Feng Jing Lan smiled, “We’ll talk next time.”

“Mm! Okay. See you, Jing Lan.”

But he knew, there wouldn’t be a next time.

Feng Jing Lan had never called him on his own accord. Even if he called, n.o.body would pick up.

“Oh, another thing.” Before the call ended, Feng Jing Lan said, “Please send my regards to your friends.”

《Residence of Monsters 01》 End

TL Notes

It says Year 1 Cla.s.s 7 on my copy, but it’s mentioned more than twice later on that he’s in Cla.s.s 2. Pretty sure that it’s a typo.Gēgē = older brother. -ge is attached to the back of the name to sound more intimate.

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