In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the making of this blog, there will be a triple-update of ROM today.

(In actuality I just wanted to finish three volumes within a year)

I can"t believe I managed to translate more than 200k words
Makes me think how many words are left for the last… 10 books of ROM. Yes, Volume 13 is confirmed to be the last book and is set to be published next month. *counts using fingers* If three volumes are around  200k… then ten are… more than 600k… Can I die now… though some part of me wishes the author would do a sequel series for residence of monsters once it"s over am i a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t

Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Lan Qi Zuo Ren (藍旗左衽).
Translated by: Yujuan

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered at the Deportment & Aesthetics Research Club.

When Feng Ping Lan and Quetzal arrived there, they found everyone all ready to go.

Simo sat in the corner, rapidly typing on the club"s computer. The screen"s light hit her face, and for some reason, that overly-focused expression looked a little terrifying.

There were uniforms that had been taken off on the table, and most of them had already changed into their disguises.

Morris" suntanned skin was now fair, with a wavy brown wig, round-framed, and a tailored dotted shirt with narrow pants, looking like a literature youth with a slightly tall and st.u.r.dy build.

Byriel"s black wig was combed neat and tidy, glossy and bright, and with the well-ironed suit, brand new leather shoes, he was just like an entrepreneur just starting from scratch, but the devilish aura already present in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Wow!" Looking at these two people, Feng Ping Lan couldn"t help by sigh in praise, "You"re so good at this!"

"It"s nothing…" Zong Yu smiled lowly, "If you gave me more time, I could create a separate face…"

"Why aren"t you changing into a disguise?"

Zong Yu gave a profound smile, "I"m already in a disguise."

He was constantly wearing his proudest painted skin…

Feng Ping Lan turned his head to see an elegant and cultured boy in the cla.s.sroom, helping comb the hair of another fashionable guy who was currently on the phone.

He walked curiously over, staring at him for a moment.  He opened his mouth to ask. "Ivan and Igor?"

"We"re over here." The voice came from another side.

A pretty high-school girl with long brown hair waved at Feng Ping Lan with a smile. Beside her stood a girl wearing a knitted garment and long pants, shoulder-length naturally curly hair tied up at the back of the head, her peaceful expression giving off a chaste and virtuous gentle wife feel.

"Ivan, Igor?" Feng Ping Lan was astonished, "Why are you wearing women"s clothes!"

"Doesn"t it feel weird if it"s just a group of guys? There should be a few females to blend in a bit."

"That"s right, this disguise looks pretty comical, but it"s quite a good disguise. Although I"d rather be a train conductor." A middle-aged woman manager wearing triangular-shaped with an outfit and a bun commented haughtily, her voice sounding like Conglong"s.

"Then those two guys earlier, are they…"

Feng Ping Lan looked at the fashionable guy and elegant boy, finding some familiarity from those features.

"Cla.s.s Rep? Li Wan?"

"What are you daydreaming at?" The man put away his phone, shouting impatiently at Feng Ping Lan, "Have you prepared the stuff? You were taking too long!" The tyrannical tone was definitely Liu Yi Chen"s style.

"Oh, I"ve prepared it." Feng Ping Lan hurriedly took out the member card. "No problem!"

"Most of the arrangements are done, all that"s left is you." Cultured boy Su Li Wan spoke gently.

"Oh, alright! I"ll start now!" Feng Ping Lan"s gaze scrutinized the two before him, "So cool, I want to dress up like this as well."

"You have another role…" Zong Yu spoke unhurriedly.

"Really? Hurry hurry! Help me change into it!" Feng Ping Lan excitedly followed Zong Yu into the h.o.a.rding room in the corner.

Ten minutes later, a black-haired girl wearing a British-style blouse and a short skirt walked out.

Feng Ping Lan stood before the mirror, looking at his transformation in amazement.

"Wow, the make-up is really too shocking, I"ve become so hot! Hahahahaha!" He turned his head, looking at Zong Yu bemusedly, "But, why do I have to dress up as a girl? I"d rather be a fashionable guy."

"Back when you asked me to draw you as a female, I thought that it wasn"t bad at all, so I used it…"

"I see." Feng Ping Lan nodded his head, revealing an ambiguous smile, "So Zong Yu was already coveting for my body long before this!" Finished saying this, he idiotically used his finger to poke Zong Yu"s face.

Zong Yu turned his face away, denying quietly, "…I"m only interested in the things beneath your skin…"

"Aiyaya, not bad." Byriel walked over with a smile, looking at Feng Ping Lan up and down, curling the corners of his lips, "Unexpectedly fitting. I can accept this, hehehe…"

"This scene looks like the compensated dating between a perverted uncle and a high-school girl." Liu Yi Chen interjected bluntly.

Feng Ping Lan walked towards Quetzal who stood by the side, asking expectantly.

"Quetzal, do you want to put on a disguise? You"ll look amazing no matter which role you take, even if it"s a female disguise…" Feng Ping Lan"s mind gave him an image, and then he gave off an almost obscene laughter.

"I"ll use the shadow pa.s.sage." Quetzal coldly interrupted Feng Ping Lan"s fantasies.

"Oh…" Feng Ping Lan"s shoulders dropped in disappointment.

"…Um, I"m done writing…" The sound of typing stopped, and Simo stood up, her expression looking incredibly satisfied.

Everyone took a copy on the printed script, and started flipping through.

The main cast was made of six, with a total of three Summoners and Contracts. The others wouldn"t partic.i.p.ate in the main event, but would act as ordinary people in the hotel, observing for any changes, and give the needed support when the time was right.

"Amazing! Simo, you"re really amazing!" Feng Ping Lan praised straightforwardly.

Simo lowered her head embarra.s.sedly.

"But doesn"t the scene in the middle of the script seem a little funny? An immoral Summoner goes about with a clandestine love affair with a mistress in the hotel, and in the end they meet the wife who"s on a trip with her college senior without her husband"s knowledge, and that senior is actually that mistress"s fiance?" Feng Ping Lan flipped through, "Woah, there"s even a s.e.x scene…"

Simo sucked in a breath, giving out a cry that sounded like a cat who had had its tail stepped on.

"T-t-t-t-that"s a… t-t-t-typo!" Simo frantically clarified, her face as red as her hair, "I forgot to delete… I didn"t write it… I accidentally pressed CTRL+V, it just appeared on its own…" Her mouth spat out reasons that contradicted each other.

"Oh, it"s alright, as long as we get the main story, we can change some scenes around." Feng Ping Lan lowered his head to look at the contents, "Ah, I"m really curious about what"s going to happen next."

Simo ran into the h.o.a.rding room as if fleeing from a calamity. Three minutes later, a bashful otaku wearing a mask with thick, a checkered shirt and loose jeans appeared.

Everything was in order.

"My dad"s coming to school with the car, you guys will set out immediately." Liu Yi Chen reported.

"So, who"s going to the residence?" Feng Ping Lan asked.

"No one."

"Who"s leading Jun Sui over then?"


"Kaido?" Feng Ping Lan was astonished.

"If we return, even if we lead Jun Sui away, he"s already detected the presence of a Summoner in the house, he"ll still return to investigate." Liu Yi Chen explained, "Kaido will walk straight out of the house, and the other two groups will meet up at other relay stations, this will seem more realistic and reasonable.""

That was true. But Feng Ping Lan was still hesitant. "But…" Has Kaido agreed?

"Kaido has already agreed." Liu Yi Chen saw through Feng Ping Lan"s doubts, pointing it out directly.

"What? How did you guys contact him?"

"Using the phone."

"Why do you have his phone number?"

Male-disguised Liu Yi Chen raised her eyebrows, the handsome factor increasing a couple of levels. "I have the contact numbers of everyone in cla.s.s, because I"m the cla.s.s rep."

"I want it! I want Kaido"s!"

Liu Yi Chen took out her phone with a frown, opening the directory for Feng Ping Lan to see. Feng Ping Lan immediately added it to his contacts, and pressed down on the call b.u.t.ton.

"What are you doing?"

"I"m calling Kaido, he must be helpless and tense all alone in the house— Ahh he picked up!" Feng Ping Lan gripped his phone with both hands excitedly, "Is it Kaido?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a second, seemingly astonished.

"Feng Ping Lan?"

"Kaido, are you okay? Thanks for contacting us, letting us have a chance to evade it. You"re really a good guy!"

The other end entered another silence. In the next moment, awkward words were said with an obstinate tone.

"Your business has nothing to do with me. I just don"t want to move again if the owner of the house dies…"

"Eh, so Kaido wants to live with me that much? Woah, I"m sorry, I never knew you liked me so much…"

Veins started popping on the hand holding Kaido"s phone, and he contemplated on hanging up or continue with listening.

"You better—"

Feng Ping Lan started speaking again, interrupting Kaido"s words in quick-fire succession. "If you"re nervous, don"t worry, there"s a little blanket in my closet that"s been with me since little. Whenever I"m in a bad mood or I get nervous, I"ll feel really at ease hugging the blanket, I can lend it—"

Clack. The phone transferred the sound of the cutting of the line.

""h.e.l.lo?" Feng Ping Lan looked at his phone, "He hung up."

"He actually managed to speak with you for more than thirty seconds, that"s already considered quite good." Liu Yi Chen ridiculed.

The door of the clubroom opened, and Yin Su Shuang and Gemi appeared.

"The Director has authorized it." Yin Su Shuang announced, "But I will send people to observe. If the situation goes out of control, the Shadow Academy will take over."

"Oh, so Cla.s.s Advisor will be going with us?"

"I have other official matters. The observers will accompany from a distance, in case the enemy discovers and catches everyone in one net. You guys will not know who it is, nor do you have the need to know."

Morris, Conglong and Ivan cheered quietly, and as a result Yin Su Shuang glared at them.

"Is it Gemi-laoshi?"

"If it was me, I wouldn"t appear here." Gemi smiled, walking to the front, and placed a wooden box on the desk, "Because you all are helping the Shadow Academy solve a troublesome matter, we"re giving you a little present to bring along the road."

"It must be a meat floss gift box." Feng Ping Lan looked at the wooden box in antic.i.p.ation.

Everyone rolled their eyes, immediately ignoring him.

Gemi opened the box, which was filled with stamps.

"Heh, are you going to give us school stamps?" Byriel questioned with a smile.

"If they were school stamps, you wouldn"t be receiving one." Gemi picked out a rounded stamp and walked towards the Contracts, "Here, put out the hand with the copper bangle."

The Contracts did so bemusedly.

Gemi did not stick the seal on red ink paste, directly stamping it on the Contracts" arms. The moment the seal was removed, there was a faint light on the arm, and vanished after flickering a few times.

A loosened feeling traveled throughout the entire body, as if the weight on their shoulders had been lessened by about half.

"I"ve adjusted the level of the restriction, you can now use about 60% of your power." Gemi smiled and spoke, "But it will only in effect for three days."

"Only 60%, you"re always stingy to give…" Byriel sighed looking at his arm.

"Not satisfied with 60%?" Gemi feigned surprise, "I"d have thought that even with 30%, you guys would have enough and to spare."

"Apropos." Byriel"s lips raised into a smile in satisfaction, and lowered his voice to say lightly, "Perhaps one day, I might return politeness for politeness, and give you a unique little gift… Hehehe…"

"Thanks, but your appearance right now just makes me want to call the police." Gemi backed away with a smile, glancing at the others, "I wish you all a smooth mission. Good night! Hope I"ll still be able to see all of you on Monday."

"You will."

Operation start.

With a whole day gone, and no movement within the house, Jun Sui, who was guarding outside the house started feeling suspicious.

Had the other noticed his presence?

If they had, why hadn"t they come out? For a miemoshi, seeing a demon was like a predator realizing prey, they would act immediately…

Unless, the person inside the house wasn"t a miemoshi, and didn"t dare to reveal themselves for some reason.

Could it be… Prince Shuekan"s people?

Jun Sui gathered his form, descending behind the leaves of the tree before the residence. He lifted both hands, two cicada"s wings spreading out from the sides of his arms. The cicada wings were thin yet tenacious, sharp as blades, and there were skull markings on the wings, that had fatal poison on it.

He"d know the answer once he forced the other out…

A figure with a thick windbreaker, a hat, and a large leather suitcase stealthily walked out.

Jun Sui frantically withdrew the attack, pressed down his aura, and waited with bated breath.

Looking at things, this person seemed to be moving somewhere far away…

As half of the face was covered, the features were unclear, but he could tell that it was a male from his figure.

Jun Sui"s gaze was attracted by another figure. In the air beside the man, another figure had appeared without him realizing it, flashing, the appearance blurry and hard to distinguish.

It was a demon! This person was most definitely a miemoshi!

He secretly twisted his hands, scale powder-like ash falling from his palms. The dust spiraled in the air and gathered into fog, then it was dyed into different colors. In the next moment, a hazy figure appeared.

"I only want to hear good news." The Third Prince"s features appeared on the surface of the fog, gently saying these domineering words.

"I"ve found traces of a miemoshi!"

"Oh?" The Third Prince raised his eyebrows, "Did you see his demon?"

"I didn"t see it clearly, but it seemed to be a female form…"

"Was it Simo?"

"It didn"t seem to be her…"

"Is that so…"

He had once suspected that this had been all orchestrated by his long-lost cute little royal brother. But since a miemoshi had appeared, clearly this guess would now be overthrown. He had considered Quetzal joining hands with the Summoners to attack his subordinates, but he didn"t think the haughty Quetzal would recognize another master…

However, there was always a chance for everything. The miemoshi had many tricks up their sleeves, and those sickening b.a.s.t.a.r.ds always had ideas for torturing demons, he still had to be careful.

"Continue following them, report any news to me."


Jun Sui removed the fog, then, carefully followed the miemoshi from a certain distance away.

The miemoshi walked into a narrow alley, looking left and right for a while. Just when Jun Sui thought he"d been found out, the demon with the miemoshi started to use a spell.

A silver light shone underneath the feet of the two. The demon bent her waist, respectfully reaching out a hand before the miemoshi, and he loftily placed his hand in her palms. The demon rose, and with a light jump, the two flew into the air.

In the instance the demon jumped into the air, Jun Sui saw just who it was.

He recognized that face, it was—

Tan Hua!

A little distance away from the end of the alley, a truck that had stopped in the corner slowly started moving as soon as Jun Sui moved far away.

The delivery truck was white, with the pictures of kittens and puppies on both sides of it, "Pink Meatball Pet Store" written at the back of it. To be honest, this vehicle was quite lofty, but they had no other choice.

"He"s following them!" Feng Ping Lan secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"Everything"s going smoothly so far," Dongya spoke.

Excellent, this was off to a good start.

"Where are Cla.s.s Rep and the others?" Feng Ping Lan questioned.

"They"ve already arrived at the destination," Igor answered as he drove.

There were only six people within the vehicle. This was all due to Zhong Xian and Yerde not being present, and Ivan and Zong Yu were matched up with Liu Yi Chen, Su Li Wan. No one had ever seen Zong Yu"s Contract before, but there was always a faint demon aura on him, and so Zong Yu would be taking a demon"s role.

Conglong who couldn"t sit in a car was in one group with Su Li Wan, and when Jun Sui chased over to them, they were responsible for tailing him, tagging along at the back to monitor the process, as well as provide support. Morris was following along Liu Yi Chen"s group, monitoring from a large distance away.

The journey to the hotel took around three hours. Feng Ping Lan had intended on staying awake the entire journey to follow any developments, but due to consecutive nights staying up researching the Supernatural Research material, plus the fact that it was already late, he started dozing off about halfway through the trip.

"I"m surprised you came," Byriel said lightly, looking at Quetzal ruminatively.

Quetzal ignored him.

"How did he persuade you? I was under the impression that you wouldn"t want to join hands with the Summoners, that you wouldn"t partic.i.p.ate in such a roundabout plan, hehe."

Quetzal still did not speak, but he pondered silently in his heart.

It wasn"t persuasion…

It was utilizing his guilt, taking advantage while his defenses were weak.

Though the timing was coincidental, and he was forced to agree to partic.i.p.ate in this scam, he had to admit, the moment Feng Ping Lan described the entire plan to him, he felt sincere admiration towards Feng Ping Lan.

Although it was just a swift pa.s.sing thought.

Quetzal"s gaze moved out the window. As they entered the tunnel, the window gave an inverted reflection of Feng Ping Lan"s sleeping face at the back.

The Feng Ping Lan disguised as a girl looked especially thin and weak.

He was such a small and weak creature… Where did all that energy come from…

His tongue reminisced upon the fragrance of fresh blood, giving rise to the illusion of something sweet smell of blood.

He had lost control twice, hurt Feng Ping Lan twice, drank Feng Ping Lan"s blood thrice. Feng Ping Lan had never once felt disgusted or complained, nor had he given out any terms to threaten or bribe. As if this was a matter that was insignificant, natural to him.


That indestructible rampart, was once again shaken. The crevice, deepened a little.

Quetzal suddenly realized, the reflection of Byriel was smiling at him, as if he had noticed the focus of his gaze. He gave no reaction, froze his expression, and indifferently moved his gaze away.

Kaid and Tan Hua met up with Liu Yi Chen and Ivan in the north.

Jun Sui got a shock when he saw Liu Yi Chen and the others.

A second Summoner group… He had the impulse to retreat. If he were found out, he didn"t have the a.s.surance to escaping after battling against two miemoshi.

His fingers ached subtly, reminding him, what awaited him after retreating would be as miserable. He could only brace himself, and continue his task.

"Disguising yourself as a student this time around?" Liu Yi Chen smiled coldly, acting out the expression and lines according to the script, "Doesn"t suit you at all. Could it be that you have something you recall fondly from your school days?"

These were the lines they had arranged. Because Kaido had revealed his face, they intended on creating the lie that it was a facade that had been made up.

Jun Sui received the false message, obtaining a false conclusion.

So it was a disguise!

Indeed, there was no way a human boy could be a miemoshi, there was only the possibility of it being a disguise.

"None of your business," Kaido answered coldly. "You should be minding your own. Do you have such low confidence in your own appearance? Do you want to beautify yourself that much?"

Liu Yi Chen"s face chilled, "You"re late, the a.s.sociation"s summon reached yesterday."

"I know, I was delayed by a small matter."

Liu Yi Chen gave a little laugh in disdain, "Let"s go, another one of us is waiting."

The two left. Jun Sui followed on in a hurry.

When all of them were a distance away, Morris took out a phone, contacting the others.

"All pa.s.sed, they"re moving on to the next destination."

When Feng Ping Lan woke up, the vehicle had almost reached the hotel. There were few cars on the road at night, so they arrived there earlier than expected.

"What"s the situation?" Feng Ping Lan asked worriedly.

"All according to plan." Dongya answered smilingly, "They"ll reach in an hour, we have enough time to prepare."

"That"s great."

"That seemingly messy plan is actually showing results." Byriel glanced at Feng Ping Lan with a smile, "Looks like you have the ability after all."

"Hehe, it"s not bad…" Feng Ping Lan secretly looked up at Quetzal.

He still had the majestic expression on, his emotions unable to be seen.

Was Quetzal angry?

Aiya, as expected, he shouldn"t have asked him to agree in that situation, it sounded like a threat…

He wondered, what did Quetzal think of this plan?

Could he antic.i.p.ate being praised?

Entering the hotel, the magnificent furnishings and imposing style of the hall awed everyone.

"That guy"s relative sure has a lot of money…" Byriel sized this place up, smiling as he spoke.

"This makes me think of the Royal Palace during the festive season." Dongya reminisced.

As they went to the front desk, as they thought they would be unable to check in at this time, they were even mentally prepared to cast some hallucinatory spells. But unexpectedly, when the personnel at the front desk saw the member card, their att.i.tudes became even more respectful, even accepting everything without question, including letting them stay in their highest-ranking villa.

They had reserved two rooms. One was the villa overlooking the ocean with the ghost rumors, and another was a little wooden house a little distance behind the villa.

They first entered the villa overlooking the ocean. The decorations and furnishing inside were incredibly elegant, having a southeast-asian grace to it. The simple fittings, as well as the fresh tropical flowers, the entire room gave off a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere.

"Wow! There"s a public bath!" Feng Ping Lan cried out in surprise.

The front courtyard facing the ocean had an open-air public bath, where they could bathe while appreciating the view.

Feng Ping Lan rushed forward, excitedly running around near the public bath, then very automatically opening the faucet and filling it with hot water.

"What are you doing?"

"I"m filling it up with water first, so we can bathe in it after the mission finishes, haha!"

"You"re really optimistic." Byriel reminded with a smile, "Have you ever thought of anything unexpected happening, that wouldn"t allow you to leisurely bathe here?" For example, the plan failing, and them having to fill the battlefield with bodies, hehe…

"That probably won"t happen— ah!" Feng Ping Lan suddenly cried out in fear, as if he had just remembered something important. He held his forehead and sighed in regret, "I forgot to bring my swimsuit! Byriel, you were right, something unexpected happened!"

Byriel"s smile was stuck stiffly on his face. That wasn"t what he meant…

Feng Ping Lan lowered his head, looking at his disguise, "Or I should say, women"s swimsuit. Which does Byriel prefer, bikinis or a one piece?"

Byriel smiled shaking his head, "Is this matter worth being concerned over?"

"I guess you"re right…" Feng Ping Lan nodded his head, "Might as well wear the emperor"s new clothes and swim naked, hahahaha!"

"Do you know," Byriel smiled brilliantly, "There are times when I seriously feel like killing you. Hehehe…"

Not wasting too much time with the idle talk, the people who had arrived first started placing the trap.

Taking down the tuning fork necklace and turning it into its original size, Simo played a sound, then, struck the ground twice with the halberd, shapeless sound waves spread out, covering the entire area.

Dongya touched his arms lightly, and the symbols hidden underneath his skin appeared. He used the tips of his finger to lightly play the nodes of the symbols on his arms, and the marks branded on his skin moved away from the surface, floating into the air. He revolved his finger, and the marks expanded after circling around his fingers a few times. They stood upwards, constructed, and everything within a twenty-meter radius of the house was surrounded by the markings.

Byriel spread his palms, blowing upon his hands, and golden powder flew into the air, disseminating around the villa.

The people around the villa started feeling tired, and within half a minute, all entered a state of deep sleep.

Quetzal did not do anything. All the shadows were his territory, and the night was his stage, he could always throw out a fatal and effective attack. He was the last defense, the last weapon.

The bait had been tossed out, the net had been cast.

Next, was to capture the insect.

After the group of three Kaido, Liu Yi Chen, and Su Li Wan met up, they arrived at the hotel deep into the night.

"Welcome!" An enthusiastic call came from the front desk, "May I ask if you have a reservation?"

Liu Yi Chen and the others froze, they recognized Feng Ping Lan in that female outfit.

But, Feng Ping Lan appearing here wasn"t written in the script.

Kaido did not know this was Feng Ping Lan, so he didn"t give much of a reaction.

"Yes… We have a reservation…" Liu Yi Chen spoke, and asked without batting an eyelid, "I thought I had already made it clear to another of your staff."

"I"m sorry, there was a temporary change of personnel tonight, and there might have been some oversights in the process, so we might need to verify with you, we hope to have your understanding." Feng Ping Lan flipped through a book, "Mr. Liu and two others, the villa overlooking the ocean, is that correct?"

They had only intended on putting the other guests and part of the staff to sleep, but as there were changes in work shifts during the night, with the staff coming and going, there was always the possibility of something unexpected happening, so they directly put the entire hotel under a spell, letting everyone fall into a deep sleep.

Liu Yi Chen immediately understood, and continued to act out the script, "Yes."

"Very well, this is your key." Feng Ping Lan placed the key into Liu Yi Chen"s hands, then walked out of the front desk. "I will lead the way."

Feng Ping Lan led everybody to the residence, and Liu Yi Chen, Su Li Wan, and Kaido entered in succession.

"I wish all of you a pleasant evening." Before Kaido could enter the house, Feng Ping Lan took his hand on his own initiative. "I am very thankful of your arrival here."

Kaido had intended on shaking away the other"s hand, but as he saw the genuinely resplendent smile on Feng Ping Lan"s face, his heart pounded, making him not want to let go of his hand.

"Mm…" Kaido carelessly answered with a sound.

"If there is anything you can always come to the front desk to find me." Feng Ping Lan gripped his hand firmly, "Good evening." He then loosened his grip, turning to leave.

Kaido stood there, looking on as the other"s lucid and elegant back as it vanished into the corner. He regained his senses, feeling bewildered at his own reaction, but then turned to enter the house without much thought.

Jun Sui hid in a tree a distance away, and after parting out a few familiars, flew towards the balcony of the villa facing the ocean, the windows, waiting to observe.

The three entered the room, placing their luggage in the corner, and sat in the sofa of the main lobby.

"It"s been a while…" Liu Yi Chen followed the lines of the script. "Any successes?"

"Five. Three of them were in the same city." Kaido replied. "Those three were part of the same group, and two of them even brought some small fry over."

"That"s quite rare." Su Li Wan furrowed her eyebrows, "Usurpers very rarely move in groups, just who signed a contract with them? Opposers?"

"I didn"t have time to question them," Kaido said coldly in a low voice.

"You don"t know how to hold yourself back." Liu Yi Chen poured herself a gla.s.s of water, smiling, "What about the third?"

"He appeared suddenly just when I was preparing to leave. When I interrogated him, I found out he was working with the other two." Kaido thought of the situation when he was being interrogated by Jiu Shao, and held back from gritting his teeth, his intonation fierce as he said, "A shame I couldn"t get his motive and the main person behind this from him…"

Jun Sui who eavesdropped from afar trembled.

That miemoshi was talking about Mang Nao, Ci Mu, and Jiu Shao… Luckily, they hadn"t blurted out the Third Prince"s plan.

"We originally planned on holding this meeting yesterday, you delayed it a day, is there any new news?"

"I thought another demon that would walk right into my trap, but what a shame, the a.s.sociation"s summon came before that happened," Kaido said maliciously. "I will submit a report to the a.s.sociation and let them cla.s.sify that area as an important observation ground. There will inevitably be a demon with a loose mouth, that will be unable to hold back from spitting it out…"

Jun Sui secretly noted down what he said.

In the other house, through Simo"s halberd, all the sounds were transferred over, letting them hear the developments and the conversation at the same time.

All was going smoothly at this point, and all the false information that was to be sent out had been sent. Now, all that was left to do was to let him escape to report the wrong information.

"Very well." Liu Yi Chen suddenly stood up, "Now that all the public affairs are done, next, it"s time to settle our private matters."

She took a gla.s.s and walked towards Kaido, and then, violently hurled the gla.s.s at him.

Kaido effortlessly dodged it. The gla.s.s smashed onto the floor, letting out an ear-piercing sound.

Jun Sui, who was eavesdropping in the corner, widened his eyes, failing to understand this sudden development.

"You dirty little thief!" Liu Yi Chen bellowed resentfully, "Has no one told you, not to simply touch another"s belongings? Hm?"

"You can only blame yourself for not being able to look after your own things." Kaido smiled coldly, "Besides, she provoked me first. Your wife longs to be stolen away by someone else— I"m just going along with her wishes, becoming that heart-stealing little thief."

What was up with these lines… Although he was incredibly reluctant, he resigned himself to act it out.

"Shut up!" Liu Yi Chen roared, "On behalf of us being members of the same a.s.sociation, I can allow not looking into your past. But I won"t allow you to have any more contact with her! Even if you are her college senior!"

"I"m afraid there is nothing to be done about it." Kaido smiled loftily, "I only want her body, but she has given up her heart as a freebie along with it."

On this end Kaido was so humiliated for saying these lines he wanted to punch himself in the face; on the other end Simo was so excited she nodded her head again and again, secretly clenching her fist and cheering in her heart.

The plot of intertwining love and hate… It was impossible to give up…

Liu Yi Chen kicked away the tea table. This wasn"t indicated in the script, she had added it herself. She had a sudden realization, that acting out this kind of melodramatic storyline gave her a delightful stress-relieving feeling.

"You don"t understand her at all! She can"t love a person like you!"

Kaido smiled coldly, "You"re overbearing and willful, obstinately clinging to your own course, it"s no wonder everyone around you seems to distance themselves from you."

As he said those lines, there was a slight stabbing pain in his heart… Although this was said to the other, it felt like it was talking about himself.

Feng Ping Lan"s words surface upon his mind.

That person who would keep on sticking to him, running over to find him, even though he obstinately clung to his own course, overbearing and willful…

Liu Yi Chen kicked at Kaido. Kaido leaped up, dodging it.

"I"ll kill you—" She roared.

"I think this storyline is really unnecessary." Conglong, who was watching on another end, complained.

"Who cares, it"s already been acted out," Morris replied. Although perplexingly, he thought that it was a little brilliant…

Jun Sui who was peeping in had more or less understood the situation.

The miemoshi were having an internal conflict, and the reason was one of their lovers.

It was just too bewildering, only humans would make a big fuss over such a thing.

Humans were indeed troublesome things…

"The two of you, calm down." Su Li Wan, who had been silent for the whole time, suddenly spoke. "There"s no use continuing with this dispute, perhaps, we can directly ask the lady herself."


"She isn"t here anyway."

"Oh?" Su Li Wan raised her eyebrows, "Then, who was the one who sent those familiars eavesdropping outside?" As she said this, her eyes glanced out the window, gaze meeting with the familiars.

Kaido quickly shot out seal paper, binding the familiars up.

Jun Sui"s heart trembled.

He"d been discovered!

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