Chapter 3

“So, what’s a miemoshi’s seal?” On the way down, Byriel questioned Liu Yi Chen .

Liu Yi Chen furrowed her brows, not expecting Byriel to take the initiative to ask her this .

“Weren’t you acting like a know-it-all earlier? Now you’re saying you actually know nothing?”

Byriel smiled brilliantly, “I found out quite a lot in the end, hehehe . ”

Liu Yi Chen looked at that bewitching smile, humphing exasperatedly . Although she wasn’t used to seeing Byriel have people running around in circles, it was fine as long as the individual was Cao Ji Xian .

“The miemoshi’s seal is a type of imprint that indicates its scope of influence . It declares that this area has someone in charge of it, and no one is to interfere . The moment a Summoner enters the area, it will start up and attack the intruder . ”

“Oh? Don’t they care about hurting an ordinary human?”

“A normal human will be herded away by the spell . There’s a trace of a contract on every Summoner, so it’s hard to avoid a miemoshi’s wards . ”

No wonder there wasn’t a single Summoner that had appeared, whenever some occasional human with a lack of tact came across their residence in those past few years .

He looked at Feng Ping Lan .

Including this guy…

But, if there actually was a seal, why didn’t anything happen to them after binding the contract?

“What sort of places would have this mark?” Conglong started questioning too .

“There are many situations . A few seal in demons or some secret treasure, some are safe houses for miemoshi, and some could possibly be a place to hide corpses . ”



Feng Ping Lan and Zong Yu exclaimed at the same time . But, the former was out of astonishment, the latter was out of pleasant surprise .

“A miemoshi’s occupation will always result in plenty of death . Some Summoner’s corpses will still contain some power in them, and you can’t simply handle them . Preserving them could actually be of some use in the future . ” Liu Yi Chen looked at Feng Ping Lan’s group doubtfully, “That said, don’t you guys live there? Why are you asking me this? What exactly is in that house? How did you guys manage to live in that place?”

“Uh…” Feng Ping Lan eyeb.a.l.l.s roved around, “That, um, Phantom matters…”

“That won’t work on me! I’m not Cao Ji Xian, that idiot . ”

“Cla.s.s Rep really is wise and resolute, hahaha…” Feng Ping Lan kept on smiling, but his smile looked a little awkward .

He couldn’t tell her the truth, but he didn’t want to lie to Liu Yi Chen . He didn’t want to lie to his friend . Even if the fact that she was his friend was something he had decided all on his own .

“It’s fine if you don’t want to say . ” Liu Yi Chen turned around, and continued walking, “Those are your family matters . ”

Although she had some misgivings, she didn’t plan on asking more about it . She didn’t like forcing people, digging into private matters . It was just that, being refused by a friend, made her feel the slightest bit unhappy…

Feng Ping Lan, upon seeing her give up, breathed out a sigh of relief .

At the same time, Feng Ping Lan and the Contracts pondered on Liu Yi Chen’s words .

If there was a seal in the house, they could then locate the miemoshi’s location if they could find it . This way, they were one more step closer to finding Prince Shuekan…

Feng Ping Lan’s footsteps became lighter without him realizing it .

This was great! He had to quickly tell Quetzal about this! Quetzal would definitely be really happy .

He smiled widely, quickening his footsteps . On one hand, he was hurrying to the sick bay to inform Quetzal of the good news, and on the other hand, he was dumping the reluctance that had crept into the very back of his mind, not confronting it .

At least, he wasn’t confronting it now .

They walked down the staircase to the first floor . As Feng Ping Lan pa.s.sed through the Deportment & Aesthetics Research Club, a kind of unusual feeling emerged in his heart, like warm water was flowing through his entire body . He paused in his footsteps, scratched his head puzzledly, and tilted his head to look at the room of the Deportment & Aesthetics Research Club .

“What is it?”

“Mm, I don’t know . ” Feng Ping Lan thought about it for a second, “I want to take a look inside . ”

“Let me warn you first, don’t go in there, leave immediately . Yerde might have already returned . ” Liu Yi Chen back three steps away, as if she would suffer a calamity if she stayed long enough . “This place is like a fire pit, selling your soul to leave this place wouldn’t be enough to escape . ”

“What did you pay to escape from there then?” Byriel was curious .

“None of your business!” Liu Yi Chen’s expression turned ugly, then turned to urge, “Let’s go!”

Feng Ping Lan stood before the door, speaking dumbly, “Why do I feel like there’s something that I’d really mind inside this room…”

He hadn’t really felt much when he had walked past this room earlier, but at this moment, there was something behind this door that attracted him, calling out to him .

He lifted his hand towards the k.n.o.b . The door was unlocked, which meant there was someone in there .

The moment the k.n.o.b was turned, Liu Yi Chen sped to the end of the corridor at an astonishing speed, standing at a safe distance to observe .

Feng Ping Lan pushed the door open . The room was slightly smaller than the Supernatural Research club room but was about as big as a normal cla.s.sroom . One side of the cla.s.sroom was half-covered with windows, the afternoon sunlight rushing in from the azure sky .

A long and broad shadow sat before the windows, glittering under the daylight .

The person inside the room was astonished by the sudden visitor, and raising his head to meet the newcomer, subtly wrinkled his brow .


Feng Ping Lan rushed into the room in big strides, straight on to his target, “Quetzal! It’s you! I was just about to go to the sickbay to find you, what a surprise! Goodness, is there a red string connected between our fingers? The string of fate is tightly binding the two of us together!”

Quetzal stepped back to the side, displaying an annoyed expression .

Why was it that he would meet this troublesome guy no matter where he went…

“Out to treat someone, Mr Doctor? Or have you finally realized some sort of conscience, come to learn how to become a courteous person? Forgive me for saying this, but I never would have imagined how you would appear in this place otherwise . Hehehe…”

“Does Quetzal plan on joining the Deportment & Aesthetics Club?” Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal in astonishment, seriously dissuading him, “Quetzal’s deportment skills are already to the point of perfection, there is absolutely no need for you to join this sort of club! If Quetzal is really that set on joining…” Feng Ping Lan paused for a moment, then said this with a bit of embarra.s.sment in his voice, “If it’s like this, I’d like to join too…”

Quetzal did not speak, coldly looking on as from the time Feng Ping Lan started acting stupid to the end, only speaking indifferently when the other finally shut up .

“This is just an interim mission I received,” Quetzal replied chillingly, gaze sweeping across the doc.u.ments placed on the desk, then did not say any more .

Dongya walked forward to pick up those doc.u.ments, scanning a look through it, “Oh, you’re subst.i.tuting Yerde’s, including his club supervision and wushu . ”

“W-w-w-what?!” Feng Ping Lan sucked in a breath in pleasant surprise, making the sound one normally heard when the toilets on airplanes made a flushing sound, “I want to join this club! Quetzal-laoshi I want to join this club! Teacher, what are the activities for this club today? Are we learning social dancing? Can I pair up with you, teacher?”

Hearing this, Morris, Conglong and Simo couldn’t help but snicker behind their backs . Byriel openly laughed out loud .

“Aiyaya, sounds like an extremely comical scenario… Hehehe…”

Quetzal frowned, “This is just temporary . This ends the moment Yerde comes back from his mission . ”

“Is that so . ” Feng Ping Lan nodded his head, then muttered as if he had come to a sudden realization, “…If Yerde dies in the line of duty…”

“Hey hey hey! What are you saying!” Liu Yi Chen, who had realized there was no real danger and come back into this room, voiced out to stop Feng Ping Lan from jinxing him .

Quetzal stood quietly by the side, coldly looking at the newly-arrived people . He did not speak, his ice-cold gaze and harsh imposing manner giving out a silent order .

Dongya and the others that had some semblance of tact rubbed their noses and turned to

leave .

Feng Ping Lan had never known how to read the situation .

“Hey, let’s go . ” Conglong called out to him .

“Wait a minute, I was just about to go find Quetzal . ” He looked at Quetzal, the corners of his lips and his eyes smiling so wide they were about to connect, “I’ve found you, hehehe…”

The others shrugged and left .

The only ones left in the cla.s.sroom were Quetzal and Feng Ping Lan .

Quetzal ignored Feng Ping Lan’s existence, sitting back onto the chair behind the table . Feng Ping Lan walked up to the front desk, pulling a chair forward to sit there, but instead of sitting before him, he sat by his side .

“We went to look around the Supernatural Research Club earlier! Did you know that some of the clubs in Zephaniah were restricted to Shadow Academy students only! Like the Supernature Research, Drama Research and Magic Research . Ah, Supernature Research is short for Supernatural Research Club, it’s a club that specializes in making supernatural phenomena…” Feng Ping Lan babbled off on his own, thoroughly explaining the particulars of those trivial matters .

Quetzal felt that this was really noisy and irritating . He wanted to leave, but all supervising teachers had to stay within the club room until the period was over, according to the rules . He wanted to avoid Feng Ping Lan, but Feng Ping Lan was blocking him incessantly right before him, not letting him leave .

He could leave his seat using his own shadows, but he felt like he was making a big fuss over a small issue, to use a spell over something like this .

He turned to glance at Feng Ping Lan, instantly realizing that Feng Ping Lan was staring at him with both eyes . The two stared at each other at that moment, and Feng Ping Lan broke out into a smile .

Quetzal furrowed his eyebrows . Was this guy doing it on purpose?

“—So, there’s a mark in the residence the miemoshi that sealed you in left behind . ”

Hearing something that he cared about very much, Quetzal snapped out of it, “What?”

“A miemoshi, didn’t I say that earlier, the Phantom Department . Quetzal’s not focusing, this won’t do, you know!” Feng Ping Lan wagged his finger in front of Quetzal .

Quetzal disliked this action, but his purple eyes reluctantly followed Feng Ping Lan’s finger .

His throat felt hoa.r.s.e .

Turning his head away, and forcing down that agitation driven by his instinct, Quetzal stiffened his face, no longer acknowledging Feng Ping Lan . He turned his attention back to the information Feng Ping Lan had provided .

Feng Ping Lan continued talking, about the files in the Supernatural Research Club, and what Liu Yi Chen had said on that matter . He then started babbling on his own after he was finished speaking .

“I wonder what a miemoshi’s seal looks like? Apparently, the Drama and Magic Clubs receive missions from the a.s.sociation too, so they might have some records of their own . There might be some important information for us with them, who knows . ” Feng Ping Lan smiled in slight distress, “Only club members can take a look at them, though . We might not get a chance to see them even if we join, how troublesome . I hope there’s a way we can freely read the files of all three clubs . ”

Quetzal did not say anything .

There would always be some way to read them .

He had felt the various anti-theft measures, safety wards, the moment he had stepped into this building . There was even a demon guarding the entrance .

But, this level of protection was just a weak set-up for him . Although the bangle around his wrist was a slight hindrance…

As Quetzal contemplated, he suddenly realized, the buzzing sound by his ear had vanished .

He turned his head, that pair of limpid eyes staring back at him as always . But, there wasn’t a trace of a smile this time, instead bearing a look of concern .

“Um,” Feng Ping Lan said hesitantly, “Are you okay?”

Those apathetic features moved to slightly pinch together .

“Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, I just have a feeling that you don’t look so good . ” Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal, tilting his head, “Are you tired?”

Quetzal did not answer .

“Or are you…” Feng Ping Lan roved about, “Hungry?”

Quetzal had only eaten once since they established the contract, and that had been on that day itself . He did not know how long eating once would last him, but he could feel that… Quetzal seemed to be… Not as stable as before .

Having been seen through by someone, Quetzal felt perplexingly resentful . He felt disgusted at himself, and disgusted at the person who had seen through him .

“If you’re hungry, I can—”

“It has nothing to do with you . ” Quetzal reprimanded, “Do not overrate your own importance, human…”

Indeed, his strength was starting to wane . He had used up plenty of his physical power after the fight with Jiu Shao, for some reason . He had been astonished at that, since he hadn’t spent much effort on that battle .

“I know!” Facing Quetzal, Feng Ping Lan replied with a smile, “Prince Shuekan is Quetzal’s most important person . I was just wondering if you were hungry, hahaha!”

Quetzal gazed coldly at the easy-going Feng Ping Lan smiling brilliantly . In that instance, he unexpectedly found himself severely regretting his own words .

“That’s right,” Feng Ping Lan suddenly brought up a certain topic, “Back when I was fighting Jiu Shao, I was so tired that I was about to collapse, but when I thought about you, I could actually feel myself gaining a huge amount of strength…” This question had plagued him for many days, having had no chance to ask about it .

Quetzal also thought back to the circ.u.mstances of that night . That night, he had been in the cla.s.sroom of the Shadow Academy, and yet he could hear Feng Ping Lan’s cries, even going as far as to know of Feng Ping Lan’s plight .

Feng Ping Lan had asked for help from him, calling upon him for his power . He had returned the call, then felt a bit of his power leak out of his body, like a thin shapeless stream, pouring into the soul on the other end of the connection .

“Did you do it, Quetzal?” Feng Ping Lan questioned excitedly .

“I do not know what you are saying . ”

Indeed, he had no idea how that had happened, as this had never happened before . He had never heard of such a thing . What he absolutely denied, however, what he absolutely did not want to admit, was that there was something fettering him and Feng Ping Lan together .

“Is that so . ” Feng Ping Lan nodded, “And I thought there was some kind of connection between us, hahaha!”

This was the exact point Quetzal wanted to deny at all costs .

“There is absolutely nothing between us, excluding that obligatory contract on matter of life or death . ” Quetzal warned severely, “There is no need for an unnecessary complication, including this conversation, right here, right now . ”

“Is that so…” Feng Ping Lan scratched his head in distress, “But I want to get closer to Quetzal . ”

Quetzal furrowed his brows, about to leave via his shadows . But then, Feng Ping Lan continued .

“Because Quetzal treats me very well . ”

Quetzal froze slightly .

He did not think so . In the slightest . What he did not understand the most, was just how Feng Ping Lan had come up with this notion .

“Although Quetzal’s a little cold, always looking a little standoffish, you always tolerate me whenever I prattle on and disturb you, hahaha . ”

Quetzal smiled coldly within his heart .

So this guy had some self-consciousness after all .

“Besides, Quetzal’s praised me before . ” Feng Ping Lan said with a little embarra.s.sment, “For someone as cool and amazing as you to praise me, I feel like I’ve hit a huge jackpot!”

Quetzal frowned slightly, perplexed .

With just a little praise like that?

With Feng Ping Lan’s abilities, he should be used to praise from others . Why would he hold such importance with such an approval that had been said unthinkingly, something that was so deemphasized?

“Also,” Feng Ping Lan revealed a light smile, a smile that was brought upon lamentable gratefulness and joy, “You didn’t throw me away . Although we’ll part in the future, right now, you’re by my side . ”

Quetzal was powerful, elegant . Just like Jing Lan-ge .

Jing Lan was cultured and polite, and no matter what he did, Jing Lan would never scold him; at the same time, no matter what he did, Jing Lan would never praise him .

He had never been able to guess what Jing Lan was thinking . Although Jing Lan would calmly smile and speak to

to him, he would never let him know of his true emotions and thoughts .

Compared to him, Quetzal was cold and indifferent towards him, never showing him his good side . However, he knew Quetzal’s feelings and state of mind .

Quetzal would praise him . This was the first time, someone as similar to Jing Lan would praise him .

Moreover, he had known from the start that Quetzal would leave . He’d have time to mentally prepare himself . Not like the bewilderment and sorrow that he’d felt last time .

Quetzal stared at Feng Ping Lan . Although he was smiling, it looked unnatural . It felt hideous…

He was unused to this Feng Ping Lan . Even more unused with himself that was paying such close attention to Feng Ping Lan .

The bell rang .

“Oh oh, I should go . ” Feng Ping Lan stood up . Due to the narrow position of his seat, his leg got caught up, and his entire body fell over Quetzal . “Woah!”

Quetzal very much wanted to avoid it, but because of his weakening strength that drove a dizziness to his head, he couldn’t make it in time to disengage himself, and could only allow Feng Ping Lan to fall onto him .

“Sorry sorry…” Feng Ping Lan apologized frantically, “It’s a little narrow . ”

Quetzal looked at him icily, Feng Ping Lan raising his head back at him . He couldn’t help but laugh again .

“I seem to be always falling onto you, Quetzal . Have I been cursed?”

He was the one cursed instead… Quetzal thought silently .

In the next moment, a warm feeling snuck onto his hand .

Quetzal raised his eyebrows, looking on as Feng Ping Lan held his wrist up . The fluctuation of his pulse travelled from his skin to his fingertips .

“I remember, back then when I touched your hand, it felt incredibly cold . ”

Feng Ping Lan reminisced the first time he had b.u.mped into Quetzal on his own in the residence . Although Quetzal had already been freed from the seal, he had felt as ice cold as a statue, then .

He stared at that pale hand, raising his lips into a smile, “It’s become warm . ”

Just as Quetzal was fully prepared to throw that hand off, Feng Ping Lan let go . He stood up .

“See you tonight, laoshi!” He then left, like drifting smoke .

Quetzal glared at that leaving back, reflexively glancing down at his own wrist .

That d.a.m.ned warmth still hadn’t left, and he could still feel that rush of blood in those veins, right under that palm .

A pang of hunger caught him off guard, choking his throat, clamping down on his rationality .

Quetzal hammered a fist into the wall, forcibly pulling his awareness back .

He hated this part about himself…

At night, the Shadow Academy’s were conducted quietly in the reverse s.p.a.ce-time area of the common cla.s.srooms .

Feng Ping Lan had been excitable ever since the first period, grinning occasionally to himself while looking at his watch . In the process, he had been reprimanded by their teacher two or three times to no avail .

“What’s up with him?” At the same time Ivan said this, Feng Ping Lan once again looked at his watch . “That said, where’s that grumpy-faced guy?”

As a subst.i.tute teacher, Quetzal did not need to follow along Shadow Academy tonight .

“He’s subst.i.tuting right now . ” Liu Yi Chen replied exasperatedly, “Yerde’s out on a mission, so Quetzal’s subst.i.tuting him . That’s why this grinning idiot keeps on antic.i.p.ating the wushu . ”

“What? The atmosphere’s going to be like attending a funeral!” Ivan frowned, then quickly switched to a smile, “Wait, Contracts don’t need to partic.i.p.ate, so watching everybody deal with it might be not bad either . ” That innocent smile was accompanied by malicious words .

“Have you decided on a club yet?” Su Li Wan asked quietly, “I heard that Cao Ji Xian went to have a talk with Reina and Aidi this afternoon . I wondered if it had something to do with all of you…”

Reina and Aidi were the Drama Research Club and Magic Research Club’s club presidents, respectively . As the presidents of the Three Great Clubs, they would frequently collaborate on various missions, which caused them to be familiar with each other . They were allies on the surface, but would mutually look upon each other with contempt, and compare each other behind their backs .

Liu Yi Chen scoffed, “Those three, is there anything they can do other than talking behind each other’s backs and gossiping?”

“There is . Bullying their club members and currying favor with the a.s.sociation . ”

Liu Yi Chen nodded her head hard in agreement .

“What club are you in, Li Wan?” Feng Ping Lan curiously turned his head towards Su Li Wan .

“The Drama Research Club . ”

“Is the Drama Research fun?”

Su Li Wan hesitated for a moment, giving out a tactful answer, “I am able to do the things I rarely do…”

In truth, she wasn’t very interested in the clubs here . But since it was the rules, she had simply picked the Drama Research Club, who was more populated with females within Shadow Academy’s three clubs .

The club president Reina didn’t seem to like her very much, and since the day she entered the club, she was still stuck with odd jobs, not really partic.i.p.ating the actual activities of the club .

“Igor and I are in the Archery Club!” Ivan cut in, “We joined the Magic Research Club too since they were one of the Shadow Academy’s big organizations, but I think the president’s really hateful . The activities are really boring too, so I always leave after signing my name . Igor too . ”

“I never thought Igor would be one to skip cla.s.s . ”

Igor coughed lightly in embarra.s.sment .

“If you guys join the Magic Research, I want to be grouped with you,” Ivan said suddenly .


“Because tagging along with you guys will be fun . ” Ivan smiled, “I like to watch a good show . ”

“Oh?” Byriel turned his head when he heard this, “I do too, hehehe…”

Ivan gave a hollow laugh, “We must be on the same side then!”

He liked watching people making fools of themselves, but Byriel was another matter entirely . He still hadn’t pulled free from being called ‘Ruddy Pervert’, ever since Byriel humiliated him in front of their cla.s.smates the other day .

“Certainly, certainly . Hehehe…” Byriel’s usual made Ivan’s heart shiver .

As Feng Ping Lan listened to Liu Yi Chen and Ivan’s conversations of the clubs, he filled his notebook with densely packed notes . His hands scribbled non-stop, writing down the stuff that was unknown to him, but it was a great deal lesser than when he’d first attended Shadow Academy .

This kind of school life was actually quite relaxed, not quite different from the morning .

Feng Ping Lan paused for a moment . He was unused to this kind of tranquility, as if he was missing something…

He’d figured it out . He was missing those eyes full of killing intent that was always staring at him, and constant dread that seemed to follow him everywhere .

Feng Ping Lan turned his head, gazing at Kaido, who sat on the other side of the room .

Before this, Kaido would deliberately choose a seat close to him, and then glare at him, spitting out provoking words at any chance he got . But ever since the Jiu Shao incident, it was as if the fire had died inside Kaido, and he’d turned distantly cold and indifferent . As per the promises they’d undertaken during the match, he wouldn’t come to hara.s.s Feng Ping Lan and his Contracts any longer .

Feng Ping Lan scratched his head .

He was supposed to be happy about returning to an undisturbed life once more . But this kind of peacefulness, he did not want .

When the time came for zhoushu cla.s.s, Feng Ping Lan partnered with Su Li Wan as usual, because only Su Li Wan knew that he had absolutely no knowledge of using incantations, and that he didn’t have a single lick of power .

While they practiced, Su Li Wan would secretly let up on him, pretending that their strength considerably equal to each other . She had felt kind of awkward about it at the start, but the more they practiced, she felt that it was actually a little interesting .

Feng Ping Lan attempted to use wind fuzhou, but the talisman with the magic circle drawn on it wouldn’t move a single bit . Su Li Wan took two steps back cooperatively, acting as if she had been forced back by the wind, even making out a painful expression .

Feng Ping Lan secretly gave her a big thumbs up . Su Li Wan couldn’t help but smile, but immediately put on a serious expression, throwing a flame spell at Feng Ping Lan .

Lan . The little fireball rushed speedily at Feng Ping Lan, but before it could touch him, Feng Ping Lan had already knelt down on both knees, body falling backward, like a protagonist that had narrowly escaped a bullet . The fireball flew over, its movements smooth and easy, not letting anyone see a hole in their actions .

Just when he was about to get up, a lonely figure entered Feng Ping Lan’s vision . Kaido stood by himself in the corner, shooting attacks at a defensive screen on the wall, the surface giving out little fireworks created by a collision of spells .

The past Kaido would frequently chase after him, challenging him, that he had to put in quite a lot of effort to avoid Kaido .

He really wasn’t used to this .

Kaido once again shot out the chopping curse, the cold lights like thin blades slicing through the walls, but was immediately shot back, breaking up in the air .

He halted his movements, panting slightly .

Suddenly, a strange figure crept silently over, crashing into his line of sight . He turned, only to see a body lying on the floor, rolling over to him like a scroll .

Kaido stared blankly, and before he could think, that rolling body stopped by his feet, and after wiggling for a while, clumsily turned over to face up .

That familiar stupid smile appeared before him .

“Hi, Xiao Do-Do . Alone? Need some company tonight? Hahahahaha!”

Feng Ping Lan’s brain-dead words make Kaido frown, but he did not curse, nor did he chase him away, just opening his mouth indifferently .

“Why are you here…”

“Xiao Do-Do’s become so cold to me recently, you never come to find me anymore . Why?”

“I went to challenge you for your Contracts before this . I lost, so I have no reason to find you anymore . ”

“How can this be?!” Feng Ping Lan lay on the ground, pointing at him accusingly, “Before this you would pa.s.sionately come over to see me every day, even breaking the school rules to send a b.u.t.terfly to give me a message . Flinging me to the side after thoroughly playing me once? Xiao Do-Do, to you, am I just a wet tissue whose only use was to accompany you during those lonely nights? We’re even living together now, how can you be so distant? Could this be the so-called ‘stuck together like glue, yet separated on two different lands’…”

Feng Ping Lan’s words attracted much attention from the surroundings .

“What are you talking about!” Kaido roared agitatedly, “Isn’t this what you wanted! Didn’t you refuse to give up your Contracts? You’ve already gotten the outcome you wanted, what else do you want?!”

“Oh, yeah, I did refuse your request . ” Feng Ping Lan smiled, “But I want to be hara.s.sed by you . ”

Kaido widened his eyes, his anger reaching an all-time high, “Have you had enough! If this is how you want to humiliate me, you win!” He turned to leave, but realized that his feet couldn’t move .

Feng Ping Lan was grabbing onto his pants .

“Being so pa.s.sive and dull is not a single bit like Kaido . ” Feng smiled glancing at Kaido, “I prefer the prideful, stubborn and obstinate person that you were before this . ”

Kaido stared blankly at him, not expecting Feng Ping Lan to actually have the guts to say something like this . In the past always, he had always received the negative att.i.tudes of everyone around him . His origins, his personality, his words, and actions, had always been something that had been denied .

The only time he had received acknowledgment, was when he had achieved victories during battle .

A b.a.s.t.a.r.d son from a branch family, an improper bloodline, lacking in upbringing, his only merit is to become a weapon . This is how much your existence is worth .

Then what was the reason for living for himself?

A pulling sensation came from his feet, catching his attention .

“Xiao Do-Do…” Feng Ping Lan lifted Kaido’s trouser leg, staring at his small thigh, “Do you shave your legs frequently? It’s so smooth…”

“You idiot!” Kaido pulled his leg away, reprimanding, “Get up!”

“I want to get up, of course . ” Feng Ping Lan forced a smile, “But I rolled too violently just now, my head’s spinning, I think I’m gonna become like Conglong whenever he sits in a car, ugh…”

Kaido stared at the groaning Feng Ping Lan, crease in his brow so deep it almost sunk into his brain .

How could there be such a brain-dead idiot! This kind of idiot was actually a Spec Ad student!

“Xiao Do-Do, hold me, my head’s spinning, I can’t get up…”

How could there be such a shameless scoundrel! And he had been defeated by this scoundrel, and he was actually lodging under his roof!

Kaido suddenly felt angry at himself . He wanted to beat Feng Ping Lan up, but wanted to beat himself up more .

“Xiao Do-Do—”

“Shut up!”

Kaido couldn’t stand it anymore . He gave a low roar, reaching out to push Feng Ping Lan away, and then leave .

But the moment his hands touched Feng Ping Lan, before he could do anything, he was pulled forward in the opposite direction . And Kaido, who was too late to do anything, fell violently onto Feng Ping Lan .

“Yaa! Young Master, please don’t! The Master comes first! Hahahahaha!”

Kaido got up resentfully, summoning his sword, “I’ll slaughter you!”

Feng Ping Lan jumped up nimbly, and ran away, “Aiya! How lecherous, hahahahaha!”

The two of them started a wild goose chase all over the compound .

The other students watched Feng Ping Lan and Kaido’s movements, surprised and amused .

Amongst them, there was a pair of eyes that looked at Feng Ping Lan, silently scheming out a plan .

Third period, wushu cla.s.s .

The moment the bell rang, Feng Ping Lan rushed out of the cla.s.sroom and sped up to the rooftops .

He was the first student to reach the cla.s.sroom, with only the group of instructors preparing the equipment there . In the distance, Feng Ping Lan could see an arrogant figure standing in the center .

“Quetzal!” Feng Ping Lan ran straight for Quetzal like a missile that had realized its target .

This time Quetzal had prepared for it, and his shadows shot up, creating a protective barrier that separated Feng Ping Lan from him .

Feng Ping Lan knocked on the black wall, calling out Quetzal’s name . Quetzal turned a deaf ear, quietly looking at the teacher’s records .

Feng Ping Lan saw that Quetzal was ignoring him, and pasted himself on the shadowy wall, staring straight at him .

Quetzal raised his head and caught his gaze right at that moment, suddenly feeling uncomfortable all over .

For some reason, he seemed to feel what exactly Feng Ping Lan was thinking…

“Is he always like that?” One of the teachers teaching long-ranged weapons, Yuan Hu, pa.s.sed by Quetzal and said jokingly, “Your master likes you very much . ”

Quetzal furrowed his brows, “He is not my master…”

“Mm, that does seem like it . ” Yuan Hu nodded, “He seems more like your fan . No matter what, with this kind of Summoner, your days must be quite comfortable huh, how enviable…”

Quetzal did not reply .

He didn’t think this was anything to envy about . Feng Ping Lan was just an inconvenience that let him stay in this world, gain trust from the a.s.sociation, an existence that he had to cooperate with .

All this was for Prince Shuekan, his only master was Prince Shuekan .

He repeated this strongly in his heart thrice, seemingly trying to convince himself .

Why would he want to convince himself, he did not know .

Possibly because it was to shirk away from that slight wavering in his heart…

The students arrived one after another, and Quetzal went up the podium after taking down that shadowy wall . Feng Ping Lan intended on chasing after him, but taking in account of the bell ringing, he could only behave and remain beneath the platform .

On a normal day, when the students were all present, Yerde would first speak of the basic principles of fighting, the virtues of martial arts pract.i.tioners, the righteousness, and etiquettes of a battle . Most of them held absolutely no interest in these, but as they would be tested on them in the exams, all the students would more or less listen and take notes about it .

The moment Quetzal stood on the podium, the students underneath were a little astonished and curious .

“Yerde is not here, I am the subst.i.tute . ” Quetzal stated coldly, “Separate into groups and train by yourselves . ”

The students momentarily could not react, and until the other instructors started moving towards the training spots, they started to move .

Quite a lot of people let out cheers for not needing to listen to a boring lecture . Only Feng Ping Lan let out a long disappointed sigh .

“What a shame, I thought Quetzal would give a lecture…” As Feng Ping Lan whispered, he put away his camera, “And I borrowed“And I borrowed an HD digital camera from Li Rui to record it too . ”

But nevermind . Luckily, he had been grouped into the Yerde’s western sword group, which meant that Quetzal would also instruct this particular group .

Feng Ping Lan had originally intended on grouping up with Liu Yi Chen, but Liu Yi Chen had been switched to another group after changing her weapon . He wanted Quetzal to instruct him, so he summoned the shadow blade and animatedly slashed at the air, waiting for Quetzal to correct him .

But Quetzal stood silently at the side, watching the students train by themselves .

Feng Ping Lan could only train alone, gripping his sword as he swung randomly at the air, unable to wield it properly .

A brown-haired boy with a silver western sword walked over to Feng Ping Lan .

“Want to train together?” The brown-haired boy smiled, two companions flanking him .

Feng Ping Lan could recognize him as one of Shadow Academy’s students, but he wasn’t really familiar with him, only remembering that his name was Renier .

“Oh, alright!” Feng Ping Lan replied with a smile, “But I really suck at this, you’ll have to tolerate it a little . ”

Renier smiled and started attacking after a bow . Renier’s style was really mild and courteous, making Feng Ping Lan unsure of how to attack .

“You actually won against Kaido, huh . You must be pretty good then . ” Renier spoke smilingly . “You seem to be pretty average most of the time, but turns out you were just hiding your strength . There aren’t many people like you that are so modest in their abilities . ”

“Haha, my win was just a coincidence, and that couldn’t even be considered a win . We got cut off halfway through . ” Feng Ping Lan said with some embarra.s.sment, “And I don’t really have any strength that I can hide . ”

“Oh?” Renier’s lips curled up slightly into a predatory smile, but continued asking calmly, “Are you Kaido’s friend? I see that you’ve been pretty close to him lately . ”

“I’m not really sure . ” Feng Ping Lan blocked Renier’s attack, and retaliated in turn, but was easily blocked again, “Kaido probably doesn’t think of me as a friend . ”

“Is that so?” Renier smiled sinisterly, “So, will he care if you get hurt?”

With that, the slow-moving sword abruptly turned rapid, unexpectedly going towards the blind spot on Feng Ping Lan’s right side .

Feng Ping Lan was caught off guard by Renier’s sudden attack, and couldn’t evade it . The ice-cold edge of the sword sliced past his right arm, tearing through his sleeve, leaving a slash on his flesh .

Blood dripped down his arm .

The pair of purple eyes surveying the crowd gained a hint of bloodthirst .

“Ah . ” Feng Ping Lan let out a small cry, but Renier did not stop here, his other sword about to stab into Feng Ping Lan’s abdomen .

The blade was blocked in midair by another sword .

Quetzal glared down at Renier with an awe-inspiring aura . He did not speak, but his questioning gaze made Renier put down his sword .

“It is common for injuries to happen during spars . ” Renier said smoothly, “Teacher, you can’t play favorites . Your overprotectiveness will lead to your master to becoming even more useless than he is now…”

“He is not my master . ”

“Oh, I can get why you don’t want to acknowledge it . ” Renier revealed an understanding look, “But, when other students from other groups got injured while practicing, why didn’t you get involved?”

Quetzal did not speak .

Renier turned to where the eastern sword group was, and seeing Kaido glaring at him, gave a satisfied smirk .

“I should probably group up with someone else . ” Renier turned, smiling at Feng Ping Lan, “Let’s train together tomorrow, Student Feng . ” Today was just him testing the waters, he had already achieved the result he’d wanted .

The Contracts standing outside saw everything that had occurred, but couldn’t interfere .

“That b.a.s.t.a.r.d did it on purpose,” Conglong said with a frown .

“Even someone blind could see that . ” Morris humped, “But why would he want to bother that idiot? They haven’t really interacted much . ”

“Could it be the same reason as Kaido’s?” Dongya speculated, “To contest over his Contracts…”

“Who knew we were so popular, hehehe…”

“Um,” Tan Hua, who stood to the side, lowered her head remorsefully, “I believe, it must be due to Young Master Kaido…”


“Young Master Kaido beat Renier up pretty badly during the daytime club sessions . ” Tan Hua said quietly, “Young Master Ping Lan has been getting along well with Young Master Kaido recently, so…”

So he had taken out all that resentment on the powerless Feng Ping Lan, using the training session as an excuse to enact his revenge .

No wonder Renier was so particular on whether Feng Ping Lan was Kaido’s friend or not .

“Despicable human!” Morris raged, he absolutely hated this kind of people that would do this kind of thing .

“Despicable, but effective . ” Byriel commented, “Because cla.s.s is in session, the Contracts cannot interfere, and Feng Ping Lan’s skill is inferior . The instructors cannot meddle even if he’s injured . He wouldn’t give out conditions like Kaido would, so he can’t be easily sent away, and we can only wait until he’s willing to stop . You have to admit, this guy’s methods are pretty spectacular, hehehe…”

“I am truly sorry . ” Tan Hua lowered her head .

Morris glared at Renier, gritting his teeth . Compared to him, he suddenly felt that Kaido wasn’t that hateful after all .

Even after Renier had left, Quetzal remained there .

His thirst for blood, and Renier’s words, occupied his thoughts .

He was hungry…

Feng Ping Lan was not his master .

The smell of blood, had the fragrance of the living…

He knew that Renier’s attack wasn’t life-threatening, so why had he cut in?

Don’t care about all that, just . dig . in…

Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal, blinking, “Quetzal?”

Feng Ping Lan wasn’t his master . His only master was Prince Shuekan—

That’s right .


Just eat him .

His rationality was drowned out by his instinct…

“…Are you alright?”

These words were like a splash of cold water . Quetzal was violently pulled back, clenching his teeth .

Still asking about him, at this point in time? Why didn’t he care more about himself!

He wanted Feng Ping Lan to reveal a more selfish side to himself .

This way, he wouldn’t have to face that perplexing confusion and contradiction within himself .


Quetzal turned, glaring at Su Li Wan, who had been constantly poking her head constantly from the other group in concern .

He raised his hand, pointing at Su Li Wan, “You . ”

Su Li Wan jumped in fright .

“Bind his wound . ”

With that, Quetzal flung Feng Ping Lan to the back of his mind, and as if escaping from it all, left through his shadows .

Su Li Wan immediately hurried over . “Are you alright?”

“Mmhm, it’s just a small wound . ” Feng Ping Lan smiled, and seeing where Quetzal had vanished, paused for a few moments before continuing .

After school was over, Feng Ping Lan and the others set forth towards the toilets as usual .

“Since when did you provoke Renier?” Ivan asked curiously .

“Mm? Nope, I’m so innocent and honest, I’m absolutely harmless, how could I offend someone?” Feng Ping Lan said conceitedly, “Why do think I provoked him?”

“He was clearly after you earlier, didn’t you realize!” Liu Yi Chen violently kicked the door open, “b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” If she wasn’t in a different group, she would already be smashing that a.s.shole to bits!

“Oh, I thought that was accidental . ” Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, “It must have been a misunderstanding . I don’t even know him, why would he come after me? Hahaha . ”

Kaido, who was silently splashing water with a hose, furrowed his brows slightly .

“You better be careful . ” Ivan continued, “Renier’s older sister is the Drama Research’s club president, so his connections are broad . You haven’t entered a club yet . If he wants to mess with you, you probably won’t have a single club to join . ”

“It’s that serious?!”

“Reina’s a hard to handle b.i.t.c.h . ” Liu Yi Chen humphed, then glanced at Su Li Wan, “I can’t believe you can stand that meddling woman, even listening to her orders?”

“It’s alright…” Su Li Wan forced a smile, but did not deny Liu Yi Chen’s words .

Feng Ping Lan tilted his head, and could not think of a single factor for Renier’s motivations .

Kaido secretly glanced over, and seeing Feng Ping Lan’s hand wrapped up in bandages, subconsciously tightened his fist .

This was none of his business . Who told Feng Ping Lan to stick to him, being noticed by Renier was his own d.a.m.n problem, it was none of his business .

But, he couldn’t seem to accept it just like this…

d.a.m.n it!

So, what s a miemoshi s seal On the way down, Byriel questioned Liu Yi Chen . Liu Yi Chen furrowed her brows, not expecting Byriel to take the initiative to ask her this . Weren t you acting like a know it all earlier Now you re saying you actually know nothing Byriel smiled brilliantly, I found out quite a lot in the end, hehehe . Liu Yi Chen looked at that bewitching smile, humphing exasperatedly . Although she wasn t used to seeing Byriel have people running around in circles, it was fine as long as the individual was Cao Ji Xian . The miemoshi s seal is a type of imprint that indicates its scope of influence . It declares that this area has someone in charge of it, and no one is to interfere . The moment a Summoner enters the area, it will start up and attack the intruder . Oh Don t they care about hurting an ordinary human A normal human will be herded away by the spell . There s a trace of a contract on every Summoner, so it s hard to avoid a miemoshi s wards . No wonder there wasn t a single Summoner that had appeared, whenever some occasional human with a lack of tact came across their residence in those past few years . He looked at Feng Ping Lan . Including this guy But, if there actually was a seal, why didn t anything happen to them after binding the contract What sort of places would have this mark Conglong started questioning too . There are many situations . A few seal in demons or some secret treasure, some are safe houses for miemoshi, and some could possibly be a place to hide corpses . Corpses Corpses Feng Ping Lan and Zong Yu exclaimed at the same time . But, the former was out of astonishment, the latter was out of pleasant surprise . A miemoshi s occupation will always result in plenty of death . Some Summoner s corpses will still contain some power in them, and you can t simply handle them . Preserving them could actually be of some use in the future . Liu Yi Chen looked at Feng Ping Lan s group doubtfully, That said, don t you guys live there Why are you asking me this What exactly is in that house How did you guys manage to live in that place Uh Feng Ping Lan eyeb.a.l.l.s roved around, That, um, Phantom matters That won t work on me I m not Cao Ji Xian, that idiot . Cla.s.s Rep really is wise and resolute, hahaha Feng Ping Lan kept on smiling, but his smile looked a little awkward . He couldn t tell her the truth, but he didn t want to lie to Liu Yi Chen . He didn t want to lie to his friend . Even if the fact that she was his friend was something he had decided all on his own . It s fine if you don t want to say . Liu Yi Chen turned around, and continued walking, Those are your family matters . Although she had some misgivings, she didn t plan on asking more about it . She didn t like forcing people, digging into private matters . It was just that, being refused by a friend, made her feel the slightest bit unhappy Feng Ping Lan, upon seeing her give up, breathed out a sigh of relief . At the same time, Feng Ping Lan and the Contracts pondered on Liu Yi Chen s words . If there was a seal in the house, they could then locate the miemoshi s location if they could find it . This way, they were one more step closer to finding Prince Shuekan Feng Ping Lan s footsteps became lighter without him realizing it . This was great He had to quickly tell Quetzal about this Quetzal would definitely be really happy . He smiled widely, quickening his footsteps . On one hand, he was hurrying to the sick bay to inform Quetzal of the good news, and on the other hand, he was dumping the reluctance that had crept into the very back of his mind, not confronting it . At least, he wasn t confronting it now . They walked down the staircase to the first floor . As Feng Ping Lan pa.s.sed through the Deportment Aesthetics Research Club, a kind of unusual feeling emerged in his heart, like warm water was flowing through his entire body . He paused in his footsteps, scratched his head puzzledly, and tilted his head to look at the room of the Deportment Aesthetics Research Club . What is it Mm, I don t know . Feng Ping Lan thought about it for a second, I want to take a look inside . Let me warn you first, don t go in there, leave immediately . Yerde might have already returned . Liu Yi Chen back three steps away, as if she would suffer a calamity if she stayed long enough . This place is like a fire pit, selling your soul to leave this place wouldn t be enough to escape . What did you pay to escape from there then Byriel was curious . None of your business Liu Yi Chen s expression turned ugly, then turned to urge, Let s go Feng Ping Lan stood before the door, speaking dumbly, Why do I feel like there s something that I d really mind inside this room He hadn t really felt much when he had walked past this room earlier, but at this moment, there was something behind this door that attracted him, calling out to him . He lifted his hand towards the k.n.o.b . The door was unlocked, which meant there was someone in there . The moment the k.n.o.b was turned, Liu Yi Chen sped to the end of the corridor at an astonishing speed, standing at a safe distance to observe . Feng Ping Lan pushed the door open . The room was slightly smaller than the Supernatural Research club room but was about as big as a normal cla.s.sroom . One side of the cla.s.sroom was half covered with windows, the afternoon sunlight rushing in from the azure sky . A long and broad shadow sat before the windows, glittering under the daylight . The person inside the room was astonished by the sudden visitor, and raising his head to meet the newcomer, subtly wrinkled his brow . Quetzal Feng Ping Lan rushed into the room in big strides, straight on to his target, Quetzal It s you I was just about to go to the sickbay to find you, what a surprise Goodness, is there a red string connected between our fingers The string of fate is tightly binding the two of us together Quetzal stepped back to the side, displaying an annoyed expression . Why was it that he would meet this troublesome guy no matter where he went Out to treat someone, Mr Doctor Or have you finally realized some sort of conscience, come to learn how to become a courteous person Forgive me for saying this, but I never would have imagined how you would appear in this place otherwise . Hehehe Does Quetzal plan on joining the Deportment Aesthetics Club Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal in astonishment, seriously dissuading him, Quetzal s deportment skills are already to the point of perfection, there is absolutely no need for you to join this sort of club If Quetzal is really that set on joining Feng Ping Lan paused for a moment, then said this with a bit of embarra.s.sment in his voice, If it s like this, I d like to join too Quetzal did not speak, coldly looking on as from the time Feng Ping Lan started acting stupid to the end, only speaking indifferently when the other finally shut up . This is just an interim mission I received, Quetzal replied chillingly, gaze sweeping across the doc.u.ments placed on the desk, then did not say any more . Dongya walked forward to pick up those doc.u.ments, scanning a look through it, Oh, you re subst.i.tuting Yerde s, including his club supervision and wushu . W w w what Feng Ping Lan sucked in a breath in pleasant surprise, making the sound one normally heard when the toilets on airplanes made a flushing sound, I want to join this club Quetzal laoshi I want to join this club Teacher, what are the activities for this club today Are we learning social dancing Can I pair up with you, teacher Hearing this, Morris, Conglong and Simo couldn t help but snicker behind their backs . Byriel openly laughed out loud . Aiyaya, sounds like an extremely comical scenario Hehehe Quetzal frowned, This is just temporary . This ends the moment Yerde comes back from his mission . Is that so . Feng Ping Lan nodded his head, then muttered as if he had come to a sudden realization, If Yerde dies in the line of duty Hey hey hey What are you saying Liu Yi Chen, who had realized there was no real danger and come back into this room, voiced out to stop Feng Ping Lan from jinxing him . Quetzal stood quietly by the side, coldly looking at the newly arrived people . He did not speak, his ice cold gaze and harsh imposing manner giving out a silent order . Dongya and the others that had some semblance of tact rubbed their noses and turned to leave . Feng Ping Lan had never known how to read the situation . Hey, let s go . Conglong called out to him . Wait a minute, I was just about to go find Quetzal . He looked at Quetzal, the corners of his lips and his eyes smiling so wide they were about to connect, I ve found you, hehehe The others shrugged and left . The only ones left in the cla.s.sroom were Quetzal and Feng Ping Lan . Quetzal ignored Feng Ping Lan s existence, sitting back onto the chair behind the table . Feng Ping Lan walked up to the front desk, pulling a chair forward to sit there, but instead of sitting before him, he sat by his side . We went to look around the Supernatural Research Club earlier Did you know that some of the clubs in Zephaniah were restricted to Shadow Academy students only Like the Supernature Research, Drama Research and Magic Research . Ah, Supernature Research is short for Supernatural Research Club, it s a club that specializes in making supernatural phenomena Feng Ping Lan babbled off on his own, thoroughly explaining the particulars of those trivial matters . Quetzal felt that this was really noisy and irritating . He wanted to leave, but all supervising teachers had to stay within the club room until the period was over, according to the rules . He wanted to avoid Feng Ping Lan, but Feng Ping Lan was blocking him incessantly right before him, not letting him leave . He could leave his seat using his own shadows, but he felt like he was making a big fuss over a small issue, to use a spell over something like this . He turned to glance at Feng Ping Lan, instantly realizing that Feng Ping Lan was staring at him with both eyes . The two stared at each other at that moment, and Feng Ping Lan broke out into a smile . Quetzal furrowed his eyebrows . Was this guy doing it on purpose So, there s a mark in the residence the miemoshi that sealed you in left behind . Hearing something that he cared about very much, Quetzal snapped out of it, What A miemoshi, didn t I say that earlier, the Phantom Department . Quetzal s not focusing, this won t do, you know Feng Ping Lan wagged his finger in front of Quetzal . Quetzal disliked this action, but his purple eyes reluctantly followed Feng Ping Lan s finger . His throat felt hoa.r.s.e . Turning his head away, and forcing down that agitation driven by his instinct, Quetzal stiffened his face, no longer acknowledging Feng Ping Lan . He turned his attention back to the information Feng Ping Lan had provided . Feng Ping Lan continued talking, about the files in the Supernatural Research Club, and what Liu Yi Chen had said on that matter . He then started babbling on his own after he was finished speaking . I wonder what a miemoshi s seal looks like Apparently, the Drama and Magic Clubs receive missions from the a.s.sociation too, so they might have some records of their own . There might be some important information for us with them, who knows . Feng Ping Lan smiled in slight distress, Only club members can take a look at them, though . We might not get a chance to see them even if we join, how troublesome . I hope there s a way we can freely read the files of all three clubs . Quetzal did not say anything . There would always be some way to read them . He had felt the various anti theft measures, safety wards, the moment he had stepped into this building . There was even a demon guarding the entrance . But, this level of protection was just a weak set up for him . Although the bangle around his wrist was a slight hindrance As Quetzal contemplated, he suddenly realized, the buzzing sound by his ear had vanished . He turned his head, that pair of limpid eyes staring back at him as always . But, there wasn t a trace of a smile this time, instead bearing a look of concern . Um, Feng Ping Lan said hesitantly, Are you okay Those apathetic features moved to slightly pinch together . Why do you ask I don t know, I just have a feeling that you don t look so good . Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal, tilting his head, Are you tired Quetzal did not answer . Or are you Feng Ping Lan roved about, Hungry Quetzal had only eaten once since they established the contract, and that had been on that day itself . He did not know how long eating once would last him, but he could feel that Quetzal seemed to be Not as stable as before . Having been seen through by someone, Quetzal felt perplexingly resentful . He felt disgusted at himself, and disgusted at the person who had seen through him . If you re hungry, I can It has nothing to do with you . Quetzal reprimanded, Do not overrate your own importance, human Indeed, his strength was starting to wane . He had used up plenty of his physical power after the fight with Jiu Shao, for some reason . He had been astonished at that, since he hadn t spent much effort on that battle . I know Facing Quetzal, Feng Ping Lan replied with a smile, Prince Shuekan is Quetzal s most important person . I was just wondering if you were hungry, hahaha Quetzal gazed coldly at the easy going Feng Ping Lan smiling brilliantly . In that instance, he unexpectedly found himself severely regretting his own words . That s right, Feng Ping Lan suddenly brought up a certain topic, Back when I was fighting Jiu Shao, I was so tired that I was about to collapse, but when I thought about you, I could actually feel myself gaining a huge amount of strength This question had plagued him for many days, having had no chance to ask about it . Quetzal also thought back to the circ.u.mstances of that night . That night, he had been in the cla.s.sroom of the Shadow Academy, and yet he could hear Feng Ping Lan s cries, even going as far as to know of Feng Ping Lan s plight . Feng Ping Lan had asked for help from him, calling upon him for his power . He had returned the call, then felt a bit of his power leak out of his body, like a thin shapeless stream, pouring into the soul on the other end of the connection . Did you do it, Quetzal Feng Ping Lan questioned excitedly . I do not know what you are saying . Indeed, he had no idea how that had happened, as this had never happened before . He had never heard of such a thing . What he absolutely denied, however, what he absolutely did not want to admit, was that there was something fettering him and Feng Ping Lan together . Is that so . Feng Ping Lan nodded, And I thought there was some kind of connection between us, hahaha This was the exact point Quetzal wanted to deny at all costs . There is absolutely nothing between us, excluding that obligatory contract on matter of life or death . Quetzal warned severely, There is no need for an unnecessary complication, including this conversation, right here, right now . Is that so Feng Ping Lan scratched his head in distress, But I want to get closer to Quetzal . Quetzal furrowed his brows, about to leave via his shadows . But then, Feng Ping Lan continued . Because Quetzal treats me very well . Quetzal froze slightly . He did not think so . In the slightest . What he did not understand the most, was just how Feng Ping Lan had come up with this notion . Although Quetzal s a little cold, always looking a little standoffish, you always tolerate me whenever I prattle on and disturb you, hahaha . Quetzal smiled coldly within his heart . So this guy had some self consciousness after all . Besides, Quetzal s praised me before . Feng Ping Lan said with a little embarra.s.sment, For someone as cool and amazing as you to praise me, I feel like I ve hit a huge jackpot Quetzal frowned slightly, perplexed . With just a little praise like that With Feng Ping Lan s abilities, he should be used to praise from others . Why would he hold such importance with such an approval that had been said unthinkingly, something that was so deemphasized Also, Feng Ping Lan revealed a light smile, a smile that was brought upon lamentable gratefulness and joy, You didn t throw me away . Although we ll part in the future, right now, you re by my side . Quetzal was powerful, elegant . Just like Jing Lan ge . Jing Lan was cultured and polite, and no matter what he did, Jing Lan would never scold him at the same time, no matter what he did, Jing Lan would never praise him . He had never been able to guess what Jing Lan was thinking . Although Jing Lan would calmly smile and speak to him, he would never let him know of his true emotions and thoughts . Compared to him, Quetzal was cold and indifferent towards him, never showing him his good side . However, he knew Quetzal s feelings and state of mind . Quetzal would praise him . This was the first time, someone as similar to Jing Lan would praise him . Moreover, he had known from the start that Quetzal would leave . He d have time to mentally prepare himself . Not like the bewilderment and sorrow that he d felt last time . Quetzal stared at Feng Ping Lan . Although he was smiling, it looked unnatural . It felt hideous He was unused to this Feng Ping Lan . Even more unused with himself that was paying such close attention to Feng Ping Lan . The bell rang . Oh oh, I should go . Feng Ping Lan stood up . Due to the narrow position of his seat, his leg got caught up, and his entire body fell over Quetzal . Woah Quetzal very much wanted to avoid it, but because of his weakening strength that drove a dizziness to his head, he couldn t make it in time to disengage himself, and could only allow Feng Ping Lan to fall onto him . Sorry sorry Feng Ping Lan apologized frantically, It s a little narrow . Quetzal looked at him icily, Feng Ping Lan raising his head back at him . He couldn t help but laugh again . I seem to be always falling onto you, Quetzal . Have I been cursed He was the one cursed instead Quetzal thought silently . In the next moment, a warm feeling snuck onto his hand . Quetzal raised his eyebrows, looking on as Feng Ping Lan held his wrist up . The fluctuation of his pulse travelled from his skin to his fingertips . I remember, back then when I touched your hand, it felt incredibly cold . Feng Ping Lan reminisced the first time he had b.u.mped into Quetzal on his own in the residence . Although Quetzal had already been freed from the seal, he had felt as ice cold as a statue, then . He stared at that pale hand, raising his lips into a smile, It s become warm . Just as Quetzal was fully prepared to throw that hand off, Feng Ping Lan let go . He stood up . See you tonight, laoshi He then left, like drifting smoke . Quetzal glared at that leaving back, reflexively glancing down at his own wrist . That d.a.m.ned warmth still hadn t left, and he could still feel that rush of blood in those veins, right under that palm . A pang of hunger caught him off guard, choking his throat, clamping down on his rationality . Quetzal hammered a fist into the wall, forcibly pulling his awareness back . He hated this part about himself At night, the Shadow Academy s were conducted quietly in the reverse s.p.a.ce time area of the common cla.s.srooms . Feng Ping Lan had been excitable ever since the first period, grinning occasionally to himself while looking at his watch . In the process, he had been reprimanded by their teacher two or three times to no avail . What s up with him At the same time Ivan said this, Feng Ping Lan once again looked at his watch . That said, where s that grumpy faced guy As a subst.i.tute teacher, Quetzal did not need to follow along Shadow Academy tonight . He s subst.i.tuting right now . Liu Yi Chen replied exasperatedly, Yerde s out on a mission, so Quetzal s subst.i.tuting him . That s why this grinning idiot keeps on antic.i.p.ating the wushu . What The atmosphere s going to be like attending a funeral Ivan frowned, then quickly switched to a smile, Wait, Contracts don t need to partic.i.p.ate, so watching everybody deal with it might be not bad either . That innocent smile was accompanied by malicious words . Have you decided on a club yet Su Li Wan asked quietly, I heard that Cao Ji Xian went to have a talk with Reina and Aidi this afternoon . I wondered if it had something to do with all of you Reina and Aidi were the Drama Research Club and Magic Research Club s club presidents, respectively . As the presidents of the Three Great Clubs, they would frequently collaborate on various missions, which caused them to be familiar with each other . They were allies on the surface, but would mutually look upon each other with contempt, and compare each other behind their backs . Liu Yi Chen scoffed, Those three, is there anything they can do other than talking behind each other s backs and gossiping There is . Bullying their club members and currying favor with the a.s.sociation . Liu Yi Chen nodded her head hard in agreement . What club are you in, Li Wan Feng Ping Lan curiously turned his head towards Su Li Wan . The Drama Research Club . Is the Drama Research fun Su Li Wan hesitated for a moment, giving out a tactful answer, I am able to do the things I rarely do In truth, she wasn t very interested in the clubs here . But since it was the rules, she had simply picked the Drama Research Club, who was more populated with females within Shadow Academy s three clubs . The club president Reina didn t seem to like her very much, and since the day she entered the club, she was still stuck with odd jobs, not really partic.i.p.ating the actual activities of the club . Igor and I are in the Archery Club Ivan cut in, We joined the Magic Research Club too since they were one of the Shadow Academy s big organizations, but I think the president s really hateful . The activities are really boring too, so I always leave after signing my name . Igor too . I never thought Igor would be one to skip cla.s.s . Igor coughed lightly in embarra.s.sment . If you guys join the Magic Research, I want to be grouped with you, Ivan said suddenly . Why Because tagging along with you guys will be fun . Ivan smiled, I like to watch a good show . Oh Byriel turned his head when he heard this, I do too, hehehe Ivan gave a hollow laugh, We must be on the same side then He liked watching people making fools of themselves, but Byriel was another matter entirely . He still hadn t pulled free from being called Ruddy Pervert , ever since Byriel humiliated him in front of their cla.s.smates the other day . Certainly, certainly . Hehehe Byriel s usual made Ivan s heart shiver . As Feng Ping Lan listened to Liu Yi Chen and Ivan s conversations of the clubs, he filled his notebook with densely packed notes . His hands scribbled non stop, writing down the stuff that was unknown to him, but it was a great deal lesser than when he d first attended Shadow Academy . This kind of school life was actually quite relaxed, not quite different from the morning . Feng Ping Lan paused for a moment . He was unused to this kind of tranquility, as if he was missing something He d figured it out . He was missing those eyes full of killing intent that was always staring at him, and constant dread that seemed to follow him everywhere . Feng Ping Lan turned his head, gazing at Kaido, who sat on the other side of the room . Before this, Kaido would deliberately choose a seat close to him, and then glare at him, spitting out provoking words at any chance he got . But ever since the Jiu Shao incident, it was as if the fire had died inside Kaido, and he d turned distantly cold and indifferent . As per the promises they d undertaken during the match, he wouldn t come to hara.s.s Feng Ping Lan and his Contracts any longer . Feng Ping Lan scratched his head . He was supposed to be happy about returning to an undisturbed life once more . But this kind of peacefulness, he did not want . When the time came for zhoushu cla.s.s, Feng Ping Lan partnered with Su Li Wan as usual, because only Su Li Wan knew that he had absolutely no knowledge of using incantations, and that he didn t have a single lick of power . While they practiced, Su Li Wan would secretly let up on him, pretending that their strength considerably equal to each other . She had felt kind of awkward about it at the start, but the more they practiced, she felt that it was actually a little interesting . Feng Ping Lan attempted to use wind fuzhou, but the talisman with the magic circle drawn on it wouldn t move a single bit . Su Li Wan took two steps back cooperatively, acting as if she had been forced back by the wind, even making out a painful expression . Feng Ping Lan secretly gave her a big thumbs up . Su Li Wan couldn t help but smile, but immediately put on a serious expression, throwing a flame spell at Feng Ping Lan . The little fireball rushed speedily at Feng Ping Lan, but before it could touch him, Feng Ping Lan had already knelt down on both knees, body falling backward, like a protagonist that had narrowly escaped a bullet . The fireball flew over, its movements smooth and easy, not letting anyone see a hole in their actions . Just when he was about to get up, a lonely figure entered Feng Ping Lan s vision . Kaido stood by himself in the corner, shooting attacks at a defensive screen on the wall, the surface giving out little fireworks created by a collision of spells . The past Kaido would frequently chase after him, challenging him, that he had to put in quite a lot of effort to avoid Kaido . He really wasn t used to this . Kaido once again shot out the chopping curse, the cold lights like thin blades slicing through the walls, but was immediately shot back, breaking up in the air . He halted his movements, panting slightly . Suddenly, a strange figure crept silently over, crashing into his line of sight . He turned, only to see a body lying on the floor, rolling over to him like a scroll . Kaido stared blankly, and before he could think, that rolling body stopped by his feet, and after wiggling for a while, clumsily turned over to face up . That familiar stupid smile appeared before him . Hi, Xiao Do Do . Alone Need some company tonight Hahahahaha Feng Ping Lan s brain dead words make Kaido frown, but he did not curse, nor did he chase him away, just opening his mouth indifferently . Why are you here Xiao Do Do s become so cold to me recently, you never come to find me anymore . Why I went to challenge you for your Contracts before this . I lost, so I have no reason to find you anymore . How can this be Feng Ping Lan lay on the ground, pointing at him accusingly, Before this you would pa.s.sionately come over to see me every day, even breaking the school rules to send a b.u.t.terfly to give me a message . Flinging me to the side after thoroughly playing me once Xiao Do Do, to you, am I just a wet tissue whose only use was to accompany you during those lonely nights We re even living together now, how can you be so distant Could this be the so called stuck together like glue, yet separated on two different lands Feng Ping Lan s words attracted much attention from the surroundings . What are you talking about Kaido roared agitatedly, Isn t this what you wanted Didn t you refuse to give up your Contracts You ve already gotten the outcome you wanted, what else do you want Oh, yeah, I did refuse your request . Feng Ping Lan smiled, But I want to be hara.s.sed by you . Kaido widened his eyes, his anger reaching an all time high, Have you had enough If this is how you want to humiliate me, you win He turned to leave, but realized that his feet couldn t move . Feng Ping Lan was grabbing onto his pants . Being so pa.s.sive and dull is not a single bit like Kaido . Feng smiled glancing at Kaido, I prefer the prideful, stubborn and obstinate person that you were before this . Kaido stared blankly at him, not expecting Feng Ping Lan to actually have the guts to say something like this . In the past always, he had always received the negative att.i.tudes of everyone around him . His origins, his personality, his words, and actions, had always been something that had been denied . The only time he had received acknowledgment, was when he had achieved victories during battle . A b.a.s.t.a.r.d son from a branch family, an improper bloodline, lacking in upbringing, his only merit is to become a weapon . This is how much your existence is worth . Then what was the reason for living for himself A pulling sensation came from his feet, catching his attention . Xiao Do Do Feng Ping Lan lifted Kaido s trouser leg, staring at his small thigh, Do you shave your legs frequently It s so smooth You idiot Kaido pulled his leg away, reprimanding, Get up I want to get up, of course . Feng Ping Lan forced a smile, But I rolled too violently just now, my head s spinning, I think I m gonna become like Conglong whenever he sits in a car, ugh Kaido stared at the groaning Feng Ping Lan, crease in his brow so deep it almost sunk into his brain . How could there be such a brain dead idiot This kind of idiot was actually a Spec Ad student Xiao Do Do, hold me, my head s spinning, I can t get up How could there be such a shameless scoundrel And he had been defeated by this scoundrel, and he was actually lodging under his roof Kaido suddenly felt angry at himself . He wanted to beat Feng Ping Lan up, but wanted to beat himself up more . Xiao Do Do Shut up Kaido couldn t stand it anymore . He gave a low roar, reaching out to push Feng Ping Lan away, and then leave . But the moment his hands touched Feng Ping Lan, before he could do anything, he was pulled forward in the opposite direction . And Kaido, who was too late to do anything, fell violently onto Feng Ping Lan . Yaa Young Master, please don t The Master comes first Hahahahaha Kaido got up resentfully, summoning his sword, I ll slaughter you Feng Ping Lan jumped up nimbly, and ran away, Aiya How lecherous, hahahahaha The two of them started a wild goose chase all over the compound . The other students watched Feng Ping Lan and Kaido s movements, surprised and amused . Amongst them, there was a pair of eyes that looked at Feng Ping Lan, silently scheming out a plan . Third period, wushu cla.s.s . The moment the bell rang, Feng Ping Lan rushed out of the cla.s.sroom and sped up to the rooftops . He was the first student to reach the cla.s.sroom, with only the group of instructors preparing the equipment there . In the distance, Feng Ping Lan could see an arrogant figure standing in the center . Quetzal Feng Ping Lan ran straight for Quetzal like a missile that had realized its target . This time Quetzal had prepared for it, and his shadows shot up, creating a protective barrier that separated Feng Ping Lan from him . Feng Ping Lan knocked on the black wall, calling out Quetzal s name . Quetzal turned a deaf ear, quietly looking at the teacher s records . Feng Ping Lan saw that Quetzal was ignoring him, and pasted himself on the shadowy wall, staring straight at him . Quetzal raised his head and caught his gaze right at that moment, suddenly feeling uncomfortable all over . For some reason, he seemed to feel what exactly Feng Ping Lan was thinking Is he always like that One of the teachers teaching long ranged weapons, Yuan Hu, pa.s.sed by Quetzal and said jokingly, Your master likes you very much . Quetzal furrowed his brows, He is not my master Mm, that does seem like it . Yuan Hu nodded, He seems more like your fan . No matter what, with this kind of Summoner, your days must be quite comfortable huh, how enviable Quetzal did not reply . He didn t think this was anything to envy about . Feng Ping Lan was just an inconvenience that let him stay in this world, gain trust from the a.s.sociation, an existence that he had to cooperate with . All this was for Prince Shuekan, his only master was Prince Shuekan . He repeated this strongly in his heart thrice, seemingly trying to convince himself . Why would he want to convince himself, he did not know . Possibly because it was to shirk away from that slight wavering in his heart The students arrived one after another, and Quetzal went up the podium after taking down that shadowy wall . Feng Ping Lan intended on chasing after him, but taking in account of the bell ringing, he could only behave and remain beneath the platform . On a normal day, when the students were all present, Yerde would first speak of the basic principles of fighting, the virtues of martial arts pract.i.tioners, the righteousness, and etiquettes of a battle . Most of them held absolutely no interest in these, but as they would be tested on them in the exams, all the students would more or less listen and take notes about it . The moment Quetzal stood on the podium, the students underneath were a little astonished and curious . Yerde is not here, I am the subst.i.tute . Quetzal stated coldly, Separate into groups and train by yourselves . The students momentarily could not react, and until the other instructors started moving towards the training spots, they started to move . Quite a lot of people let out cheers for not needing to listen to a boring lecture . Only Feng Ping Lan let out a long disappointed sigh . What a shame, I thought Quetzal would give a lecture As Feng Ping Lan whispered, he put away his camera, And I borrowed an HD digital camera from Li Rui to record it too . But nevermind . Luckily, he had been grouped into the Yerde s western sword group, which meant that Quetzal would also instruct this particular group . Feng Ping Lan had originally intended on grouping up with Liu Yi Chen, but Liu Yi Chen had been switched to another group after changing her weapon . He wanted Quetzal to instruct him, so he summoned the shadow blade and animatedly slashed at the air, waiting for Quetzal to correct him . But Quetzal stood silently at the side, watching the students train by themselves . Feng Ping Lan could only train alone, gripping his sword as he swung randomly at the air, unable to wield it properly . A brown haired boy with a silver western sword walked over to Feng Ping Lan . Want to train together The brown haired boy smiled, two companions flanking him . Feng Ping Lan could recognize him as one of Shadow Academy s students, but he wasn t really familiar with him, only remembering that his name was Renier . Oh, alright Feng Ping Lan replied with a smile, But I really suck at this, you ll have to tolerate it a little . Renier smiled and started attacking after a bow . Renier s style was really mild and courteous, making Feng Ping Lan unsure of how to attack . You actually won against Kaido, huh . You must be pretty good then . Renier spoke smilingly . You seem to be pretty average most of the time, but turns out you were just hiding your strength . There aren t many people like you that are so modest in their abilities . Haha, my win was just a coincidence, and that couldn t even be considered a win . We got cut off halfway through . Feng Ping Lan said with some embarra.s.sment, And I don t really have any strength that I can hide . Oh Renier s lips curled up slightly into a predatory smile, but continued asking calmly, Are you Kaido s friend I see that you ve been pretty close to him lately . I m not really sure . Feng Ping Lan blocked Renier s attack, and retaliated in turn, but was easily blocked again, Kaido probably doesn t think of me as a friend . Is that so Renier smiled sinisterly, So, will he care if you get hurt With that, the slow moving sword abruptly turned rapid, unexpectedly going towards the blind spot on Feng Ping Lan s right side . Feng Ping Lan was caught off guard by Renier s sudden attack, and couldn t evade it . The ice cold edge of the sword sliced past his right arm, tearing through his sleeve, leaving a slash on his flesh . Blood dripped down his arm . The pair of purple eyes surveying the crowd gained a hint of bloodthirst . Ah . Feng Ping Lan let out a small cry, but Renier did not stop here, his other sword about to stab into Feng Ping Lan s abdomen . The blade was blocked in midair by another sword . Quetzal glared down at Renier with an awe inspiring aura . He did not speak, but his questioning gaze made Renier put down his sword . It is common for injuries to happen during spars . Renier said smoothly, Teacher, you can t play favorites . Your overprotectiveness will lead to your master to becoming even more useless than he is now He is not my master . Oh, I can get why you don t want to acknowledge it . Renier revealed an understanding look, But, when other students from other groups got injured while practicing, why didn t you get involved Quetzal did not speak . Renier turned to where the eastern sword group was, and seeing Kaido glaring at him, gave a satisfied smirk . I should probably group up with someone else . Renier turned, smiling at Feng Ping Lan, Let s train together tomorrow, Student Feng . Today was just him testing the waters, he had already achieved the result he d wanted . The Contracts standing outside saw everything that had occurred, but couldn t interfere . That b.a.s.t.a.r.d did it on purpose, Conglong said with a frown . Even someone blind could see that . Morris humped, But why would he want to bother that idiot They haven t really interacted much . Could it be the same reason as Kaido s Dongya speculated, To contest over his Contracts Who knew we were so popular, hehehe Um, Tan Hua, who stood to the side, lowered her head remorsefully, I believe, it must be due to Young Master Kaido Ah Young Master Kaido beat Renier up pretty badly during the daytime club sessions . Tan Hua said quietly, Young Master Ping Lan has been getting along well with Young Master Kaido recently, so So he had taken out all that resentment on the powerless Feng Ping Lan, using the training session as an excuse to enact his revenge . No wonder Renier was so particular on whether Feng Ping Lan was Kaido s friend or not . Despicable human Morris raged, he absolutely hated this kind of people that would do this kind of thing . Despicable, but effective . Byriel commented, Because cla.s.s is in session, the Contracts cannot interfere, and Feng Ping Lan s skill is inferior . The instructors cannot meddle even if he s injured . He wouldn t give out conditions like Kaido would, so he can t be easily sent away, and we can only wait until he s willing to stop . You have to admit, this guy s methods are pretty spectacular, hehehe I am truly sorry . Tan Hua lowered her head . Morris glared at Renier, gritting his teeth . Compared to him, he suddenly felt that Kaido wasn t that hateful after all . Even after Renier had left, Quetzal remained there . His thirst for blood, and Renier s words, occupied his thoughts . He was hungry Feng Ping Lan was not his master . The smell of blood, had the fragrance of the living He knew that Renier s attack wasn t life threatening, so why had he cut in Don t care about all that, just . dig . in Feng Ping Lan looked at Quetzal, blinking, Quetzal Feng Ping Lan wasn t his master . His only master was Prince Shuekan That s right . So Just eat him . His rationality was drowned out by his instinct Are you alright These words were like a splash of cold water . Quetzal was violently pulled back, clenching his teeth . Still asking about him, at this point in time Why didn t he care more about himself He wanted Feng Ping Lan to reveal a more selfish side to himself . This way, he wouldn t have to face that perplexing confusion and contradiction within himself . Quetzal Quetzal turned, glaring at Su Li Wan, who had been constantly poking her head constantly from the other group in concern . He raised his hand, pointing at Su Li Wan, You . Su Li Wan jumped in fright . Bind his wound . With that, Quetzal flung Feng Ping Lan to the back of his mind, and as if escaping from it all, left through his shadows . Su Li Wan immediately hurried over . Are you alright Mmhm, it s just a small wound . Feng Ping Lan smiled, and seeing where Quetzal had vanished, paused for a few moments before continuing . After school was over, Feng Ping Lan and the others set forth towards the toilets as usual . Since when did you provoke Renier Ivan asked curiously . Mm Nope, I m so innocent and honest, I m absolutely harmless, how could I offend someone Feng Ping Lan said conceitedly, Why do think I provoked him He was clearly after you earlier, didn t you realize Liu Yi Chen violently kicked the door open, b.a.s.t.a.r.d If she wasn t in a different group, she would already be smashing that a.s.shole to bits Oh, I thought that was accidental . Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, It must have been a misunderstanding . I don t even know him, why would he come after me Hahaha . Kaido, who was silently splashing water with a hose, furrowed his brows slightly . You better be careful . Ivan continued, Renier s older sister is the Drama Research s club president, so his connections are broad . You haven t entered a club yet . If he wants to mess with you, you probably won t have a single club to join . It s that serious Reina s a hard to handle b.i.t.c.h . Liu Yi Chen humphed, then glanced at Su Li Wan, I can t believe you can stand that meddling woman, even listening to her orders It s alright Su Li Wan forced a smile, but did not deny Liu Yi Chen s words . Feng Ping Lan tilted his head, and could not think of a single factor for Renier s motivations . Kaido secretly glanced over, and seeing Feng Ping Lan s hand wrapped up in bandages, subconsciously tightened his fist . This was none of his business . Who told Feng Ping Lan to stick to him, being noticed by Renier was his own d.a.m.n problem, it was none of his business . But, he couldn t seem to accept it just like this d.a.m.n it

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