Publishedat 1st of September 2019 11:00:52 AMChapter 4

That night, the pet shop closed stop in the evening .

Not only was their revenue zero, after their salaries were canceled out, there were also reparations of thirty-seven thousand . Luckily, Liu Yi Chen was not in a rush for them to repay their debts, they could return it after they had the money . After working themselves out for a whole day, they had no profits to gain, and their situation had worsened .

At this time, Feng Ping Lan received a call from Yin Su Shuang .

“Cla.s.s Advisor?”

“I heard your day went pretty miserably . ”

“How did Cla.s.s Advisor know that? Did you stalk us? Are you that infatuated with me? Since you love me, why don’t you cancel our debts with the Home Economics cla.s.s . ”

“…I won’t give you guys money, but I can give you a job opportunity . It’s a job with a considerably generous reward . ”

“What will we be doing? Are we going to South Africa to extract blood diamonds? Or are we going to be lab rats for a new medicine? Ah! Could it be that we’re going to put on sequined clothing, escorting a chairman to drink, then brought out of the scene? Cla.s.s Advisor, I don’t think I’ll be able to do that . ”

“…” The other end of the phone went silent for a few seconds, as if he was resisting the urge to hang up, “It has something to do with the Summoners . Bring your Contracts, meet me in the meeting room on the second floor of the administrative building tomorrow . ”

“All of them?” Feng Ping Lan asked hurriedly, “But Quetzal isn’t here at the moment, I don’t know if I can contact him before tomorrow morning . ”

“He’ll be there tomorrow . ”

The school compound on a non-working day was in complete darkness at night, just a scattered safety indicator light embedding the darkness with some viridity .

Sickbay . The sound of music rang out from the office deep into the corridor, a sweet and mild woman’s voice singing a gorgeous aria, accompanied by an age-old melody, circling mellifluously around the room .

The door to the room was suddenly opened . The figure in the room did not even lift his head, still gazing at the doc.u.ments before him cooly . He had become aware when his visitor stepped onto the end of the walkway, but that was not enough for him to spare his time being mindful of it .

“Even if you worked overtime on a non-working day, there wouldn’t be overtime pay . ” Yin Su Shuang said lowly . He watched the solitary figure behind the office desk, thick stacks of case files placed on the table and low cabinet, those were the case records of the three great clubs .

Quetzal continued flipping through the doc.u.ments, ignoring him .

“Not going out tonight?”

In the past, Quetzal would patrol under the concealment of the night each day, and not just within this city, even the other cities were filled with his footprints .

Quetzal flicked his finger, the shadow behind him starting to curl into a circle, and the shadowy circle spat out a yellow bird with a single eye .

He said coldly, “So you can keep this toy of yours away…”

The bird flew back to Yin Su Shuang, descending upon his palm, and turned back into a piece of seal paper with a feather stuck on it .

“I have to thank you for helping us clean up our small troubles . ” Yin Su Shuang folded his arms, sitting on the seat opposite Quetzal, not a hint of gratefulness heard in his tone, “But you’re not being subtle enough . Rumors had started to circulate, quite a number of Summoners already know that there is a demon blocking paths to ask questions on the eastern islands . They’ve even given you a t.i.tle, ‘The Sphinx of the Night Alleys’ . ”

The Sphinx was a beast with a human’s head and lion’s body that existed in Greek mythology . They would ask any human who stumbled into their labyrinth a riddle, and those who answered incorrectly would die .

This was precisely the same as what Quetzal had been doing every night . The difference was that his prey was not of humans .

Quetzal did not pay attention to him . Handling things under the influence of Shadow Academy, he had long since known that his whereabouts would be traced .  

“The miemoshi will conceal their own appearance, every miemoshi has many disguises and fake ident.i.ties . The one you captured was just one of his many phantoms . ”

Quetzal lifted his head, staring at Yin Su Shuang, “State your purpose then . ”

A Summoner had taken the initiative to come forward, divulging information on the miemoshi, he was definitely not coincidentally pa.s.sing through .

“Do you want to take on the job as an investigator directly under the Shadow Academy?” Yin Su Shuang didn’t beat around the bush, “There are too many Summoners and demons in the human world, it is beyond the a.s.sociation’s influence, so they open quite a few missions to Summoners not bound to any agency to take . The Director hopes you can undertake these missions under the Shadow Academy’s name . ”

“I am not anyone’s lapdog . ”

“Of course, you guys are more troublesome than any lapdog, you’re not even qualified to become our lapdogs . ” Yin Su Shuang smiled coldly, “This is not compulsory, just like any bounty mission can be freely taken part in . If it succeeds, you can take the reward money, the Shadow Academy won’t receive a single cent . ”

Quetzal listened in silence .

“Don’t you think this is pretty amazing? There’s reward money for you to obtain, and you have a chance to search for more information . I heard that your companions have been inconvenienced by problems regarding money of late . ”

Quetzal’s brow wrinkled slightly .

Those guys were just too absorbed in the matters of the human world…

The human world was a place that would easily cause various creatures to fall from grace . It was the place closest to heaven, the nearest place to the Sovereign G.o.d, but it was filled with filth and dirt, you would lose yourself in it if you were not careful .

But he would not lose himself . His only goal had always been Shuekan . His ambition was helping Shuekan obtain the crown, supporting him in seizing the empire .

“Why are you helping us?”

“A sword, unsharpened, would rust . Since we’ve ascertained the sword will not be pointed towards us, we have to make the most of the tools we have . ” Yin Su Shuang looked at Quetzal, “This is not called helping, it’s gaining mutual benefits from each other . ”

“…Are we already standing on the same boat?”

“Yes, but the boat has not departed yet . The direction is still undecided, and the prey we aim to capture is also undetermined . ”

“Before your boat departs on its journey, it is possible we may have already left . ”

“How sure are you that your master is still alive?” Yin Su Shuang asked in turn .

“I can sense his presence . ” Quetzal’s hand subconsciously touched his chest, his palm sensing the fluctuation weaker than a night breeze, “In addition, the Third Prince is still in the human world . He must be still pursuing Prince Shuekan, this is definite proof of it . ”

Yin Su Shuang said softly, “Perhaps, he has another motive for staying here . ”

Quetzal’s face darkened, “…What else do you know?”

“I’m not sure . All is being observed, all might be just a hypothesis . While the situation is not yet forthright, all conjectures are mere prattle . In short, we are on the same boat . Before it departs, there is no need to overturn it, is there?”

Quetzal did not speak, staring at Yin Su Shuang, it seemed there was still some suspicion present .

Yin Su Shuang heaved a sigh .

“A miemoshi’s seal is usually buried in places facing the sun . The seal might not necessarily be an amulet, it could be a mark or a drawing at times . In the eyes of the common people, it would look like a random doodle, only the miemoshi will recognize their own seal, only they will know the meaning of the diagram . ” He smiled faintly, “Is this information enough to earn your trust?”

Quetzal stood up slowly, guardedness and hesitance still on his face, but there was an addition of killing intent .

“All information on the miemoshi are kept confidential, not even the Summoners would be able to learn of it… Why do you know all this?”

Yin Su Shuang raised his eyebrows, “What do you think?”

“Perhaps, you are a miemoshi,” Quetzal muttered in a low voice, “Perhaps, you are the person who sealed us off twelve years ago…”

The shadows by his feet made an indistinct uproar, the sharp blades hidden within waiting for action, just for their master’s summon, and would then set off a wave of carnage .

Yin Su Shuang smiled dryly, “Not a bad deduction . ” His gaze changed, pitch-black eyes instantaneously switching to a glimmering blue . Flicking his finger, the bird transformed into feathers, shooting towards the ground . It immediately exploded into a white magic circle, pressing the stirring shadows back to the ground . “But it’s far from it . ”

Watching the blue eyes shining a demonic light and the magic circle on the ground, Quetzal got a whiff of a familiar scent, and simultaneously became aware of something .

Yin Su Shuang was not a miemoshi .

He was a demon .

Quetzal was slightly astonished, he never thought there would be a demon who could conceal his demonic aura so deeply, to the point of appearing so much like a human .

“The human world is much more complicated than the netherworld . Staying here for long periods of time complicates a demon . ” As if he knew what Quetzal was thinking, Yin Su Shuang took the initiative to speak . “Whether it’s an evolution or a fall from grace, n.o.body knows . ”

The four corners of the residence were surrounded by the courtyard, and facing the sun was coincidentally on the side of the main entrance .

Quetzal stood by the front courtyard, staring at the garden filled with flowers and plants . The tender and beautiful flowers, as well as that entire lawn, were the results of Dongya’s attentive tending .

He could control his shadows and electricity, directly digging up the entire patch of earth . It would be quick and convenient, but the flowers and plants would be undoubtedly damaged that way .


Quetzal’s brow wrinkled slightly, hesitating for a moment .

He extended a hand, the moonlight illuminating the shadows on the ground, and the pale hand shifted, the shadow of his hand moving along the action, then twisted, diffused, stretched, permeating the earth .

His hand sensed the situation underneath the ground through his shadows, one inch after another, little by little, feeling out for anything foreign materials buried underneath .

He could feel that in a certain corner near the house, there seemed to be some sort of matter buried in the dirt .

Quetzal walked toward the location he had detected, the pink camellia planted above it blooming resplendently .

He bent his waist, reaching out a hand to brush away the earth, and avoiding the stem and roots of the camellia, he dug under the dirt . Three minutes later he discovered a broken tile, not a single mark on it .

He tossed the tile back into the earth .


A light voice carrying some hesitation rang out behind him .

Quetzal turned his head, and saw Feng Ping Lan standing not too far behind him, wearing only a pair of shorts and slippers, his upper half completely naked .

Why was he naked…

Seeing Feng Ping Lan appear, he straightened his body and felt some sort of exasperation, but at the same time, as if out of a subconscious reaction, a relaxed and relieved feeling appeared quietly .

“Are you digging for earthworms?” Feng Ping Lan asked excitedly, “Are you going fishing? Can I go too? Aiya, how could you dig with your bare hands, it’s become dirty! You should leave this sort of thing to me!” After saying this he bent down to start digging .

“No need . ” Quetzal stopped him in a cold voice, “There’s nothing I want there . ”

Feng Ping Lan halted his movements, “I see . ” Then, he stood up . “Then what are you searching for? I can help you!”

Quetzal did not reply immediately, just watching Feng Ping Lan .

He was pondering, pondering on the reason why Feng Ping Lan had shown up, pondering on the reason why Feng Ping Lan was so willing to help him, pondering on whether he should tell Feng Ping Lan what he was searching for, pondering on whether he should let Feng Ping Lan help .

At the same time, he was pondering, why was he reflecting over a human so much, why would a human occupy so much of his thoughts .

Feng Ping Lan looked at the silent Quetzal, and also started to ponder .

Why wasn’t Quetzal talking? Ah, it must be because I’m not wearing any clothes!

A complete misreading .

Feng Ping Lan opened his mouth to explain, “Um, it’s because the weather has been pretty hot lately, I’ll sweat when I sleep at night, so I’m just simply baring it, hahaha . ”

The cold air that had originally been in the rooms had been sc.r.a.pped, and adding on the fact that Dongya wasn’t in his best condition, all the winds had weakened . Kaido had bought an air-con, and since they had already paid the electricity bills, there was electricity . He intended on finding Kaido to sleep together, but he had been given a definitive refusal . Smelly Kaido, how stingy .

Quetzal still did not speak .

Feng Ping Lan scratched his stomach, cracking his lips into a foolish smile, “Quetzal, what are you searching for?”

“Have you been keeping watch, waiting for me all this while?” Quetzal threw out this question haphazardly .

He had just returned a moment ago, when Feng Ping Lan arrived . He recalled his conversation with Yin Su Shuang .

The people at Shadow Academy seemed to be planning something . He knew he had been included in that plan, but he wasn’t sure of whom or what that had been planned from the start, he wasn’t sure if those Summoners were standing completely on the same line as them .

Was Feng Ping Lan a spy for the Summoners? The reason why he stayed by their side, was to notify the Summoners, even being detrimental to them when necessary…

“Oh, nope . I suddenly woke up halfway through my sleep, there was a weird feeling telling me to come downstairs, I never thought I’d see you at the front yard! How inconceivable, is there some sort of telepathy between the two of us? Next time I’ll bite my finger and see if Quetzal will feel a heartache . ”

Looking at Feng Ping Lan’s stupidly smiling face, Quetzal immediately loosened his guard .

This excuse was extremely rotten, but just because it was too rotten, it made it seem evidently real .

“Why do you ask? Ah, could it be that Quetzal wishes for me to wait?” Feng Ping Lan’s eyes lit up, “Oh, I never thought Quetzal would miss me so much! If you said it earlier, I would wait for you at the door every day!”

Looking at that excited expression, an absurd notion abruptly entered Quetzal’s thoughts .

If he said yes, would Feng Ping Lan really wait for him an entire night?

No, let it be .

No matter Feng Ping Lan went along with it or not, it would cause complications for him…

“So, what was Quetzal doing in the courtyard?” Feng Ping Lan questioned in turn .

“…It has nothing to do with you…” Quetzal spoke out a repet.i.tive answer on reflex .

To his surprise, Feng Ping Lan clapped his hands together, “Ha! I guessed right! I knew would you give me that answer!” He revealed a pleased expression that said ‘I’ve caught you’, holding his forefinger in midair to point at Quetzal, “Our synchronization rate has become increasingly higher, hehehe!”

Quetzal’s eyebrows crinkled slightly, not commenting . His search had been cut short, he did not plan on continuing with Feng Ping Lan, and decided to stop for the moment .

Just as he was about to turn to leave, Feng Ping Lan suddenly spoke . “Quetzal must be searching for the miemoshi’s seal, right?”

Quetzal halted his footsteps, “How did you know?”

“I guessed . ” Feng Ping Lan said smilingly, “Cla.s.s Rep told us before this, the miemoshi would seal a mark on their own territory . Other than searching for earthworms, the only reason why Quetzal would be in the courtyard digging in the middle of the night must be to search for the seal . ”

Quetzal fixed his gaze on Feng Ping Lan .

Feng Ping Lan was not stupid . This was not the first time he had witnessed this human’s intellect…

“Do you need my help?” Feng Ping Lan asked once more, “I’m fine with either digging for earthworms or searching for the seal!”

“It’s up to you…” Quetzal twisted his head, walking towards another end of the courtyard, preparing for the next wave of scouring .

“Yay yay yay!”

Feng Ping Lan ran over to the toolbox by the flowerbed in high spirits, taking out a small spade, then ran over to a corner of the courtyard where there were no flowers growing, excitedly starting to dig .

When Quetzal thought he would finally have his moment of peace, Feng Ping Lan’s voice rang out .

“Right, Quetzal, Cla.s.s Advisor gave us a call today, he told us to gather at school tomorrow morning . ” He paused for a moment, “Oh, not right, it’s already past twelve, so it should be ‘today’ . ”

“Mm…” A little earlier, Yin Su Shuang had already brought up this matter to him in the school office .

“I wonder what kind of job Cla.s.s Advisor is planning to introduce to us? With such a high salary, it can’t be anything illegal, right? Hahaha!”

Quetzal ignored Feng Ping Lan’s foolish ramblings, and continued to probe .

“I went for a part-time job with the others today, so many things happened! This morning at the restaurant…”

Feng Ping Lan continued his clamorous sharing of the trifle matters that occurred the entire day they were working . In the process, Quetzal did not give a single reply, but he still talked with cheer in his voice .

“—and I was so happy!” After a long-winded moment, he finally ended .

Quetzal paused, not understanding how Feng Ping Lan had gotten to this conclusion . The entire story, hadn’t had a single development that would make someone happy .

“As long as I’m with everyone else, I’ll feel happy no matter what we’re doing!” Feng Ping Lan went on, “If Quetzal was there it would be even better— Aiya!”

Feng Ping Lan cried out .

Quetzal did not ask . Because there was a faint scent of blood traveling through the air, informing him of what had happened . He remained calm and collected, but his throat tightened subconsciously .

“Aiyaya, I was conspired against by a tree, haha, Quetzal do you feel some sort of heartache?”

Quetzal ignored him . He wasn’t very hungry, the fresh blood from the deceased a few days earlier had not even induced his appet.i.te .

But for some reason, the smell of Feng Ping Lan’s blood would indistinctly entice his thirst .

Feng Ping Lan walked to the side, twisting open the tap used for watering the flowers, washing off the dirt on his hands . Some of the blood was also washed off, but immediately rushed up again .

Feng Ping Lan stared at the cut on his finger, the blood flowing down from his fingertip .

What bad luck… He didn’t think the cut would be that deep…

He turned his head, looking at Quetzal standing in the distance, smiling with a hehe .

“Quetzal, time for supper!” Feng Ping Lan ran over to Quetzal’s side, extended his hand, placing it before him, saying jokingly, “Here, ahh—”

He thought Quetzal would ignore him or reprimand him, but to his surprise, a moist warmth covered his fingertip .

Quetzal lowered his head, placing Feng Ping Lan’s injured finger into his mouth, lightly swallowing the fresh and warm fountain of life .

In a moment, he lifted his head, licking the blood staining his lips .

Feng Ping Lan was frozen in his spot, suddenly feeling at a complete loss .

“Uh, you… You actually ate it…” Feng Ping Lan scratched his head, staring at his own hand, then scratched his head again, “Quetzal, are you broken?”

Quetzal raised his eyebrows .

So this guy could feel embarra.s.sment after all…

“You told me to eat,” Quetzal spoke coldly, just like he did usually, his tone flat and low .

But there was a hint of humor in it .

The reason he had done it, was partly due to his thirst for blood, and partly out of…

Out of what? He did not know .

It didn’t matter whether he refused or accepted, Feng Ping Lan’s reaction was as clamorous and crazy as ever . At that moment, he had felt sick of always reprimanding and refusing the other, and what replaced it was the rebellious feeling of wanting to do the exact opposite .

Looks like his decision had been right .

Feng Ping Lan’s embarra.s.sed reaction of being at a complete loss, let him witness something fresh .

Interesting .

“That is what I said . ” Feng Ping Lan stared at his finger, “But I never thought one of my limbs would have the chance of entering Quetzal’s body, it feels like a dream, hehehe…”

This description made Quetzal feel incredibly uneasy . He humphed coldly, turning to continue with his work .

 With the conversation ended, all returned to tranquility . Quetzal enjoyed this moment of serenity that had not come easily .

But approximately ten minutes later, Feng Ping Lan started speaking again .

“…Quetzal, are you certain the seal is in the flowerbed?” That meant it would be a long time before they could find it!

Would the miemoshi spend that much time digging through the garden, just to place a seal? According to Cla.s.s Rep, the seal’s purpose was to mark their territory, and it would start up the moment a Summoner or a demon crashed in . If that was the case, there wouldn’t be a need to waste so much effort hiding it at such a deep place, right?

Quetzal went silent for a moment, saying, “…It is apparently hidden in a place facing the sun . ”

“Facing the sun? So it’s not certain it’s hidden in the flowerbed?” Feng Ping Lan stood up, circling the flowerbed and scrutinizing it, “It feels too risky burying it in the flowerbed, and it’s too troublesome to either bury or to dig it back up…” He walked as he pondered .

Quetzal watched Feng Ping Lan silently .

He realized, Feng Ping Lan’s expression was slightly different from how he usually was whenever he was in deep thought . His foolish smile would be shelved away, turning into a concentrated look . His steady temperament was like a different person to his crazy self on a common day .

He wasn’t very used to this Feng Ping Lan .

“There is a curse along with the seal… I remember a cla.s.s that mentioned an amulet’s position would influence a curse…” Feng Ping Lan mumbled, “If it was placed under the flowerbed, the central core would be on the low side, the curse wouldn’t operate smoothly . If it wanted to guard this residence, then…”

Feng Ping Lan sized the place up as he walked, looking at the ground, then the surrounding walls, at last the building itself .

The thick carved metal door was facing the east, a number of  three-dimensional designs inscribed on the door, and under the peephole, there was a Goethe rose decorating the door knocker . The upper half of the door had the appearance of fading, it was evident that it had been worn by exposure to the sun . The rose was originally deep red, its electroplating having faded, and had turned into silver and pink gradients . Feng Ping Lan walked towards the large door, then turned his gaze on the protruding door knocker .   

He reached out a hand to touch that rose, then discovered the part of circular heart of the flower in the center could be moved, inharmonious with the rest of the flower .

He extended his dinger, digging into the center of the stamen .

“There’s something in here . ” His used his fingertip to pry it open, picking out the drawing clinging on it, and collected the material from within the flower .

It was a piece of circular metal, a drawing of something looking like a palm engraved onto it .

“It’s the Hamsa Hand, an ancient protective amulet . It was taught in cla.s.s . ” Feng Ping Lan muttered, at the same time flipping the metal over, sizing it up using the moonlight, “But it’s a little different to the picture in the textbook . ”

There was a rhombus drawn in the center, then a conical intersection . On the upper right was an overlapping half-moon with a rounded bottom, the digits 9 and 1 written on the lower right . The upper left had a helix pattern representing a whirlwind, a ripple pattern on the lower left .

There must be a special meaning to it…

Quetzal walked towards Feng Ping Lan, and Feng Ping Lan handed the piece of metal to him . He looked at that piece of metal, bearing the diagram on it in mind .

It was this person… The miemoshi who had sealed him!

He gripped the metal with agitation .

Prince Shuekan…

“That’s great!” Feng Ping Lan smiled, “This way we’re one step closer to finding Prince Shuekan!”

His tone seemed sincerely happy, but when he said this, there was a perplexing sort of resistance and a guilty conscience at the bottom of his heart .

“…Thank you…” The low voice, spoke out the faint conveyance of grat.i.tude .

 “What? Quetzal did you just thank me? Did I mishear?” Feng Ping Lan stared at Quetzal, asking, “d.a.m.n it, I didn’t hear it clearly, can you say that one more time? Ah, wait a minute, I’ll go get a recording device!”

Quetzal humphed coldly, preparing to turn his back to leave .

“Wait!” Feng Ping Lan reached out his hand, about to pull Quetzal back .

Quetzal dodged Feng Ping Lan’s touch with ease .

“Aiya, don’t dodge, you naughty little thing!”

Quetzal frowned, quickening his pace, throwing Feng Ping Lan behind him .

“Aiya!” Feng Ping Lan suddenly cried out, “It’s stacking on each other, I still managed to pull your hand!”

Quetzal halted his footsteps, turning his head to see what he was up to .

He saw Feng Ping Lan’s hand paused in midair, the moonlight reflecting his silhouette on the ground, stretching it, stacking it just right on Quetzal’s shadow .

“Hehehe, Quetzal’s hand is currently in my palm, hehehe…” Feng Ping Lan let out a laugh that sounded like something coming out of a perverted rich landowner, “Next, hehehe…”

His hand slowly lifted, the shadow pulling longer, heading towards the waist of Quetzal’s shadow .

Quetzal’s brow wrinkled, lightly flicking his finger .

In an instant, the shadow on the ground twisted, avoiding the demon claws of Feng Ping Lan’s shadow .

Playing with shadows before him… he was overestimating himself .

Feng Ping Lan saw the shadow’s transformation, widening his eyes in disbelief, “Ah! How can you do that! You’re not allowed to cheat, Quetzal!”

Feng Ping Lan reached out his hand once more, trying to seize the retreating shadow, but in the next moment, the shadow dispersed, like a bottle of ink that had been flipped over, Feng Ping Lan’s shadow also vanishing in the midst of it .

“Ah! It’s gone!” Feng Ping Lan waved his hand at the ground, his limbs making a few strange dance moves, but there wasn’t a single shadow that appeared .

He lifted his head slightly in dismay, watching Quetzal .

In that instance, he seemed to have seen the corners of Quetzal’s lips lift up slightly, looking as if he was smiling . But before he could confirm it, that frosty expression had turned his head back and was already heading back to the residence .

Morning . Meeting room on the second floor of the administrative building .

The school on a working day, was in a state of complete desolation .

Yin Su Shuang looked at the group of people who had arrived on time, his gaze landing on the two uninvited guests .

Facing Yin Su Shuang’s gaze, Kaido returned it without a hint of cowardice, Tan Hua staying by her master’s side courteously .

“Kaido wanted to have a look when he heard about it . ” Feng Ping Lan explained hurriedly, “Can he?”

“Doesn’t matter . ” Yin Su Shuang walked to the main seat, “This job was originally intended for the members of your club to partic.i.p.ate . ”

“Really? Why?”

“The Director was immensely pleased with your performance of dealing with the Jiu Shao incident . ” Yin Su Shuang sat down, “You can ask the club members for help, but decide on how to divide the rewards amongst yourselves . ”

“So what are we supposed to so, Cla.s.s Advisor? It has something to do with the a.s.sociation, could it be that we’re supposed to clean the a.s.sociation’s administrative building?”

“That sounds amazing . ” Dongya smiled, speaking .

“A shame, it is not . This job requires you to be investigators directly under the Shadow Academy, investigating various unsolved incidents relating to demons, and immediately eliminating them once you verify they are not Summoners or demons permitted by the a.s.sociation . The enemies you will face might be demons in hiding, and possibly Opposers . ” Yin Su Shuang paused for a moment, “Of course, there is also a possibility of it being the Third Prince’s men . ”

The moment these words were spoken, the demons created an uproar, Quetzal being the only one to remain calm .

“Why have you guys suddenly made this decision?” Conglong asked .

Yin Su Shuang sighed exasperatedly, as if he felt that explaining was very troublesome .

“Isn’t that the reason why you remain here?” Because of Kaido’s presence, he couldn’t say much, just saying impatiently, “You guys need money, the Shadow Academy is providing you a means to make the best possible use of men, this is advantageous to both sides, you can refuse if you’re unwilling . As for why the Shadow Academy want to give you an opportunity like this, is it that important?”

The demons exchanged glances .

Indeed, through the investigations, they could gain a deeper understanding of the Summoner’s circle, and also receive much more information, this was highly advantageous for the search for Prince Shuekan .

It was just that, they were uncertain of whether this was a trick…

But looking at it from another perspective, with the current situation they were in, this meant they were reluctant to be placed under the Shadow Academy . There were too many things they could threaten them with, there was absolutely no need to trick them .

At last, the demons’ gazes wandered to Quetzal’s direction .

“Quetzal?” Dongya asked tentatively .

“Being viewed as p.a.w.ns is better than becoming discarded soldiers . ” Quetzal said indifferently, “Use what can be used to the end . ”

The demons exchanged a few glances, making a decision .

Kaido did not know the meaning of the words between Yin Su Shuang and the Contracts, there was no need to poke his nose into the matters of others, this was the joint agreement between Summoners .

He was much more curious about why Feng Ping Lan felt like an outsider, even though he was the master .

Also, he didn’t understand why during the conversation between Yin Su Shuang and the Contracts, there was a faint flash of disappointment in Feng Ping Lan’s eyes .

“Have you decided?” Yin Su Shuang pressed .

“How large is the reward?” Byriel asked .

Yin Su Shuang raised his eyebrow, “It’s decided according to the difficulty of the mission . The more complicated the case, the higher the reward . Even if it was a case of normal difficulty, it would be more than ten thousand US dollars . ”

“We’ll join . ” Dongya immediately agreed .

“So, what’s the mission?” Conglong asked . “Can we get an advance payment?”

“No . ” Yin Su Shuang refused resolutely, then stood up, “The location for commissioning a mission is not here, we need to go to the information center . ”

“That troublesome?” Morris grumbled, “Why can’t we just deal with it here?”

“Because the clues are on a dead person’s body . ”

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