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Chapter 25

[025] Night Talks

"Shanshan, why did you send them sweet potatoes? We didn"t even eat enough," Zhao Yang complained to Xie Shanshan. . .

Xie Shanshan responded with a smile: "Zhao Yang, our sweet potatoes were robbed from the other. Besides, we just forced them to eat half a pot of porridge. Do not be too strict, or you will be punished carefully."

Zhao Yang ha ha smiled: "You are still like a child. If you really have retribution, this virus infection is probably the biggest retribution on the whole earth."

Xie Shanshan"s face darkened, the mention of the virus reminded her of her parents who had not survived the disaster. Now she has become an orphan, but fortunately she still has her boyfriend Zhao Yang, otherwise she is a girl who really doesn"t know what to do.

"Shanshan, get on the car and have a rest when you are full. It"s really cold tonight."

There was a flicker of * *, in Zhao Yang"s eyes, but Xie Shanshan didn"t notice it. She silently nodded and got on the Mercedes. Zhao Yang immediately followed her into the rear compartment. Xie Shanshan frowned and said, "Zhao Yang, you"d better sleep in the cab. It can"t be crowded."

Zhao Yang said discontentedly, "Shanshan, you see the world is about to be destroyed. You are still reserved. The bodyguards all laughed at me today. We have been in love for so long. I haven"t touched your body. Now we don"t know whether tomorrow will be life or death. Would you please stop rejecting me?"

Xie Shanshan looked slightly, but she pushed Zhao Yang down. "Zhao Yang, can you wait until we reach the copper market? I"m in a bad mood today. Really, how can I promise you with so many people outside?"

Zhao Yang angrily endured, he didn"t enter the cab in the end, but he turned to find a shelter to smoke. Gu Hai and four of his men had already had enough food. For the first time in these days, they had a hot meal. The five men all lay comfortably by the fire.

"Chief, do you think the copper market really has a human stronghold as they say?" Cross-eyed asked Gu Hai.

Gu Hai has not answered yet. A man named Sun Gao Qiang said: "theoretically, it is possible that the copper city will become the stronghold of the surviving human beings around here. It is the throat of the stone city. Many surviving human beings will want to seek refuge in the provincial capital stone city. In case they cannot reach their ability, the copper city is the best place of refuge, and the state will certainly consider this."

Gu Hai said to Sun Gaoqiang, "Gao Qiang, didn"t you do home appliance maintenance before? You also called up the radio station to let"s listen to the news. I"m still f*cking confused. What"s going on in this world? I even wonder if we are still on earth. "

Sun Gaoqiang said in a difficult way: "I understand radio, but the radio stations around the world must have been damaged. At present, all I want to hear is to receive satellite digital signals. In our country, private radio is forbidden. I cannot make a receiver without equipment."

Gu Hai thought for a moment and clapped his thigh and said: "Those who robbed them were told by others on their side today that there were surviving human beings in the copper market on the radio. w.a.n.g Wu, go and see. If they have radios or something like that, we dare not give them."

Sun Gaoqiang said: "Wait a minute, I noticed that they didn"t have a receiver. They may have been destroyed for some reason after listening, so there is no need to have a conflict with them."

Gu Hai agreed to Sun Gaoqiang"s words without making any noise. He told w.a.n.g Wu"s team members to just climb up and sit down with their b.u.t.tocks. He said: "d.a.m.n, the woman who can"t do it is really unwilling. You said she has a long face, eyes and nose. It"s beautiful to cooperate with each other, especially the b.u.t.tocks are so warped. My heart is always itchy, and my five fingers always want to catch one."

Sun Gaoqiang said: "You have to die. Zhao Zong"s girlfriend won"t agree. Our boss always talks about credibility. If he takes somebody else"s gold, he will do it." The reason why Sun Gaoqiang said so is that he cannot bear to see the two sides resume the conflict. Once that happens, casualties cannot be avoided.

Gu Hai made Sun Gao Qiang boast: "yes, I always speak of credibility, and we will work for whoever gives us real money and silver. Although this world is in turmoil, the morality of the Jianghu still needs to be talked about."

Cross-eyed, seeing that Zhao Yang was far away from here, he whispered, "Chief, stop pretending. I haven"t known what you think after all these years with you? Gao Jiangcai joined our team for a few days. He only saw what you looked like. Zhao is now a dead pig. Shall we kill him, take all his wealth and play with his woman? "

Gu Hai said with a straight face: "Not for the time being. Zhao family is very powerful in H province. Maybe we can use him when we go to the copper market. We should look at everything from afar. Don"t ruin the overall situation for petty gain. Do you know why I can be the boss but you can"t? This is the gap."

Cross-eye was taught by Gu Hai like a pug: "That is, that is, the eldest brother is wise. By the way, the eldest brother, I"ll tell you a secret. I heard from He Er on their side that the woman named Su Yulian has a treasure on her body that looks like a copper statue."

A team member named Hou shan said: "cut, how much is a bronze ware worth, especially in today"s world, cultural relics are not as good as a steamed bun, even gold is better than cultural relics. speaking of this gold, I am a native. Our city of Ji has been producing gold since ancient times. There is a gold museum in the city. There is more than one gold in it, and each one is worth more than the bronze ware you said ..."

Gu Hai frowned and said, "Isn"t Jishi the small city we just pa.s.sed? Is there gold in it? Is the news accurate? "

Hou Shandao: "Yes, of course, it is accurate, because I escaped from the city. My family lives near the Gold Museum. The virus suddenly spread. There are none of the gold objects in it. I can"t sleep at night. There is a hill made of gold. It weighs two and a half tons."

Cross-eyed jumped up, "f*ck, is this really happening? Chief, let"s get it!"

Gu Hai gave cross-eyed a kick. "Sit down. Do you think this is a robbery in a peaceful era? It is not easier to deal with zombies than the police."

Cross-eyed was eager: "chief, don"t you just watch a huge amount of gold slip away from our eyes? Maybe this is the capital for us to make a comeback, even if we can"t take it away, we"ll steal it and find a hidden place to hide it, and when the world returns to order, we"ll be rich. "

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