Return Of The Swallow

Chapter 215: Revenge (I)

Chapter 215: Revenge (I)

A very long and heavy nightmare plagued Qin Yining that night. Shouts and cries of violence shrilled constantly, accompanied by a scent of blood that invaded and lingered in nostrils.

There were always people chasing after her, calling for her head. She was at first confident that she could get away, but realized with horror after she started running that she was just a child with short legs.

The pursuers quickly caught up to her and she shrieked fearfully when the blade stabbed into her shoulder. Violent tremors wracked her body and her eyes popped open.

It hurt, her shoulder really hurt!

Looking at the familiar, elegant magnolia embroidery on baby-blue sheets, she couldn"t immediately discern if she was awake or in another dream. Her last memory had been her family caught in a dead-end, fire in front and to their rear. She was leaning on her father"s arm, having just watched Concubine Lin commit suicide out of despair over her twins" deaths.

Why was she back in her own room? Was everyone alright?

“Miss, you"re awake!” Bingtang exclaimed joyfully from her position next to the bed. “How do you feel?”

Qin Yining opened her mouth. Her throat was so dry and hurt so much that she couldn"t actually say anything.

Bingtang quickly fetched a white porcelain bowl and spooned half of it to the fourth miss.

A sweet and salty liquid entered Qin Yining"s mouth, but it did quench some of the fire in her throat. “How long was I asleep for?” she rasped out. “What day is it? What time is it?”

“In response to the miss, you"ve been asleep for a day and a night. The hour of the pig just pa.s.sed. I came back this morning because I heard of what"d happened. You were burning with fever then. But thankfully your body is strong, so you"re much better now.”

Qin Yining nodded. “Who else is alive?”

Bingtang hesitated before responding cautiously, “Don"t ask so much, miss. The old dowager, marquis, and madame are fine. Jiyun says that rescuers arrived after you fainted last night, so everyone was fine after that. Even the injured eleventh master woke up a little while ago. He said he was hungry! Jiyun has a few shallow wounds but it"s nothing major. I gave her some medicine and had her go to bed.”

“I remember that Jiyun wasn"t injured last night.” Qin Yining turned weakly to Bingtang. Jiyun must"ve done a lot in the fighting that followed after.

Bingtang"s heart still pounded with fright when she thought of what Jiyun had told her. The maid helped Qin Yining sit up and placed a large, soft cus.h.i.+on behind the fourth miss" back before offering more water from a bowl.

“Apparently three more experts showed up after that large group left. The marquis had put you up in the outer study, leaving only Jiyun on guard. Those three were too highly skilled and Jiyun had a very difficult time. Thankfully, the little prince"s helper arrived just in time to take the out. Otherwise… I don"t even dare think about it!”

“Pang Zhixi arranged some of his own men?”

“Yes. A young hero showed up with amazing martial arts skills. His medical skills should be higher than mine. The medicine he put together for you is really effective, and he captured all three alive.”

“Where are they now?”

“Handed over to the lord. I don"t know how he"s going to deal with them.” Bingtang put down the bowl and felt Qin Yining"s forehead. “Your blood vessels were nicked in your injury and you lost a lot of blood. It"s harmed the foundations of your health, so you need to rest well to get back on your feet, miss. Don"t think about anything else. The lord, second elder master, and third elder master are discussing what to do. I"m sure that with the marquis" intelligence, he"ll handle things well.”

Qin Yining closed her eyes tiredly and shook her head lightly. “We can"t let the matter blow over like this.”

“Even if we can"t, you can"t put your body through more stress. Will you have energy for anything if you don"t fully recover?”

Qin Yining tamped down her desire to immediately get to work on the matter and whispered, “Where"s my medicine? Let me take some.”

Bingtang almost cried. Qin Yining was the strongest girl she"d ever seen. Any other girl who"d experienced the same things would"ve probably gone mad. The fourth miss had personally witnessed the deaths of her family, had said that they would spare her family if she was handed over, Concubine Lin carried hatred to her death because of the death of the twins…

Fury from her family being slaughtered, terror of being hunted, resentment from her family, and watching people die right in front of her… And I heard that Songlan died because she took a blow for the miss.

Even if one wasn"t driven by all this, they would sink into self-pity and depression, wanting to rely on others for everything.

But Qin Yining remained rational and strong. There was no hint of self-victimization. She knew what she wanted to do. This degree of maturity would be a given in an experienced mistress of the household. But the fourth miss was only fifteen!

Bingtang was the same age as Qin Yining. She"d been sent away half a year ago when the Tangs had met their downfall. She"d only heard of what had happened and hadn"t seen anything with her own eyes.

But even so, sleep was a long time coming whenever she thought about it. Pa.s.sionate hate and paralyzing terror afflicted Bingtang in equal parts; her emotions rampaged wildly out of control. If she were to go through what Qin Yining had just suffered, the gra.s.s on her tombstone would likely be three feet tall.

Sniffling, Bingtang rose to bring back a bowl of finely stewed brown sugar millet stew. “Miss, eat something first. This is nutritious and easy to digest. It"ll be good for you. We can take some medicine after eating it.”

The fourth miss nodded and raised listless hands to hold the bowl. Her arms shook as she ate the warm stew. She downed the medicine in one gulp after, then rinsed her mouth.

There were painkillers and relaxants in the medicine, so sleep came looking for Qin Yining when she laid back down. She imparted some more instructions before she fell asleep, “Tell my father and mother that I"m fine. Take a good look at their bodies as well.”

“Understood, don"t worry, miss. Steward Zhong has sent many people to help us after hearing what"s happened. He hasn"t gone back either and has been helping the lord. Just rest and recover. You can do things only after you"ve healed.”

Qin Yining"s eyelids grew heavier and heavier. She allowed herself to drift peacefully off to sleep after listening to Bingtang"s response.

It was still night when she woke up again. She felt a bit more energetic this time and refused to go back to sleep after having more brown sugar millet stew, overcooked vegetables, and more medicine. She had Bingtang and Qiulu help her down from the bed and headed to the great hall.

Chapter 215: Revenge (II)

Though it was a summer night, Qin Yining"s weakened state meant the smallest gust of wind induced bone-deep s.h.i.+vers. She clenched her teeth against the elements and pa.s.sed through the flower-hung gate.

White cloth drapes and flag streamers greeted her as soon as she turned into the main yard. An absence of color enveloped everything; rows of coffins were laid out in the yard and great hall. Candles within white lanterns flickered with the wind. The burnt smell of burning paper money filled the air.

The sight made Bingtang and Qiulu"s hairs stand on end. Tears fell uncontrollably when they thought about how they knew most of the dead, and that all those dead were innocents.

Qin Yining walked past the open coffins, declining to take close looks after she looked at a few. Qin Yu, Qin Han, the second and third elder master, and Qin Huaiyuan were standing in front of the altar. They were dressed in mourning robes and placing paper money into a ceramic brazier.

“Father.” Qin Yining called softly.

Qin Huaiyuan turned to see his daughter dressed in mourning robes, her face pale as a sheet. “What are you doing here?”

“I"m here to light incense for everyone and offer my kowtows.” Qin Yining was standing in front of the third madame"s coffin. The late madame was dressed in a vivid sapphire death robes. A single look was enough to start tears flowing uncontrollably.

She knelt in front of the altar and touched her forehead to the ground, choking out, “It"s all my fault. I"m so sorry to everyone.” Sobs rose in volume at her words.

The third elder master wiped at his face and shook his head. “Don"t blame yourself, niece Yi. Like I said before, this matter isn"t anyone"s fault. The only fault we have is to be born in these troubled times.”

Qin Yu"s wife hadn"t escaped the disaster either. They"d married each other when young and loved each other very much. Though née Yao hadn"t given birth in all these years, Qin Yu had never been willing to take a concubine. A gaping hole was ripped in his heart now that she was gone. He didn"t add anything to the third elder master"s words, just continued in a trance to place paper money into the brazier.

Qin Yining forced herself to higher alertness and didn"t want to further guess at her family"s thoughts. Even if they hated her, she deserved it for dragging them all down with her. She was more concerned about another matter at the moment.

“Father, do you know where the are from?”

“Yes.” Firelight reflected off of Qin Huaiyuan"s face as he spoke slowly. “The matter has been thoroughly looked into. The Great Zhou emperor sent the One, because of what the Soothsayer said about your fortunes and two, to the emperor. There were at least a hundred involved in the operation. They caught the eyes of the Warden"s Offices of the Five Wards and Silver Masks when they entered the capital dressed as merchants two days ago.”

The second and third elder master, Qin Yu, and Qin Han handed their paper money to the servants beside them. There were too many people present; it was inappropriate to have this conversation here. They headed for the flower hall with unspoken accord, arranging trusted confidantes to keep guard outside.

Only then did Qin Huaiyuan continue. “Their plan was very thorough. Attackers were first sent to our manor and the palace while a few of their elites remained in the shadows as a backup plan. If it wasn"t for Sir Mu"s timely intervention, darling Yi would probably not be sitting here right now either.”

The second and third elder master shook their heads with a sigh.

“Who"s Sir Mu?” asked Qin Yu.

“A person that little Prince Pang sent to protect my daughter.”

This took the third elder master aback. “You mean that the little prince sent someone to protect our niece?”

Qin Yining knew that the slightest bit of concealment to her family would easily cause misunderstanding. She quickly set the record straight.

“Yes, when Pang Zhixi learned that his emperor had sent men to kill me, he quickly arranged for a highly skilled jianghu hero to come help. But water far away does nothing for a fire close at hand. He didn"t make it in time for the first group of attackers, only arriving to capture the three later”

The second elder master nodded silently.

Qin Han frowned. “It looks like the Zhou emperor and Pang Zhixi have different opinions.”

“In my opinion, emperors are all the same no matter where they are.” Qin Han snorted derisively. “They only care about the security of their positions and nothing about the sufferings of the people. It was only some wild and unfounded rumors about fourth sister, but that was enough for the Zhou emperor to send men from far away to come kill her, and kill so many of our family as well! We can tell from this that he"s a law unto himself and thinks nothing of human lives.”

Qin Yining lowered her head. “It"s all my fault in the end.” She took a deep breath in and didn"t wait for the others to console her. Turning to the marquis, she asked, “Father, have you gotten anything out of the”

“They were tortured, so they"ve spilled the beans on everything they know. A few of their compatriots are still at large. Men from Azure Justice arrived just in time to throw them all out, but the trail was lost later on. Security is very tight in the capital at the moment, so they won"t get away. They"ll just disband and hide amongst the people. The Warden"s Office has been searching and hunting everywhere, but haven"t come up with anything yet.”

“And when we do catch them?” Qin Yining asked. “Has the emperor said what he"ll do with them then?”

Qin Huaiyuan shook his head slowly. “The emperor hasn"t said anything yet.”

“Hasn"t said anything yet?” Qin Yining chuckled coldly. “Things will be difficult if the emperor doesn"t express anything. Father, second uncle, third uncle — would you say that with our emperor"s character, might he give all of the back to Great Zhou if the Zhou emperor demands it?”

“That"s entirely too possible.” Qin Han"s tone was anguished. “Think about what happened to the Duke of Ding. Great Zhou hadn"t even said anything, but our emperor hurried to harm loyal subjects. If the Zhou emperor tosses out "hand them over and you won"t die", our emperor will deliver the wrapped up nicely with a bow! Then our family members will have died for nothing!”

Qin Yu closed his eyes, his hands clenched tightly around the seat of his round chair. The third elder master broke out in loud sobs when he thought of his eleven-year-old son and considerate wife. He wept like a lost babe.

“It"s all because of my incompetence that I couldn"t protect your mother and little brother. If the emperor wants to release these murderers, I"ll, I"ll kill him myself!”

“Father.” Qin Han took his father"s hand. “Don"t cry yourself sick. Mother would never want that to happen to you. Natural disasters and wars are unavoidable. None of this is your fault. Those of us still alive should think about how to get justice for our dead kin. We have an even more important responsibility to bear. Father, you must remain calm.”

The third elder master wiped at his face with his sleeve, forcing his emotions back under control.

Qin Yining also dabbed away tears and continued hoa.r.s.ely, “We can"t let the emperor hand them over, whether it"s the ones we"ve captured or the group still running. The at large will become a latent threat if we don"t catch them. But if the emperor won"t let us kill them… I"ll have to think of something else.

“Openly defying the emperor is a foolish move. We"d be das.h.i.+ng eggs against rocks in head-on conflict. We need to think of an appropriate way to make these murderers pay!”

“Darling Yi, do you have a plan?” Qin Huaiyuan asked.

“Yes.” Qin Yining nodded with a resolute look. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The blood of the Qins stain their hands. I"ll have these murderers pay in blood!”

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