Return Of The Swallow

Chapter 331

Lian Xiaozhou shrieked loudly with anger and charged Pang Xiao, kicked and punching whatever parts of him she could reach.

She was tiny, and her hands and feet even shorter when compared to the prince. Though she brimmed with thoughts, she still couldn"t talk very well. Fury raged, but she didn"t know how to curse. She could only cry from frustration and garble out, “Bully sister! Bad guy! Bad guy!”

Heartache wracked Qin Yining to see Lian Xiaozhou defend herself like this. She quickly pulled Xiaozhou away from Pang Xiao"s legs and stooped down to hug the little girl, caressing her in apology.

The little girl"s fists hadn"t hurt at all, but Pang Xiao"s heart squeezed painfully to see the two girls crying pitifully on the ground—even when he knew that this was all just as act.

“Cry? How dare you cry after causing such trouble in my manor? Do you think I"ll show you mercy just because of a few tears?!”

Qin Yining hugged Lian Xiaozhou tightly on the ground. She"d buried her face in the little girl"s shoulder, her own shoulders shaking slightly as well.

Xiaozhou didn"t know how to yell at the prince and knew that she wouldn"t win in a fight. Seeing her beloved big sister like this, she had no other recourse than to trust into loud sobs as well.

A stunned née Ma off to the side finally collected her senses. Just look at how badly my grandson is bullying the girl!

Though the Yao matriarch was confused at the sudden change of heart, she genuinely liked the Qin fourth miss and sprang into action to mete out justice on the girl"s behalf.

But née Yao and Yao Chenggu had walked up next to her at some unknown point in time and pulled her back from charging in. Yao Chenggu even surrept.i.tiously pinched her arm.

There was naturally an understanding between an old couple. Née Ma turned back to study her husband"s eyes, hesitantly refraining from taking action.

“Servants, take her back and lock her up in Snowtrace Garden!” Pang Xiao growled. “No one is to let her out or visit her without this prince"s express permission!”

“Understood!” Female servants a.s.sented and helped Qin Yining up. They pulled Lian Xiaozhou up as well and carted the two off, flanking the two like the they were afraid of a breakout attempt.

The prince stood with his hands behind his back, coldly watching Qin Yining being taken away until the girl"s figure disappeared around a corner. He turned back to consider Lady Rou coolly.

“What are you all doing here?”

The lady"s hair was a disheveled mess and she"d been weeping up a storm. She was quite the piteous sight, and she lifted her eyes fearfully when she heard the question. But when she met Pang Xiao"s slightly narrowed, phoenix-shaped eyes, it felt like an arrow of ice had plunged into her heart. She shuddered and lowered her head again.

“In, in response to Your Highness, this concubine was just out for a walk.”

“Dusk has fallen. Are you here for the night view?” Pang Xiao arched a brow, responding in a measured, gentle tone.

However, the servants were already trembling at the threatening notes within his voice.

Lady Rou was shaking like a leaf. She couldn"t utter a single word.

Seeing an awkward situation develop, Xinche screwed up her courage to jump in. “In response to Your Highness, indeed. Big sister Lady Rou said she wanted to go out for a walk after dinner. We happened to run into Miss Qin.”

“Did this prince ask you?”

“What?” Xinche blinked.

“Did. this prince. ask you?” Pang Xiao flicked a sidelong glance at Xinche, as if reading every single thought in her mind.

Terrified and embarra.s.sed, Xinche frantically lowered her head.

“Since you were bestowed by His Majesty, you must consider your every word and action to refrain from losing face. Don"t think you"re superior to anyone in the manor just because you were an imperial honor. If this prince discovers that you"ve been acting out or ignoring the confines of your station, I can return your corpses to His Majesty. Try me if you don"t believe it!”

“Yes, this concubine wouldn"t, this concubine doesn"t dare!” Lady Rou"s voice shook so much that it didn"t even sound human.

Pang Xiao waved a hand.

As if pardoned from certain death, Lady Rou and Xinche ran off with their retinue.

Pang Xiao set off for Pinecrane Hall when tranquility returned to the scene. Née Ma was about to demand an explanation, but Yao Chenggu pulled her back again.

The group entered the residence silently.

After dismissing all the servants and making sure that no one was near, Pang Xiao began, “That was a fright to grandfather, grandmother, and mother, wasn"t it? That"s my fault.”

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