
Chapter 27

These clear pictures, a brief introduction to the pictures, and a shipwrecked log are like a deep-water bomb, which blows out all the diving fish in the Q/Q group.

The Q/Q group boiled up for a while, and the big fish, small fish, small shrimp and plankton all floated out of the water.

"I rely on, no mistakes, Old Chen is blowing!."

"Rely on, a box of gold coins, silver coins brightened my dog eyes."

"Looking at the Old Chen search for the shipwreck, like a legendary treasure story. What are the screenwriters waiting for, this is a good treasure hunt adventure movie theme, real people adaptation, it must be very fire."

"I want you to say, you didn"t read the news? The Hollywood screenwriter has already begun to adapt, and it will be released in a few months."

"This is the welfare that Old Chen gave to everyone, I dare say, These pictures, looking for the shipwreck are the latest, most comprehensive, and most detailed information. These pictures and materials are not available in the news reports."

The next day, these were placed in the Q/Q group about the "Lucky Star" shipwreck treasure. Pictures and materials are cited by major media.

In particular, the most detailed search for the shipwreck by Chen Rui himself can be regarded as a wonderful treasure hunt adventure story, which is cited most by the media and websites.


At this time, The Q/Q knocking sound prompts to sound.

Chen Rui opened.

It is a Li Jiayi.

Li Jiayi is a very active sister in this Q/Q group. She is 18 years old and is in high school.

I really like to travel, hike, and use various holidays to travel to many places in the country when.

Li Jiayi also often puts pictures of her own photos taken during the tour in this Q/Q group, and tells the story of the tour, the local customs in a way that tells the story.

The language is lively and interesting.

The people in the picture are also a very cute, very young girl who is liked by netizens.

"Big brother Chen is not in Suzhou and Hangzhou." Add a smile on the back.

"Yeah, how do you know." Chen Rui replied.

"I just saw your signing of the signing ceremony with the Suzhou-Hangzhou Garden Ancient Construction Engineering Company at Lanyuntian Hotel, huh, huh~"

"I am a Suhang person, as the host, I will take you to Suzhou and Hangzhou tomorrow to eat the food of Suzhou and Hangzhou."

"Okay, (a smiley face.)"


The next day, morning.

Li Jiayi came to Lanyuntian Hotel where Chen Rui lived.

Li Jiayi is a very young and lovely girl.

As the host, Li Jiayi took Chen Rui through the streets and lanes of Suzhou and Hangzhou, eating Suzhou-Hangzhou special flavor snacks and enjoying the picturesque scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"When you come to Suzhou and Hangzhou, don"t go to the West Lake you must regret it. I will take you to the West Lake tomorrow to ensure that you will feast your eyes." Li Jiayi said to Chen Rui with a smile.

The body is full of youthful atmosphere.

Even Chen Rui was inadvertently infected by her, and said with a smile, "Okay."

The West Lake is the pearl of the picturesque landscape of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

There are many poems about the description of the West Lake. Among them, the most famous Su Shi"s "Drinking on the Lake after the first rain and the second rain."

West Lake is named West Lake because of its lake in the west of Hangzhou.

The West Lake is also known as Qiantang Lake. It is named after the ancient name Qiantang of Hangzhou and Zhouzhou.

The earliest appearance of the "West Lake" was in the two poems of Bai Juyi"s "West Lake Night Return to w.a.n.g Gushan Temple" and "Hangzhou Hui".

After the Northern Song Dynasty, the famous poems were mostly named after the West Lake, and the name of Qiantang Lake was gradually known.

The next afternoon.

Chen Rui and Li Jiayi spent 160 yuan on a cruise ship.

There are 10 tourists on the cruise including Chen Rui and Li Jiayi.

The cruise ship wanders in the lake.

At this time, it is spring, the season of flowering, the spring is thick and full of vitality.

On the sh.o.r.e of the lake, the green willows are shaded and reflected in the water.

It is the most beautiful season in West Lake.

The cruise ship departed at 2 o"clock in the afternoon and returned to the starting point at 5:00 pm.

At this point, the sky is near dusk.

The sun is quietly scattered on the surface of the lake, and the mountains are empty. It is a scene of "water and light eyes and good eyes" described in the literati poems.

In the evening, Chen Rui and Li Jiayi walked on the lakeside, breezy and intoxicated.

In the next few days, Li Jiayi led Chen Rui to stay in the beautiful West Lake and visit the famous West Lake.

Let Chen Rui feel a worthwhile trip.

The West Lake is full of scenery, beautiful everywhere.


After traveling through the West Lake, I exchanged my mobile phone number with Li Jiayi.

Chen Rui returned to the hotel, time is still early, no sleep.

Chen Rui turned on the computer and looked at the web page first.

Suddenly, a post on the web page attracted Chen Rui"s attention.

The t.i.tle of the post is the world"s top ten undiscovered treasures!

1, The Black Beard Pirate Heritage.

2, Treasure of Genghis Khan Mausoleum.

3. Lost n.a.z.i Treasure.

4, 1715 Spanish Gold Fleet

5, King Solomon Treasure

6, Inca Empire Treasure.

7, Atlantis.

8, California Gold Mine buried in the sea.

9, Tokugawa Shogunate Buried Treasure.

10, Romanov Family Lost Treasure

Among the top ten unexplored treasures, among them, Chen Rui is most interested to 1715 Spanish Gold Fleet, Inca Empire Treasure, Atlantis and California Gold Mine since he can easier find them than the rest of the treasure in the list.

The reason is simple, because the four undiscovered treasures are in the water. The reason why it was not discovered is because the water depth and the bottom of the water are too large, and the search is too difficult.

However, for Chen Rui who can walk in the water for several hundred meter, is easier to find them.

The most Interesting treasure for Chen Rui now is Inca Empire Treasure.

In ancient times, there was an Inca empire centered on Peru and South America. It was very strong. All the palaces in the capital were decorated with a lot of gold and silver. It was magnificent and splendid

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