
Chapter 63

The fireball dragged the long fireworks tail and crossed the sky from south to north.

The horizon rises with a huge flame, the earth begins to tremble, and the virgin forest of more than a dozen square kilometers is knocked down by the shock wave.

The sky after the explosion was shrouded in a gloomy orange.

The place where the fireball hits left a funnel-shaped pothole.

The potholes form a lake.

This lake is Chen Rui who looked down on the top of the mountain yesterday and saw a very regular circular lake.

The fireb.a.l.l.s painted on the rock paintings of the indigenous ancestors are the meteorites.

The fireball dragged the long pyrotechnic tail because the meteorite entered the earth atmosphere and burned with the atmosphere air under high-speed, intense friction, forming a fireball and a long fireworks tail dragged by the fireball.

Most of these meteorites come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a small part comes from the Moon and Mars.

Most meteorites burn and disintegrate when they enter the atmosphere, but there are still about 500 meteorites that fall from marbles to basketball size every year.

A very small number of meteorites are large enough to fall on the ground, because the impact is equivalent to a dozen times the bullet speed and powerful kinetic energy of more than a dozen kilograms or even tons of ma.s.s-produced a huge impact crater. But, many meteorites are small in size, when they fall to the ground, they have reached the terminal speed. At most, they can only create a small hole.

The meteorites that were recorded long ago on the rock paintings of the indigenous ancestors. .h.i.t the ground.

The horizon caused a huge flame, the earth was shaking, and the virgin forest of more than ten square kilometers near the center was knocked down by the shock wave, and a crater with a diameter of 300 meters was left behind.

It can be explained that the head of this meteorite is very huge.

Because it is in the depths of the Amazon rainforest, it is inaccessible, and the local indigenous people do not know the value of the meteorite. Perhaps it is just an ordinary stone. Perhaps the lake produced by the "G.o.d" subconsciously fears in the bottom of the heart. So they did not salvage the meteorites from the bottom of the lakes.

Therefore, Chen Rui concluded that the meteorite is likely to remain at the bottom of the lake.

Chen Rui decided to sneak into the lake to salvage this valuable meteorite.

The value of meteorites is that they are scientific samples of "cheap and good quality".

Imagine that to retrieve samples from other planets, you need to use a s.p.a.ceship, which is huge and amazing!

The Apollo s.p.a.cecraft landed on the moon, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, only collecting more than 300 kilograms of lunar surface samples from the front of the moon, still cannot obtain samples of the moon far from the surface of the earth, but if you can pick up the meteorites that came from outer s.p.a.ce in Earth, the cost is absolutely less.

The facts show that in the Antarctic Continent, because it is an uncultivated place and a virgin land, the meteorites are best preserved. For example, among the meteorites found in the Antarctic continent, there are 9 meteorite samples from the moon. What is more precious is that 8 of them are meteorites that came from the back of the moon.

It is more difficult and costly to collect samples on Mars than on the moon.

These meteorites carry the original information of celestial bodies and are of great significance to human studies in high-energy physics, celestial evolution, geochemistry, and the origin of life.

For example, humans have found a large amount of organic matter such as ammonia, nucleic acids, fatty acids, pigments and 11 kinds of amino acids in meteorites with high carbon content.

People thus speculate that the origin of life on earth has a considerable relationship with meteorites. Life on earth is a meteorite that spreads the species of life to the earth.

About 25% of the magnet.i.te crystal structure of the Martian meteorite "Allen--Hills 84001" is formed by bacteria. This finding provides the most powerful evidence of the existence of life on Mars.

Meteorite not only has very important scientific research value but also has a very high collection value.

The scarcity of meteorites and the hype of the market have prompted the price of its collection to soar, from the original few dollars per pound to the price of diamonds or even higher.

At present, the most expensive meteorite in the world is the meteorite of the moon and Mars, about $5000 per gram. Secondly, the price of the stone iron meteorite market is one hundred dollars per gram. Even the cheapest desert meteorites, the degree of weathering is higher, also 1 dollars per gram, if there are many witnesses when falling, the value also rises dozens of times, reaching 40 to 100 dollars per gram.

The high price of meteorites also gave birth to a meteorological collection boom.

In recent years, meteorite searchers have also increased rapidly, and many people will spend $1 to $2,000 on a long-term search in one place. Some people will spend tens of thousands of dollars to find a place where there may be a lot of meteorites, hoping to make major discoveries and make big money.


Chen Rui stayed in the indigenous tribe for a week.

During this week, Chen Rui taught many relatively advanced production techniques to the indigenous tribes.

For example, the indigenous tribes were taught to use the common clay pottery in the mountains to make salt from the mineral salt, to process and rub the fur of the brakes, and to build durable, wind- and rain-proof houses with simple tools, how to make tools and use them, and many more.

Finally, Chen Rui gave from the s.p.a.ce a variety of medicines, leaving a little left to the indigenous people, and how the indigenous people would use them.

Compared with Chen Rui, indigenous people living in the rain forest with a harsh environment and high disease infection rate need these drugs. Perhaps a bottle of common cold medicine and penicillin can save a person life.

Chen Rui left the indigenous tribe, followed by dark spots.

Came to the lake.

Chen Rui left the black spot on the sh.o.r.e of the lake and let it find food for himself.

Chen Rui jumped into the lake, showed his water bullet technique and decided to sneak into the bottom of the lake.

The bottom of the lake is 40 meters deep and can only see a little light.

Without much effort, Chen Rui found the meteorite buried in the mud in the middle of the lake.

Get the meteorite into the s.p.a.ce, then go back to the sh.o.r.e and enter the s.p.a.ce, so that you have time to view the meteorite.

The meteorite is very large, round and hornless, and the surface is covered with pits of different sizes and shades.

Based on the fracture surface, specific gravity, and magnetic strength of the vermiculite, Chen Rui is a gangue stone whose main component is silicate.

Chen Rui took a tape measure from the s.p.a.ce and measured the size of the meteorite.

The meteorite is 3.11 meters long, 2.21 meters wide, 1.57 meters high and can reach 40+ tons. This is a big one. It may be the top three in the world.

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