
Chapter 65

After pa.s.sing through the swamp, Chen Rui came to a mountain.

Chen Rui took the map out of his backpack and pointed his finger at the high mountain position on the map. Then, the finger swiped on the map, in a position in a long stretch of mountains, and said to himself, "The treasure valley should be here."

Chen Rui put away the map, put it in the backpack, and continued on the road.

A few days later, one person and one jaguar appeared in a valley.

The valley was deep, and if people shouted at the entrance to the valley, his voice will spread far and wide in the valley.

"This is the valley." The valley is large, the trees are dense, and the branches are covered with vines.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of dead branches, dark and damp, and the smell of corruption in the air.

In the rotten leaves, there are many poisonous insects and poisonous snakes.

People walking through them are hard to walk, not to mention a large animal.

In order to avoid accidents, Chen Rui receives black spots into the Eternal Sea Pearl s.p.a.ce.

Chen Rui was looking for a long time in the valley. He did not find the ancient city filled with gold gems written in the diary of the Spanish explorer Fred.

Chen Rui walked alone in the valley.

The valley is full of trees, vines, foliage, and vines that cover the sun, and the ground is very dark and damp.

The surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that Chen Rui felt a little depressed and indulged.

Chen Rui walked carefully on the edge of the valley.

A piece of soft soil under Chen Rui feet suddenly fell and collapsed because of the weight of Chen Rui.

Chen Rui"s figure can"t help but fall down the valley with the collapse of the soil.

Chen Rui"s eyes were fast, grabbed a st.u.r.dy vine in the air, and stabilized his body. The vines hung Chen Rui in the air.

Chen Rui looked down and saw the scene in front of him suddenly shocked Chen Rui.

The bottom of the valley is an ancient city, an ancient city filled with gold gems written on the Fred Adventure Diary.

Chen Rui looked up and looked green. The green leaves and the vines that were wrapped around the vines covered Chen Rui"s line of sight. Only a few rays of sunlight leaked out of the gap between the dense leaves and the vines.

The bottom of the valley is completely covered by big trees and vines. From above, there is no ancient city below.


If the ancient city is not covered by trees and vines, the scale of the ancient city below will be long discovered by satellite.

If it has long been discovered, it will not be Chen Rui turn to grab this treasure as the government has long excavated this valley.

Chen Rui is hanging on the vine and is above the ancient city. The scene of the ancient city below is un.o.bstructed.

The ancient city is very large, but after years of ruin, the wind and rain have become very vicissitudes, the mottled walls, the steps covered with moss, the big trees will be rooted in the wall, ...

The ancient city look very grand as many temple covered in gold, the wall made of a piece of polished bluestone, and the huge sculptures of the city center, the exquisite portrait sculpture, the tall pyramid building, etc. It can be seen that a long time ago a very advanced ancient civilization lives here, they built this city.

Climb down the vines, climb to the bottom of the valley, and walk into the ancient city.

Once inside the ancient city, the scenes that Chen Rui saw more confirmed Chen Rui speculation.

In the ancient city, Chen Rui discovered some pottery, the surface of the pottery is very smooth, beautiful, elegant decoration, beautiful geometric patterns, and brilliant colors.

Explain that the Aka people have eye-catching polishing technology, exquisite production technology and rich and varied decorative patterns in the manufacture of pottery.

The Aka people are the names that Chen Rui gave to people who lived here long ago.

Because the valley where the valley is located is called Artka by the local indigenous population, so according to the name of people who lives on Artka mountain Chen Rui gave them name Aka People.

The Aka people are also excel in metal smelting and processing. This can be seen from the bronze knives, swords, spears, axes and other weapons found in Aka City, as well as production tools such as hoes and axes.

The city where the Aka people live is called Aka City.

The Aka people also have a well-developed handicraft industry. Chen Rui found various workshops and processing tools in the city of Aka, as well as various crafts such as gold, silver, copper, precious stones, leather, textiles, feathers and pottery.

In addition, the Aka people also have a fairly complete system of ruling and religious systems.

This is seen from neatly arranged from the streets and squares in the ancient city. There are temples, palaces, administrative offices, n.o.ble houses, playgrounds, schools, and other buildings in the city. There is also a big market in the north of the city that can be inferred.

Aka City also has a 10 km long waterproof longwall and two stone troughs to divert fresh water into the city.

This is the fourth ancient civilization, the Aka civilization, which is not inferior to the three ancient civilizations of Maya civilization, Aztec civilization, and Inca civilization.

Chen Rui walked to the center of the city, where there is a pyramid that rivals the Egyptian pyramids and the Mayan pyramids.

The Aka Pyramid is different from the Egyptian Pyramid and has some similarities to the Mayan pyramid.

The shape of the Aka Pyramid is flat, the tower is square, the bottom is small and the layers are stacked, and a square stone monument is placed on the top of the tower.

The Aka Pyramid was built from a block of a polished boulder.

What surprised Chen Rui was that there was no plaster at the junction of the boulder and the boulder, but it was still very close and the blade was difficult to insert.

This shows the superb architectural skills of the Aka people.

Chen Rui boarded the top of the pyramid of Aka and found that the stone tablets were engraved with various patterns and texts.

Explain that Aka civilization has reached the possession of the text.

These patterns attracted Chen Rui attention.

A dozen or so large and small patterns are like the concentric circles of the target. Below is a pattern of points and lines that resemble a constellation.

Chen Rui studied this pattern for a long time before finally confirming that the constellation-like pattern consisting of points and lines is a constellation.

Representing the maiden constellation.

The solar system represented by the ring, one of which represents the earth.

This is a star phase diagram of the solar system drawn by the Aka people.

The second pattern is like two calculation questions.

A horizontal and vertical display of numbers.

Chen Rui studied for a long time and suddenly thought of computer binary numbers.

A horizontal representation of 1 and a vertical representation of 0.

Then, Chen Rui presses a horizontal representation of 1 and a vertical representation of 0 into this calculation question. The result is 365.22.

365 days a year, modern people know that this is the time the earth orbits the sun.

But a long time ago, the Aka people not only got this number but also accurate to 365.2424. The modern astronomical observation is 365.2422 a year, which is a difference of 0.0002 from the Aka people. This is an incredible achievement.

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