
Chapter 17

Either the area is too small, less than ten acres, and only one villa can be built on the island.

Either the island was completely developed, and the island built a variety of living facilities such as luxury villas and swimming pools. This is not what Chen Rui wants.

The only one in the Gulf of California, Mexico, has an area of ​​more than 150 square kilometers of the island of Seralvo, but because the price of the island of Seralvo is too high, up to 350 million US dollars, Chen Rui helplessly gave up.

Dawson Berg saw Chen Rui"s disappointing expression and said to Chen Rui, "Mr. Chen, are there more than 600 of the islands that are listed for sale?"

"No, however, but this is located in California Bay, with more than 150 square kilometers of the island of Seralvo I am very fancy, but, unfortunately, it is too expensive." Chen Rui smiled and said.

Dawson Berg took a sip of coffee and said, "It"s really a shame, but the island with an area of ​​more than 150 square kilometers is being sold, this opportunity is very rare. I think many rich people are very interested in this island." Having said that, Dawson Berger paused and said, "I don"t know what Mr. Chen requirement about the island to be purchased ?"

Chen Rui thought for a while, and said, "First, the area is big, the best islands must have an area of ​​more than tens of square kilometers. Second, the island has fresh water resources. Third, the island sovereign states cannot make too many restrictions on the development of the island."

After listening to Chen Rui"s request, Sen Berger tightened his brow. After thinking for a while, I said to Chen Rui, "I know that there is an island that meets your requirements. However, ... the sovereign country of this island is Haiti, this is not a good choice."

Haiti is a nation in the northern part of the Caribbean is the world"s first independent black country and one of the poorest countries in the world, one of the least developed countries.

75% of people live in abject poverty and the unemployment rate is as high as 75%.

Haiti"s social turmoil, politics, has become a commonplace, and it is a paradise for independence, arbitrariness, violence, and gun.

Starting from Haiti"s independence, in 1806, politics, change, Haiti"s first ruler and first king, Henry Cristophe was

... From

1908 to 1915, there were six political changes in Haiti, and eight presidents were replaced.

In 1946, politics and change, politics and change in 1950, ...

2004, military rebellion, ...

no country in the world like Haiti, the country that changed politics and became like a meal , so people used to it.

In this context, the law and order in Haiti can be imagined, guns are flooding, shootings, tying, and incidents are endless, and law and order is extremely poor. The local police are also in a dangerous place in the capital Port-au-Prince.

Therefore, Dawson Berg told Chen Rui that buying an island in Haiti is not a good choice.

"You mean Tortuga Island." Chen Rui said.

The reason why Chen Rui said it was Tortuga, the reason is very simple.

Although Haiti has a long coastline,

But there are very few islands.

There is a island of Vash in the south, a Gonaf Island in the middle, and a Tortuga island in the northwest.

Among them, Tortuga Island has a precedent for sale in the history of Haiti.

In 1971, Don Pierreson and the Haitian government and government proposed a contract to acquire the concession of Tortuga Island for 99 years, trying to establish a free port in Tortuga.

The so-called 99-year-old concession can refer to the UK to lease to Hong Kong for 99 years from the Qing government and the government.

Dawson Berg nodded and said to Chen Rui, "Yes, the Haitian government and government intend to put an uninhabited land in the eastern part of Tortuga Island, about 100 square kilometers, divided into more than a dozen pieces for sale. The area of ​​each piece of land is divided into 5 to 10 square kilometers, and the price of each piece of land is between 2 million and 5 million US dollars.

Chen Rui nodded.

The area of ​​100 square kilometers can be quite a lot.

To give a simple example, the area of Manhanttan is 59 square kilometers, 100 square kilometer almost equivalent to 2 manhattan island.

100 square kilometers, equivalent to more than half of Tortuga.

About 100 square kilometers of land is divided into more than a dozen pieces, one piece is priced at 2 million to 5 million US dollars, such calculations, 100 square kilometers all bought about 80 million to 100 million US dollars, the price Not low.

The sale of $350 million in the Gulf of Sierra, California, in the Gulf of California, makes sense.

First, the island of Seralvo has 156 square kilometers, which is 1.5 times the land to be sold on Tortuga Island.

Second, after the buyer bought the island of Seralvo, the entire island of Ceralvo became the private land of the buyer. However, the purchase of the land on Tortuga Island, half of the ownership of Tortuga Island is It belongs to Haitian government and government.

The third and most important point is that Haiti"s political and administrative instability has been counted since Haiti"s independence and independence. In this island country, more than a dozen successful military policies and changes have taken place. Politics and change have become very frequent. , the ruin, the storm, the paradise of the king.

In this case, it has now cost 100 million U.S. dollars to buy more than half of the land on Tortuga Island, and wait until another president has pa.s.sed military policy and changed to the stage, legislation to forcefully recover the land you own on Tortuga Island, or pay one A huge purchase fee.

This is very possible.

Such examples are often staged in the Caribbean and in some countries in South America, but not land ownership, is oil.

In 2006, Bolivian President Moras announced the nationalization of foreign oil companies in the country"s territory, and at the same time sent troops to the 53 oil fields in the country.

Argentina is also! Venezuela is also! Cuba is also!

The phrase "nationalization of oil" has all been brought to the country.

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