
Chapter 8

Chen Rui intends to sell the shipwreck in the form of an overall auction.

Partic.i.p.ants in the auction are museums, inst.i.tutions and individuals interested in purchasing the "Lucky Star" shipwreck as a whole.

Chen Rui was entrusted to the relevant companies at the auction site layout, security, and guest reception.

In addition, high-priced hired top auctioneers and legal experts dealing with legal, tax and other related matters.

On April 2nd, the weather was fine and the gra.s.s was fluttering. It was a good time for an outdoor activity.

Hilton Grand Hotel, a luxurious meeting room, it is arranged here as an auction site.

"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Reno, very welcome." As the organizer of the auction site, Chen Rui smiled and greeted the guests.

Francis Reno, a famous Spanish artist, painter, curator of the National Museum of Prado, Spain.

"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Chen, have to say, I am very envious of your good luck." Francis Reno shook hands with Chen Rui and said.

Francis Reno looked at the young man in front of him. He was very sunny, very friendly, and smiled and made him feel comfortable. He couldn"t help but feel good about him.

Before coming, Francis Reno had a survey of Chen Rui through political and government intelligence agencies. He graduated from Central South University, one of the best universities in China. He is proficient in English, j.a.panese, likes to travel on foot, and on computers have Highly technical skill, the main job is to write programs for IT companies and to write for newspapers and magazines in computer science.

Such a very good, energetic young man, whoever sees him, feels good, not to mention the young man who will soon be worth more than 200 million dollars. Such a price is enough to squeeze into the world"s top rich, the elite level of society.

"h.e.l.lo, Earl Hill." Chen Rui smiled at an old man.

The old man is very gentlemanly, with a civilized staff in his hand.

There are many ancient families in the UK, with a long history and a distinguished history.

The Hill family is one of them, and its history dates back to the early 16th century.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the Hill family, as a large-scale shepherd family, first came to Northampton County in central England to establish Hill Manor. Since then, members of the Hill family have been politicians, courtiers, seafarers, amba.s.sadors, the preacher, this is a family with a long history and a very prominent heritage.

"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Chen, you are so young, look very energetic, energetic, you are very lucky, if you have time, I very welcome you to visit Hill Manor." Earl Hill smiled, against Chen Rui Said.

"Thank you!"


"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Hughes."

Mark Hughes, a US technology tyc.o.o.n, is worth billions of dollars and owns a private island in the Caribbean.

"h.e.l.lo, I have a c.o.c.ktail party next month, I invite you to come to my reception."

"Thank you, I will arrive on time."


After half an hour, all the guests arrived. The main entrance of the conference room is closed.

On the auction floor, a middle-aged man in a suit and a suit came up.

Ross Witten, a famous American auctioneer, has a good professional quality. After optimizing the combination of the items to be auctioned, he can set the best bidding route and be good to set the atmosphere of the scene.

An active atmosphere, inciting the enthusiasm of the buyer, often makes the auction achieve unexpected results.

He was awarded "white gloves".

To know that "White Gloves" is the highest honor of the auctioneer, it marks a 100% turnover rate of an auction, it represents a high recognition of auctioneer.

Getting the "white gloves" ident.i.ty is like the "Oscar winner" of the auction industry.

Ross Witten said, "Welcome all the guests, today, commissioned by my client, Mr. Chen Rui, to host the auction. The auction items are a shipwreck and gold, silver coins, gems, gold artwork on the shipwreck. , silver tableware and other items.

Below, let me introduce this shipwreck.

This is a 500-ton Spanish sailing ship built in Bilbao, northern Spain, the hull is produced in Bilbao. Built of high-quality oak, ..., built in the first half of the 17th century, ....

In the colonial era, as a common size lasted until the end of the 17th century mid-size sailing era.

The main features of this type of ship are high chords, low fore decks, flat stern, ..., length to width ratio of 4:1.

This hull layout structure has many advantages, such as towering bow and high deck, ... When the two ships are stuck in the war, the advantage is that they can easily board the enemy ship.

The ratio of length to width is 4:1, which makes the Spanish sailing ship and other contemporary sailing boats more occupied in speed advantage.


In addition, this ship has a huge ship body and load capacity, generally equipped with heavy weapons. The famous Spanish treasure fleet is composed of such ships.

Speaking of this, Ross Witten voice paused, and then opened Said, "This boat is one of the most legendary sailing boats in history.

Everyone knows that with the gold and silver from Peru and Mexico and the jade and pearls collected from South America, these huge wealth are the key to Spain"s hegemony. It is these large sailboats that ensure that such wealth can be safely transported back to Spain.

For more than a century, the Spanish seafarer firmly controlled the waters of Europe and the United States, which is their legend. "

Ross Witten to the guests a brief introduction of the Spanish galleon.

The audience, we all muster applause."

Spanish galleon in the history of sailing can indeed be regarded as one of the most legendary.

From the Spanish galleon The formation of the Spanish Invincible Fleet, the treasure ship, the gold fleet... They are legends of the sea.

Ross Witten went on to say, "This "Lucky Star", because of the changes in water flow and the marine environment, It is buried in the mud on the seabed, and it is used long-term isolation of air and seawater soaking and corrosion. So the preservation is very complete, such as the hull, artillery, weapons, decoration in the ship"s warehouse, tableware. There are also some ordinary small objects of daily life in the colonial period, such as the parrot feathers found on board, which ill.u.s.trates the value of the colorful parrots.

There are also ceramic bottles filled with olives and other foods.

This ship has very important archaeological research value as well as artistic value."

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