Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 36 finally came out!

The new j.a.panese chapter Arc 6 Chapter 36 finally came out!

It was terrible timing though since it caught me when I was 10,000+2,200km away from home. I got sick again yesterday and I’m making my way back to base while stopping along the way to see the sights for a few days. 

This one might be a bit rushed since I’m strapped for time. I might revise it once I get home at the end of the month.

I’ll finish up Arc 4 Interlude I before getting to the next part!


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――The body of the girl named Anastasia Hos.h.i.+n was now dominated by another existence, while her own existence was soundly sleeping.

Simply put, that was what "Anastasia"―― or, the spirit by the name of Echidona, had explained.
It seemed that fact was quite shocking to Emilia and Beatrice, while for Subaru, rather than shock, it only served to exacerbate his confusion.

Subaru barely had any impressions of Anastasia in the first place. Imagine someone came up and told him right when they first met that "I used to be Anastasia, but now I"m actually this other person".

[Subaru: ……I-is that so… That"s uh. That"s… pretty big news, huh]

He couldn"t exactly react except like it was someone else"s affairs.
No doubt, it was only from the reactions of those around him that he figured that this was a pretty serious situation. After all, they came to this tower for a reason.

It was in order to find a way to save the girl that kept on sleeping, and to help those people struck with some unknown disease, that they came here. ――Or at least, that"s what he had been told.

[Ram: We barely just got here and the key people are already falling apart…… Barusu dropped his memories somewhere, and Anastasia-sama"s consciousness is deep in the abyss…]

[Subaru: Ugh… doesn"t look good at all, huh……]

Listening to Ram"s blunt remark, Subaru dejectedly held his head.
The problems were just piling up―― Subaru hadn"t even sorted out his own mess, and more difficulties just kept coming. They were going nowhere.
In that case――

[Emilia: Everyone, I think even if we hang our heads like this, we won"t solve anything. I understand the frustration, I do…… but, we can"t let our spirits down]

[Emilia: A lot of people"s hopes are riding on us coming to this tower. What happened to Subaru and Anastasia-san, that is a big deal. But…]

Emilia clapped her hands together and gathered everyone"s attention to herself.
Then, after pausing a beat, she scanned her amethyst eyes over everyone present,

[Emilia: We can"t stop here. ――We musn"t give up, that"s what I"ve always been taught]

Emilia said this firmly as she looked at each member"s face in turn. Her gaze finally fell on Subaru, who held his breath as he was pierced by their amethyst charm.
Naturally, his chest heated up. He didn"t know what to say, but he could see the expectation in her eyes. Receiving it, and feeling like he must do something, Subaru tightened his fist.

[Beatrice: Ow! That hurts! Oy, Subaru!]

[Subaru: Ah, my ba……no, not bad! Because this is proof of my determination!]

[Beatrice: Even if you say that with a straight face it still hurt when it hurt, I suppose! Reflect on your actions now!]

[Subaru: S-sorry. Hurting you was my bad. But my determination was not! Yeah, that"s right!]

Subaru apologized to Beatrice"s protests that her delicate wrist was being squished, but he quickly shook his head.
He could see that the situation as worrying. But simply worrying about unsolvable problems wouldn"t move anything forward at all. Subaru knew this from personal experience, in fact.
If Subaru was alone, he would certainly have lost his way. But, he wasn"t alone. Even if he had forgotten everything on his end, there was still Emilia and the others. And so――

[Subaru: It"s true, my memories slipping away all of a sudden has caused you a lot of trouble, I"m sorry about that. But that doesn"t mean it"s hopeless. Think of it another way. Who knows, maybe now I"m freed from the unnecessary fetters and ready to burst out with new ideas like a fresh spring or something. Then that means we"re ready to break out of this mess, doesn"t it?]

["Anastasia": ……that"s… quite a progressive take on it]

[Subaru: Would you rather go backwards instead? All the important things are ahead of us. They say the G.o.ddess of Fortune only shows her bangs, you know? Besides, when it comes to capturing this tower, maybe we"ll need to come up with a more flexible idea. One that isn"t confined by the conventions of this world, like, AN IDEA FROM ANOTHER WORLD!]

"Anastasia"―― or rather, Echidona, wryly smiled at that momentous remark, but she was pushed back by an even more momentous retort. Even though he was just bluffing, what he said was right, and there was a need to break out of the current atmosphere.
Listening to Subaru"s thoughts, the difficult expressions on everyone"s faces began to change.

[Emilia: ……Mmn, that"s right. Subaru has always gotten over all sorts of trouble like this. So, this time, you"ll definitely get us through it too]

[Subaru: Oooh! That"s the spirit! Though that kinda sounds like I"ll have to do all the work here… but since you"re counting on me, I"ll do my best. Such a cute girl is asking for my help, after all!]

[Emilia: Thank you, Subaru. ――Hm, I"m glad. Subaru is still Subaru, after all]

[Subaru: ――――]

Hearing Emilia"s whisper as she put a hand to her ample chest in relief, Subaru was almost caught off-guard.

――"Subaru is still Subaru, after all"

Hearing her sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, Subaru felt relieved as well.
"I guess that"s enough", he thought.
Little by little, this self would be able to fill the hole left by the Natsuki Subaru she knew. If he could do just that, then he should be able to smooth over all the jumbled relations.h.i.+ps here.

[Julius: ……Well well, that sure is optimistic]

[Subaru: Huh?]

Just when Subaru was relieved by Emilia"s words, Julius suddenly cut in. Sensing Subaru"s gaze, he shrugged, and loosened his lips with [Nothing],

[Julius: I just thought, memories or not, it"s still as impossible as ever to tell whether you"re brave or reckless. On the other hand, perhaps you would only think this because you"ve forgotten the enormity of the obstacle we are facing]

[Subaru: Oy, why"s there always something annoying about the stuff you say? Unless…… no way, is that just your true nature? Julius-san…… I mean, just Julius]

[Julius: ……I see. It"s just as Emilia-sama said, memories or not really doesn"t matter. One"s nature is not so easy changed]

[Subaru: I guess I can kind of imagine what kind of relations.h.i.+p we have now. We must be more comfortable with each other than anything else, huh]

They were not harsh words of malice, but an exchange of friendly jabs. Nevertheless, Subaru was convinced that there was a certain sense of distance between them.
His initial impression wasn"t wrong. Subaru and Julius mustn"t have liked each other very much when they first met. But afterwards, through various things they"ve experienced together, their relations.h.i.+p must have improved to the point where they could travel to this tower together――

[Subaru: Then I"ll be counting on you, Julius. Until I get my memories back, I"ll trouble you for a little longer]

[Julius: Yeah, it can"t be helped. Then I will reignedly accept this as my duty. ――Memories are just a trivial matter. I see. ……That"s right]

Julius quietly nodded to Subaru"s friendly address, and the topic ended there.
His memories were lost, and the problems just kept coming. This definitely wasn"t something one would meet with a bright face, that was a fact, but to face it nonetheless was a testament to his strength.

[Julius: When the person in question isn"t all that concerned, perhaps that is a grace as well]

[Subaru: I just don"t show it. There"s actually a whole storm churning in my chest right now. But, I"ll take the opportunity to get healed by some alone-time with Emilia-chan later]

[Emilia: ――? You want a lap pillow?]

[Subaru: Auhm, no. I"m sorry. Isn"t that uh… a bit rushed]

After saying it with his chest pumped up and his spirits high, Subaru suddenly shrunk. Not expecting Emilia to be so willing to give him such tender healing, his heart started cowering in fear.
Moreover, it"s a lap pillow. Naturally, his gaze fell onto her soft white thighs――

[Ram: It"s ready. Come help carry it, Barusu-pervert]

[Subaru: OW!?]

Feeling something kick in back of his knees, Subaru let out a wail on the spot and collapsed to the floor. All the while, Ram looked down on him with a look of disdain, as if chastising him for his indecency.

[Ram: Your useless positivity is one of your only virtues, Barusu. Use that positivity to set up the food. As well as for cleaning, tidying, and various other]

[Subaru: You just want to slack off, don"t you……]

[Shaula: Ooh! Teacher-sama, I"ll help as well-su~! F-o-o-d! F-o-o-d!]

Just as Subaru was protesting Ram"s forceful transfer of responsibilities, he was immediately cut off by Shaula"s pressing desire for sustenance. Seeing Shaula beginning to carry out the plates, Subaru had no choice but to join in the preparations.

[Subaru: Lets see the menu…… that kinda just looks like preserved rations]

[Ram: In fact, it is precisely preserved rations. The few fresh foods Emilia-sama brought over have already ran out. So the diet will be quite bland in the foreseeable future]

[Subaru: Well, hopefully we can capture this tower quickly and get back to somewhere more populated]

He had heard it said that people"s hearts are only at ease once there are ample food and clothing. In that sense, he wasn"t sure just how long they could last in this tower.
Particularly in regards to food, in the absence of his memory, Subaru"s only impression of the "Taste of this Parallel World" was the taste of preserved rations. Which was rather miserable.

[Echidona: Sorry to bring this up while you"re eating, but there is something I want to confirm with you, Subaru-kun]

[Subaru: Hungry… starving…… What, me? Something you wanted to ask me?]

Roleplaying as someone who has been treated like a slave and given nothing but miserable ever since he was summoned to this Parallel World, Subaru protested against the injustice. But he stopped eating when he heard Echidona"s words.

[Echidona: It"s nothing, but while I apologize for bringing this up this when everyone is united against our situation, I would like Subaru-kun to share a bit more with us about what happened to him. After all, your memories were the only ones that has been affected by this tower. Conversely, who knows if same thing might happen to any of our memories as well?]

[Subaru: Right, makes sense. Even though having the person involved do it might be a bit difficult… amnesia can be pretty inconvenient, you know]

[Beatrice: The way you said it make me wonder if you really see yourself as being involved, I suppose……]

Seeing Subaru nod in agreement, Beatrice could only manage a baffled expression.
But, Echidona"s concerns were reasonable. And the truth is, Subaru also needed to know how he lost his memories. The clues to restoring his memories must be tied to how he lost them in the first place.

At the table, to Subaru"s right was Beatrice, and to his left was Emilia. Those two were at his side when he woke――he wanted to know just what kind of memories could have prompted them to sit there of their own accord, and to place in him such baseless trust and warmth.
――Or rather, it was that he needed to remember, because it was his duty.

[Subaru: But still… I woke up without remembering anything, so I don"t really know what happened. ……Emilia-chan and everyone, where exactly did you guys find me?]


(Thumbnail fan art is by @HaruSabin!)


The new j.a.panese chapter Arc 6 Chapter 36 finally came out!

It was terrible timing though since it caught me when I was 10,000+2,200km away from home. I got sick again yesterday and I’m making my way back to base while stopping along the way to see the sights for a few days. 

This one might be a bit rushed since I’m strapped for time. I might revise it once I get home at the end of the month.

I’ll finish up Arc 4 Interlude I before getting to the next part!


Arc 6 Chapter 35 Live Draft:
(finding link, brb)

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