Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 72 Live Draft:

j.a.pANESE WEB NOVEL SOURCE:**********


[Roswaal: We~~ll now, Emilia-sama mustn"t get carried away, either. Fi~~rst of all, we should he~~ar what Rem"s ha~~s to say, no?]

[Emilia: Roswaal…… do you understand what has happened here? Rem…… your servant, has caused the… dea… death… of my benefactor… and your guest… Subaru]

[Roswaal: O~~f course I understand. Tha~~t is why I"m…… making sure we keep the conversation in line. ――We mustn"t let any misunderstandings get in the way of our mutual fe~elings]

Roswaal narrowed his yellow eye as he replied. Then, the clown turned his gaze towards Rem, seated beside him. Sensing his gaze, Rem nodded,

[Rem: Late last night in the East Wing…… there was an intruder on Emilia-sama"s level. Alerted to this by the alarm gems, Rem immediately went to the scene, and that"s when I found Subaru-kun crawling on the floor]

[Ram: Barusu was already under the curse"s effects by then]

[Rem: Yes, it is as big-sister-sama said. Subaru-kun was weakened to the verge of death. The curse"s effects had sapped his life-force to its absolute limit, and I determined that saving him was impossible……]

[Emilia: And so you crushed him to death with your flail. ――That only added to his suffering]

[Ram: Emilia-sama――]

Holding Rem"s hand at her side, Ram shot a harsh glare towards Emilia. But Emilia"s sharp, unrelenting gaze remained locked onto Rem,

[Emilia: The facts are facts. ……Subaru"s body, his arm, and his head… If you wanted to put him out of his misery, there should have been a gentler way. Instead, why did you…]

[Rem: That"s, because……]

[Emilia: …………]

Rem couldn"t answer Emilia"s question.
She did not say anything further, perhaps because her personality was not one for telling lies, and Emilia"s words had struck the core of her true motives.

Rem had harbored intense distrust towards Subaru back then.
After the second round of the loops in the Mansion―― having failed to conceal Subaru"s corpse after crus.h.i.+ng him to death in the hallway, events led to this current discussion here.
Subaru"s friendly interaction with Ram must have only further inflamed her hostility, to the point where she could no longer resist her murderous intent.

――Just what was she thinking when she swung her iron flail towards Subaru in the upper floors of the Mansion?

Perhaps even Rem didn"t know this herself.

[Emilia: ――It was a slip of the hand… or because you hesitated…… those were the answers I wanted to hear…]

[Rem: ――――hg]

With closed eyes, Emilia sadly murmured as Rem"s face shot up.
It was unclear how much of Rem"s true feelings Emilia had grasped when she said those words. And it would always, forever remain unclear.

[Roswaal: Emilia-sama, where are you going?]

Seeing Emilia stand up, patting off the hems of her skirt, Roswaal"s expression vanished as he asked her this question.
Hearing it, Emilia brushed her hand over her long, silver hair,

[Emilia: ――I"m leaving. It has only been a short while, but thank you for your hospitality. Without your backing, I would not have been able to partic.i.p.ate in the Royal Selection. But…… I cannot trust you anymore]

[Roswaal: Even if you don"t trust us, surely our relations.h.i.+p of mutual utilization would still be beneficial, don"t you think? Forfeiting your place for the sake of a tantrum couldn"t be called a wise decision]

[Emilia: Tantrum……?]

Hearing Roswaal"s remark, Emilia stopped in place as her expression stiffened in shock. Then, she promptly turned her steps towards Roswaal, and,

[Roswaal: ――――]

No one could have stopped that crisp sound from ringing out.
Her white fingers slapped hard across Roswaal"s blue-white cheek.
In front of the reddened, swelling cheek, the single slap already left Emilia out of breath. The one who had been slapped made no reaction, but instead held Ram back as she was about to stand with her changed complexion.

[Roswaal: Ram]

[Ram: But, Roswaal-sama――]

[Roswaal: It"s fine. You can stay seated. Emilia-sama, my apologies for Ram]

[Emilia: You"re always like this with me…… but when it"s Subaru… you won"t even say a thing……]

Biting her lip, Emilia glared at the collected Roswaal. But despite the furious rage churning in her amethyst eyes, Roswaal never lost his composure for an instant.
This was only a testament to their irreconcilable standpoints.

[Roswaal: Once you leave the Mansion, and return to the forest―― what will you have left?]

[Emilia: I was wrong to have been taken along by your beguiling words. My atonement…… my penance will come in many other forms. It was because of my mistake… that Subaru died]

Emilia closed her eyes, and quietly answered Roswaal"s question.
Then, with a slight shake of her head,

[Emilia: I will bring his soul with me, and lay him to rest in the forest. ――For Subaru, and the others, for as long it takes, I will devote my time to tend to their souls. That is all I will say]

With this, Emilia backed away from Roswaal, indicating that she had no intention to continue the conversation.
Her silver hair swayed as she turned her back, while Roswaal watched on with his mismatched eyes. Still seated in his chair, he reached out his hand towards the leaving figure―― but put it down again.

[Roswaal: If it has deviated from the writ, then…… this is where my pa~th ends]

[Ram: Roswaal-sama……]

Hearing Roswaal"s powerless whisper, Ram spilled a voice of concern as she took his hand. The clown glanced back at the girl"s worried gaze, while a weak smile rose onto his face,

[Roswaal: Ram, it seems you"ve won the wa~ger. Here is where my purpose reaches a standstill…… that is to say, the contract can now be fulfilled]

[Ram: ……yes. Yes, Roswaal-sama]

Leaving the two to their quiet exchange, Emilia proceeded toward Rem, who had stood up to open the door. Before pa.s.sing her by, she looked to her solemnly bowed head,

[Emilia: Take me to where Subaru is]

[Rem: Emilia-sama, that would be……]

[Emilia: He"s in an awful state, I know. I will restore him as much as I can…… and take him with me… to the forest]

Watching the side of Emilia"s grief-stricken face, Rem"s expression stiffened as she lowered her head. Within that expression was something like regret, as well as something like anger.
Why did it have to turn out like this, she must"ve been wondering.

――Why did it turn out like this? No one knew the answer.

[Emilia: I"m sorry, Subaru―― I couldn"t do anything at all]

Emilia whispered at the very end.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


I’m going on a date tomorrow…!! >_

Let me know if you find any typos! ❤


Chapter 72 Live Draft:

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