Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 111 [Garfiel"s Barrier]

I"m sorry, everyone.
I"ve put Patreon donations on pause while I couldn"t work on the translations.

I"ve been very sick for the past few weeks.
Maybe I"ve let the stress of all my life changes get to me, or maybe my body just isn"t used to the new environment.
I couldn"t sleep, and the same infection just keeps coming back until I couldn"t remember what it feels like to be well anymore.

I am feeling better now, but I will keep Patreon donations paused for April as well.

Don"t worry, I haven"t given up on Re:Zero. Not until it"s done.


I was sick, but I wasn"t just laying in bed all day.

I took my grandmother travelling for a bit, and it was the happiest I"ve ever seen her.

A few days ago I visited the countryside with a friend, and my coughing eased almost immediately. But it came back as soon as I returned to the city again.

I"ve fallen in love with a girl who loves me back.
She"s the smartest person I know, and she"s every bit just as broken as I am. And to think, if all the coincidences hadn"t aligned exactly the way it had, I would never have met her…
I"ve decided to stay in this country for her.

And everything that"s happened in these past few months has made me realize that I need to grow up now. I can"t be so selfish anymore.
I need to find a job that will allow me to support the people I love. I need to live for something other than myself because that"s what a man should do.

But I won"t stop translating Re:Zero, don"t worry ❤


********** Translator: TranslationChicken ********** Editor: TranslationChicken ********** ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO TAPPEI NAGATSUKI, THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF RE:ZERO, THIS IS A TRANSLATION OF THE FREE j.a.pANESE WEB NOVEL INTO ENGLISH

ARC 4 THE EVERLASTING COVENANT Chapter 111 [Garfiel"s Barrier]

Watching Garfiel stand there, even Subaru could see that he was riddled with injuries.

Countless wounds dyed Garfiel"s body crimson-red while his shoulders heaved drawing ragged breaths. Blood seeped from the numerous lacerations and, except for the loincloth covering the lower portion of his scrawny figure, he was entirely exposed.
Having lost even his shoes, he stood there barefoot while Subaru lowered his lifted hand,

[Subaru: ……Sure isn"t the welcome I was expecting. I figured you"d be p.i.s.sed, but never thought you"d wind up looking like that]

[Garfiel: Don"t y"worry "bout me. Just slipped, that"s all]

Garfiel shot a glare of displeasure at Subaru"s stiff remarks.
Of course, Garfiel was joking, but, seeing him so wounded, Subaru couldn"t help but imagine the worst.

Garfiel had been running around the Sanctuary looking for Lewes, and he must"ve been held up by Otto"s delaying efforts just as Subaru had planned.
But Subaru could think of only one possible scenario where Garfiel could"ve wound up in this state. And that is,

[Subaru: Otto you moron, I told you to just spill everything and run……!]

[Garfiel: Lil" bro was brave. Ain"t made for fightin" though, probably never been in a real fight either. But he kept goin" on about doin" this fer a friend…… gave me a pretty hard time]

With his cheeks ruefully twisted, Garfiel touched the white scar on his forehead.
He already had that wound before this, but does that mean every other wound on his body was from his fight with Otto?
Although, "fight"―― probably isn"t word for something this one-sided. Otto may be more adept at brawling than Subaru, but in a world overrun with ludicrously overpowered people, Otto ought to be cla.s.sified as a non-combatant.

When pitted against a real fighter like Garfiel, one of the strongest people Subaru knew, Otto should stand no chance of winning.
Not to mention that Subaru had only asked Otto to buy some time through petty tricks. Nothing more.

[Subaru: ……He"s not… dead, is he?]

A line of cold sweat rolled down Subaru"s forehead.
The worst possible scenario would be that the scene ended with Garfiel"s claws tearing Otto apart. It"d be nice if he could laugh it off as some silly thought, but he couldn"t. Not after seeing Garfiel in this state.
For Garfiel to have sustained this kind of injuries, he must"ve been forced into a difficult fight. To hope that Garfiel had gone easy on Otto in the end would be too optimistic a thought.
But still, if Otto was dead, then it would all be pointless.

Not Otto"s death―― but Subaru"s life would lose all meaning.

[Emilia: ……Subaru]

Just as Subaru gulped down a breath while his thoughts descended towards despair, a voice like a silver chime called his name from behind.
Those fingertips which had hesitated to touch him now rested on his slumping shoulders. The weightless touch caused Subaru"s deteriorating thoughts to stop.
He glanced behind him to find Emilia standing there, looking at him with worry in her eyes. It was clear that she still hadn"t sorted out the emotions churning inside her.
This scene with Garfiel standing there, furious and slathered in blood, must"ve been incomprehensible from her perspective, though she could probably tell that this was no mundane affair. Yet within those eyes gazing at Subaru was more concern than fear.

[Subaru: I"m fine, Emilia. I"m sorry you had to see me like this. ……Just now, I remembered who I have standing behind me, so I"ve calmed down now]

As if revived by her gaze, Subaru spilled a deep breath before turning back to Garfiel.
The entrance of the Tomb sat on a small slope, so Subaru was looking down to face him. Meanwhile, the brooding, slouching figure returned a piercing leer sharp enough to kill.

[Garfiel: Looks like while I was busy runnin" around, y"b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were doin" whatever th"f.u.c.k y"wanted. Sneakin" sneakin" sneakin" sneakin…… eh? Don"t y"know how much I hate these dirty f.u.c.kin" tricks?]

[Subaru: I didn"t know we needed your permission to do stuff around here. But you"re a pretty easy person to read, so I could tell just from a glance. I figured you"d be mad, but also that you won"t do anything more than that]

[Garfiel: Hah?]

In front of Garfiel"s intimidation, Subaru only replied with a shrug. Perhaps because Subaru"s tone didn"t sound any more excited than usual, Garfiel scrunched his nose.
Meanwhile, looking down at Garfiel"s annoyed expression, Subaru"s face tensed,

[Subaru: Garfiel. What did you do with Otto?]

[Garfiel: He pulled some s.h.i.+t on me…… fer that, I chewed him to bits, "n now his body"s out fertilizin" th"forests]

[Subaru: ――――]

With a click of his razor fangs, Garfiel licked his lips, causing Emilia to swallow her breath. Overwhelming rage emanated from Garfiel"s body. That alone conveyed how tough of a fight Otto had given him―― as well as the fact that Garfiel could not have held back while fighting him.
And so,

[Subaru: Whew, so he"s alive then. h.e.l.l, you had me seriously worried there…… My whole liver"s gone cold thinking that everything"s ruined, no joke]

[Garfiel: ……Hah?]

[Subaru: But what the h.e.l.l was he thinking…… well, he did say he managed to get Ram"s help, so maybe she was the one putting weird ideas in his head? Does sound like something Ram would do…… I mean, she never told us what she plans to do when push comes to shove]

[Garfiel: Oy, oy, th"f.u.c.k"re y"doin"!?]

[Subaru: Which means, Ram"s the reason you got all beat up, huh? Aah that makes sense. No way Otto could"ve done this by himself. h.e.l.l. I almost thought Otto had been hiding some secret powers from me, was sorta fracturing our friends.h.i.+p……]

[Garfiel: ――M"therf.u.c.ker! Th"f.u.c.k"re you goin" on about! HAH!?]

Garfiel barked in rage, stomping his surging emotions into the ground, rupturing it.
The earth caved beneath Garfiel"s heel, creating a crater with him at its center.
Fissures spread across the pit of the crater, sending up billowing dust around him as he bared his fangs.

[Garfiel: I said I f.u.c.kin" killed him! Th"guy"s gone! He used his weird f.u.c.kin" D"vine Pr"tection t"get th"forest on his side, screwed with me with f.u.c.kin" bugs and rats. N" at th"end, he hit me with some huge magic he couldn"t"ve cast by himself. N" so…… I respected his fightin" spirit. ――With my claws n" fangs!]

[Subaru: Got the forest on his side…… huh. Didn"t know the Divine Protection of Anima Whispering could be used like that. That a.s.shole, hiding something this important from me……]

[Garfiel: N" same goes fer Ram he got taggin" along with him! f.u.c.kin" Ram came b.u.t.tin" into our fight n" attacked me with everythin" she"s got….. so I chewed her dead too]

[Subaru: …………]

Gritting his teeth, Garfiel buried his face in his hands and looked up to the sky.
Meanwhile, wordlessly watching Garfiel"s laments, Subaru ruminated over his statements.

So indeed, Ram and Otto had joined forces and decided to take on Garfiel.
With Ram"s a.s.sistance, perhaps they managed to drive Garfiel to the very brink of defeat. But still, the beastman"s aegis proved too thick.

[Garfiel: I don"t feel like chasin" after th"f.u.c.kers who got away while he kept me distracted. But I ain"t about t"overlook the s.h.i.+t yer pullin" here. Now step away from there. No one"s goin" in th"Tomb anymore. I"m tearin" the f.u.c.kin" thing down]

[Subaru: If you do that, there"ll be no way to break the Barrier. ……The Sanctuary"ll be closed off forever. Are you seriously okay with that?]

[Garfiel: I"m fine with that. Everythin" else ‘s worse]

Saying this, Garfiel stepped out of the crater and towards the Tomb.
His gait lost all trace of doubt, as if proclaiming that he would not hesitate for an instant to act on his words.

His body was b.l.o.o.d.y and riddled with wounds―― but even in this state, an unfordable gap existed between them.
Even with all his injuries, Garfiel"s strength was leagues ahead of Subaru"s.

Both the crater at his heels and the ghastly aura emanating from his body made this clear.

[Emilia: I… I won"t let you do that]

Here, aside from Subaru, there was yet another person standing in Garfiel"s way.
Stepping up beside Subaru, Emilia placed herself between Garfiel and the Tomb. Seeing this, Garfiel looked up at her, unimpressed,

[Garfiel: What"s this, oy. Weak lil" girls shouldn"t get in my way]

[Emilia: No, I will stop you. I won"t let you destroy the Tomb. Because I have to pa.s.s the Trials, no matter what]

[Garfiel: It"s obvious y"can"t do it. Day after day, yer f.u.c.kin" bawlin" n" cryin" all over th"place. N" now yer sad "cause y"lost yer lil" friend, yeah? Go curl up in bed n" keep cryin". Do that, n" I won"t touch ya]

[Emilia: ――――hg]

Sorrow flashed across Emilia"s expression as she listened to Garfiel"s cruel statements. But that expression only lasted for an instant as Emilia immediately swallowed down the pain,

[Emilia: Too bad, but no matter what you say, I cannot step away. I need to challenge the Trials. I need to face my past, and……]

[Garfiel: Every, f.u.c.kin", one of y…… tch!]

Cutting off Emilia"s words, Garfiel clicked his tongue in irritation, his eyes blazing with fury.
The blood-curdling pressure emanating from his presence jolted in intensity, causing Emilia"s shoulders to shudder. Noticing her frightened reaction, Garfiel sneered,

[Garfiel: What happened t"that bl.u.s.ter "bout yer past? Th" second I scared ya, all that confidence went flyin" off. ――No one can f.u.c.kin" do it. It"s just a malicious f.u.c.kin" ruse the Witch came up with so she can watch us n" laugh]

[Subaru: Say, you have a pretty poor opinion of the Witch, huh]

[Garfiel: Hah?]

Hearing Subaru interrupt him, Garfiel turned his fiery glare from Emilia and jabbed his finger at Subaru.

[Garfiel: Th"f.u.c.k? Yer actually defendin" that f.u.c.kin" Witch? "No mornin" or dusk for Potosk", they say, but what are ya, that f.u.c.kin" Witch"s slave? HAH?]

[Subaru: ――――]

Subaru fell silent at Garfiel"s question.
Seeing this, Garfiel furrowed his brows in astonishment, as if he could not understand Subaru"s silence.

The Witch sleeping inside the Tomb was Echidona. But the Miasma enshrouding Subaru"s body belonged to the Witch of Envy.
Only informed of the fact, but unable to smell the Miasma himself, Garfiel didn"t know enough to tell the difference.
And naturally, with his spirit broken after only a single attempt, Garfiel had no real concept of Echidona"s Trials, either.

[Subaru: You really are just half-a.s.sing everything, Garfiel]

[Garfiel: ……Th"f.u.c.k d"y just say?]

Putting together all of Garfiel"s words and actions thus far, Subaru gave him this appraisal.
Hearing Subaru"s unsparing a.s.sessment, Garfiel quietly muttered his threat. But despite Garfiel"s menacing presence, Subaru looked him in the eyes without fear.

[Subaru: Just because you can"t do it yourself, you think no one else can do it either. "This is how I think, so that guy must be the same as well." ――How conceited can you get?]

[Garfiel: …………]

[Subaru: You"re right, Emilia has failed the Trial multiple times. She was forced to watch a past she doesn"t want to see and every time she came out crying, I won"t deny that. When Puck left, she lost it so bad it was hard to watch, and I can"t even confidently say that she"s gotten over it yet]

In front of the silent Garfiel, Subaru jerked his chin at Emilia beside him.
Emilia looked at Subaru in surprise as she heard these sudden comments. But, perhaps because she saw Subaru"s expression as he said this, she did not interrupt him.
After all, Subaru was only voicing what Emilia already accepted herself. While certainly embarra.s.sing, she could not ignore those facts.
The fact that she could face these judgements head on was precisely what made her splendid in spite of her weakness.
And so,

[Subaru: Maybe the results of the Trials won"t change, even now. And she might still fail tonight and come back crying]

[Garfiel: If y"f.u.c.kin" know that, why"re y"still doin" this over n" ov……]

[Subaru: But Emilia will continue trying. ――Unlike you]

[Garfiel: ――――hk]

Garfiel swallowed his breath.
Seeing the flash of doubt flickering through his razor-sharp gaze, Subaru fearlessly proclaimed this.

Then, looking him straight in the eyes once more,

[Subaru: Garfiel. You failed and ran away, but Emilia is nothing like you]

[Garfiel: ――Tch! Don"t you, f.u.c.kin", get!!]

At the fall of Subaru"s words, Garfiel bellowed in rage, his right foot shattering the earth.
The impact of his stomp sent the ground flying upwards. By some unknown mechanism, it took the shape of a square slab the size of a tatami mat as Garfiel kicked with his left foot.
The chunk of earth spun vertically, shrouding itself in a whirlwind as it zoomed past Subaru"s left ribs―― straight into the side of the Tomb"s entrance, cras.h.i.+ng against the ancient structure.

Dust and a section of tangling ivy peeled from the rumbling wall of the Tomb. Yet, in spite of the debris raining onto his head, Subaru remained unflinching. Beside him, Emilia"s shoulders shuddered for only an instant, but, having heard Subaru"s previous words, she did not move from her spot.

Seeing the faint but definite trust between them, Garfiel"s eyes shot wide open. The ferocious gleam in his bloodshot eyes intensified,

[Garfiel: Th"f.u.c.k! I"ve had enough! Aaggh! I"ve had enough! Enough of yer f.u.c.kin" smug, know-it-all faces! If I want I can tear ya to pieces so mutilated no one"ll be able t"tell th"two of y"apart! Don"t y"f.u.c.kin" know that, hah!?]

[Subaru: I do know―― that you"re incapable of doing that]

Drawing ragged breaths, kicking at the earth, Garfiel barked out threat after threat. But his intimidations no longer had any impact on Subaru"s heart.
It was only natural. After everything that"s happened, with his conversation with Lewes and this present situation―― Subaru could finally understand what lay at Garfiel"s core.
Despite flaunting all his rage and hostility towards Subaru and Emilia, Garfiel――

[Subaru: You won"t kill me or Emilia. Or rather, you can"t. After all, Garfiel…… you"ve never killed anyone before, have you?]

[Garfiel: ――――]

[Subaru: You fought with Otto and Ram, but you couldn"t have killed them. Otto"s one thing, but there"s no way you"d kill Ram. They aren"t showing up because you immobilized them somehow…… and stopped there]

At this, Garfiel"s aggravated behavior came to a halt.
He stifled his breathing as he stared at Subaru. Meanwhile, hearing Subaru say this to Garfiel, a look of confusion rose in Emilia"s eyes.
Since she had only seen Garfiel"s usual self, Subaru"s declarations must"ve been rather difficult for her to understand.

But Subaru was confident.
Garfiel, at least while in humanoid form and possessing of his will, could not consciously decide to kill anyone.

――Subaru had had several confrontations with Garfiel in the loops up till now.
They"d been either due to differences in opinion, or to Garfiel abruptly viewing Subaru with hostility. Once, Subaru had taken a blow from Garfiel when he tried to murder Roswaal, and lost an eye.

But it was also Garfiel who healed the one-eyed Subaru afterwards, and even when he turned completely hostile, he had never once killed Subaru.
There was a single exception: when Garfiel transformed into a tiger and slaughtered the refugees. It was a memory Subaru would rather not recall, but it was also a memory he could not forget, having been seared into his mind―― the event which made him feel such implacable emotions towards Garfiel, even now.

But, thinking back on that day, there was something that Subaru had noticed.

Garfiel could not speak while in beast form. Swinging his claws and fangs according to his instincts, he"d become no more than an animal. So even when he turned his weapons on the villagers, he was merely acting on instincts.
But, back then, that first villager―― when he killed that first person who marked the beginning of the slaughter, Garfiel hesitated right up to the very, very end.

At the time, the excess of rage and panic had kept Subaru from understanding.
When Garfiel fell upon that very first person, Subaru thought that the adrenaline was making everything happen in slow-motion. But that was not the case. It was genuine hesitation.
It was only when he killed him, when he finally lost that hesitation, that Garfiel truly became a beast.

Subaru could still remember the hatred he felt when he saw the great tiger"s eyes as it had his taste of blood and life.

[Subaru: Your eyes aren"t like those eyes back then. You haven"t killed anyone, yet]

[Garfiel: Th"f.u.c.k"s that"s supposed t"mean? Ram"s one thing, but I got no reason t"hesitate chewin" yer lil" lackey t"death]

[Subaru: Yeah, Ram"s one thing]

[Emilia: H-hey um…… do you two some kind of grudge against Otto-kun……?]

Emilia timidly cut in to comment about Otto"s unfortunate treatment in this conversation.
But, perhaps for the first time ever, Subaru consciously ignored Emilia and jabbed his finger at the fuming Garfiel.

[Subaru: If you wanted to hit me, you would"ve. But you weren"t trying to hit me. You were only barking threats. Your bloodl.u.s.t is just for show. Makes you wonder which of us is the scared one]

[Garfiel: Oy, oy, oy…… mind what y"say, a.s.shole. Keep goin", n" those words might just be yer last]

[Subaru: Quit making threats you can"t follow through on. I"ve already seen enough of cowards trying to act tough after those three idiots in that back-alley. Though, at least they had the guts to stab me]

[Garfiel: Sh….. shut up……]

Gritting his teeth, Garfiel shot Subaru an expression of fury.
But he was facing Natsuki Subaru. There was no better place for this man"s talents to s.h.i.+ne than when he"s trying to p.i.s.s off his opponent. And so,

[Subaru: Every day you groom those claws and fangs you"re so proud of and keep"em nice and tidy, but they"re just decoration, aren"t they? In fact, how about putting on some nail stickers while you"re at it? Girls are really into that stuff where I come from. Suits your sissy att.i.tude nicely, don"t you think?]

[Garfiel: I told y"to f.u.c.kin SHUT UP――!!]

Another impact.
The gouged-out earth shot through the air, skimming over Subaru"s head and cras.h.i.+ng into the Tomb.
There was no need to dodge. Garfiel never had any intention of hitting him.

[Subaru: If you wanna play with mud, go find a sandbox. You realize this thing behind me is a priceless historical artefact, right? Didn"t you call yourself the Sanctuary"s Guardian or something? This is the grave your local Witch, you know. You shouldn"t discriminate between friends]

[Garfiel: She ain"t! My f.u.c.kin"! Friend! It"s all because of that Witch buried here that…… I…… I….. tch!]

His glib tongue was in perfect form. Faced with Subaru"s provocations, Garfiel"s breaths grew faltering and feeble.
Garfiel had pushed his wounded body to get here. On top of that, he had to endure this exhausting conversation and waste his stamina on meaningless shows of force. His blood flow had accelerated in tune with his emotions, reopening his previously-sealed wounds.

Standing there, drawing ragged breaths, Garfiel glared at Subaru. Then suddenly, his gaze turned to Emilia at Subaru"s side. He furrowed his nose, as if having noticed something,

[Garfiel: Oy…… th"f.u.c.k"re y"doin". Th"f.u.c.k"s with those eyes]

[Emilia: …………]

[Garfiel: If y"got somethin" t"say, say it! It"s p.i.s.sin" me off gettin" looked at like that!]

Perhaps seeing something inside Emilia"s wordless gaze, Garfiel howled.
Watching him with complex emotions resting in her amethyst eyes, Emilia shook her head at Garfiel"s request,

[Emilia: Garfiel…… just, what are you so afraid of?]


I was sick, but I wasn"t just laying in bed all day.

I took my grandmother travelling for a bit, and it was the happiest I"ve ever seen her.

A few days ago I visited the countryside with a friend, and my coughing eased almost immediately. But it came back as soon as I returned to the city again.

I"ve fallen in love with a girl who loves me back.
She"s the smartest person I know, and she"s every bit just as broken as I am. And to think, if all the coincidences hadn"t aligned exactly the way it had, I would never have met her…
I"ve decided to stay in this country for her.

And everything that"s happened in these past few months has made me realize that I need to grow up now. I can"t be so selfish anymore.
I need to find a job that will allow me to support the people I love. I need to live for something other than myself because that"s what a man should do.

But I won"t stop translating Re:Zero, don"t worry ❤



Chapter 111 Live Draft:
I"ve put Patreon donations on pause while I couldn"t work on the translations. I am feeling better now, but I will keep Patreon donations paused for April as well.

12 thoughts on “Re:Zero Arc 4 Chapter 111 [Garfiel"s Barrier] (Part 1/2)” Add yours


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We still ❤️ you

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How are you?

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Glad to hear that you are alright
hope you find what you want in life






Chicken-sama, have you heard of the big news yet? S2 is coming !

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Oh G.o.d


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