
Note from TranslationChicken:

I originally intended this as an April Fools joke, but I was so tired from the jet lag… >_

I"ve been bombarded with requests for Arc 5 and this chapter, so here you go, gees, now stop pestering me!!
Just know that I only read what I translate, so I don"t have any idea what"s going on with the plot here except from the wiki summary I read years ago before the anime ended. I literally have no context so please let me know without spoiling me if anything sounds weird.

I"ll work on this chapter when I have time, and I might continue with these if you guys are interested.

Just please be respectful and do not post spoilers or Arc 5 discussion outside of these chapters ❤


j.a.pANESE WEB NOVEL SOURCE: **********


[Subaru: So before that happens, we"ll just have to keep trying to get through to them…… right?]

[Anastasia: That"s not very realistic]

[Subaru: But in reality, that conclusion is just way too pessimistic!]

When everyone is afraid, panic will begin to take hold.
And when that happens, the only way to fight it is to give hope.

[Subaru: "We are preparing a counter-attack." If we announce that, at least we can give everyone some hope and keep panic at bay, right?]

[Anastasia: At the very least, I think we have to be prepared for the necessary casualties to come. I don"t like to think about it, but we must consider what will need to be done once those people become irrational]

[Subaru: Wait, Anastasia-san. Why do I get the feeling we"re not talking about the same things here?]

Getting a bad feeling about where Anastasia might be going, Subaru twisted his lips. Seeing this, Anastasia let out an exhausted sigh,

[Anastasia: Natsuki-kun"s idea of disallowin" any sacrifice whatsoever, while pretty, has no basis in reality. The moment we took such cripplin" losses from the start, winnin" without pain or loss was already impossible. That should be self-evident]

[Subaru: For the first, and second times…… that"s true. But preparing to sacrifice people is not the same thing at all. That"s not what it means to avert disaster before it happens, is it?]

[Anastasia: If what you said can lead us to overall victory, I will agree with you. But, that"s not possible. When a s.h.i.+p sinks, only the ones with the courage to swim will survive. ……While the ones who stay inside and let themselves sink like stones will never make it]

[Subaru: ――! Winning or losing is…!]

[Anastasia: If we lose, we"ll all end up at the bottom of the sea! If you don"t like winnin" or losin", then would you rather live or die!? If you think you can save everything and everyone, then you are too naive, Natsuki-kun]

Anastasia shouted over the agitated Subaru.
Just when Subaru was about to take a step towards her, Julius stepped in and held him back. However, Julius"s gaze was not on Subaru, but on Anastasia. As if to show that he was siding with Subaru, Julius narrowed his eyes,

[Julius: Anastasia-sama. I understand your feelings. But I also agree with Subaru. a.s.suming your worries are justified, we should take measures to prevent it. But callously harming civilians will cause you great pain…… and it would be playing right into the Witch Cult"s hands]

[Subaru: Julius…]

Openly opposing his master, Julius a.s.serted his ideal of righteousness as he placed his support behind Subaru. Alongside his surprise at Julius" remark, Subaru also felt strengthened in his convictions.
If Julius, the constant embodiment of Knightly ideals, agreed with Subaru, then there could be nothing wrong with what Subaru had said.
However, Anastasia only softly patted her scarf in front of Julius, and,

[Anastasia: Did you think it"s because I like it that I suggested abandonin’ all those people? It"s not like I think everyone in the shelters would go crazy and start riotin’. In the end, it"s only a possibility. But it"s a possibility we can"t ignore!]

[Julius: But……]

[Anastasia: I am not a child, do you hear me? We have to make full use of what resources we have. We absolutely must strike back at the Witch Cult. And we will do everything that is within our responsibility. But if you extend that responsibility to everything, then that"s far, far too broad, it"ll only be damaging our chances of doing what we are actually capable of doing]

To Julius, who was ruefully biting his lip, Anastasia"s words were cold and unforgiving. And while they were directed at Julius, they were also berating Subaru for his thoughtlessness.
Of course, there was no way Subaru had not understood what Anastasia was saying.

It"s a heavy burden, to save someone.
It"s difficult enough to save one person at a time. But the wider the range expands and the greater the number grows, the less realistic it becomes, and the more likely there will be an unsatisfactory result.
This is natural arithmetics that even a child can understand.

The more appas you try to hold, the more likely they are to fall from your hands. Not to mention the possibility of stumbling, or your arms giving way and dropping everything.

[Anastasia: What we need to do now is discuss how to win. Not stand around sulkin" like children. Do you wear your badge of Knighthood so cheaply, that you can"t even tell the difference?]

[Julius: ――――]

Listening to Anastasia say this as if to test him, Julius closed his eyes.
But behind him, seeing his clenched fists slowly lower, and his head begin to drop, Subaru realized that Julius was about to withdraw his objection.

[Subaru: If you back down now, you"ll be even less worthy of being a Knight]

[Anastasia: ……Natsuki-kun, have you been listenin"? If not, then you haven"t changed a bit from back then in the Royal Palace. After everythin" you"ve been through and bein" decorated as a Knight, I had expected more from you]

[Subaru: Yes. I am a Knight now. And it is because I am a Knight that I can"t back down. I absolutely can"t]

The more appas you hold, the more likely you are to drop them.
But Subaru was a Knight, and Julius was a Knight, and in their arms, they weren"t holding appas, but something far more precious.
These weren"t inanimate fruits that wouldn"t hurt even when dropped, but something that could cry and feel outrage―― these were human lives.

[Subaru: Giving up right from the start and letting prejudice get the better of you, well I won"t have it. I"m sorry, but I"m not that susceptible to the common sense of this world]

[Anastasia: You"re sayin" somethin" incomprehensible again…… it was the same with the White Whale, and same with the Witch Cult after that. All wars have casualties. After all that, are you going to object to their deaths as well?]

[Subaru: Don"t underestimate them, Anastasia. Everyone who fought and died back then had already made up their mind. When someone dies, it"s sad, and even though they didn"t want to die, they had the resolve. Whether a person has the resolve to die or not―― that"s what makes all the difference]

He knew that it was just a convenient argument to make, and that there was no logic to it at all.
But still, the fact was just that. Placing oneself into a life and death struggle always comes with a certain resolve.

[Subaru: The people of this city had no obligation to make that kind of resolve. It was those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who had one-sidedly turned this place into a battlefield. And we"d be wrong if we let them decide what comes next]

[Anastasia: Even if you don"t like it, they"ll still attack people whether they have that resolve or not. When that time comes, what difference does it make?]

[Subaru: There is a difference. It"s fair for one person with that resolve to fight another person with that resolve. To be a Knight is to constantly hold the resolve to protect those who haven"t made that resolve. That"s my definition of a Knight, and that"s what I bragged to the kids in the village as well]

After being decorated as a Knight and receiving some compliments here and there, the thought just naturally occured to Subaru.
And once he had made this boast to the children, and saw their fawning, glittering eyes, Subaru was determined not to disappoint them.
Of course, it also had something to do with Emilia"s s.h.i.+mmering eyes while she listened at his side.

[Subaru: I am Emilia"s Knight. And I want to fight for Emilia. But that doesn"t mean I can just protect Emilia while ignoring everyone else. Anastasia-san, Julius is your Knight. He wants to fight for you more than anyone in this world. But that is not enough. These vain creatures called Knights are all greedy as h.e.l.l, you know]

[Anastasia: ――――]

[Subaru: We"ll keep on posing until the day we die, Julius is the same, too. If you ask why, it"s because this guy is the "Most Perfect Knight". Which means this guy loves posing more than any one of us]

Leaving Anastasia stunned speechless, Subaru shot Julius a thumbs-up. Immediately, Julius, who had been quietly listening, winced in dismay.
Seeing this rare dumbfounded expression on Anastasia and Julius"s faces, Subaru"s lips twisted into a rather inappropriate grin.

[Subaru: It"s clear and simple why we"re killing those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, but if we have to take on the guilt of forsaking someone in order to do so, then that"s just plain stupid. We will save everyone, as well as wipe those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds out. Even if we end up losing because of our convictions, that"s how we"ll do it]

Giving up a possibility from the start is not the same thing as failing after having tried.
It wasn"t hard at all to see that it was all just self-satisfaction, but,

[???: ――Livin" for self-satisfaction, that"s gotta be the most human way to live there is. I"m sidin" with the bro on this one]

[Subaru: ――!]

While Subaru was busy weaving his naive idealism, a completely new voice mixed into the conversation.
Surprised by the addition of that voice, everyone"s faces simultaneously turned to the lobby"s entrance. Standing there, the person in the crossfire of everyone"s gazes gave an uncomfortable shrug,

[???: Oyoy, if you all keep shootin" me with that sweaty gaze, I"ll feel troubled, y"know. I know I ain"t much to look at. So I"m afraid I won"t really meet your expectations]

[Subaru: ――Al]

Using his jokes and gestures to show that he means no harm, it was a man wearing a jet-black helmet―― their only close acquaintance to have gone missing since their parting at the inn this morning: Al.


(The incredible fan art is by @HaruSabin!!)


I’m actually quite enjoying this chapter…
Though I still have almost no idea what’s going on >_

If anyone could fill me in, these are the things I’m wondering about right now (without spoiling too much please):

1) What happened with the attack on the City Hall, what was the objective, how did it fail?

2) How did Al go missing earlier?

3) Where’s Emilia?

4) Who are their enemies right now?


As always, please let me know if you spot any weird sentences or typos! ❤

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