A woman; a lonesome woman.

This woman worried about everything; about each and every struggling person in the world.

Nothing in this small world was hidden from her view. To her, everything, everyone, was a child who needed protection.

Such a fragile world, with such fragile people, would be so easy to subjugate.

But the woman sought not to control this world. Instead, she sought to shelter it from harm.

And thus, her wretched war of trial and error began. But protecting and advising and saving the entire world proved to be too heavy a burden, for the woman’s lonely hands could not reach everyone.

Although she could see every solution, she lacked a way solve every problem.

For the first time, the woman cursed her own inadequacy.

Even if she saw a calamity, she was short on helping hands.

Even if she was immersed in a building crisis, she could do nothing to prevent it. She could never do enough.

She could reach what was in front of her, but she couldn’t cross an impossible distance. She could deal with pressing affairs, but she couldn’t turn back the unforgiving wheel of time.

There was so much beyond her reach.

Her supposed power had not granted her wish. Her arrogant wisdom lit no path to hope.

And thus, even as she cast warding spells, the woman fell into despair. Submerged by an endless sea of regret, each sorrowful wail she could not prevent shattered her broken heart afresh.

Finally, the woman understood.

I can’t. There’s no way. It’s impossible.

This exorbitant, lofty wish was unattainable, especially for one lonesome woman.

She knew. She realized. She understood. Her wish was impossible. But. Even so…

If her own vigilant hands weren’t enough, she would find more. Simply by not being alone, by finding others who shared her wish, she could reach everyone.

Her mind felt cleansed. The once hazy path had finally become clear.

Her wish could finally reach her once inexorable lament, those once inevitable tragedies.

Extending peace offerings to the conquerors, introducing a cleansing celestial sword to war torn battlefields, forming warding contracts with great dragons, these would lead to the fulfillment of that wish.

Surely, she could fulfill it. Surely, it would come. The promised denouement of her great wish.

No matter what, at any cost, soon, maybe tomorrow. It was, of course, on its way—.

“Saved. They’ll all be saved. The way to save them, I can see it. —The path to salvation.”

Even if there were a price to pay in blood, she needed to prevail, for leaving her struggle unfinished would render it meaningless.

Even if her newfound comrades were to break their vow, even if her celestial sword’s smiles were vanish forever, even if her dragon were to levant to faraway skies, she could not surrender.

Even if her first allies left her side, she lose her way, for the once lonesome woman was no longer alone.

“There’s a truth here. Ah, I need it. —This sacred knowledge.”

She walks a road paved with corpses, designating countless lives as sacrifices, all for the sake of grasping her greatest aspiration.

One day, with the sufficient amount of knowledge, her hands would reach each and every tear.

For the first time, she truly believes that she can reach it.

So, consumed by that sacred wish, the woman struggles through the excruciating despair.

The [Witch of Greed] bleeds avarice in the wake of her yearning.

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