[Thin-Ice Relations]

[???: Subaru knows how painful it is to be forgotten. So… forgetting someone… he would never joke about something like that]

On their way back to the room, Subaru inadvertently held his breath when heard the voice from inside.
Even though he couldn’t see who was speaking, he knew from the voice, beautiful like a silver chime, that it was Emilia. Listening to her say his in her slightly tense voice, Subaru couldn’t help but strain his cheeks into an awkward smile.

Carried within that voice was a powerful trust, and an equally powerful plea.
It was from Emilia to “Natsuki Subaru”, and certainly not to this Subaru. He acutely understood this.

[Ram: ……would never joke about something like that. Yes. Never thought I’d say this, but Emilia-sama is right]

Also hearing that voice, Ram, who accompanied Subaru, whispered this self-derisive comment under her breath. Unlike Subaru, who was carrying the water-filled bucket, she was empty-handed and holding her elbows, her nails digging into her white skin.
Almost like a reminder to herself, a regret, and an extension of the pain of an unfulfillable vow.

[Subaru: Ram……]

[Ram: It was just a pointless joke, forget you ever heard it. It’ll only worry Emilia-sama if you bring it up. So for the sake of Ram’s impeccable reputation, keep it to yourself. If you dare mention it t……]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Ram: ……It seems you, really don’t remember]

If he dares mention it, something scary will happen. That was probably what she was trying to say. Or perhaps, she was expecting Subaru to counter with a quip before she did so.

The fact that she wouldn’t let him tell anyone, was it because Ram was too strong for that, or because she was too weak?

He didn’t know what lay in the depths of her heart.
Only, faintly, on the center of Subaru chest, there was still a lingering trace of where her head had rested.

[Ram: ――Sorry to keep you waiting. We’ve returned]

Without giving him any time to think, Ram resumed her steps and headed into the room. That stubborn att.i.tude might just be Ram expressing her insistence on the matter. Seeing this, Subaru had no choice but to respect her feelings and not mention the matter.

But even so, it was still somewhat better than immediately after Subaru made his shocking revelation.
As proof of that, after Emilia greeted the returning Subaru with [Thanks for the hard work], the next voice that followed was,

[Julius: ……Earlier, I showed you an unsightly side of me. Is it alright if we start over?]

[Subaru: Oh, ohh. I should be the one t… I mean, I’m the one who surprised you w……. Ahh no, I shouldn’t have interrupted you. Please go on]

[Julius: There is no need to be so restrained. If you’re so formal with me, I wouldn’t feel at ease]

Saying this, a faint smile emerged on the purple haired youth――Julius’s face.

Only, there were still the words Ram said to him in the corridor. ――When he asked her about Julius, she told him that he was too cruel. Just what could she have meant by that?

[Julius: Let us start again, I am Julius Euculius. This is Anastasia-sama…… I serve as her Knight. And you…… are like a friend, of sorts]

[Subaru: I see, nice to meet you…… but, why did that last part not feel very confident there?]

[Julius: Unfortunately, we might have had a slightly different understanding of our relations.h.i.+p. I myself think of you as a friend, but as for what you think of me, it’s……]

[Subaru: Literally… lost to memory, huh]

[Julius: ――. That is, quite true]

Picking up a certain elegance in his words and conduct, Subaru bent his lips.

But then again, considering Julius’ knightly air and their exchange just now, even without memories, Subaru could imagine his previous-self having made a terrible first impression.

[Emilia: It’s alright, there’s no need to worry. Subaru and Julius are reeaally good friends. We were there, so we can all attest to that]

[Meili: That’s right. There’s no reason to be so worried about this, is there? Knight-Onii-san’s already got plenty of other problems to worry about]

Watching their exchange, Emilia cut herself in with her hands on her hips, and Meili mockingly concurred with a mischievous look in her eyes.

Subaru furrowed his brows when he heard this, while Julius nodded as if having understood her meaning.

[Julius: Why, yes. What Meili said is true. Subaru, although we do need to discuss what happened to you, it is not the only problem we are presently faced with. In this regard, please allow me to explain]

[Ram: This, would it be related to Anastasia-sama’s strange behavior this morning?]

[Julius: ……Your observation is correct, Miss Ram]

Ram said this, leaning against a wall, and Julius slightly cast down his eyes in reply. Seeing this, Ram narrowed her eyes towards Anastasia, and let out a small sigh.

[Ram: Barusu, give me the water bucket. I will begin preparing the meal]

[Subaru: ……Aren’t we about to discuss something important?]

[Ram: I will be still in the same room. So I can still hear everything. ……Working will help take my mind off of things]

Brusquely saying this, Ram s.n.a.t.c.hed the water bucket from Subaru’s hand and headed towards the luggage-filled corner of the room. Then, they saw her slender back setting about exactly that task.

[Emilia: Sorry. Ram… she isn’t usually like this……]

[“Anastasia”: Of course, there is no need to mind. It is understandable that she would feel this way. ――Seeing the desired information one couldn’t wait to pull out of the other person’s throat suddenly fly so far away, anyone would feel this way]

Anastasia calmly shook her head to Emilia’s apology. And, hearing Anastasia’s reply, both Emilia and Beatrice made a difficult expression.
Subaru didn’t know what might have crossed their minds―― but the answer to that soon came from Anastasia’s own mouth.

[“Anastasia”: Now then, even though after all the confusion this morning, I would honestly do not wish to burden you with any more surprises…… I do think that keeping it hidden would only sow the seeds for discord down the road. Therefore, if your accepting soils would permit it, allow me to confide something in you]

[Beatrice: ……Such an arrogant and roundabout thing to say. Hurry up and get to the point, I suppose]

[“Anastasia”: There is no need to be so frightened, Beatrice. ――One could say we are as close as sisters, you and I. In fact, it is just as you guessed]

[Beatrice: ――――]

Beatrice’s cheeks froze at Anastasia’s words. Standing beside Subaru, as if naturally seeking something to rely on, the young girl’s fingers lightly grasped onto Subaru’ sleeve.
Subaru cast her a side glance, and after some hesitation took her hand. The tips of her fingers were faintly quivering from the shock, but soon, the small palm accepted this warmth in turn.

[“Anastasia”: ……Your relations.h.i.+p with your Contractor is indeed amicable and ideal. I wish I could have had the same perfect relations.h.i.+p with Ana, but unfortunately, it is not going so well]

[Emilia: You are addressing Anastasia-san like you’re talking about someone else. So that means, you’re……]

[“Anastasia”: Ah, yes, you guessed correctly. ――Right now, the consciousness inhabiting this body is not Ana’s. Anastasia Hos.h.i.+n is sleeping deep inside this body. And the one addressing you now would be something of a deceased ghost that has temporarily taken over this fleshly form]

Emilia’s breath choked up, and Beatrice held tighter onto Subaru. Julius’ face wringed with pain at her confession, and Meili still looked bored as ever. Only Shaula, sitting cross-legged beside Meili, was completely aloof to the conversation, with her attention solely focused on Ram who was preparing the meal.

Lastly, for Subaru――

[Subaru: ……What’re you guys talking about? I didn’t get any of that]

Left all the way behind, naturally, he could only make a difficult expression.

© 2024