Publishedat 9th of July 2019 05:17:28 PMChapter 290

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama

 Akiha stood up, trailing her hands along the wall as she started walking .

 She did a lap around the pure-white wall that screwed up both s.p.a.cial and temporal sense .

 Taiyou followed her with his eyes, unsure of her intent .



「We can’t……get out of here until I start liking you?」

「Apparently . That’s at least why they locked us in here」

「That suuucks」

 Akiha said with a sigh .

 It was the most unpleasant face he had ever seen her make .

「I don’t wanna do that . Being forced to . Cause that’s what it is . Like livestock locked in cage and being forced to mate」

「……You of all people would say that? After you forced Aoba to come to my place?」

「That was different . I did that to help her get refuge, but I didn’t intend for Aoba to get comfy with you」

「……Well yeah」

 Taiyou agreed . Akiha did like her, so he had no choice but to admit that they were different circ.u.mstances .

 He looked around the room as he thought that .

 This room was a prison to lock them in, designed to induce them .

 Taiyou gradually felt unpleasant as well .

「Yeah, this isn’t good」

 He said, standing up straight .

「What do we do?」

「Let’s get out」


「It’s as you say . This isn’t the right way to do things . Even if you were to fall in love with me like this, my heart would never feel right」


「The Akiha that I know is free . It’s fundamentally wrong to force a free-spirited girl like yourself to make a decision while bound like this」

 His back to Akiha, he solidified his resolve as he stared at the wall .

「So let’s get out」

「Is that really okay, Taiyou-chan?」

 Hera asked him . Her face was a little downcast .

「Are you opposed to it?」

「Nope, I only belong to Taiyou-chan, so I support your decision, but……I just, I just think this isn’t really like you」

「Not like me?」

「Yes indeed . You are a person of『Objective and Method』, but right now you’re valuing the method an awful lot……is that really okay?」

 Okay .

 He felt like there was a lot of meaning packed into that word .

 Words that came from the fairy he had met before any of his brides .

「I get what you’re saying, but you’re mistaken」


「Yeah, mistaken . It’s not that I’m prizing the method . It’s that the objective changed」

「What do you mean?」

「My first objective was to get Akiha . But now it’s a little different . It’s become “make Akiha mine”」

「Make her yours, you say」


 He could sense Akiha from behind . He could sense slight movement .

 Taiyou continued . Not to persuade, but to proclaim his resolve .

「If all I had to do was “get” her, then this would be fine . Probably the easiest method . If Youran’s involved……yep, if I were her, I’d slip aphrodisiacs at meal time and force her to be one of us」

「That’s graphic!」

「According to Kohaku, that makes all sorts of things go well . But all that is is “getting” her . To elaborate, it could very well become a『consenting body but unyielding heart』kind of thing . But I realized something as we spoke . I like Akiha when she’s free and wild . I want to get all of that……that’s how I feel now」

 Taking a breath, he continued .

「If that’s the objective, then this way is wrong」


「So we’re getting outta here」

 Taiyou said, directing his consciousness at everyone outside .

「You can hear what I’m saying, right? I’ve made my decision, so open up」

 An imperative tone . Taiyou rarely spoke that way, but his brides desired it .

 He was counting on that, but got no reaction .

「No dice . Hera, they looking at us over there?」



「……Yes indeed . They’re all in front of the monitor」

「Yeah? Then I guess that’s out」

 Taiyou took a deep breath, lightly clenching his fists .

「Hey, what now?」

「If they won’t open it from there, then I gotta pry it open」

「Pry it open? How?」

「Just gotta slug it」

 Taiyou said, hitting the wall with all his might .

 At 80% power .

 But no results .

 It felt as if he had only just woken up, his power drained .

 He had given up at this point earlier, but not now .

 Taiyou unleashed another punch, hitting the same place with the same power .

 There was no response, but he kept hitting it .

 Hitting it, hitting it, continuously .

 He felt as if he were continuously hitting a thick sponge .

「Taiyou-chan! There is blood coming out of your hands!」

「I ain’t dying」

 Indifferent to the panicking Hera, Taiyou hit the wall again .

 He hit the wall without caring that his blood was painting the once-uniform white .

「Give it another――」

 At that moment, he drew back his hand like a bow to launch another strike .

 Someone gripped his arm . Akiha had clasped his arm with both hands .

「Give it a rest」


「C’mon, you got blood coming out . Rest a bit and we’ll think of something else」

「……Nah, I think not」


「Once I realize something, there’s no stopping me . I can’t have you trapped in this tiny box」

「But I――」

「It doesn’t matter . I can’t endure it . I can’t bear the thought of you being locked in」


 Akiha’s face was full of astonishment . She must have not expected him to say that .

 He softly removed her hands, taking a breath, then hit it again .

 Hit it, continued hitting it .

 The bloodstain on the wall spread, to the point where it was wet and quite literally dripping .

 Taiyou’s fist was stained red . He disregarded it and hit the wall .

 A change occurred .

 He felt it give . The moment he hit the wall, he felt a difference .

 Even a wall that absorbed impacts would reach its limit with enough hits .

 Taiyou had a.s.sumed that . Now with a sense of accomplishment, he gained further determination .

 But he had misunderstood .

 The anti-Taiyou room Youran had prepared was not so feeble .

 It was a thing that simply one-upped Taiyou’s pure power .

 He had only felt it give because he had one-upped it in terms of power . He had overcome its limits .

 Intent on contuing to hit the wall, Taiyou did not notice .

 That the『idol』modification had suddenly increased, and that he had unconsciously exposed a wing from his shoulder .

 That there was heat in Akiha’s gaze .

 His fist had broken through the wall .

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