Publishedat 22nd of October 2019 07:42:07 PMChapter 334

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama

If he had “good sense”, this would have been a good place to shut his mouth, but he did not . Taiyou had been through so many outlandish situations in less than half a year to the point where the term “common sense” meant nothing to him . Therefore, he directly conveyed his feelings to Shirokiyami .

“You were born white . Not just in your appearance, but in essence as well, I’d say . That’s how white you look in my eyes . ”


“And I think…that is unbelievably beautiful . ”

“Beauti, ful?”

“I bet you hate me saying this, but you’re beautiful, white and all . ”

“But…my hands, are…”

“You wanna say they’re dirty, right?”


Taiyou grasped the edge of the blade before his eyes . Since he showed no sign of ill intent, Shirokiyami hesitated for a second, and he grabbed it tightly .

The blade dug into his skin, causing a shock of pain running through his hand . Red blood trickled along the grey blade next to his skin, which gave off a beautiful, iridescent glimmer illuminated by the fairy’s phosph.o.r.escence .

“Why…did you, do that?”


He grinned, moving it away from his hand .

“This katana…”Heaven Reversal” . It’s a super sharp sword, right?”

“Mhm…national, treasure . ”


“I bet an amazing swordsmith had to have created this beauty . ”


Shirokiyami tilted her head, as if asking ‘what about it?’ .

“Look at the blood flow…trickling down onto the ground . ”


“You are this blade . You are the color white, putting every ounce of effort into one simple objective . And that purity cannot be violated by anything . Even if your hands were to be ravaged by blood somewhere else, I bet that blood of yours would flow right off, just like this, never sticking to you . ”


He held his breath . This was the first time he had ever felt such a sway of emotion from her .

“That’s what I think . You’re cute after all . ”


“Sullied humans can never be cute like you are . Of course, I don’t doubt that you’ve killed plenty of different kinds of people . Which is why I’m left to conclude that no matter how many times you kill, you will never be sullied by any of that . That is who you are . ”

“I’m…not, dirty?”

“Nope . At least, that’s what I believe . ”


Her eyes and mouth were wide open in amazement, as if displaying her true feelings .

“That’s the…first time someone, said that . ”


“They would always…say that white is, disgusting . ”

“I dunno who said that, but they’re probably just idiots . ”


“Well, that’s not so rare . It’s like how people go wine-tasting and mistake 1,000 yen wine for 100,000 yen wine or vice versa, all the while having a smug smile on their face . ”

“Maybe you…are the same kind, of person?”

“So you’re saying that you’re the thousand yen wine?”

“M, hm . ”

“And that there’s someone else who’s the ten thousand yen wine?”

“Ye, s . ”

“Then I wanna drink the thousand yen one . ”


“No wait, that’s not quite right . ”


“The real reason is that all those big-shot wine critics have rotten tongues . That’s all . ”


Neither of them questioned that statement . They gazed at each other, eye to eye . Soon, their surroundings were enveloped in darkness . And then soon, all they could sense was their own breathing…

“I have indeed returned!”

Hera had returned to the mansion . Kohaku, who had been gazing at the morning sun in the living room, came over to greet her .

“Welcome back . I take it that ye went to see Dannsama?”

“Yes indeed . But wow, I did not think that jetlag would be this dreadful . ”

“They be on the other side of the world, eh? Where specifically, ja?”

“I would say precisely on the opposite side . ”

“So directly below, ja . ”

“Yes indeed . ”

“And that be where Dannsama and Shirokiyami be staying . ”


“Be that right . Then I be quite jealous . Going with Dannsama on a trip overseas…Aye, I would have liked to have done that at least once in me life . ”

“But you’re going to live the longest out of anyone, Kohaku-tan, from what I can tell . ”

“In terms of me lifespan, aye . But there be several hurdles more than the others in me case . ”


Hera tilted her head, and Kohaku grinned, stroking her ring as she spoke .

“Giving birth to children is a gamble on me life . Ye can tell by looking at me body . ”

“Ohhh, is that true?”

“I shall try and pester him about it, ja . Have him take me somewhere in winter . ”

“Taiyou-chan will definitely grant that wish of yours . ”

“Indeed . ”

They looked outside .

“Kohaku-tan . ”


“It’s going to happen very soon . ”

“What will?”

She looked at Hera with a quizzical expression . Before her was a fairy making an unusually serious face, one wing missing from her body .

“Taiyou-chan’s brides will have soon all gathered . ”

“What are ye…there are still two…mm, I guess one left now, ja . ”

Kohaku checked on the status . The revision from the number of wives had split into six parts .

“Then, does that mean…”

“Yes indeed . It is indeed what you think it is . ”

“All right…but then, why do ye make such a face, la.s.s?”

“What face?”


Kohaku hesitated . It was quite rare for the loli baba to refrain from saying something .

After a brief pause, she decided to speak .

“Ye look like yer so sad that ye might die . ”

The fairy in front of her at that very moment looked so faint, like she might disappear at any moment .

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