Publishedat 25th of July 2019 10:59:15 AMChapter 296

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama


“Lalala, laa!”

Suzune and Kazane were walking downtown at night . They had gone shopping, with shopping bags in hand . They seemed to be in high spirits . Walking right next to each other and humming, they were headed for the apartment where they were temporarily staying .

“Heheh, heheheheheh!”

“Oh dear, Suzu-chan . If you grin that much then they’ll take you into custody for being so suspicious . ”

“You’re the one grinning, Kazchan . Waaay more than me . ”

[Yeah, you’re both outside, so be careful . ]

An inaudible voice reached both of their ears . It was Kotone, who was not here, but in the condominium’s kitchen . The three of them had gained a telepathic connection as a result of being triplets . Especially as of late, they had begun to hear it as a voice . Also, not just that…

“You say that, Kotone-chan, but you’re grinning too, aren’t you!”

Suzune pointed out . Not only could they hear each other’s voice, but they could also share their vision . It was a very difficult concept to understand for those without such a power, but it might be easier to think of it like someone who is born with six fingers . People without such a thing wouldn’t be able to understand, but someone who actually has six fingers would feel it to be normal, moving it as another part of their body . The girls were the same way, being able to share their vision, hearing, smell, and so on . That was why Suzune and Kazane were able to grasp what sort of expression was on Kotone’s face who is just short of one kilometer away .

[Well it doesn’t matter for me! I’m in the house after all . ]

“Well we’re fine too!”

“Yeah! After all…you know…”

When Kazane said that, Suzune…and the far-off Kotone all grinned even more .

“Great job as always, Taiyou-san . ”

Suzune said, representing all of their feelings at once . For these girls who desired to become part of a harem, Taiyou was absolutely their soulmate . In fact, they felt even more strongly about this than the other brides . More so than Kohaku, Aoba, Youran . And more than Akiha, who had just joined . They felt more strongly about this than anyone .

“Cause he already got the fifth after all . ”

“Although we know about six of them, technically . ”

[Sooo just one more . I wonder what kind of person they’ll be like?]

“Maybe we’ve met them before . Or maybe we’ve never . ”

The three sisters thoughtfully discussed this sixth person . As they did so, they started thinking affectionately about Taiyou .

“I am so happy to have met Taiyou-san . ”

“Oooo, I hope Taiyou-san comes back quickly . I want to meet him as soon as possible . I want him to spoil me rotten!”

[Not right now, Kazchan! Right now, Taiyou-san and Aoyamsan are having their private time . ]

“Exactly . He can pamper us whenever, so we can wait a bit longer . First let’s allow Aoyamsan and Taiyou-san to have plenty of quality time, then when they get back, we throw a welcome party and get to know Aoyamsan . Then, after that-”

“I know, I knooow . ”

Chastised by her two elder sisters, Kazane pursed her lips . The two of them continued walking to the condominium . When they had returned to the entrance, a black-painted car arrived at the same time, and a woman got out .


Seeing the two girls, her eyes grew wide . It was Sakura Juunishima, her hair in a chignon and wearing a suit . This was the woman who had once tried to kidnap the three sisters .

“Good evening . What brings you out here at such a time?”

Suzune asked in an extremely calm tone . They had quite the connection with Sakura, but for the triplets, it was by this point in time a good connection . They considered her to be the cupid of their lives who had entwined them with Taiyou .

“It’s you girls . Everything going well?”

“Yes, thank you . ”

“We’re living comfortably with Taiyou-san . ”

“Oh, that’s very good to hear . May I come in with you?”

Sakura asked as she pointed to the building . Her asking for permission was unimaginably different from how she had initially acted .

“Yes, please do . ”

“I’ll make some tea for us . ”

Suzune and Kazane said, entering the condo with Sakura and waiting for the elevator . Kotone, who was in the room ahead, knew of the visitor’s arrival, so she proceeded to get things ready .

“Is New Moon-sama here?”

“Yes . ”

“Actually, everyone’s here other than Taiyou-san…Ah, it seems that Youran-chan is on the roof . ”

“Is that so . I would like to talk to her in a more comfortable setting, so might I wait in the room for her?”

“Well, sure . ”

“It’s just, Youran…”

“No need to fret . You girls are senpais to her anyhow . ”

The two of them thoroughly understood the meaning of the word senpai, but they denied it .

“It has nothing to do with being her senpai . ”

“There is no upper or lower status amongst us . In the sense that we are all Taiyou-san’s wives, we’re all equal . ”
“You really feel that way?”


“Oh, I’m not trying to press or anything . I just meant exactly what I asked . I was curious as to if you were thinking along those lines . ”

Sakura said, and Suzune and Kazane smiled simultaneously .

“Yes, we are . ”

“Actually, I think that everyone thinks that way . ”

“New Moon-sama as well?”


“I wonder if she views things the same way . ”

When Sakura said that, Suzune and Kazane exchanged glances . They had felt some ulterior implication in those words . But regardless of what her intentions were, the answer to that question would be no different . At least, to the three sisters .

“Yes, she does . ”

“Really, now . ”

“Umm, that’s because Youran-chan is an amazing person, isn’t it?”

“Yes, to put it concisely . Her power…is comparable to the king of a small country . ”

“Is that right?”

“You don’t seem to be all that shocked . Maybe you don’t quite get the picture?”

“No, we get it all right . It’s just…”


Exchanging glances again, they grinned .

“To us, the most important thing is that she’s one of us- Taiyou’s brides . We don’t make a big deal of anything else really . ”

“…He truly is an amazing person . I only know of three other men who have had women say such things about them . ”

“Well yeah, he’s Taiyou-san after all . ”

“Yes, because he’s Taiyou-san . ”

“I’m envious of you folks . ”

Sakura crossed her arms, smiling graciously . The elevator came to them, and the three of them got in together .

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