I swore vehemently and dropped, scooping the weapon with my left hand and firing blindly behind me. Blue light flashed and plaster exploded, sending a cloud of white dust through the air. Then the boards creaked, and though I heard no footsteps, I sensed the vamp was moving away.

I swung around and ran after him. The room was totally empty, and even switching to infrared didn"t help. Dammit, he was here somewhere, so why couldn"t I see him? h.e.l.l, I couldn"t even see the pipe he was using, and that was just plain weird.

His scent got stronger as I neared the door that led out into the hallway. I skidded to a halt and fired, using a sweeping motion from left to right. Wood fiber joined the plaster dust and the stench of burned hair suddenly tainted the air. Several grimy, greasy tufts plopped to the floor just beyond the doorway. He swore, then moved, skittering away like a spider on all four legs- something I sensed rather than actually saw.

I edged out the door, my nostrils flaring as I tried to capture the elusive scent of him. Dammit, how could the feel of him- the smell of him-have been so strong last night and yet so faint now, no matter how close I got? For that matter, how the h.e.l.l could he be invisible when he"d been perfectly visible last night?

And if he had this sort of power, why hadn"t he used it last night rather than running?

It wasn"t a psychic trick-not only hadn"t I felt any attempts at psychic intrusion, but I wasn"t exactly p.r.o.ne to falling for any sort of vampire wiles or tricks anyway. Not in the "now you see me, now you don"t" sense that humans did.

It was almost as if he didn"t exist.

Like he was a ghost.

Except no ghost that I knew of could grab a metal pipe and attempt to brain you with it.

I crept down the hallway, my back against the wall and my shoulder protesting every little movement. I ignored it, concentrating on the tingling sense that was Young"s presence, wishing I could pin down his location. He was close. That was all I could tell. Which was a fat lot of good if he decided to come at me with the pipe again.

Another board squeaked in the kitchen-and this time, the sound seemed to be moving away. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was trying to get around me again.

Or he was trying to make me think that he was.

Given I wasn"t sure, I stayed where I was, my left hand clenched firmly around the laser and my right shoulder aching like h.e.l.l. Whether this was Young or not, the minute I sensed or scented him, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was dead. Invisible vampires with a murderous bent didn"t get second chances-especially not when they"d already tried to kill me.

My, my, an inner voice snarked, haven"t you changed your tune since becoming a guardian?

Maybe I had-at least when it came to murdering psychos. But I "d still like to think the trigger -pulling impulse was generally more restrained in me than in my brother. That I wasn"t the shoot-first, think-later guardian that Jack wanted me to become.

For several minutes, nothing happened. Sweat began trickling down my spine and I gripped the gun so tightly my hand was beginning to cramp. Not a good thing when holding a laser with the power of this one.

I flexed my fingers in an effort to ease some of the tension. In that moment, air stirred. I glanced to my right, caught a glimpse of a pipe whirring straight at my face, and threw myself down and forward.

I hit the wall opposite with a bone-jarring crunch and, for a moment, saw red as the pain in my shoulder caused a wave of agony that had my head spinning and my stomach twisting. The now-visible pipe hit the wall behind me and clattered to the floor.

I sucked in a breath that did little to ease the blinding ache and, in the process, tasted the foulness of vampire.

A foulness that was getting stronger with every second.

He was coming straight at me.

I dropped low and spun, lashing out with a foot. Saw a blur of washed-out color leap over it, then he was on me, hitting like a ton of bricks, the sheer weight of his attack forcing me backward. I hit a doorframe hard, and the pain in my shoulder intensified. Sweat broke out across my forehead and all I wanted to do was throw up. I swore and kicked out as hard as I could instead. My foot hit something solid, and there was a sharp crack.


The word stung the air, filled with venom. Then his weight left me, and suddenly his scent was fading again.

I pulled the laser"s trigger. The bright beam shot out, slicing the air in front of me and continuing on, through another doorway before shattering yet more plaster and wood.

I didn"t hit Young, but just for an instant, I caught a glimpse of a gaunt, ghostly face, thin lips stretched back into a snarl and yellowed canines glistening. I fired again.

Missed again.

Then he was gone, and the sense of wrongness retreated.

I was losing him.

I swore and pushed off the doorway, but the sudden movement had pain burning through every nerve ending and sent the room spinning around me. I grabbed at the wall to steady myself and took several slow, deep breaths. G.o.d, it felt like my whole d.a.m.n shoulder had just gone into a spasm and it f.u.c.king hurt.

But I couldn"t just stand here. I had to move, had to go after Young, no matter how much agony I was in. I couldn"t let him get away.

I carefully shifted my sore arm and cradled it with my left, giving it some support as I walked forward. Young"s scent was already drifting, dispersing on the air. What the h.e.l.l was going on? How could a young vampire-and I still had no doubt that he was young-move around in sunlit rooms so easily?

And how the f.u.c.k could he be invisible?

That wasn"t any vampire power I"d heard of. But then, I wasn"t exactly up on vampire law and history. There could be a dozen different types of suckers, for all I knew. The emos had certainly been a surprise.

I followed the tenuous scent forward. It led straight out the door and into the sunshine. Any normal vampire would have burned right there and then, but not Young. I followed his trail out the gate and down the street, until the rising wind tore the trail apart and left me with nothing.

I"d lost him.

G.o.d, this day was not going well.

I sat down on a brick fence and carefully let go of my arm so I could press the com-link in my ear.

"h.e.l.lo, anyone out there?"

There was a pause, then a deep voice said, "Liaison Benson here, Riley. You okay? You"re sounding a little off."

"That"s because I am a little off. Is Jack around?"

"Not in the immediate vicinity, no."

d.a.m.n. "Tell him I checked that address Vinny gave me, and it was our vamp"s lair, but the b.a.s.t.a.r.d got away. Ask him what sort of vampire is immune to sunlight and invisible."

"Invisible?" I could hear the doubt in Benson"s voice. "I know there"s day-walkers, but they tend to be humans-"

"Yeah, I know all that," I snapped. "Just ask him."

"Okay. Anything else?"

The sudden lack of warmth in his tone suggested I"d offended him, and I sighed. A common problem with new liaisons was the fact they expected civility-and while I was generally more than happy to provide it, now was not one of those times.

Still, I"d been new once, too. So I said, "Benson, not only am I p.i.s.sed off about losing my target, but I"m also sitting here with a busted shoulder. If I sound a little snappish, I"m sorry."

"You want medical a.s.sistance?"

"Just send someone to take me to the hospital. I can"t drive like this, and shifting shape won"t help." The bones would still be out, regardless of what shape I took. What hurt in one form was going to hurt in another.

"Janny"s on her way home and is currently close to your location. I"ll get her to detour and drive you to hospital."

"Janny? Where"s she from?"

"She"s part of Mel"s cleanup team. You would have seen her yesterday. She"s tall and thin."

Ah, the woman who had reminded me of an insect. "That would be great. Thanks, Benson."

"No problem."

He signed off. I switched the com-link to receive only, so that they wouldn"t hear me swearing when the pain flared, and waited for my ride to arrive.

It turned out my shoulder wasn"t busted, but rather dislocated. Which meant that once everything was put back into place, the pain would vanish and I"d only be left with soreness.

The bad news, of course, was that I had to get the shoulder put back into place to achieve this result.

It was a process that hurt more than the actual injury did, and the wolf within came roaring to the surface in retaliation. It was a real battle to curb my instinctive need to batter the cause of all this pain away from me.

Once the doctor had gotten the ball back into the socket, the pain stopped almost instantly. An ache remained, but that I could handle.

"You should wear a sling for a day or two," he commented, stepping back warily as I jumped off the table. "And ice it regularly to help with the swelling."

"I"m a werewolf, Doc." I grabbed my sweater and my gun from the nearby chair. "And the Directorate doesn"t give time off for minor injuries like this."

"That"s against the labor laws-"

I snorted softly. "Like either the Directorate or the bad guys give two hoots about the labor laws." h.e.l.l, I couldn"t even see many humans being overly worried about the noncompliance of the laws at the Directorate. Not when it was being done to protect their b.u.t.ts. "Thanks for patching me up, though."

He nodded, and I got out of there as quickly as possible. Hospitals were high on my list of unfavorite places-mainly because, like cemeteries, they held far too many ghosts. And I"d had more than enough of those today.

I found Liander waiting at the bottom of the hospital"s front steps. He was dressed in dark jeans and an aqua shirt, and his silver hair was streaked with a blue that matched his shirt. His scent spun around me, rich and warm. Much like the man himself. I smiled a greeting.

"Hey, makeup man, what are you doing here?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then linked my good arm through his. "And don"t you look smashing."

He grinned, silver eyes twinkling. "I just came from a series of interviews about the special effects. Drumming up interest in the new movie and all that."

"So why are you here? Not that I"m complaining, mind."

"Rhoan rang and said you might need a lift. I wanted to talk to you anyway, so here I am. " He glanced down at my arm.

"How"s the busted shoulder?"

Someone at the Directorate had obviously contacted Rhoan. Jack might be the only one who knew we were brother and sister, but everyone knew we were from the same pack, and living together. And they knew better than to keep injury information from Rhoan-even if he generally knew if I was hurt before they did. "It wasn"t busted, just dislocated."

"Ow." He screwed up his nose. "I think that"s more painful than a break."

Having had a few breaks in my time, I"d have to disagree. Dislocation might be f.u.c.king painful, but so was a busted limb.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I said, as he guided me to the right. "Not that useless brother of mine again, I hope.

You know I have little influence over him."

Liander smiled. "Your useless brother has been rather well behaved of late. No complaints, either in or out of the bedroom."

For which I was glad. The last couple of years had been pretty rough for Liander when it came to the relationship between him and my brother, and he deserved some good times for a change. "So what"s the problem?"

He unlocked the door of his old Ford, then said, "You remember that name you mentioned? The one I said sounded familiar?"

"Aron Young?"

"Yeah. I remembered where I knew it from." He motioned me to sit, so I did. He slammed the door shut, then ran around to the driver"s side and climbed in. After starting up the car, he added, "I"ve got pictures at home, if you"d like to see if it"s the same man."

"I would, but I need to pick up my car from Glenroy, first." I gave him the street name, then shifted in the seat so that I was facing him and said, "So tell me all."

"He was briefly in the same school as me." He glanced in the rearview mirror, then pulled out into the traffic. "Tenth grade, at Beechworth Secondary College."

I raised my eyebrows. "You went to a state school?"

He nodded. "The Moore pack was a small one, and we certainly couldn"t afford to set up our own private school. The cost of building and hiring teachers was just too much."

"And the local community didn"t mind?" While wolves and other supernaturals might have become an accepted-even if sometimes not liked-part of city living, there were still pockets in country areas that preferred to keep their towns as free as possible from the nonhuman "taint."

A task that was harder in the alpine areas, simply because there were so many wolf packs up there. Mountains were a good place to run free and wild.

"Unlike some of the packs around, the Moores were well integrated into the local community." He shrugged. "We did community stuff, Dad coached the local football team, and Mom was heavily involved in church fetes. People forgot what we were, to a great extent."

"Sounds like it was a nice place to grow up." Better than what Rhoan and I had, anyway. But then, that wouldn"t have been hard.

"It was." He gave me a quick smile, then added, "Anyway, Young transferred into our school at the start of tenth grade. He was there long enough for the school photos, but disappeared a month or so before the end of the year."

"Was he pulled out or suspended?"

"Neither. He actually disappeared." He pulled to a halt at a red light and glanced at me. "There were rumors, of course. He got mixed up with some pretty bad elements, and there was talk he"d been involved in some sort of initiation gone wrong."

"Was he human?"

"Shifter. Some sort of bird." He shrugged. "I never had much to do with him, so I really couldn"t say for sure."

At least that explained how he"d disappeared on me the night I"d chased him from Vinny"s. When a nonhuman became a vampire, they took whatever shifting skill they had into unlife. But if he could shift shape, why didn"t he simply fly from the building from the very start? h.e.l.l, if he could disappear, why hadn"t he simply done that rather than run? "Did the police investigate the disappearance?"

"Yeah. No charges were ever brought, and a body was never found. If something did happen, it was well covered up by everyone involved."

"What about his parents?"

He raised his eyebrows. "What about them?"

"How did they react to their son going missing?"

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