Rise From The Doom

Chapter 107

After some research, Liu Wei An finally discovered the secret on the brick. There was a rune carved on the brick — a rune made of metal and stone. This was an incantation that added solid strength.

This also explained why a normal brick possessed such miraculous strength. The Demon G.o.d"s Eye released two brilliant rays of light, and threads of light immediately appeared on the brick. This was the route of the golden stone incantation. Liu Wei"an imitated golden stone talismans again and again. With his experience understanding corpse talismans, he gained a very deep understanding of the incantations. Although he didn"t have the corresponding chant or mental cultivation method, under the probing of the Demon G.o.d"s Eye, the runes on the array lines were restored bit by bit.

One hour pa.s.sed, two hours pa.s.sed, three hours pa.s.sed, the night gradually darkened, Liu Wei"an lit a torch, his mind was completely immersed in the metal and stone talisman, he had already become obsessed.

The route was complex and complicated, moreover, there were a lot of turning points and some mysterious symbols that couldn"t be found in the Corpse Dissolving Charm, which made Liu Wei"an very confused, but, the so called "one method, all techniques, all techniques", under his meditation, his doubts were extracted and he slowly had a clear thought.

One night pa.s.sed, one day pa.s.sed. On the morning of the third day, when the sky lit up, Liu Wei An loudly roared, and his face revealed a happy smile. It was done, it was finally done.

If word of this got out, it would definitely cause a huge uproar in the spell world. Even if it was a peerless genius, it would still be impossible to restore a spell without the help of a chant or a chant because this was simply impossible. If he could restore a complete spell with just a spell, what secrets would those sects have? Just by buying a formation and researching it, he would be able to link up with tens of thousands of clans.

Liu Wei An naturally didn"t know that he had unintentionally done something shocking, after exiting from that fanatical state, he only felt weak all over, dizzy and was almost unable to open his eyes, directly logging off to sleep, sleeping for eight hours in a single night. When he woke up, it was already four in the afternoon.

With his stomach thumping like a drum, he ran out at top speed to have a big meal, then went back to his room and logged on.

He put away the brick. At this moment, this brick no longer had any secrets for him. However, as a souvenir, he still put it away properly. He went out to buy dozens of bricks and started drawing the Golden Stone Talisman.

He wasn"t fretting or fretting. Instead, he washed his hands, face, and mind. First, he used his will to draw a few hundred times in his mind.

The dragon walked and swam like a snake. Its brush was like an obedient child as it moved between its fingers. A red line rapidly stretched and extended on the brick. In one breath, the line was completed. However, at the last moment, the brush trembled.


Liu Wei An was not disappointed. A second time, a third time, a fourth time, a fourth time, a fifth time. With the brush stroke, a faint ray of light flashed, and the red cinnabar on the brick disappeared.


Liu Wei An was overjoyed. He could not wait to take out a black iron machete. With a flash, the machete struck the brick.


After he had mastered the [King Corpse] "s Scripture with its copper skin and iron bones, Liu Wei An"s strength had increased dramatically. At the moment, he had a strength of 2500 jins, and if he had used that strength, it would have a strength of 3000 jins. When his gaze fell onto the brick, he immediately frowned. A mark appeared on the brick, half an inch deep.

What was going on? Isn"t it invulnerable? After a long while, he took out the brick he had bought and hacked it down with his blade without leaving a single mark. Liu Wei An stared at the brick again and after a long while, he took out the brick he had bought.

The brick was intact without any damage.

Liu Wei An casually threw away his machete, held the brick with both hands and examined it carefully. Finally, one night, at daybreak, he found a shocking secret.

After discovering this secret, Liu Wei"an sucked in a breath of cold air. To succeed two times in a row with such a complex array formation was already not easy, that was already a small probability. If two array formations overlapped each other at the same time, then it was almost impossible.

Realizing this, an indescribable excitement surged up within his heart. It was like a person walking into a desperate situation suddenly seeing a door. That feeling of enlightenment was indescribable with words.

He used the fastest speed to buy a pig"s mane pen, cinnabar and thousands of pieces of yellow paper, paid enough deposit at the inn, and began to draw talismans.

He did not choose to use the metal stone talisman, but chose to use the most skillful corpse dissolving talisman to practice. He moved his finger, and in a few seconds, a spell was completed. Taking a deep breath, the bristle brush fell down once again. Halfway through the drawing, an error appeared.


The yellow paper exploded as it withstood the impact of the corpse curse"s dissipating power, turning into powder.

Liu Wei An did not give up and continued.

The second one was a failure.

The third, failed.

The 50th was a failure.

The one hundred fiftieth card, failed.

… ….

As the number of failures increased, Liu Wei An"s techniques became more and more sophisticated, constantly adjusting his strength, speed, range, and mentality. Although every attempt was a failure, there was improvement in every attempt.

One day pa.s.sed, two days pa.s.sed, several thousand yellow papers were used up. Liu Wei An immediately went to buy another pile, several tens of thousands, in other words, Yellow Sand City. If it was Stone City, they probably wouldn"t have this much stock.

On the third day, hungry and sleepy, Liu Wei An couldn"t take it anymore. He logged off to have a big meal, then slept for four hours before continuing to draw Talisman-Dollars. Drawing runes on paper talismans was much easier than drawing arrows, but he couldn"t handle the amount either. He had no choice but to grab hold of the leaves of the divine tree.

308, failed.

The 60,079 had failed.

The 135th was a failure.

… ….

If there were no examples, Liu Wei An would have started to doubt the feasibility of this method. He could already draw two identical symbols, but he would always fail because of the conflict between the two formations. A little h.o.m.ophobic.

Ye Zichen rubbed his bloodshot eyes. He couldn"t even lift his arm anymore. He logged off and went to sleep.

After waking up and entering the game, he didn"t immediately draw talismans, but held the brick and continued studying it. After watching for a whole day, he gained nothing, almost popped his eyeb.a.l.l.s out, and his Demon G.o.d"s Eyes were bloodshot. He also didn"t find any secrets, but the result of using his brain too much was that he was extremely weak and could only log off to rest.

In the end, he could only open his eyes and stare at the ceiling in a daze. The ceiling was made from a kind of red and yellow wood, which could reflect part of the light. The room seemed to be less dim and not too dazzling.

When Liu Wei An was young, he often caught spiders to play with at the foot of the wall, so he didn"t mind having the small spider as his neighbor. Watching the little guy bustling around, half of the spider web was completed in no time, Liu Wei An unconsciously shook his head.

It turned out that just now at that angle, the spider web had coincidentally overlapped with the black veined patterns on the wood. Because it was all black, it looked as if it had disappeared.

"I understand!"

Liu Wei An shouted loudly and jumped up, he grabbed his helmet and entered the game, he couldn"t wait to draw the dismemberment charm spell, he didn"t draw the second one immediately, he only started to draw after sensing it carefully, the red line was exactly the same as before, when the brush lifted, a strange power flashed and disappeared, it was several times stronger than normal, the two patterns emitted a faint light, but also disappeared in a flash, disappearing without a trace.

He succeeded!

He finally understood, he had always been thinking the same thing, but the problem was that there was something similar in this world, and that was impossible. It was only when he saw the overlapping of the spiderweb and the lines of the wood that he finally realized, because it was not exactly the same, that the two patterns would clash, and the conflict would be the key to success.

There were lines on the wood, and there were also lines on the stone. It was the same for humans, but the patterns on human lines were different, and could be called aura fields. Yellow paper had lines on it, and there were also lines on the array.

Liu Wei An"s heart finally stopped beating and his body relaxed.


The yellow paper suddenly exploded into a cloud of powder.

Liu Wei An was shocked. What was going on? Looking at the pile of powder, he seemed to have realized something after a while. He drew an overlapping rune with the brush. Tens of thousands of pieces of yellow paper were not for fun. After finding the correct method, he drew victoriously.


This time, he didn"t relax, but immersed his mind into the talisman paper to feel the changes within. Sure enough, after almost three minutes, the talisman paper exploded again, turning into a cloud of dust.

Liu Wei An stood up with a relieved expression on his face. He had found the reason for his failure.

There was no problem with the unraveling talisman, and there was no problem with what he drew. There was no conflict between the two talismans, and because of the talisman, the quality of the yellow paper was too poor to withstand the power of the two talismans, so it exploded. Of course, in the end, his technique was still insufficient.

One incantation, it was very stable. Two incantations, no matter how perfect the drawing was, there would always be traces of aura leaking out, although this small amount of aura was insignificant, the talisman paper was too weak, and even a small amount of breath could not withstand it. If it was a better material, this situation would not happen, of course, if Liu Wei An"s technique went up another level, he might be able to succeed, but it would probably take a long time.

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