Rise From The Doom

Chapter 113

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

A deep roar that sounded like a great flood rolled over. Even from a few hundred meters away, Liu Wei An could still feel his blood tumbling and his ears ringing. Because he was too nervous, his veins were popping out as he stared into the distance, his breathing almost stopping.

Miserable screams rang out as blood splattered everywhere. Hundreds of players besieged a magical beast, but they were continuously beaten and defeated. If they didn"t know that there was no hope of escaping, they would have already run away.

It was a black-armored Demon Wolf, nearly two meters tall, with a body length of more than five meters. There was only a tuft of fur around its neck, and the rest of its body was covered in a layer of black armor, gleaming with a metallic l.u.s.ter, its dark green eyes shone with a bloodthirsty light, its teeth were cracked, and its four front teeth were revealed as sharp as daggers. Its whole body exuded a wild and fierce aura, sharp as lightning, and with a swipe of its claws, one of the players was cut in half.

"Kill —"

A tall and st.u.r.dy man holding a bronze rod was the vice gang leader of the Fierce Tiger Gang. He was a Silver rank expert and was a well-known figure in the Yellow Sand City. With a loud roar, as if a thunderbolt had exploded in midair, the bronze stick smashed onto the body of the demon wolf with a loud bang, just like a flash of lightning.

Dang —

Powerful energy spread through the air, and a few nearby players painfully covered their ears as they heard the piercing sound of metal slicing across their bodies.

The big man let out a miserable groan as his body was thrown high into the air. His palm cracked open as blood flowed out. He had used all his strength to keep the bronze stick in his hand. At this moment, he heard an urgent shout: "Be careful!"

Before the big man could even react, he had already lost consciousness. The nearby players could only watch as the big man was bitten into pieces as he screamed in fear. Other than a few Silver rank experts who were still desperately defending, all other players below Bronze rank turned their heads and ran.

"Don"t run, otherwise you"ll die even faster." He Qing Mu was in a hurry to shout out loud. However, at this moment, who would listen to him?

"Archers, shoot!" Hu Junjie shouted loudly.

More than one hundred trembling archers shot at the same time, and more than one hundred sharp arrows whizzed out. The weakest among them was a Black Iron rank, and they were not weak. They basically all shot at the Black Armored Demonic Wolf, but the result was shocking.

The arrows. .h.i.t the black armored wolf"s body, making "ding dang dang" sounds. All the arrows bounced off, but none of them penetrated the black armored wolf"s defense.

"F * ck!" Sun Tzu Wu scolded angrily, turned around and ran.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, a drop of blood fell on Yang Yu"er who was dozens of meters away, scaring her to the point of losing her color. The two guards at the side looked nervous as they hurriedly said: "Young miss, quickly leave."

In its eyes, hundreds of people were like flies to it. With a single claw, they were sent flying, and even if they didn"t die, they would still be injured. Many people didn"t even have the time to scream before they died, and in a few seconds, half of the hundreds of experts had died.

These people were more organized and disciplined, and could still faintly maintain their formation. Not enough, the black armored demon wolves were really ferocious, so they could only constantly retreat.

"Why isn"t Ma Xiaodong here yet?" He Qing Mu"s expression was ferocious as he stepped on his green shoes. However, the speed of the black armored demonic wolf was faster than his, and the distance between them was shortening.

"Don"t you understand now? Ma Xiaodong wants us to be cannon fodder. " He immediately understood Ma Xiaodong"s intentions when he found the demon wolf, but he didn"t care. In his opinion, with so many people, he wouldn"t be able to kill a mere black armored wolf. The truth proved that he was far too wrong.

"The left hind leg of the Black Armored Demon Wolf is injured. Everyone gather our strength to attack its left hind leg." Although she was afraid, after all, the manager had experienced a lot of trials and hardships, so she was still able to remain calm.

"The enemy aimed at the eyes of the black armored wolf, its eyes may be its weakness."

Arrows flew towards the eyes of the demon wolves. However, the wolves moved like the wind, and none of the more than a hundred archers managed to hit their target. This made Yang Yu"er so angry that her eyes were wide open. The other players attacked the left hind leg of the black armored wolf, which was indeed injured, affecting its agility. However, the attacks of the players were vicious, and not a single one of them managed to get close.

"Be careful —" Sun Tzu Wu roared, he was extremely anxious. When it landed on the ground, it was already more than ten meters away, staring at a middle-aged man. His appearance was ordinary, but he emitted a terrifying aura, he was a Gold rank expert brought by Sun Chou Wu, as his trump card, who would have thought that he would anger the Black Armored Demon Wolf.

In just three rounds, the middle-aged man let out a miserable scream. His head was smashed into pieces by the black-armored wolf, like a watermelon falling to the ground. White and red blood sprinkled everywhere.

"f.u.c.k." Sun Tzu Wu cursed angrily, his teeth almost shattered from clenching. The Sun family was a medical family. Although their status was n.o.ble, they didn"t have many experts. Gold-rank experts were quite rare in the Sun family. In the blink of an eye, one had died.

The death of the middle-aged man had won time for everyone else. He Qing Mu, Hu Junjie, Yang Yu"er and the others no longer held back, and one after another, they ordered their Gold rank experts to attack.

The remaining Silver rank experts were waiting by the side for an opportunity. As for the Bronze-rank players, they seized the opportunity to escape. This wasn"t a battle they could partic.i.p.ate in at all.

Sand and rocks flew everywhere, the battle was extremely intense. In the blink of an eye, there were already people dying. Black Armored Demonic Wolves roared again and again, shaking more than a dozen Silver rank experts to the side until their faces turned pale.

There was a group of people hiding in the woods less than 30 meters away from Liu Wei An. The leader was Ma Xiaosun, and beside him were four Gold rank guards, followed by two hundred cavalrymen.

"Young Chieftain, they can"t hold on any longer. Do you want us to make a move?" One of the guards asked in a low voice.

Staring at the battlefield, Ma Xiaosheng"s handsome face showed no expression. His eyes sparkled, but no one knew what he was thinking about. Suddenly, he frowned.

The four guards quickly turned their attention to the battlefield, a miserable scream sounded out, four Gold rank experts died, a big hole was ripped out in their heart, blood sprayed out, the remaining three Gold rank experts immediately retreated from the battlefield, grabbing their masters and running away. Gold rank experts were very strong, even with one person, their speed was still faster than that of the Black Armored Demon Wolves, in the blink of an eye, the only ones left on the battlefield were the fleeing Silver rank experts and the helpless Yang Yu"er.

"These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds." Seeing the black armored demon wolf charge at her, Yang Yu"er could only watch on helplessly. She had Silver rank strength, but it was a pity that she relied on pills to go up against normal monsters. However, she did not give up. She opened up the defensive barrier around the ring. Although she knew it would be ineffective, she still had to put in some effort.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

A streak of light shot out from the forest. Due to its extremely fast speed, it left behind an afterimage in the air. In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of the black armored demon wolf. It was a sharp arrow carrying an indomitable and terrifying aura, and its killing intent soared to the sky.

The Black Armored Demon Wolf let out a roar and used its claws to attack the arrow. When the two collided, a loud sound exploded out, and another sharp arrow came out from behind the shattered arrow. It shot towards the Black Armored Demon Wolf"s eyes at an even faster speed.


In a split-second, the Black Armored Demon Wolf closed its eyes. The terrifying defense of the Black Armored Demon Wolf manifested at this moment, and sparks burst out from its eyelids, the arrow shaft directly shattering due to the strong impact, but it did not pierce through the Black Armored Demon Wolf"s eyelids. However, at this moment, a wave of power exploded out from the arrow, making the Black Armored Demon Wolf uneasy.

Undoing Corpse Talisman!

Blood splattered everywhere. The Black Armored Demon Wolf let out a painful howl. The sound travelled for thousands of meters. Its left eye was dripping with blood, and its eyeball had been broken. It had gone blind.


Ma Xiaocheng"s nervous expression turned into pleasant surprise. He had never expected that something like this would happen. He immediately issued an attack order, and the two hundred cavalrymen charged towards the demon wolf, their hooves rumbling like thunder.

The frightened Yang Yu"er took the opportunity to escape, thinking about who saved her. For some reason, the first person that flashed across her mind turned out to be Liu Wei An.

The injured Black Armored Demon Wolf was extremely frantic, taking the initiative to face the cavalry. In a short distance of a hundred meters, under the acceleration of two forces, their breaths had already clashed against each other.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

Blood splattered everywhere. Five to six warriors who were in front of them were smashed into meat pieces, and blood rained down like a rain of blood. The cavalry was focused on their long spears, and dozens of long spears were thrusting towards the demon wolves, but, the demon wolves were really ferocious, and their power erupted once again. In the terrifying collision, several tens of spears were broken into two halves, and the cavalry fell down on the ground, some of them even had their legs broken, while others were torn apart by the demon wolves.

With the end of the charge, the cavalrymen threw away their spears and sheathed their saber, launching a crazy and fearless attack on the black armored wolf. With the end of the charge, the cavalrymen threw their spears and sheathed their sabers, launching a crazy and fearless attack on the black armored wolf.

Even though he knew that the cavalry was only used to attract attention, he could not help but feel his heart ache when he saw the soldiers being crushed into pieces. The four Gold rank experts frantically attacked, not letting a single move miss the Black Armored Demonic Wolf"s injured eye.

The Black Armored Demon Wolf roared again and again, and its attacks became more and more fierce.

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