Rise From The Doom

Chapter 163

w.a.n.g Xiaoye moved quickly. That night, she sent out a few notifications in the name of the acting county magistrate. First, those who attacked the traffic police were in cahoots with those who robbed banks, in order to divert the attention of the police. Secondly, some of the criminals have been captured, the remaining bandits have escaped to the slave area, the martial law of Porrock County has been lifted. Third, notify the entire county, confirm that County Governor Ma is indeed dead, and that the murderer has been found. Fourth, apologize for the innocent people who were injured in the fire during the day, and promise that the murderer will be caught and brought to justice. Sixth …

Under the propaganda of the Ministry of Propaganda, the panic of the people was alleviated, and the order of the people in the Prefecture returned to normal.

After the news conference, w.a.n.g Xiaoye immediately returned to the county council building and issued a dozen consecutive orders. This time, it was for the inside, with lightning speed, she replaced the head of the police station, the housing department, the medical department, and several other departments, and replaced her own people. The next day, after the official appointment of w.a.n.g Xiaoxiao as Shixian County"s County Governor pa.s.sed down in Anyuan City, she entered into the era of w.a.n.g Xiaosheng.

Among them, Zhou Xingchen had been promoted from the Division Chief to the Division Chief. He had replaced the position of the previous Leader. Wu Tianhua had gone from being the deputy director of the office to winning two consecutive rounds, becoming the first deputy director. In a department like the Public Security Bureau, the authority of the Deputy Chief was something that ordinary people could only look up to. If nothing unexpected happened, the Deputy Chief would become the Deputy Chief soon, and at that time, Wu Tianhua would become the most important person they could not afford to offend. In the Public Security Bureau, Wu Tianhua had become the most important person.

However, all of this was very far from Liu Wei An. Although all of this had changed because of him, he was currently like a parent taking care of Huang Yue and eating.

"Have you never eaten dumplings before?" Liu Wei An looked at Huang Yue wolfing down her food. The difference between her and the image of a lady from a n.o.ble family in his heart was simply too huge.

"Yes, but I"ve never eaten anything so delicious." Huang Yuyue answered vaguely.

"Since you have already eaten, why don"t you untie the rope?" Liu Wei An felt helpless. He couldn"t even finish his own food, and he still had to help Huang Yuyue untie the string on the dumpling.

"I never did, I ate and made them at home, and —" Huang Yue paused for a moment. "And the zongzi leaves are sticky, I"m afraid."

"Aren"t you afraid of eating?"

Huang Yue Yue Yue fell silent.

"Alright, I"ve already eaten three. It"s about time." Liu Wei An finished the pumpkin pie in two or three bites and poured a cup of boiling water for Huang Yueyue, "The dumplings are made with glutinous rice, so you shouldn"t eat too much. These things are hard to digest."

"Is that so?" Huang Yuyue muttered to herself, "I said, it"s different from the rice I"ve eaten."

"No difference." Liu Wei An looked at her, like a typical young miss.

"What? I just don"t have the chance to touch these." Huang Yue Yue pouted in dissatisfaction.

"What are you doing?"

"Wash your face." Huang Yuyue looked at him with disdain, "Your face is dirty. It hurts."

"If you"re not afraid of anyone recognizing you, then wash up."

Huang Yue Yue froze, the water dripping off her fingers. She hesitated for a moment before shaking it off. Fear appeared in her eyes, but there was a look of grievance on her face. He glared viciously at Liu Wei An.

"Don"t know what"s good for you." Liu Wei An was speechless. He was kind enough to remind you to keep such an expression on your face. A good person really doesn"t deserve a reward. " I"m a girl, wouldn"t you give in a little? " Huang Yuyue felt even more wronged. She had never seen such a disgraceful man before.

Liu Wei An smiled and thought to himself, "We are not that familiar yet."

"What are you buying so many dumplings for?" Huang Yue Yue could not help but ask.

"I still have a few friends. I don"t know if they have finished their meal yet. Let"s prepare a bit, it"s not wrong."

"Friends?" Huang Yuyue was a little uneasy, "What friend?"

"Just follow him, don"t talk so much nonsense." Liu Wei An said impatiently.

Huang Yue Yue bit her lower lip and followed him.

When they were walking past an empty alley, the street lamps on both sides of the street suddenly went out for no reason. As the lights dimmed, Huang Yue Yue let out a slight scream and b.u.mped into Liu Wei An"s back.

"Who are you people? Why are you blocking my way? " Liu Wei An"s back was slightly arched, as if he was about to hurt someone. He stared unblinkingly at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he was about to face a great enemy.

"Kill your men!" The voice was filled with a metallic quality and was very powerful, but it was also very unpleasant to the ears and harsh to the ears.

Huang Yue Yue screamed again. Only then did she notice that there was someone in front of her. Her small hands tightly gripped Liu Wei An"s clothes as her body trembled.

"I have no enmity with you, why would you want to kill me?" Liu Wei An asked in a low voice. Although he didn"t turn back nor did he hear anything, he could feel that someone had appeared behind him, blocking his way to retreat.

The alley was quiet and dark. There was no one walking by, and the noise from tens of meters away was like two different worlds.

"Do you remember what you did an hour ago?" The silhouette clicked his tongue in wonder. "A normal looking kid actually killed one of our captains. With your age, you"re already proud enough."

"Black clothed man!" Liu Wei An blurted out.

"Actually, a person dying is not worth it for me to step in. But — "The silhouette laughed," You actually killed the second ranked mercenary without any effort, I am very curious, who exactly are you and what is your purpose for taking the medicine?

"How do you know?" Liu Wei An"s body shook violently. He never thought that the matter that he thought was flawless would be discovered by someone in less than a day.

"The potion involves the lives of tens of millions of people. Do you really think it"s that easy to obtain?" "Right now, there are quite a few people looking for you. I"ll give you some pointers and give you a clear path. Join us and you"ll be able to keep your life and enjoy wealth and prosperity."

"And if I refuse?" Liu Wei An stared in front of him and grabbed Huang Yue. Just as he placed her on his back, he suddenly realized that the person in front of him had disappeared. A strong sense of danger hit him, and he didn"t even have time to think.


When his fist hit the figure that suddenly appeared, the enemy"s fist also hit his chest. A peerless strength a.s.saulted him and his body flew out horizontally in an instant. His copper skin and iron bones seemed to have lost their effect, and his ribs were broken into two pieces on the spot. Just as blood rushed to his throat, he suddenly turned around and smashed out with his trembling fist, despite the sharp pain.

Behind him was a well-built man with a crew cut. His face had no emotions, his eyes were like a snake, cold and emotionless, and his fists were shining with a metallic l.u.s.ter. As they flew through the air, they left behind an incomparably strange silver trail.

Bang -

His arm was almost broken as he stomped on the ground with all of his strength. The direction he was sent flying changed, and the iron fist launched by the figure in front of him missed, but his reaction was extremely fast. His fist turned into a sweeping fist, and the shadows of a series of fists flew across the night sky.

Liu Wei An groaned. The fist grazed his waist, almost tearing his internal organs apart. His body sped up as he flew out. With a loud bang, he smashed through the wall and rushed into a building.

The brawny man rushed in after him without any hesitation, only to find that the smoke was everywhere, and then the figure that was talking to Liu Wei An also rushed in. The face of the person was covered in black patterns, and it was blurry.


Pointing at the broken wooden door, the st.u.r.dy man did not say a word as he crawled out of the hole. Outside the door was the living room. There was no one in the living room. There were no signs of people. The sungla.s.ses-wearing man glanced at them and was able to determine Liu Wei An"s whereabouts in less than a second.


The brawny man did not seem to know how to speak. The moment the man in shades finished his words, he had already rushed up to the second floor. There were three rooms on the second floor. One of them was closed while the other one was ajar. The sungla.s.ses guy did not hesitate as he pointed at the closed door and ordered, "Crash the door open."


The strong man"s strength was at least 700 to 800 pounds. Surprisingly, the door was not pushed open and the strong man was bounced back.

The man in shades exclaimed softly. Even if it was a metal door, he couldn"t help but let the brawny man hit it with all his strength. A bit of astonishment shot out from his eyes. The brawny man didn"t have any expression. He tried to break the door open twice, twice, thrice, like a tireless robot. The door was so hard that it took him seven collisions to break it open.

"Interesting!" After the man in shades entered the room, his gaze landed on a strange pattern on the back of the door. It was a mysterious incantation drawn with blood. One could tell that it was very sloppy, but it had incredible power.

The room was not big, and he could see that there was no one inside. The brawny man didn"t have any ice cold look in his eyes. He was at a loss as to what to do. He waited for the sungla.s.ses-wearing man to give the order again before he jumped out of the window that had yet to be opened.

After the sungla.s.ses-wearing man left, Liu Wei An walked out of the other room with the support of Huang Yueyue. After hesitating for a moment, he entered the room, careful not to disturb the broken wooden pieces on the door, and the moment the two of them got into bed, the sungla.s.ses-wearing man immediately jumped in from the window. He only glanced at the room once before rushing out, appearing in the other room.

"You"re still too inexperienced to try and escape from my grasp."

"How are you?" It was only after the sungla.s.ses-wearing man had been gone for less than five minutes that Huang Yue let out a soft sound. She had never slept in the same bed as the man, so she was extremely nervous.

"I"m fine." Liu Wei An endured the pain and did his best to appear normal. "The enemy shouldn"t be coming back. I need to rest. Help me guard it."

"I don"t know how to!" Huang Yuyue"s voice carried a hint of tears. However, he found that Liu Wei An had already closed his eyes and had entered a state of meditation.

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