Rise From The Doom

Chapter 192

On the wasteland, a group of people were galloping at full gallop, raising a cloud of dust into the sky. Liu Wei An looked back and saw that all the ancient chivalrous heroes had died early.

"At the crater?" Bai Ling whipped her war horse twice and caught up with Liu Wei An.

"Miss Bai came over?" Liu Wei An was shocked, but there was no reaction on his face.

"No matter where I go, I will study the surroundings thoroughly." Bai Ling looked at Liu Wei An and said to the left, "We should be turning at that place."

"After turning a corner, we"ll reach it after walking seven to eight kilometers." Liu Wei An said.

"I thought there were highlands near the crater." Bai Ling gave a self-deprecating smile. "Sure enough, we still need to observe the situation on the spot to get the most realistic data."

Liu Wei An smiled but didn"t say anything. He couldn"t understand why Bai Ling valued these things so much. A game was different from the real world. If it was the real world, then hundreds of satellites could be seen in the sky at any time. The difference in height of half a meter could be seen clearly, and there was no need to observe on the spot.

"I"m beginning to believe you." Bai Ling said.

"I am a person of integrity." Just then, he suddenly felt a trace of unease, just like a drop of ice water falling on his neck in winter. He felt very uncomfortable, so he couldn"t help but lightly strangle his horse.

"What"s the matter with you?" Even though Bai Ling had been keeping an eye on the battle, she was quick to notice Liu Wei An"s subtle movements.

"I have a — no, get out of the way." Liu Wei An shouted and jumped down from his horse. He rolled a few times on the ground and laid down on a low spot. His body was pressed closely to the ground. Countless arrows flew through the air, coming from all directions, making "chi chi" sounds as they tore through the air.

Five or six miserable shrieks rang out, and the people closely following Liu Wei An fell to the ground. Due to inertia, they rolled five to six meters before stopping. Their bodies were already filled with arrows, and their breathing quickly weakened.

"Enemy attack!"

The team was thrown into chaos. Some dodged, some drew their sabers to deflect the arrows, some fell to the ground from their horses, the sound of their horses. .h.i.tting the ground, and the sound of soldiers cursing was extremely chaotic.

If not for Liu Wei An"s natural sensitivity towards arrows, which slowed down in advance, he would have turned into a hedgehog by now. Even so, several arrows brushed past his clothes and stuck themselves three inches into the ground.


A warhorse with two arrows on its neck was on the left, and the moment it landed, another six arrows. .h.i.t its body. Liu Wei An"s struggling hooves quickly stiffened as he turned around and hid under the dead horse"s belly like a fish.


A blood-curdling screech sounded from afar. Liu Wei An"s eyes flashed like lightning. He took advantage of the slight confusion caused by the sudden death of one of his comrades, and shot out six arrows in a row.

Consecutive Arrows!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

The arrows shot into the gra.s.s like shooting stars, causing six miserable shrieks to ring out. In a straight line, a gap appeared in the densely packed arrows of Lian Cheng. However, Liu Wei An was also noticed by the enemy, and the densely packed arrows aimed at his hiding spot. Liu Wei"an only raised his head half the way before hastily withdrawing it. Two sharp arrows shot past, almost slicing off his scalp.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!...

The dead horse"s body was filled with arrows, just like a hedgehog. There were several times when the arrows were so powerful that they almost pierced through his body. Liu Wei An was startled and quickly pulled away, but as soon as the distance was opened, other places were exposed and he shrunk into a ball. The smaller he was, the more dangerous he was.

"Charge out through the gap."

If it was Liu Wei An himself, he would definitely not dare to rush out while his allies and enemies were still unknown, but not only did Bai Ling dare to rush out, she was also willing to do so without hesitation. She was like a nimble fox, every step she took was the blind spot of an arrow, her movements were extremely strange, and in front of her were two warriors. They were also warriors, so Bai Ling was protected right in the middle.

The enemy"s main target should be Bai Ling. Once Bai Ling broke out of the encirclement, Liu Wei An immediately felt the pressure decrease greatly. He had already locked down the enemy"s position, and in the split-second when the arrow was released, he raised the Tiger Breaking Bow.

Ah, ah!

With a single arrow, two people died.

At first, the enemy didn"t notice, but Liu Wei An"s third arrow was followed by two screams. Footsteps could be heard in the gra.s.s and the enemy was about to launch a melee attack. Liu Wei An"s expression was cold and his eyes were cold. He only stared at the direction of the gap and his hands moved even faster.

Bind, tie, tie.

After shooting three arrows consecutively, six enemies fell to the ground screaming. Bai Ling"s pressure decreased greatly and she was the first one to reach the edge of the gap when the two warriors fell. At this time, the enemies also rushed out of the bush and revealed themselves.

Liu Wei An didn"t even try to disguise his weapon, only exposing a black cloth over his face. He jumped out from behind the horse"s carca.s.s, shot an arrow at the same time and chased after Bai Ling"s team.

These enemies who had come out from the bushes were all holding a half body shield and an iron shield that weighed more than fifty pounds. In these enemies who had come out from the gra.s.s were all holding a half body shield and an iron shield that weighed more than fifty kilograms, and were holding a half body shield and a fifty kilogram iron shield.

The first two warriors who acted as meat shields fell on the road. Bai Ling was in the lead now, and her weapons were two swords that were 30 centimeters long, but there was only one left, because one of them was thrown out as a projectile during the process of escaping, killing an enemy.

The small and exquisite short sword in her hand transformed into a myriad of patterns. Stabbing, picking, chopping, chopping, blocking, and chopping … He was extremely agile and agile. Half of the enemy"s attack was focused on him, so he couldn"t block his advance. There were only eight warriors following him. All of them dismounted and ran.

Those war horses were very unlucky. They all turned into hedgehogs, and there were even two horses lying on the ground, not dying. They let out low cries.

Dang —

The two weapons clashed, and the two strong men did not react at all, but Bai Ling was forced two steps back, the two sharp arrows pierced through the air and struck onto the body of Bai Ling who could not dodge in time, a middle waist, a middle thigh, Bai Ling did not even frown, as if the arrow did not hit her, instead, she slightly bent her body and kicked both of her feet on the ground, causing two holes to explode in the ground, the strength behind her was shocking, like a cheetah jumping, crossing two meters of s.p.a.ce and appearing in front of the strong man.

It was unknown when the short sword he used with one hand arrived, but the other hand came up as well. His two hands came together and hacked down. It was actually the fiercest blow that could chop down a mountain of flowers.

A pet.i.te girl actually used a technique that was head-on against a two meter tall man. This crazy scene immediately reminded Liu Wei An of Lu Yan. It was also at this moment that he made a crazy decision. He suddenly stopped, pulled back his bow, aimed at the strong man, and shot an arrow at the man"s throat as he narrowed his eyes.

Dang —

Bai Ling was sent flying again. Dozens of arrows were fired at her. It seemed that the enemy would not rest until she was killed. In a split-second, the two wounded warriors at the back rushed up, using their bodies to block all the arrows. With a "chi chi" sound, a b.l.o.o.d.y light burst out and the three of them fell to the ground at the same time, leaving only one capable of standing up.

There was no gentleness in his triangular eyes, no pity, only endless cruelty and killing intent as he rushed towards Bai Ling. However, before he could even raise his feet, he saw a cold light shooting towards him from the corner of his eyes. In an instant, he felt a huge sense of danger enveloping him. After a moment of hesitation, he felt a sharp pain in his throat. The cold light brought with it a trail of fresh blood as it disappeared into the gra.s.s.

"Sh …" The muscular man clutched his throat as he slowly collapsed. Bai Ling had already cut down two enemies that were rushing towards her. The sword"s power was shocking, but the enemy"s attack was even more terrifying. Only one warrior was left.

As the short sword was pulled out from the enemy"s throat, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the enemy fell while clutching his throat, his eyes filled with despair. Bai Ling"s eyes were cold as she looked at the last warrior, and as she turned around, her short sword shot out, piercing into the heart of one of the pursuing enemies.


Bai Ling was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. She watched as the arrow shot down one of the arrows. She didn"t turn back, but she knew it was Liu Wei An who had saved her.


When the last soldier fell, Liu Wei An ran past Bai Ling and was the first to rush out of the encirclement. Without saying a word, he kept shooting his arrows towards the back, and Bai Ling also did not say a word.

Arriving at a fork in the road, Liu Wei An hesitated for a split-second. Bai Ling rushed up from behind him and headed towards the volcano"s crater without a second thought.

"Aren"t you worried about the second ambush?" Liu Wei An shouted.

"If we had that much power, we wouldn"t have been able to escape."

Bai Ling coldly said. Liu Wei An thought about it and thought about it. That was true. The one that could be solved in one go was even worse than the one that happened the second time. He couldn"t help but admire Bai Ling for her thoughts.

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