Rise From The Doom

Chapter 26

The flying horses only sent a group of men and horses, and the rest of the journey was safe and sound. After unloading the goods, Liu Wei An gave each of them 10 silver coins and told them that they didn"t need to go online for the next few days. The horse fleet would definitely fight back for their safety, so they wouldn"t go to the cemetery for the next few days.

"Farewell!" The three people of Black Ox"s group were straightforward. They turned around and logged off.

This was an industry owned by the Plum Blossom Trading Company. In Stone City, he only trusted the Sun family and the Plum Blossom Trading Company. The Sun family had a good relationship with the Plum Blossom Trading Company, but the Plum Blossom Trading Company had a good reputation.

"Shopkeeper, show me these things." Liu Wei An poured out all the equipment he had looted from the knights. With a "hualala" sound, a total of fifty to sixty pieces were thrown out. Among them, the knights" long sword and the big man"s axe were bronze and nine pieces of black iron. The horse fleet was indeed wealthy.

The shopkeeper was an old man in his sixties with a beard that was half white and bright eyes, obviously someone who had seen a lot. With so many pieces of equipment, he was unable to show any surprise, and after a few glances, he paused on his long sword and axe before raising his head and lightly said, "138 gold coins."

"Deal." Liu Wei An was greatly impressed. His estimate was also between 130-140, but he had been calculating for a long time. With just a few glances, the shopkeeper had calculated it. His proficiency in this business was truly admirable.

All the gold coins were exchanged for the Strength Seed, leaving him with 20 gold coins as reserve. He then struggled in the inn for 2 hours and drew 16 talisman arrows. This success rate was slowly increasing. Any slight mistake would result in a failure. Liu Wei An really wanted to crazily practice for the whole night, but unfortunately, he couldn"t endure it any longer. Drawing talismans twenty times was more tiring than running twenty kilometers.

Put your things away and log off.

He went out of the street, received the express delivery, and brought back a large amount of food to eat. He had a big appet.i.te for the past few days, and estimated that it was about half the weight of a pig, but he was still hungry. He could only restrain his desire to continue eating.

He opened the bag and took out a bean-sized white crystal. It was the strength of a zombie. It had been sent out the day before yesterday. The morning had arrived.

After swallowing it, a violent wave of heat surged through his entire body. Liu Wei An felt so comfortable that he almost groaned. That feeling was like a dry desert with a light drizzle. If the undead"s strength seed was said to be drizzling, then the undead"s strength seed was just wet. Liu Wei"an was looking forward to the effect of the seed, which was one level higher than the undead"s strength seed.

As the energy seeds entered his stomach, Liu Wei An gradually closed his eyes...

At dawn, he ate and drank to his heart"s content. Then he went online.

On the way out of Stone City, Liu Wei An was very careful. Whenever he had any signs of movement, he would stop and observe for a while before arriving at the cemetery. Nothing had happened.

"Could it be that I scared them to death last night, so they didn"t dare to show up today?" The moment he thought of this, he immediately rejected the idea. With such a large fleet, even using his toes, he knew it was impossible for them to be so weak. There had to be something that was delayed, or perhaps it was not worth it for him.

The moment Liu Wei"an relaxed, the surroundings resounded with shouts of battle. Following that, a rain of arrows enveloped him as seventy to eighty archers dashed out into the gra.s.s.

Liu Wei An was shocked, he immediately turned around and ran. His speed was like a wild horse that had just escaped from its rein, and he rushed forward seventeen or eighteen meters with a swoosh, throwing himself forward the moment the arrow reached his body. Then he rolled several times and got close to the edge of the rain of arrows.

The second wave of arrows came. There were more archers on the outside.

The two arrows had landed on his back instead of his legs, giving Liu Wei An some hope. He sprinted forward, not towards the outside but towards the inside of the cemetery. The wooden bow had already arrived in his hands, and a long bowstring vibrated.

Six arrows shot out like a torrential downpour. This time, he had risked his life. Normally, he would only be able to shoot four arrows at a time.

There was a flash of cold light, and six screams rang out from the bushes. Surprisingly, when the archer changed direction, Liu Wei An shot six more arrows and six more fell in the distance.

A series of arrows!

Before the two archers could launch their attacks, they felt a chill between their eyebrows and lost consciousness.

Liu Wei An madly danced in the air with his wooden bow, knocking all the arrows flying. His abdomen was in pain, and he was. .h.i.t by another arrow. This arrow was so ruthless that it might even damage his intestines. Every time he moved his body, it would produce a tearing pain.

It was said that people would explode with unprecedented potential in times of crisis, and this was true. In a short span of time, Liu Wei"an had shot six arrows in succession, killing eighteen enemies with a 1% success rate. Even with the large number of enemies, the line of defense on the left was showing a slight flaw.

Dozens of men in tight suits held swords and sabers, blocking the opening in time. If he still had some confidence in dealing with the archers, then against these warriors who specialized in close-combat, he would only die if he rushed forward.

Originally, his best option was to rush towards the depths of the tomb. However, judging from the archer"s reaction and the strength of the encirclement, he had ruthlessly abandoned this tempting idea. In reality, it was just an illusion.

Liu Wei"an was like a slippery eel, moving between the west and the front, and all the arrows were chasing him from behind.

Liu Wei An"s teeth were bared, and his back was. .h.i.t by another arrow, but he didn"t dare to stop to check, and continued to move left and right at an astonishing speed, testing his archery. Liu Wei An"s teeth were bared, and his back was. .h.i.t by another arrow, but he didn"t dare to stop to check, and continued to move left and right at an astonishing speed.

Suddenly, he dashed forward a few steps, and with another arrow on his back, he kicked a dead body. The kick that gathered all his strength had almost seven or eight hundred pounds of strength, and the body flew out like a cannonball, blocking all the arrows in front of it. Liu Wei An quickly caught up, using the corpse as a cover and continuously drew his bow.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The ear-piercing sound of something tearing through the air was like the sound of someone trying to take his life. Every roar was accompanied by a blood-curdling screech. As the corpse fell, a hole was forcefully opened up by Liu Wei An, and he rushed out.

"Chase — —!" An archer wearing leather armor shouted angrily. Just as he took two steps forward, he saw that Liu Wei An had not turned his head to look back and change the direction of his wooden bow, his face changed drastically as he suddenly pounced on the ground. The arrow flew through the air and brushed past his back, causing two miserable screams to resound from behind.

A series of arrows!

After the archer got up, Liu Wei An had already left the range of the arrow. He turned around to look at the two dead men and saw that they had both been shot in the heart. Liu Wei An"s face turned ugly.

He might be able to run past the archers, but he couldn"t outrun the warriors. When he thought of the warriors, he suddenly realized that no one was chasing after him, and his heart turned cold as he stopped walking. In the distance, more than sixty meters away, a row of silhouettes appeared.

There were a total of seventy or eighty archers.

Just a second later, he was within archer"s range. The effective range of the wooden bow was 40 meters and beyond 60 meters, its accuracy was out of control. Although the bow made by the enemy was excellent, it was not a black iron weapon after all, it couldn"t compare to his wooden bow, so its effective range should be around 30 meters.

The sound of footsteps came from behind. The pursuers were still coming. Their speed wasn"t fast, and their expressions were like cats playing with mice. If Liu Wei An was still in good health, he would still have a 20% chance of breaking through. But now, it would be difficult for him to even move his fingers. Was he going to die here today?

When he thought about how the flying horses team had dispatched almost 300 men to deal with him, and how he had killed almost 50 men, he did not suffer a loss.

Just as he was about to bring a few more people to accompany him in death, a person appeared in his field of vision. It was the girl who killed the wild boar.

The moment Liu Wei An saw the girl, the enemies behind him also discovered her. They let out a loud shout, and when the voice was transmitted over, the girl was like a leopard among the archers, and the short sword in her hand was like a snake that had left its lair, fast as lightning. Blood spurted out, and five or six archers fell to the ground.

By the time the other archers reacted, more than a dozen of them were already lying in a pool of blood. They couldn"t help but be angry. They changed their direction and aimed the arrows at the girl.

A series of arrows!

An arrow flew through the air, and in the next moment, a miserable scream rang out as twelve archers fell to the ground in a row. An astonishing arrow that shocked everyone. The enemies that came from behind almost stopped in their tracks, it"s a f * cking one person or a dozen of people shooting twelve at once. If we didn"t see it with our own eyes, we wouldn"t believe it even if we were beaten to death.

Liu Wei An"s stamina was almost completely drained.

If someone were to shoot an arrow at him at this time, he would definitely shoot them immediately. Unfortunately for him, the archers were all stunned by his previous shot, and only when he had rushed out of the encirclement did he wake up, shooting in panic.

With a twist of her short sword, she swept away all the arrows. With her sword, she cut off the arrow shaft on Liu Wei"an"s abdomen, picked up Liu Wei"an who was on the verge of collapse due to the severe pain and exhaustion, and instantly disappeared from everyone"s sight.

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