Rise From The Doom

Chapter 302

"Stop the car!"

The people came from all directions, and were divided into three camps. In the middle, there was a black-clothed man with a fierce look in his eyes, followed by more than a dozen people, and on the right, there was a handsome young man. On the left was a short man with a bald head and a white face. His age could not be determined, but he was at least thirty years old. There were only four people behind him, but he carried a submachine gun.

The one who spoke was the black-clothed man in the middle.

This was the business street. Liu Wei An had been here for more than half a year, and although he wasn"t familiar with this place, he still understood it very well. But now, he realized that the residents of this place were all nowhere to be seen, and both sides of the street were filled with people.

It was an unwritten rule that anyone who came to the commercial street would be checked every day. Most of the newcomers were rich and would bring a lot of food. If one wanted to enter this place safely, the food would be the ticket.

"You called me?" Liu Wei An got out of the car and watched the black clothed man, the mechanic, Xie Shiqiang, and the others stay in the car. Only the elephant followed him out.

"Are you deaf?" The black-clothed man did not say anything, but someone behind him instead spoke in an unapologetic tone.

"May I ask why you are stopping my car?" Liu Wei An didn"t care about the rudeness of the black-clothed man"s subordinates.

"Do you know where we are?" The black-clothed man retracted his gaze from the elephant. He felt a trace of threat from the elephant. His tone could not help but become more serious.

"Slave area!" Liu Wei An said lightly.

"It"s easy if you know that it"s a slave district, then do you know the rules of the slave district?" When the black-clothed man spoke of the rules, his eyes flashed with a fiery light.

"Hehe, when I went out, I did not make any rules." Liu Wei An said with a smile.

"You"re from the slave district?" The black-clothed man looked at the eight wheels on the rear of the two, his eyes full of doubt.

Those who had stayed in the slave district before would have a special kind of aura on their bodies. They would never be as clean as Liu Wei An. What was mentioned here was not the body, but their temperament.

Although Liu Wei An"s clothes were dirty and messy, his every move was filled with the aura of a high-cla.s.s person. Such a person would come from the slave district.

"Looking at your grade, you should know San Ye." Liu Wei An brought up San Ye"s reputation. He wasn"t afraid of this man in black, but he had just arrived. Liu Wei An didn"t want to be enemies with this place without understanding the situation clearly.

"You know this old b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" When the black-clothed man heard San Ye"s name, his eyes shot out a strong hatred, "If it wasn"t for this old fart, I wouldn"t have been kicked out of the slave area, and I wouldn"t have been wandering in the wild, almost eaten by wild dogs. Heaven"s mercy can be seen in your eyes, letting your disciple meet me." You two, master and disciple, get together. "

"So you"re a sc.u.m!" Liu Wei An looked at him disdainfully. He knew very well who San Ye was, that the person in front of him had been kicked out. He was definitely not a good person, so he was very rude. He and San Ye had not known each other for long, but San Ye had sacrificed himself in order to protect them. The black-clothed man had insulted San Ye, which was not allowed.

"You"re courting death!" The black-clothed man was furious. His feet sank and a wave of energy that borrowed the strength of a vital part instantly exploded out. It followed the direction of his fist and caused an ear-piercing sound to ring in the air.

The elephant also knew San Ye. Although he didn"t have much feelings for him, he knew that San Ye knew his foster father, and was also his foster father"s close friend. This person insulting San Ye was tantamount to insulting his foster father.

The bald short man and the scar-faced youth both shook their heads. Where did this idiot come from, daring to fight with the black-clothed man, the black-clothed man did not know where the black-clothed man had learned the Jade Shattering Fist. Although he had only learned a little of it, it was already enough to rule a region here, and even stones could be easily shattered, let alone flesh and blood.

In the corner, everyone was already used to this scene. No one tried to stop him or stop him; they were all here to watch the show. The only thing that revealed itself was regret, and the object of regret was naturally the elephant.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The two fists collided, and a terrifying sound exploded out. The black-clothed man"s miserable scream directly flew out, and a burst of crackling sounds spread from his arm all the way to his entire body.


Twenty meters away, the black-clothed man fell to the ground like a pile of rotten meat, the blood in his mouth gushing out. Looking further, it had already turned gray.

Bang, bang, bang, bang …

The sniper rifle that suddenly appeared in his hand vibrated at a speed that made one"s heart tremble. Every time it vibrated, it would shoot out a bullet, but when the black-clothed man fell to the ground, motionless, his 16 lackeys would fall dead and their heads would explode, leaving only the area below their noses.

"I think it"s better for everyone to be friends. What do you think?" Liu Wei An aimed his gun at the bald man. Although he was smiling, his voice was not warm at all.


The scene was deathly silent. Many people opened their mouths, but no sound came out. No one expected this result. The elephant that should have died should have been alive and well, while the black-clothed man that should have been standing on top of the corpse had become a pile of boneless meat.

"I"m just adding soy sauce." The bald man took a deep breath and slowly removed his hand from the gun. He raised his hand and slowly stepped back. "Friend, please feel free."

The four people behind the bald shorty had already raised half of their submachine guns, but at this moment, no one was moved at all. Liu Wei An"s gun was clearly following him, but everyone felt that Liu Wei An was aiming at them. After witnessing Liu Wei An"s marksmanship, no one had the confidence to shoot in front of Liu Wei An.

Liu Wei An waited until the bald short man had retreated far enough before he turned to look at the knife-scarred youth and asked, "Friend, what do you think?"

"Friend, why don"t you go to the winter house and have a cup of tea?" The Knifescar fellow took a step back without thinking. It was very natural. If Liu Wei An hadn"t seen him take a step back when he shot the black-clothed man, he would have thought that the Knifescar fellow had no sadness and no joy.

"Thank you for the hospitality, but I still have a lot of things to do in reality. I"m sorry." Liu Wei An said.

"If that"s the case, what a pity." The Knifescar fellow laughed as he retreated into the crowd. Many people looked at them with ridicule in their eyes.

Three groups of people came and in the blink of an eye, two of them died. Their speed was so fast that no one could react. The people on the street kept their eyes on Liu Wei An and the corpses on the ground.

"Get in!" Liu Wei An smiled and said to the elephant before putting away the gun.

This was the habit of the slave quarters. Unless they had food, they would never be interested in anything else.

No one knew what had happened in the commercial street, but the original inhabitants did not see a single one of them. They only saw slaves or other people who had wandered over from nowhere.

Although there were quite a few people, it was far from the bustling crowd of the past.

"Let"s stay here for now." Of course, no one else would benefit from Liu Wei An looking at a controlled building. The mechanic and Xie Shiqiang stopped the car and moved the stuff into the building.

The building was only six stories tall, and everything inside was a mess. Everything was swept clean. Judging from the traces, the building must have been through at least a few battles.

Liu Wei An had originally planned to go to Times Square, because he didn"t even know the name of the new owner of the commercial street. Now that he could see the commercial street and have a house to live in, he didn"t have to run that far. Besides, it didn"t matter where the radiation came from, as long as it was far away from the radiation.

The few of them had just settled down when someone asked for an audience.

"What do you want?" Liu Wei An looked at the middle-aged man who walked in. His breath was calm and one could not tell his cultivation level, but from the pace he took, the distance between each kick was exactly the same.

"Baoyuan greets my friend. May I ask what your name is?" The middle-aged man clasped his hands together with a sincere att.i.tude.

"Liu Wei An!" Liu Wei An reported his real name. A person of a grade older than him was able to take the initiative to salute, so how could he dare to be negligent?

"From what I see, friend Liu seems to have moved the food out of the car. I wonder if it"s possible to buy some." Bao Yuanfeng said seriously.

"Which mercenary group are you from?" Liu Wei An suddenly asked.

"Six-sided Heavenly Mercenaries." Bao Yuanfeng said honestly.

"How long have you been here? Where are the residents of the commercial street?" Liu Wei An"s tone carried a trace of coldness.

"We haven"t even been here for half a month, how would the residents on the original commercial street know about it? I"m not too sure either." Bao Yuanfeng said.

"What about food?" Liu Wei An asked.

"That"s the problem." We"ve been here for quite some time, and after checking the whole commercial street, we found that not only was there not a single person, but the food was also gone. You have to understand, there weren"t any zombies here, so why did a whole street of people suddenly disappear?

"Not at all?" Liu Wei An"s tone became a bit more serious.

"No, we checked very carefully, we really don"t have a single one." There was a hint of fear in Bao Yuanfeng"s eyes. This mysterious phenomenon was not something he could explain.

Liu Wei An was moved and asked, "Could they have left by themselves?"

"Impossible!" Bao Yuanfeng shook his head with a firm tone.

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