Rise From The Doom

Chapter 31

After getting the ring, Liu Wei An"s heart calmed down as well. This was not something to worry about, and it was different from the small skirmishes before. Liu Wei An"s heart calmed down after getting the ring, as it was different from the small skirmishes before.

Liu Wei An sat cross-legged on the bed and began to eat the strength seed, stuffing it into his mouth one after another. At first, he had been careful to remember how much, but eventually he became completely numb and his movements became mechanical.

The strength seeds exploded one by one, turning into a surge of energy that rushed into the body and flowed through the meridians. From small to large, from slow to fast, power entered the cells, increasing the activity of the cells, increasing the density of the bones, enhancing the tenacity of the meridians … The change was progressing at a slow but steady pace.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Wei An"s hand grabbed empty air, and he realized that he had finished eating all of the more than 80,000 power seeds. At this time, his body turned into a volcano, and a surging torrent flowed in his body at an astonishing speed.

He could feel that these floods were all energy and were all good things, but the problem was that he was absorbing these things too slowly. He could feel that these floods were all energy and were all good things, but the problem was that he absorbed these things too slowly.

Just as it was about to explode, Liu Wei An thought of the star pattern in the depths of his mind. That extremely complex pattern was actually memorized in an instant, and it was clear, not a trace of it was wrong. This was an incredible thing, and he had actually done it without feeling it at all.

He tried circulating the energy according to the route of the star map. It took all of his mental energy to make this energy change its direction and enter the predetermined direction. In an instant, Liu Wei An felt his body stop expanding.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, as long as he could start, things would be much easier. Under the guidance of Liu Wei An"s mind, the energy would follow the path of the star map, and something strange happened. The energy was being absorbed, and as the distance between them increased, the energy was being absorbed faster. Previously, when the energy was flowing around randomly, it had pa.s.sed by here, but there was no change. The star map seemed to be very magical.

As the energy uneasily progressed, the star map in the depths of his mind was also constantly being lit up. One centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters … After a while, it lit up a small piece, and then the speed began to slow down.

Liu Wei An"s skin had already healed without him realizing, and the feeling of swelling had quickly disappeared. At the same time, a layer of dark, oily substance was seeping out of the blood hole.

After an unknown amount of time, when the picture of the starry sky in the depths of his mind lit up to one-twentieth of the time, a rumbling sound like that of thunder rang out in his body. Then there was another sound.

"Crack ~ ~ ~"

Liu Wei"an thought that his bones were broken and was startled, but he was immediately enveloped by a huge sense of relaxation. His entire body felt comfortable, as if something invisible had been broken and he had entered a new world. As soon as he opened his eyes, two divine rays shot out. They were just like two divine lamps that could emit light.

Liu Wei An was startled when he heard a scream. He turned his head around, only to find that his eyes had returned to normal. So it was the little girl, Zhao Xin.

"What"s the matter with you?"

"Your eyes were shining just now, why aren"t they shining anymore?" Zhao Xin moved her head closer to Luo Feng and looked at him carefully. She then covered her nose and said, "Big brother, you stink."

Liu Wei An also felt a sour smell when he said that. He looked down and was shocked. His body was covered with a layer of black substance, and the stench was coming from above. He asked subconsciously, "What is it?"

"Go take a bath." The little girl said with disdain.

Liu Wei An jumped down and was shocked once again. His bones cracked and popped as if he had not moved for many years. At the same time, he landed silently, feeling as light as a swallow. A strange feeling flashed through his mind as he rushed into the washroom.

After washing his clothes, he changed into a new set of clothes and realized that he could not put them on. He took a closer look and was once again shocked, the ribs on his body had disappeared, replaced by firm and hard muscles, well-proportioned and smooth, with a kind of indescribable l.u.s.ter. His height also greatly increased, both his height and the size of his shoes were around 1.76 and 1.78 meters.

"Big brother is so handsome." The little girl"s eyes shone as she stared at Liu Wei An.

"Let"s eat." Zhao Nannan glared at her. The little girl"s neck shrank back, regaining her ladylike expression as she secretly made a face at Liu Wei An.

Only then did Liu Wei An realize that Zhao Nan had already set up the food on the table. Zhao Nannan was a very quiet person. She was not the least bit surprised by the huge change that had happened to Liu Wei An. Liu Wei An only ate three roasted chicken and was already full. After his body returned to normal, the hunger that he had felt before disappeared, and after washing his hands, he found that Zhao Nan Nan had also stopped eating. Only Zhao Xin, the gluttonous ghost, was still eating.

Looking at the time, this was not the main point. The main point was that three days had already pa.s.sed. Three days had pa.s.sed, but he only felt that a few hours had pa.s.sed while in bed.

Sleepless, helmeted, online.

He carefully walked into Stone City and found nothing abnormal on the street. Everything seemed normal. It was as if the storm in the horse carriage had pa.s.sed, and nothing had happened even after he entered the backyard of the Medicine Shop.

As expected, he saw Black Ox, Yellow Ox, and Stone Ox offline. He was still waiting in the backyard. He was very happy to see Liu Wei An.

"I think you"ll be online today. I guessed it right."

"Are the three of you alright?" Liu Wei An asked with concern.

"It"s okay, the horse fleet has been going crazy these past few days. They are arresting people everywhere and we don"t know what kind of people offended them. They didn"t even bother us." The black yak"s face turned serious, "However, the streets are filled with their men. We logged on in the morning, and hid here for a day. We only snuck in in in the afternoon to inquire about the news."

"What did you find out?" Liu Wei An asked.

"The horse convoy is arresting someone, this person seems to have stolen something from the horse convoy and is causing a lot of trouble. Also, you and the girl who killed the pigs that day are also their wanted targets. You must be careful. Also — "Hei Newton paused for a moment before continuing," I also heard some news. It seems that the thief has some relationship with the He Family. These past two days, the relationship between the two families has been rather tense.

Liu Wei An"s eyebrows twitched, and he immediately understood that the meat bag he had just sold had worked. Without batting an eyelid, he asked, "How"s the cemetery? "Is the pig-slaying girl online yet?" The cemetery is occupied by the people of the Pegasus. " The flying horses had occupied the cemetery, which was the same as cutting off his road to riches. He glanced at Liu Wei An, but found that he didn"t look angry at all. His heart became a lot calmer as he continued, "There"s no news from that pig-slaughtering girl. I wonder if she"s online."

"Sure, you can log off first. I might not have any goods left in the next few days, but it should be done in a few days." Liu Wei An said. Black Ox wanted to say something but hesitated. He didn"t know where Liu Wei An got his confidence from, but after thinking for a bit, Liu Wei An was indeed better than him.

Just as Liu Wei An was about to leave, the laboratory door opened and Sun Lingzhi walked out. Under the night sky, she was wearing a green dress like a fairy.

"He didn"t appear for a few days. I thought you had died." Sun Lingzhi walked down the stairs.

"There"s something at home." Liu Wei An smiled bitterly. This beauty was still as straightforward as ever.

"I heard that you and the Pegasus were at loggerheads. Do you need me to speak up?" Sun Lingzhi said casually.

Conflict? They really did think highly of him. This was not called a conflict, this was called offending. Liu Wei An was very touched that Sun Lingzhi would actually care about his matters. However, he didn"t want to rely on the Sun family, so he said gently, "It"s just a small problem that should be solved very quickly. If it doesn"t, then we"ll trouble Miss Sun."

Sun Lingzhi stopped walking and revealed a trace of surprise on her face as she smiled and said, "I was so confident when I said it, but it turns out that after advancing to iron-level, iron-level experts are considered beginner level experts. However, in Stone City, the size of the iron-level experts is considered very high, and even an iron-level expert like the Flying Horse Team has no choice but to take them seriously."

"What"s iron-level?" Liu Wei An was moved.

"You don"t know?" Sun Lingzhi"s eyebrows shot up.

"I don"t know." Liu Wei An answered honestly.

"It seems like you"ve really never heard of it." Sun Lingzhi withdrew her gaze from Liu Wei An"s face, "Coincidentally, we have time now, so I"ll tell you something. Weapons are divided into different grades: White Grade Equipment, Steel Grade, Bronze Grade, Silver Grade, Silver Grade, Gold Grade, and Dark Gold-Grade. Those below Black Iron Grade are also cla.s.sified into different levels."

"Above dark gold?" Liu Wei An interjected.

"I don"t know either." Sun Lingzhi glanced at Liu Wei An, "If you cross the dark gold level that day, don"t forget to let me know so that I can gain experience as well."

Liu Wei An"s face reddened as he asked, "What is the level of the strongest expert nowadays?"

"It"s hard to say. There are many hidden talents who have lived their lives in obscurity. However, it"s widely accepted that the strongest is the Dark Gold rank. It"s useless for you to understand this now. If you were to break through to Bronze-rank one day, these things will naturally become known. " Sun Lingzhi"s tone suddenly carried a tinge of sadness. She seemed to have thought of something and stopped speaking. However, Liu Wei An already understood the underlying meaning, which was that Liu Wei An temporarily didn"t have the qualifications to know about these matters. There was no point in speaking any further.

Liu Wei An had originally planned to ask her how she saw that he had been promoted to iron-level, what was the symbol, and what was the authentication. However, after seeing Sun Lingzhi"s appearance, he tactfully shut his mouth and offered to take his leave. Sun Lingzhi did not urge him to stay and casually waved her hand.

Walking out of the courtyard, Liu Wei An let out a long breath, and a strong fighting spirit and fighting spirit exploded in his eyes.

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