Rise From The Doom

Chapter 33

In the darkness, Liu Wei An was like a ghost, quietly approaching the cemetery. From afar, he saw two sentries, back to back, quietly chatting to relieve their boredom. Because they were at a disadvantage, their voices transmitted over here and there.

"Say … Is this girl … Stupid... He said he was … Inside... It was really … Letter... Thousands … "She, she dares to enter …"

"Your brain is really stupid... However, his strength was indeed incredible … KILL... Tens of brothers … He even let her escape … He didn"t know if he could catch it or not … One day … "There was no reply..."

"We will definitely succeed... Why didn"t you look at it and make a move... Who was it … "Bronze-rank expert..."

… ….

Liu Wei An instantly understood the reason behind Lu Yan"s anger. It was all for him! If he was in Lu Yan"s shoes, he would definitely be even angrier. Thinking about how Lu Yan had been hunted for the whole day, Liu Wei An felt both sad and touched. In the end, all his emotions turned into raging fury.

From this moment onwards, he completely decided that he would not rest until he had fought the flying horses. He wanted to steal his precious land, kill his friends, and in the end, not even let him go. If he still had any illusions, he would die without a doubt.

A sentry seemed to have sensed something and suddenly lifted his head. A flashing arrow appeared in front of him, the dangerous thoughts that had just pa.s.sed through his brain reflected the signal that had just come out from his nerves. The arrow shot through his mouth, the back of his head, and drilled into the back of another sentry"s head.

When the two bodies fell, Liu Wei An had already appeared in front of them. He used his fastest speed to loot the corpses and walked closer to the inside. After walking a distance, he saw two more sentries.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a large family was on the top, dressed in gold and silver, and lived in luxurious buildings. In fact, large families also had troubles and suffering that normal people could not understand, but in fact, large families were families that had only risen up in the last few decades, and although they had acc.u.mulated a lot of wealth, in the eyes of the aristocrats, they belonged to the younger generation. They did not have much connections or connections, and they were intelligent people, so they definitely did not involve too much in other people"s interests. A proper aristocrat would never want to touch such an industry that was at the edge of the law, and that was the least of it on the surface.

Therefore, when they saw such a good resource treasure plot, their first thought was not to occupy it for a long time, but to mine it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they were discovered by other clans, they would definitely have to get a share of the loot, which they were unwilling to accept but could not refuse to do. The investment invested in Stone City was too little, and they did not have the strength to protect it.

This was also the reason why even though they knew that the strength of the zombies at night had greatly increased, they still sent people to attack. They were fighting for time. Their target was the zombies, otherwise, even if Lu Yan had three heads and six arms, she wouldn"t be able to escape.

From time to time, they would think of miserable cries of pain and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. A gust of wind blew past and blew away the fog in front of them, and a grand battle scene appeared in front of their eyes, covering seven or eight hundred meters in all directions. There were people everywhere, and zombies everywhere.

There were at least 4000 people, but this was the first time Liu Wei An had seen such a grand battle scene. During the process of advancing and retreating, there were already dozens of zombies lying on the ground.

If one did not leave behind anything in this world, then it would be a shame to leave. The scene in front of him ignited the ambition that Liu Wei"an had buried deep in his heart. As a person, it was natural to do so.

A robust man suddenly turned his head. His eyes swept over the wilderness but didn"t find anything. There was a trace of doubt on his face as he slowly turned his head.

This muscular man gave him the feeling of palpitations. With just a glance, he could tell that if it wasn"t the night, if it wasn"t for the corpse aura covering his body, if it wasn"t for the fact that the color of his clothes was similar to the ground, he would have already been discovered.

The burly man was not tall, at most 1.7m, and was half a head lower than him, but the aura he gave off was like that of a towering mountain, with just a glance, he was almost unable to breathe. If the youth with the sword on his back was a Bronze-rank master, then he was at least a late Bronze-rank, or even a Silver-rank master.

After coming to this conclusion, Liu Wei An became more cautious. It took him ten minutes to get out of the fifty meter distance, leaving the range of a Silver rank expert"s senses behind. He then jumped up and ran to the other side.

Fighting formations had always been the focus of military research. The distance between the Flying Horse Squadron and the battle formation was naturally still more than a thousand miles. However, strict training and accurate command could allow a warrior to display a strength of one to more than two. With the coordination between the various branches of the army, the players had already figured out a little bit of experience on how to best utilize their strength.

A zombie let out a shrill scream, and when the sound reached the soldier"s ears, it was as if someone was rubbing a stone against an iron plate. The warrior grabbed the shield with both hands and pushed it up, but when he was at the peak of his strength, an arrow shot out of the ground had pierced through the back of the warrior"s heart, and as if he was. .h.i.t by a tidal wave, the zombie easily knocked him into the formation, and as its claws swept across the air, the Huntress"s body was torn into two halves, and as its body collided with the warrior"s body, a series of crackling sounds could be heard, recalling the bones of the warrior, the flexible zombie fell down, landing right in front of the archer.

The scream lasted less than three seconds, and by the time the zombie threw him out, he had already turned into a mummy.

The same situation happened over and over again. The sharp arrows had already killed more than a dozen people in the blink of an eye. Each of them had appeared at a crucial moment, causing more than a hundred casualties.

"Who"s up to this? "Come out." A Company Leader shouted angrily.

The archers shot their arrows in the direction of the arrow, and very soon, Liu Wei An was forced out of the way. One of the hunters, with his sharp eyes, saw Liu Wei An and shouted loudly.

"Over there!"

"You, you, and all of you, go and kill him." The Company Leader pointed to three small squads of ten people. A total of thirty people rushed towards Liu Wei An. Liu Wei An let out a strange cry before turning around and running away.

"Don"t run." The thirty of them sped up and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

At first, he could still hear shouting, but very quickly, he could no longer hear anything. Seeing this situation, the Company Leader did not know why, but a sense of unease arose within him. Three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes pa.s.sed. None of the pursuers returned, and the Company Leader"s brow furrowed.


The Company Leader raised his head abruptly, just in time to see an archer fall to the ground. A sharp arrow was stuck in his back, and with a second scream, a hunter was pierced through the throat by an arrow. Another miserable scream was heard. This time, it was the Warrior who was shot by the arrow. The moment he fell, he was torn to shreds by the zombies.

"It"s you again!" "Squads two, three, four, five, six, get rid of this enemy for me. If the enemy doesn"t die, then don"t even come back!"

"Yes sir!"

The fifth and sixth squads were all archers.

The Company Leader had already realized how strong the enemy was, and the odds were against him. As such, this time, with the addition of two more archers, and the suppression from the front and back, he did not believe that an archer could turn the tables.

However, the truth was out of his expectations. After the five squads chased, there was no sound. In less than fifteen minutes, the enemy appeared again. They were still hidden in the dark and shot out arrow after arrow like the hands of the G.o.d of death. The archer"s archery skills were shockingly accurate. Every time an arrow was shot, a person would fall.

"You guys go." This time, they had sent out a hundred men.

Since the enemy was sneaking around, it meant that there was a limit to their power. Otherwise, they could attack him in broad daylight. With a hundred people, even if they were unarmed, they could still destroy him.

Half an hour later, the mysterious arrows descended once again, and in an even more arrogant manner, they killed 13 people in one go. The battlefield was in chaos, and the zombies that were freed jumped around, clawed and bit at each other, and people kept falling.

"Come out and fight if you dare." The Company Leader shouted out angrily. The only response he got was a life-or-death arrow. If it wasn"t for the fact that his shoes were made of bronze, he would have died. Even so, there was still a gash left on his face.

"Vice Captain, stay behind. Everyone else, follow me." The Company Leader"s voice came from the gaps between his teeth, as he unsheathed his sword and charged forward with a murderous look on his face, bringing along a hundred men with him.

However, because of the shock from the previous arrow, he did not dare to leave the group. At the beginning, he could still see the shadows of the enemies, but after circling around once, he had lost them. After looking for over ten minutes, the enemies seemed to have disappeared into thin air, without leaving behind any traces. After looking for another ten minutes, the Company Leader hesitated for a while, but he still did not dare to split up his forces. In the end, he said unwillingly: "Go back."

As soon as he returned to the cemetery, he was immediately stunned by the scene before him. His men were all killed, half of them killed by arrows, half by zombies, and the other Company Leader with a hundred men was here cleaning up the mess.

"What"s going on?" The Company Leader Zou Mei asked.

The Company Leader"s face was livid as he looked at the dead bodies on the ground, his teeth almost grinding to pieces.

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