Rise From The Doom

Chapter 354

"You guys go over there. Although the bloodstain is here, the entrance might not be here." Her voice was obviously low and it emitted a faint killing intent. Seven or eight players cupped their hands and quickly moved to the other side.

Qian Haoshan looked at the ground for a long time before disappearing into the distance with his men. He was a member of the Qian Family"s branch family. Although he was also a member of the Wealthy Cla.s.s, his status was vastly different from Qian Haoshen and Qian Haolin. Qian Haoshen and Qian Haolin were direct descendants; they could make mistakes and make mistakes, but they couldn"t. He didn"t have the chance to make mistakes, and he had to do what Qian Jinqiang had instructed him to do. Otherwise, he would be beaten back to his original state soon.

The people behind him were not very willing to accept his leadership, so he was very clear on the reason. If he followed Qian Haolin in his treasure hunt, the benefits he would get would be far greater than finding someone who was heavily injured and possibly already dead. When he had left yesterday, he had scattered a thin layer of dust on the ground. Just now, he had noticed that there were faint footprints on the floor, so he was sure that not only was Liu Wei An not dead, but he was also very much alive.

If nothing unexpected happened, his injuries should have already healed. Otherwise, his footprints wouldn"t have been so light. The reason he had asked a portion of his men to leave was not to find Liu Wei An, but to lure the snake out of its hole.

The first time he saw Liu Wei An, he was sure that Liu Wei An wasn"t someone who was willing to suffer a loss. It was one thing for Liu Wei An to not recover from his injuries, but if he did, he would never let it go.

"Young Master Shan, let"s go over there and take a look. The back of the mountain is so big, so when we gather together, the chances of finding it are too small. If we can"t complete the mission, then Second Master won"t be able to bear the guilt." One of the lackeys said loudly.

"Leader Gu"s words are reasonable. Bring a few people with you." The anger in Qian Haoshan"s eyes flared up, and he laughed naturally, "Chief Li, can you lead a few men to search in another direction?"

"Thank you, young master Shan." Commander Li and Commander Gu laughed as they led the group away.

"Let"s see how long you can keep on laughing." Qian Haoshan looked at the back view of the two men and sneered in his heart. How could he not know the purpose of the two of them? The back of the mountain was huge, and the benefits were countless, but with him there, it was impossible to get their hands on any of these leaders. The two of them were looking for a treasure under the guise of looking for someone, and if Liu Wei An couldn"t find one, then he would be the one to take the blame.

There was no reason to believe that Liu Wei An was hiding in the area. For example, a patient hunter would wait for an opportunity to launch a fatal attack.

"Young Master Shan, isn"t this kind of search too slow? We —" Another leader spoke up.

"Go. Be careful of your safety." Qian Haoshan said with a smile.

More leaders left one after another. Qian Haoshan was calm, the anger in his heart had long been raging. He thought that after doing business for so long, there would at least be a few loyal people. However, when facing benefits, he realized that there weren"t many who followed him. After his rage came more hatred. He swore in his heart that one day, he would break this unequal cla.s.s system and become a man above others.


The mournful screams woke the quiet back mountain. In the early morning, at the back of the mountain, the air was still clear, but there was no fragrance of birds or flowers, it was as quiet as a cemetery. Qian Haoshan was considered the earliest group of people that came here, and they were looking for someone.

"Young master Shan!" The underling exclaimed.

"Go quickly!" Qian Haoshan immediately gave the order, and waited for his men to swarm over to the place where the screams came from. Then, he led a dozen of his trusted aides away, disappearing into the forest in the blink of an eye.

"What"s going on?" Commander Gu looked at Commander Li, who had arrived a step earlier.

Chief Li frowned in silence. There were three corpses lying on the ground. Two of them had been shot in the forehead, and the last one was an inch away from the forehead. From the traces of struggling on the ground, it could be determined that only this person had the ability to scream. "This person"s archery skills are excellent, killing all of them in one shot. Everyone, be careful —" Before he finished his words, a miserable scream rang out.

"It"s the voice of the fat sea." Leader Li"s expression changed and he shot out like a bolt of lightning. The others followed Chief Li and chased after him.

The leader of the Gu family pretended to follow behind them, but when everyone had left, he turned back and squatted down to retrieve the weapons from the three corpses. He then fumbled in his chest a few times and took out several tens of gold coins. Not everyone had a storage ring, and most players still kept their gold coins in their pockets.

"Who?" When Commander Gu stood up, he suddenly felt an extremely sharp aura approaching. The hairs on his body immediately stood up. The shadow of death shrouded his entire body, and he couldn"t care less about embarra.s.sment anymore. He rolled on the ground, and with a flip of his hand, a corpse flew behind him.


A sharp arrow pierced through the corpse, brushing past Commander Gu"s scalp. He quickly braked, changed direction, and rushed out, his back covered in cold sweat.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The sharp arrow chased behind his b.u.t.t and shot into the soil. A terrifying force transmitted through the soil. The Gu Chief"s b.u.t.t went numb. He let out a loud roar and fled into the back of a huge tree.

"Chi ~ ~ ~"

When the sounds of breaking air reached his ears, the pain spread throughout his entire body. Commander Gu stared blankly at the arrow stuck in his heart, leaving only the tail of the arrow behind. His eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Not good, I fell into a trap of luring the tiger out of its lair." He was famous for his qinggong, and was the first one to reach the location of the scream. His eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that Fatty Hai"s death was different from the previous three corpses. The weapons and equipment of the previous three corpses hadn"t been touched, but Fatty Hai"s axe had disappeared, and no one was willing to run around with an axe weighing more than two hundred pounds. As such, he immediately thought that the enemy would not let go of the weapons from the three corpses. As he thought of this, he heard the roar of the ancient leader.

Just as Liu Wei An was about to touch the corpse of the ancient leader, he saw a figure dashing towards him at an extremely fast speed. From afar, Liu Wei An thought that he was stepping on a blade of gra.s.s and shouted, "Tightening of the wind! Bulls.h.i.t!" He ran.

"Little thief, where are you going?"

He and the leader had joined the Qian family at the same time, and were on the same side. If it was said that he was looking for Liu Wei An because of the mission before, then he was looking for Liu Wei An from the bottom of his heart. As a warrior, he could not use long range attacks, but under the effects of hatred, he did not care that much.


Liu Wei An jumped in fright. Fortunately, Leader Li only had an average accuracy, and all year round archers had the ability to pick up the wind. Although Liu Wei An wasn"t very good, it was still easy for him to avoid Boss Li, who was even worse than him.

He turned around and made a face at Chief Li before leaving in a cloud of dust.

"This little thief is right in front. He"s not far away, let"s chase him." Leader Li dashed forward a few steps, pulled out the Star Moon Sword from the ground, and shouted to the people rushing over from all directions.

It had to be said that Qian Jinqiang"s desire for pine cone was very strong. He had sent so many people to deal with a heavily injured person. Dozens of people were following behind Leader Li. In front of them was Liu Wei An"s figure.

"Archers, shoot!" Commander Li accelerated a few times but was unable to reduce the distance. Seeing the dense forest in front of him, he could not help but feel anxious. Everyone looked at each other. There were no longer any archers there, and all of them had died yesterday.

"Haha, let"s see where you can go!"

Seeing that Liu Wei An was about to rush into the dense forest, a group of people suddenly rushed out. When Chief Li saw this, he was overjoyed. "Leader Zhang, quickly stop this person."

It turned out that the group of people who charged out were the people who followed Qian Haolin. For some reason, they appeared here.

"Leader Li, don"t worry. He won"t be able to escape." Leader Zhang laughed and took a step forward. Suddenly, a cage appeared in the air and fell on Liu Wei An"s head like a bolt of lightning.


The moment the cage fell, the ground began to tremble.

The smile on Leader Zhang"s face suddenly froze. The cage was empty. He looked up and saw Liu Wei An disappearing into a fork in the road. Leader Li was just a step behind him.

"Quickly chase. This boy is a golden head. We cannot let him fall into Chief Li"s hands." Leader Zhang could not help but regret that he had not acted too early. If he had not done so for the sake of obtaining credit and instead chose to stop Liu Wei An, he might not have been able to escape.

After chasing after Chief Li and his men, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The person in front of him had disappeared, and Chief Zhang felt strange, even if Chief Li"s qinggong couldn"t catch up to him, the others shouldn"t be able to run so fast, right? A mist floated before his eyes, and his eyes widened as he shouted, "Not good, this is a maze, quickly retreat — —" Suddenly, he turned around, but there was no one behind him.

A sharp gust of wind tore through the air. Sensing that something was wrong, a flower of blood bloomed between his brows. A sharp arrow pierced through the back of his head, shooting out from between his brows, revealing a triangular arrow.




Miserable screams resounded from the formation, one after another. They were all more than ten meters away, but they could not hear each other. Everyone seemed to be in their own s.p.a.ce as arrows shot from all directions.

Half an hour later, Liu Wei An shot the last person and began to loot his corpse. There were over fifty people, and although there were only three storage rings, they had quite a number of weapons and gold coins.

"Collect some interest first." A smile appeared on Liu Wei An"s face as he walked out of the stalagmite formation.

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