Rise From The Doom

Chapter 359

"Let"s go get my eyes now." It was called the Flower Road.

"Where are your eyes?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Inside!" When Little Flower walked out of the cave, it was only then that Liu Wei An noticed there were several forks in the road. However, Little Flower almost didn"t think twice before choosing the left path. After walking for about half an hour, they arrived at another fork in the road. This time, there were more of them, a total of five, Xiao Ming, Hua Li or the one on the left, and Liu Wei An noticed that Xiao Hua looked a little more nervous.

"You seem to be very familiar with this place?" Liu Wei An was too bored to talk.

"Don"t ask what you shouldn"t ask." Little Flower said coldly.

Liu Wei An was stunned. He didn"t understand Little Flower"s sudden change in att.i.tude. However, he had a good temper, so he smiled and shut his mouth. The next part of the journey was very silent. It wasn"t a long trip, only about three kilometers, but Liu Wei An didn"t notice it when the little guy went in and out of the formation three times, but after checking it with his divine sense, he was covered in cold sweat.

The route Little Flower had taken was filled with terrifying killing intent. He couldn"t see what it was, but he could roughly guess its terror if he couldn"t even see what it was.

"Because there are some things that are not good memories, so I don"t want to talk about them." Little Flower seemed to feel that his tone was too harsh and explained himself.

"It doesn"t matter. Everyone has their own secrets. I understand." Liu Wei An said.

Xiao Ming Hua stopped talking and walked another two kilometers. There was a cave in front of them, although it was called a cave, it was extremely big. The entrance was about the same as an ordinary gate, it could be said to be normal, but the s.p.a.ce inside was unusually wide.

The Little Flower had stopped.

This time, Liu Wei An didn"t crash into the wall like last time, but stopped three steps away.

"See the rock bat above us? We have to kill them all before we can get there. " It was called the Flower Road.

"Are there any bats?" Liu Wei An looked up. The dark cave was tall and deep. He was very strong and could directly ignore the dim light, but where was the rock wall bat mentioned by Little Flower? The rock walls were uneven, and although no water had seeped out, the temperature inside the cave was clearly lower than in other places.

He looked around but he couldn"t find any bats. Just when he was wondering if Little Flower had seen wrongly, he caught a glimpse of the ground. It was covered with a thick layer of bat p.o.o.p, almost covering the entire floor of the cave.

Raising his head once again, he finally saw the location of Little Flower"s rock bat. Rock wall bats covered the top of the cave, because they had the same color as the cave wall. From the looks of it, they were the cave wall bats, and if it weren"t for the bat p.o.o.p on the ground, who would have thought that they were rock wall bats?

With a single glance, he sucked in a breath of cold air. It was unknown how many densely packed they were. However, Little Flower had given him such a huge benefit, allowing him to soar from the silver intermediate stage to the silver perfect stage. Not to mention shooting a few bats, even shooting tigers had to be done with all his might. "No problem, it"s up to me," he said with a smile.

Little Flower smiled and retreated.

Liu Wei An took out the Broken Tiger Bow and pointed it at the top of the bow. Liu Wei An took out the Broken Tiger Bow and pointed it at the top of the bow. Liu Wei An took out the Broken Tiger Bow and pointed it at the top of the bow.

The arrow arrived at the top of the rock bat in a flash of lightning. Right when it was about to hit the rock bat, Liu Wei"an heard the sound of flapping wings, and all the rock bats on the top of the bat started to move, flapping their wings, scurrying around in the sky, densely packed, making people dazzled. Such a s.p.a.ce, with such a dense density of rock bats, it was strange that the rock bat was able to fly very fast, but it didn"t collide with the car.

From time to time, they would fly over Liu Wei An"s head and drop a few tons of bird p.o.o.p. The color was gray and it emitted a faint pungent smell, Little Flower Little Flower seemed to have known that this would happen and retreated far away. Liu Wei An ignored the bird p.o.o.p that covered his body and shot out the second piece.


Just as they were about to hit the rock bat, the rock bat nimbly dodged. The arrow flew past the edge of the rock bat and shot into the top of the cave with a "ding" sound, three inches deep.


It was very normal for the first arrow to miss, because it was meant to be a probing shot. However, the second arrow did not hit, so it was a little unjustifiable. This arrow was meticulously aimed.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

In such a broken s.p.a.ce, the trajectory of the arrow could not be seen clearly. All that could be seen was a faint shadow flying through the air. Ding! It hit the top and missed again.

Liu Wei An"s face turned red. He turned around and glanced at Little Flower and saw that his attention was on the rock bat. He let out a sigh of relief. He missed his target the last time and it was the first time this happened since he picked up the bow.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Falling through the air!

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Falling through the air!

Liu Wei put down his bow and didn"t rashly draw it back. At this time, he suddenly remembered that when Little Flower had retreated, the smile on his face was originally one of grat.i.tude. The biggest characteristic of bats was that they were blind, which was very similar to Little Flower. They both had no vision, but were able to avoid all obstacles, and Little Flower had no idea how Little Flower had done it, but if the bat was able to do it, then he was very clear on it.


Ultrasonic reflexes are used to determine the size, length and distance of obstacles. After realizing this, he did not act yet. He stared at the bat on the wall and at the bat"s flight trajectory for half an hour. During this time, Little Flower, who was a little anxious, appeared calm and did not hurry him.

Only when the rock bat was undisturbed and slowly came back to the top did Liu Wei An pick up the Broken Tiger Bow again. With a flick of his right hand, a streak of light shot out, and the sound of the bowstring vibrated could be heard.

The arrow was not aimed at the bat. Just as it was about to hit empty air, something strange happened. The rock bat rushed up by itself. Ding! The arrow hit the bat"s body.

Liu Wei An was shocked. How was this possible? Rock wall bats were not steel bats, even steel bats, with the strength of the Tiger Breaking Bow, could still shoot it out of the hole.

"Open for me!"

The second arrow was shot out, but it was still in the air. Just as it was about to lose its effectiveness, a rock bat appeared out of nowhere and welcomed the arrow with its hands.


The arrow flew away and powerlessly fell to the ground.

Liu Wei An picked up the arrow and felt a chill in his heart. The refined iron triangular arrow was so deformed that the arrow could no longer be seen.

"Hualala ~ ~ ~"

The rock bat flew around in the air as if it was mocking him. Luckily, the rock bat did not attack anyone despite Liu Wei An shooting at it several times.

A wry smile surfaced on Liu Wei An"s face. He thought it would be an easy task, but he didn"t expect to risk his life. Silently, he put away the Tiger Breaking Bow and switched it with a platinum bow.

With a flash of cold light, a rock bat fell from the sky.

Liu Wei"an"s expression was grim; his face was like that of a marble statue. He stared 45 degrees at the sky while his right hand began drawing the bow. He couldn"t see the arrows being shot out at all. All he could see were rock bats falling down one after another.

Om, Om, Om, Om...

The sound of the bowstring vibrated throughout the cave. The rock bat seemed to have sensed the danger and flew even faster. The clattering sound was like nails scratching against iron plates, making one"s teeth ache.

The rock bat fell like rain. There was an arrow on its neck, and its location was astonishingly identical. There wasn"t the slightest deviation from its trajectory. Ten, twenty, thirty … Fifty, eighty, a hundred … Liu Wei An"s finger started to move and his arm started to tremble. He operated the "Corpse King Scripture" and the yellow air current started to moisten his body, using the greatest amount of power to ease the soreness in his arm. However, the effect was not fake. The consumption of the Platinum Bow was too great.

If it was before, he could at most pull the bow ten times.

123 arrows!

Liu Wei An"s arm shook and the platinum bow dropped with a clang. At the same time, his legs couldn"t stand up straight and he sat on the bat"s feces. He felt like he couldn"t even move a finger.

Liu Wei An closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing silently. After half an hour, his energy had recovered. He had used up all his strength seeds a long time ago, but at the moment, his recovery speed was faster than when he used them, which was naturally the benefit of being in the Great Perfection. But at this moment, Liu Wei An didn"t have time to sigh with emotion.

After mastering the rules of the rock bat, there was basically no problem for him to aim accurately. As long as he didn"t make any mistakes, no rock bat would be able to escape his shot.

He kept shooting for several days and nights in a row. When he was tired, he would adjust his breathing, and when he was fine, he would shoot. He immersed himself in the pleasure of shooting, and every time he shot, there would be more and more rock bats, and the rate at which the rock bats were reduced also became faster and faster. In his concentration, he did not notice that during these few nights, there had actually been no cold air.

160, 180, 203. Basically, 303. Liu Wei An couldn"t hold it anymore. This number had already reached his limit.

After an unknown period of time, when the last rock bat was killed, his vision went dark and he fainted.

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