Rise From The Doom

Chapter 416

The safety squad was reorganized. The first squad, You Mengshu, was the leader, and was basically the Northeast Tiger Mercenary Group. They had the strongest combat strength, and the second squad, Fu Jiang, was the leader. Squad Three was an elephant, and belonged to Liu Wei An"s direct line. They had the highest loyalty, and Team Four was a salmon with the special forces as the main force, cooperating the best. Team Five"s leader was Zhong Dingsheng, who grew up extremely fast and pressured everyone.

With an average of twenty members per team, their combat strength would skyrocket after regrouping. Disregarding everything else, just the two Gold rank experts, Fu Jiang and You Mengshou, had caused the team"s strength to increase by several times. Liu Wei An was currently no weaker than a normal Gold rank expert, and an elephant could even go up against a Gold rank expert with three inches of nails. Liu Wei An was currently no weaker than a normal Gold rank master, and an elephant could go down with a Gold rank expert with three inches of nails, and if you go up against an elephant, you would be able to instantly kill a Gold rank expert.

Everyone killed monsters in the night to get materials, Lu Fang worked overtime to make new weapons, the repair team helped to modify the equipment, and Deng Boyan did not study the genetic medicine. This was not something that could be done in a few days, he was improving the powder, and now, most of the powder was for ordinary people, so it was not very effective against evolved humans.

All kinds of work were being done in an orderly fashion. New weapons were easy to forge, and as long as there was materials and equipment, the finished product would be relatively faster. Although the quality was lower than expected, it was still much better than modern weapons.

"It really is sharp!" When Zhong Dingsheng saw the two pieces of the kitchen knife, he was pleasantly surprised. As the captain, he was the weakest among the five captains, so Lu Zhang gave priority to forge a mud knife for him. He had just wanted to give it a try, but with the knife and the kitchen knife clashing, he had actually cut the knife into two. The mud knife was as smooth as a mirror, with no damage whatsoever, not even a crack appeared.

Fu Jiang was also surprised for a moment. At his level of strength, he rarely used any weapons, but that didn"t mean they were useless against him. If his weapons were this sharp, it would save him a lot of energy.

"Make me a sword." She had been running away with Wu Lili and the others for several days. She had long been envious of this new weapon. However, she was in a state of flight at that time and didn"t have the time to think about it. Since he had the time now, he naturally wouldn"t miss it.

"Boss, you can even use a sword?" Second Fool was very surprised. He had followed You Mengsheng for many years and saw him face the enemy empty-handed.

"Your boss learned the sword at the beginning, but later on, I couldn"t use it by plane, so I didn"t use it." You Mengmeng laughed.

"So it"s a swordsman." Second Fool revealed an expression of admiration.

"That"s right!" You Mengshu was just about to nod his head when he saw Yi Fengshu"s uncontrollable smile. He immediately recalled that swordsman was not a good word to say. His face twitched as any words that came out of his mouth changed.

He thought that after the second day, the one star team would send someone else over, but he didn"t expect that after the second day there would be no movement, which caused the security team to worry for nothing for a day. At night, they found out that the latter one star team had paid a visit to all the big and small forces in South Dragon City.

You Mengshu was worried. Even though he didn"t say it out loud, everyone knew that Liu Wei An might be isolated.

There was still no movement on the third day, but according to the information from the bat"s scan, the electric field was being cleaned up and was preparing to move on a large scale. As for the location of the move, needless to say, it was a warehouse. At the same time, the army from the Public Security Bureau was also packing up. They should be cooperating with the government.

"We"re in trouble, there are more and more monsters nearby." Yi Feng Jiu wiped the huge scimitar clean before wiping the blood off his face.

The newly forged scimitar cut through iron like mud, and had a moderate weight. If it wasn"t for this saber, at least half of the wounds on his body would have come out.

Compared to that, the elephant was a lot more casual, throwing the almost 300 kg iron stick on the ground, making a loud bang. Before, Lu Fan had forged a steel rod for him, but during the days of running away, he forcefully broke the iron rod, so he made a new one for him.

He didn"t care about shape, shape, length, or size, but the simpler it was, the more energy it consumed. It wasn"t to create trouble, but to make too many materials.

Zhong Dingsheng came back with the team, his face ugly.

"What"s wrong?" You Mengshou looked at the body on the truck. How much time it took to leave, and how much time it took to come back.

"The Nine Prefectures Chamber of Commerce refused to trade with us." Zhong Dingsheng said with a gloomy face.

"Why is that? Do you want to raise the price? " It was not just Yi Fengshu who thought so. The others thought the same. It was not in accordance with the nature of merchants to not earn money. Prices were usually raised using this method, especially for exclusive businesses.

"I didn"t say anything. There"s only one thing I want you to say. You are not allowed to trade with us." Zhong Dingsheng said. This time, he was ordered to exchange the genetic medicine for it, but it will affect the future development of the squad. Deng Bian said that it will be difficult to create genetic medicine in a short period of time.

"Do you have no more potions?" Second Fool interjected.

"Did any of you notice any other people doing business with the Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce? Is it also a rejection? " You Mengshu asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes, I saw a mercenary group trading with the Nine Prefectures, so I didn"t reject it." Zhong Dingsheng recalled, suddenly shocked, "You mean —"

"Probably." You Mengshu"s face was serious.

"What are you talking about?" The elephant looked confused.

"Where is young master? I want to see young master right now." He ignored the elephant.

"Young master went outside and hasn"t come back yet." As soon as Second Fool finished his sentence, he saw Liu Wei An come back with a face full of fatigue.

"Young master!" Everyone greeted him.

"What are you looking at me for? Is something wrong?" Liu Wei An"s gaze swept across the card and fell on Zhong Dingsheng, "You met a very powerful monster?"

"No, the Nine Prefectures Chamber of Commerce refused to trade with us." Zhong Dingsheng said.

"It should be the one star"s doing." Liu Wei An thought for a while and immediately understood what the problem was.

"Probably." Zhong Dingsheng nodded.

"So it"s this b.a.s.t.a.r.d, chasing after the young master and stopping us from buying the genetic medicine, I"ll tear him to shreds." the elephant said angrily.

"For now, let"s not talk about this. Follow me for a while." Liu Wei An said.

Yi Fengshu, Second Fool, Elephant, Zhong Dingsheng and company followed Liu Wei An out of the warehouse. Just as Yi Fengshu had said, there were more and more zombies outside. Before, there were basically no zombies at the entrance of the warehouse. Seeing everyone come out, the zombies immediately swarmed over.

"You want us to kill zombies?" The elephant stick descended, and the zombie that was charging at him had its head smashed into pieces. The juice splattered on his body, but he didn"t care.

"Run!" Liu Wei An frantically ran.

The crowd didn"t understand, but their movements weren"t slow. They followed behind Liu Wei An, and before the zombie could react, a gust of wind blew past. The zombie let out an angry roar and followed behind the zombie.

Liu Wei An"s movements weren"t considered too fast. He moved in a circle, attracting the nearby zombies before using his full strength to run towards a certain direction. Yi Feng and the others were baffled, but they did not ask as they knew that Liu Wei An had his reasons for doing so.

"Help me delay a bit." Liu Wei An suddenly sped up and disappeared into the building.

"How long is a period of time?" asked Zhong Dingsheng.

"Wait for my notification." Liu Wei An"s faint voice came back. In just a few seconds, he actually pa.s.sed through the building and entered another building.

"What should we do?" asked Zhong Dingsheng.

"Let"s fight." Yi Feng shrugged her shoulders. Thankfully, they were ordinary zombies and monsters. Although there were a lot of them, they could withstand it for a while.

Bang, bang, bang, bang …

The elephant was the most direct way to charge into the middle of the monsters. It swung its iron rod and swept away a large number of monsters.

"Attack!" With a flick of her wrist, a silver saber light flashed as a ferocious head shot into the sky. By the time the headless corpse fell to the ground, Yi Fengshu had killed a fourth zombie.

… ….

In a building not far away from them, Liu Wei An held a big broom in his hand, dipped it in red cinnabar for a few seconds, and then started to wave it on the wall. His movements were sometimes slow, sometimes fast, and the strokes were connected.

Liu Wei An moved quickly. As he walked, one after another, the unravelling spells were formed. Soon, one barrel of cinnabar was used up and replaced with another.

Liu Wei An appeared in another building after the painting was completed. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his clothes were soon soaked through. He had never drawn such a big charm before. It was extremely taxing on his physical strength and mental strength.

"Boss, how much longer do we have to hold on?" Boss, how much longer do we have to hold out? the elephant roared.

"Let"s wait a little while longer." Liu Wei An rushed out of the building and started to draw incantations on the street. Unlike the insides of the building, this time, it was a fire incantation.

The fire incantation was a bit more complicated than the Corpse Dissolving Curse, so the requirements were much more strict. The fire incantation was a bit more complicated than the Corpse Dissolving Curse, so the fire incantation was a bit more strict.

An abnormally vigorous roar sounded out. The ogres had arrived. Liu Wei An"s heart shivered as he quickly completed the last rune and roared in the direction of the elephant.

"That"s enough, retreat."

The elephant and the others came rushing out of the monster"s body, covered in blood. The most miserable one was Zhong Dingsheng, who had lost a big chunk of flesh on his b.u.t.t. He had been gritting his teeth while he was running.

A spell was cast. Once it landed, it covered the sky with flames, blocking the zombie. Liu Wei An brought everyone back to the warehouse.

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