Rise From The Doom

Chapter 423

Only the last star could instantly kill an Ogre and a Saber-Toothed Tiger. Although the Ogre was killed by a three-inch nail, everyone knew that the main credit was still Liu Wei An. He had attracted the attention of the Ogre so that the three-inch nail could be killed in one shot.

There was no lack of people with sharp eyes. With a single glance, one could see that the Saber-Toothed Tiger had lost 80% of its bones just because of a single punch.

In the distance, the G.o.ddess-like Chi Yue Ying suddenly glanced at him, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, before returning to her calm expression. In the distance, the fairy-like Chi Yue Ying suddenly looked at him, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and then returned to her calm expression.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

It was another tiger-shaped monster. However, it wasn"t a saber-toothed tiger. There was a layer of black hair around its neck like a steel needle. From afar, it looked like a lion.

Liu Wei An, who had just torn a two-headed sheep into two, felt the energy behind him. In a split-second, he spread his legs and lowered his body. At the same time, he punched towards the sky.

"Huuu ~ ~ ~"

The tiger-shaped monster flew over his head. The fierce wind was so strong that it hurt his scalp. When his abdomen pa.s.sed above his head, Liu Wei An"s fist arrived. The violent force was like a flash flood.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

The tiger monster let out another roar, shooting towards the sky like a cannonball. The only difference was that the previous roar was intimidating, while this one was filled with endless pain. Everyone raised their heads. A clear depression appeared on the belly of the tiger-shaped monster in the Central Plains. With this as its center, it spread out in all directions. Finally, its stomach sunk in by a layer.


Liu Wei An stomped on the ground, causing the ground to shake like waves. The monsters that were charging at him immediately lost their balance and became sluggish for a moment. At this time, Liu Wei An moved, punching out at an indescribable speed.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Some were heavy, some were crisp, some were dense, and some were sonorous … It was a strange melody. When the sound traveled into the ears of the surrounding people, everyone felt their blood boiling. It was as if their bodies were filled with new blood.

Thirteen of the monsters shot out in all directions, smashing into the other monsters. Within a radius of fifty meters, the monsters were thrown into chaos. The pressure on the team was greatly reduced. Even the friendly forces by the side let out a sigh of relief.

Dong! Only then did the tiger-shaped creature that was flying up into the sky fall to the ground, smashing the ground until it trembled.

… ….

As the night pa.s.sed, light appeared in the sky. The dark sky was about to disappear. Compared to yesterday, the sky was brighter. There was only a thin layer of dark clouds, and the heat was already coming down.


The werewolf only vomited blood and retreated, but did not actually kill the werewolf. Yang Wugong was expressionless, he quickly punched the werewolf to kill him, and just as he was about to rush to help the others, he felt a sense of weakness in his legs, and almost sat down. He was surprised, and quickly took a deep breath to maintain his vigilance, he knew that if he let it out, it would be difficult to condense it again.

It was already the third day. There were less than four hundred people who were still alive and every single one of them was extremely tired. However, in order to survive, they had no choice but to persevere.

The last one was a star, the last one was Liu Wei An, and the last one was him. He was able to hold on because he had an extraordinary physique since he was young. His vitality was as vigorous as trees, and he had a record of staying awake for a month. Inborn divine strength, if he wasn"t born in an ordinary family and his innate ability couldn"t evolve, he would have long been a Gold rank expert. Even so, he still possessed a vigorous vitality that far surpa.s.sed a Gold rank expert.

However, they could not take it any longer. The scattered mercenaries, the powerful members of the society, the lower cla.s.s weirdos, and the army were all grouped together. The largest number of people was one of the weakest among the three strongholds.

"Wujiang, should we go take a rest?" The one who spoke was the one on the left, Huang Guofu, a vulgar name. He had a terrible smell all year round and basically had no friends. Only Yang Wuya did not look down on him, so they became friends.

Simply speaking, he was trying to clear the sewers, drains, septic tanks, and so on. As long as the machines were unable to enter the sewers, he would take charge of them. No one would have thought that the person who was doing the most menial work was actually the strongest one among the Lower Nine Paths.

"No need!" Yang Wuya took in a deep breath of the turbid air, and his eyes became sharp again. Since the start of the battle, everyone had more or less rested. He had been standing at the front line without blinking an eye, but he knew that if he were to retreat now, the stronghold would probably be cleared out in less than five minutes.

"Eat something." The senior colonel on the right was covered in blood, his tired eyes bloodshot. He gritted his teeth and said, "Three minutes. We should be able to hold on."

Yang Wujiang, Huang Guofu and the senior colonel formed the first line of defense of the base.

"I can still hold on for a little longer!" Yang Wujiang grinned, his smile was extremely ugly. For the past three days, he had been saying these words.

The colonel sighed and stopped trying to persuade him. He suddenly thought of something and looked at Liu Wei An.

Amongst the Silver rank, Yang Wugou is considered a demon. However, Liu Wei An is even more monstrous than him. He is the one who saved the most people out of everyone here, and even the strongest last one could not compare to him. A pair of iron fists was invincible. The senior colonel sometimes thought that if it wasn"t for the security team dragging him down, Liu Wei An might have been able to escape by himself.

After four days and four nights, all the other teams had been scattered, rea.s.sembled, and rea.s.sembled together again, repeating the same process repeatedly. Even the most disciplined army was torn apart, with the exception of one team, which was the Peace Corps, whose casualty rate was pitifully low. When they came out of the warehouse, there were over 50 people, but now the number had increased instead of decreasing, it was already close to 100 people.

Some of the people that were saved by Liu Wei An joined the security team, while others joined the security team on their own accord. The security team was like a magnet, constantly absorbing the roaming soldiers around.

In his heart, he wanted to join the squad too, but this way, Yang Wuya would be too weak. For the big picture, he could only choose Yang Wuya.

As a firefighter, Liu Wei An consumed several times more energy than standing still in one place. However, looking at his appearance, Liu Wei An"s eyes were like lightning, full of energy. He was like a tireless machine, and his stamina was unimaginable. Compared to him, Yang Wugou was no match for him in an instant.

Many Gold rank experts couldn"t stand having to rest, but Liu Wei An didn"t have to rest at all. Even eating was done during the battle, so at this point, they had no choice but to bring the two women behind Liu Wei An, Wu Lili and Xu Ying, to risk a huge danger and bring food to everyone at the front line. It was because of their support that the people at the front line gritted their teeth and persevered. He noticed that two days ago there were mercenaries who wanted to leave. However, after the team broke up, their thoughts faded away. It was not that they didn"t want to but the team was too small to break out.

Puff — -

Hu Yanfu struggled a few times but was unable to get up. On his back, there was a claw shaped wound, and the squirming internal organs could almost be seen. Blood gushed out of the wound, but Hu Yanfu was unable to stop it.

The latter star was still battling at the front. Star Break Sword was emitting a dazzling light as most of the monsters were killed in one move. Only a small portion of the monsters were able to withstand two attacks while one person was able to take care of half of the monsters. However, he had a weakness. If he started killing and forgot himself, he would often forget his subordinates behind him. Chang Yue Ying sighed lightly. Another Gold rank master was severely injured. If this continued, the warehouse would be breached by the afternoon.

She rose into the air and flew through the air like a fairy, leaving a breathtaking image behind as she landed beside Liu Wei An. Liu Wei An looked at her warily. He was extremely afraid of this woman who could not differentiate between friend and foe. The main reason was that this woman was too strong, even more powerful than a Gold rank expert.

"Look at me!" Yuan Yue Ying said lightly, the voice was clear and cold, like a clear spring, flowing into the heart field.

Liu Wei An blinked his eyes and looked at her. At first, he was confused, but soon, his body trembled and a look of amazement flashed across his eyes. Then, he was overjoyed.

When she pa.s.sed by a tiger-shaped monster, she was clearly one foot away from it. But then, she saw a flower of blood bloom between the tiger-shaped monster"s eyebrows, the tiger shaped monster"s eyes instantly turned gray, its four hooves bent, and it fell limply to the ground.

The second attack was a bit faster, but this time the target was the golden monkey. The sword light flashed, and as if struck by lightning, the golden monkey was sent flying backwards for more than ten meters before it fell to the ground and stopped moving. There was a small wound on its forehead, and blood was gurgling out.

"Do you understand?" Chang Chang Yue Ying sheathed her sword and looked at Liu Wei An.

Liu Wei An recalled the rules that were set in his mind when he heard the sword from Liu Chang"s Moon Shadow. The "Corpse King Scripture" naturally followed his train of thought. Suddenly, his fist heated up and a reflexive punch was thrown out. Something strange happened. The punch earlier was akin to a fist piercing through the air. At most, he could feel the friction between his fist and the air, but now, it was different. A fiery heat gushed out from his fist.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The wolf-shaped monster that pounced at him was. .h.i.t by an invisible and terrifying airflow and exploded into pieces. The pieces of flesh scattered in all directions, and this wasn"t the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing was that the fist didn"t touch the monster at all, a good half a meter away.

"I did it!" Liu Wei An shouted happily, feeling incomparably carefree. There was a flash of surprise in Liu Yueyue"s eyes as she floated away.

"Thank you, thank you!" Liu Wei An shouted at the back.

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