Rise From The Doom

Chapter 456

Bai Yingying"s Strength Seed tumbled underfoot. Seeing that no one was paying attention, the Rogue quietly picked it up. Before he put it into his pocket, a hand patted his shoulder, scaring him so much that he almost dropped his Strength Seed. He turned around and saw that it was his friend.

"You"re courting death! How dare you pick up the items from the Peace Corps?!" The soldier lowered his voice, sounding a bit anxious.

"What are you afraid of? I looked carefully, they don"t have any Gold rank experts, even if they know I picked them up, they wouldn"t dare to do anything." As a Silver-rank peak Thief, he had the confidence to do so. Otherwise, he wouldn"t have been able to pa.s.s through the layers of magical beasts and arrive at the Demon Ancient Mountain alone.

"You came late, so I"m not sure. Although the Peace Corps doesn"t have any Gold rank experts, their combat power is much higher than a Gold rank expert." The soldier"s face twitched.

"Don"t lie to me! All of them are of Silver Grade, how can they compare to Gold-grade? " The Rogue"s eyes were filled with doubt.

"Do you still not believe what kind of person I am? Do you really think I need to lie to you? Stone Ox is here, hurry up and throw away your strength seed. " The soldiers were incomparably frantic.

"I-" The Rogue was still doubtful when his face suddenly changed and a look of intense shock flashed across his face. The evening light had already started to dim, and he saw Liu Wei An dragging back a huge magical beast corpse, and he was not unfamiliar with it. It was a black-armored wolf, a rank 3 magical beast, a beast that even Gold-rank primary stage experts would be wary of.

"h.e.l.lo friends!" At this moment, Shi Niu arrived at his side.

"Greetings Brother Stonebull." The soldier"s fear and uneasiness turned into a smile as he winked at the Rogue.

"I saw the Strength Seed flying in the corner. I was worried that you guys might have missed it. So, I picked it up and was about to return it to you?" The Rogue"s face was still pale, and he laughed with great difficulty.

"Thank you, my friends!" After accepting the seed, the stone ox turned around and returned to its original position. Everything seemed so natural. The Rogue and Warrior heaved a sigh of relief. One of them was a Silver-rank Peak Rank 1 and the other one was a Silver-rank Advanced Rank. They were so afraid of a Silver-rank Early Phase Stone Bull.

On this day, because of the Explosive Talisman Arrows and the Triple Layered Golden Stone Curse Shield, he had killed close to seven hundred magical beasts. Most of them were level 2 magical beasts, and there was also a level 3 black armored wolf.

After that, five days in a row, the Peace Corps acquired more than 700 demon beasts, the highest being 800 in a single day. After that, five days in a row, the Peace Corps acquired more than 700 demon beasts, the highest being 800 in a single day.

Even more famous than the Peace Corps were the Triple Layered Golden Stone Talisman and the Explosive Talisman Arrows. One was a shield, it was indestructible, the other was a talisman, and the might was great.

He had no choice but to recruit fifty temporary workers, working day and night. Even so, he still couldn"t keep up with the Peace Corps" killing speed, and it wasn"t until one of Nie Po Hu"s friends arrived that his situation improved a little.

No name, nicknamed Butcher. The butcher had been awarded the t.i.tle of butcher since he was 16 years old. One had to know that the butcher was not someone who would casually call himself a butcher; one had to reach a certain level of skill to be able to obtain this t.i.tle. His father was 42 years old when he obtained this t.i.tle, and his grandfather could be considered the most outstanding person in the world.

Unfortunately, at the wrong time, all the killing of cattle was done with machines. The process was done with the production line, and the speed was fast, which was more in line with the benefits of the factory. Only the weirder ones would ask the butcher to make a move, leaving the butcher with all his abilities and no use.

When the butcher saw the mountain of corpses, his eyes immediately lit up like bright lanterns. Many members of the Peace Corps were surprised to see a person"s eyes light up to such an extent.

Spatial bag, a replica of the meat bag. It had the same capacity as the meat bag, but it was unknown which genius had created it. Currently, it was only available in the top ten trading companies.

Because it was a replica, it could only be used once. If the item was placed inside and then taken out, the spatial storage bag would be destroyed. Even so, the sales volume was still extremely high. There were only a dozen or so of them every day. If they did not fight over them, it would be impossible to buy them.

The fist-sized one had a s.p.a.ce of 50 cubic meters and was priced at 100 gold coins. The smallest was less than half a cubic meter, and the highest was more than a hundred cubic meters. The price had also soared from the initial cubic meter of one gold coin to the current one, a cubic meter of two gold coins.

The delivery fee was definitely expensive.

The reason why Liu Wei An killed so many demon beasts and used so much manpower to break them up was to take the meat and transfer it to the real world. The purpose why Liu Wei An killed so many demon beasts and used so much manpower to break them up was to take the meat and transfer it to the real world.

Although spatial storage was expensive, compared to the astonishing fast delivery fee, it was insignificant.

"Shield, shield, I want a shield!" The soldiers hurriedly rushed into the Black Dragon Merchant Guild.

"Alright, guest, I will bring it to you immediately." The shop a.s.sistant was beaming with joy, liking this kind of customer.

"Trash isn"t this type. This kind of black iron shield is like wood in front of a magical beast, do you want to kill me?" The warrior was enraged.

"My apologies, guest. I will immediately obtain a Golden-Stone Talisman Shield for you." The smile on the shop a.s.sistant"s face deepened. Ordinary black iron shields did not earn much profit, but the metal stone talisman shield was different. One piece of the shield was worth several pieces.

"What level of golden stone runes is this?" The Warrior held a shield. With his unprofessional eyes, he could only see that there was a spell on the shield, but he couldn"t tell how heavy it was.

"Level one." The shop a.s.sistant said.


"What a sn.o.b, are you afraid I won"t be able to afford it? Get me such a bad one? " The soldier flew into a rage, threw away his shield and glared at the shop a.s.sistant.

"Customer, you didn"t say anything about what kind of shield you need!" The shop a.s.sistant felt aggrieved. The shield didn"t need anything else, it was a big piece and its weight wasn"t light. He was just a Trade Profession player, so if he lacked strength, he wouldn"t be able to carry so many things at once, right? However, he didn"t dare to explain too much when he saw the soldier"s angry look. He said carefully: "Sir, what kind of shield do you need? Tell me and I"ll give it to you right away!"

"I"ve heard that there"s a kind of three-layered Golden Stone Talisman Talisman Shield right now. It"s very hard, so I want that one." The soldier shouted.

"No!" When the shop a.s.sistant heard this, his expression immediately changed.

"No?" What do you mean? "Don"t you want to sell it to me?" The warrior was enraged.

"That"s not it, Sir, the three layered metal shields are extremely low in output. Our Chamber of Commerce is still negotiating with the person who made the shields, and we don"t have the goods yet. Come back in a while, maybe we will have them." The shop a.s.sistant explained in a low voice.

"Bulls.h.i.t, after a while, laozi might be hanging up." The warrior was very angry, but he could do nothing about it. He angrily said, "Explosive Talisman, give me five pieces."

"Well... "Nor." The shop a.s.sistant looked uneasily at the soldier.

"Why not?" The warrior stared at the shop a.s.sistant with his ox eyes.

"The person who made the Explosive Talisman does not use it for their own consumption. Not only does our Chamber of Commerce not have it, you would not even go to any other Chamber of Commerce." the man said.

"Not at all, not at all. What kind of supermarket are you guys opening? It"s better to just close down." The soldier angrily flung the door open and left.

"We are a company, not a supermarket. A supermarket only accounts for a small part of the business under our company, don"t get confused." The shop a.s.sistant muttered.

… ….

"In Young Master Liu"s direction, the turbulence in the air has been becoming less and less, and the communication is much clearer than before." In Young Master Liu"s direction, the turbulence in the air has become less and less, and the communication is much clearer than before. Lu Yiming promised.

"That"s good. I"ll take my leave now." These days, on average, there were one or two meat bags delivered to him every day, and today, there were at most five of them. Of course, if it was only delivery, then it wouldn"t be any better than if he came personally. He had come to the Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce to purchase a batch of Black Iron Shield, Glyph Paper, and arrows after he ran out.

"Young Master Liu, please wait." Lu Yiming hastened to say, "I have a presumptuous request. I would like to request that Young Master sell the Triple Layered Golden Stone and Explosive Talisman Arrows."

It"s not that I don"t want to take it out, it"s just that the success rate of the Triple Layered Golden Stone Talisman Shield and Explosive Talisman Arrow is too low. My skills are not mature yet and my current output is only enough for me to use. Liu Wei An said.

"So it"s like that." Lu Yiming was somewhat disappointed. He knew that Liu Wei An was speaking the truth. From the large amount of shields and arrows that Liu Wei An had purchased, he could roughly estimate the success rate of the two. The Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce could already be on equal footing with the Plum Flower Merchant Guild and the Black Dragon Merchant Guild in the Magical Ancient Mountain, but if they had the Explosive Talisman Arrows and the Triple Layered Golden Stone Talisman Talisman Talisman Shield, they would be able to be in a much closer position than the other two merchant guilds. At that time, his authority in the entire Nine Regions Merchant Guild would greatly increase.

He valued the Explosive Talisman Arrows and the Triple Layered Golden Stone Talisman Shield very much.

"If there comes a day when my skill breaks through, I will definitely inform Shopkeeper Lu immediately. Goodbye." Liu Wei An didn"t seem to see Lu Yiming"s disappointed expression and left the Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce.

Just as he reached Gra.s.s City, he saw someone shouting and rushing in.

"They"ve started, they"ve started, the Peace Faction and the Qian Family"s team have started fighting."

He could see two groups of men battling in the distance. A blade light flashed, and a head flew up into the air, spinning dozens of times before falling to the ground. His eyes were filled with a strong fear as he looked in this direction.

Yellow Ox!

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