Rise From The Doom

Chapter 461


The helicopter lifted off from the top of the building and flew into the sky with a loud rumble. Soon, it turned into a black dot and disappeared.

From the time they received the orders to the time they left the military compound, it only took them 10 minutes to get to the point that 10 military vehicles roared out, like galloping wild beasts, they streaked across the road in a green line.

Inside the helicopter, Liu Wei An called the number again and again, but he couldn"t dial it out. There was no signal. The s.p.a.ce of Mars has not been stable until now, and the signals have been cut off from time to time.

He finally dialed the number, but before he could say anything, he was hung up. He heard a gunshot coming from the other end of his phone. It was probably because his phone had been smashed by a bullet.

At that moment, the display screen of the helicopter suddenly turned into a snowflake. All kinds of lights turned red, and the hands of the helicopter swayed unsteadily.

"What"s going on?" Even if Liu Wei An didn"t know how to pilot a helicopter, he knew something was wrong.

"If we encounter any turbulence, I"m afraid —" Sweat began to form on the driver"s forehead, though he couldn"t start it.

"Will it crash?" Just as Liu Wei An finished his sentence, the helicopter violently shook for a bit. The nose of the helicopter fiercely lowered as it lost control of itself.

Liu Wei An was caught off guard and almost got thrown out of the window. He quickly grabbed onto something and steadied his body. He was only staring at the outside through the window. The pilot was very calm, not panicking at all. He let the helicopter roll around, both hands pressing the b.u.t.tons at the fastest speed possible. It was unknown what he was adjusting.

Meter, meter, meter …

"Jump off!" Liu Wei An shouted.

"Trust me, I can trust you!" The pilot didn"t look back.


The tail of the helicopter touched a building, sending up a cloud of white smoke. Liu Wei An didn"t know whether this situation was considered mild or not, but his palms were sweating profusely.

This feeling of not being under the control of the heavens and the earth made him extremely uncomfortable. He felt as if his life was no longer under his control.

The helicopter was falling diagonally, not falling in a straight line when it was drunk. Otherwise, it would have touched the ground long ago. When the helicopter was less than two meters away from the ground, Liu Wei An almost couldn"t hold back from grabbing the pilot and throwing him out.


When the helicopter reached about ten meters, it slowly calmed down and then began to descend again. A few seconds later, the helicopter suddenly moved away from the ground and jumped a few times before coming to a stop.

"What"s going on?" When Liu Wei An jumped off the plane, the sky was still spinning and the earth was spinning.

"In my eyes, I"m temporarily unable to fly." The pilot also came down. He was worse than Liu Wei An. His walking style was always the same.

"How about low alt.i.tude flight?" Liu Wei An frowned.

"I can try." The pilot gritted his teeth as he looked at the tail of the helicopter.

"Does this happen often?" Liu Wei An asked.

"I used to do this a lot, but it"s rare to see such severe turbulence." The pilot"s eyes flashed with a terrible sense of fear. When things were happening, Guan was thinking about how to control the plane, so he didn"t have time to think about anything else. Now that he was safe, he turned around and thought about it.

"You take the helicopter back to South Dragon City, I"ll go alone." Liu Wei An made a prompt decision.

"How can we do that? We"ve only flown thirty kilometers, and we haven"t even traveled half the distance. Gongzi —" The pilot was shocked.

"As you command." Liu Wei An replied calmly, "Along the way, I saw a lot of zombies and Abyss Monsters. Be careful when you go back."

"But you don"t know the way." The pilot still couldn"t help but worry.

"Just follow the railroad." A light flashed in Liu Wei An"s hand and a white, l.u.s.tering bow appeared, emitting a surge of tension.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

A cold flash of lightning shot out, and the pilot didn"t see clearly how Liu Wei An shot the arrow. The arrow suddenly dispersed and turned into three, shooting three zombies that came out from the corner.

Bang, bang, bang!

The arrow pierced through the zombie"s forehead and came out from the back of its head. It carried half of its skull with it as it flew a few meters away before falling back into the corner.

Liu Wei An was like a ray of light as he shot out arrows one after another. The zombies that came out of the darkness didn"t even get a clear look at Liu Wei An"s appearance before they were killed.

The pilot opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He quickly got into the driver"s seat, moved the plane, and flew towards Nanlong City at a low alt.i.tude.

The railway line was half a kilometer southwest of where the plane had crashed. On the plane, Liu Wei An noticed that Liu Wei An had rushed onto the railway within two minutes, sprinting along the railway line. From time to time, Liu Wei An would put his bow back in place.

The bow was a Silver Winged Bow, a Silver high-rank item. He had taken it out of the meat bag of the Cave Tiger that he had killed. It could be said to be his biggest harvest in the game these past few days. In the game, archers had pitifully few pieces of equipment. He opened up quite a few meatbags and also gave out quite a few pieces of equipment. However, it was mostly soldier weapons. In the case of bows, this was the second one he fired.

Since the Cave Tiger was of high level, the items that dropped would naturally not be too bad. Liu Wei An was already looking forward to it before opening it, but after opening it, he was pleasantly surprised.

His original plan was to send out the Tiger Destroying Bow, but if that was the case, it would be inconvenient in the game. The Platinum Bow was too high leveled and he would not be able to use it for a long time. However, reality was even more dangerous. This was the only choice he had. The appearance of the Silver Winged Bow had solved his big problem.

This was the first time the Silver Winged Bow had come into contact with him, but it was not the least bit awkward. The moment he held it in his hand, a blood-vessels connection spread throughout his body, and the Silver Winged Bow became a part of him.

Even he himself felt that this was all for the sake of archery.

In today"s society, there are too many ways to appear, the railway has almost been eliminated, it is just for the sake of the civilians that it has not been abandoned, it is basically not profitable, if not for the fact that the local officials, for the sake of their political reputation, would probably not overdo it, but thanks to the political achievements of the project, the railway would basically be renovated every three years, the zombie explosion, the appearance of the Abyss monster, miraculously, did not destroy the railway.

Along the way, there were some corpses of zombies. Most of them were already rotten beyond recognition, and the only thing left was bones and the stench of zombies.

Liu Wei An hadn"t run like this for a long time. At first, he could still see the two feet on the ground, but then his whole body seemed to have flown up, shooting out thirty centimeters away from the ground.

He did not look at the time, but he could feel that not much time had pa.s.sed. He heard the sound of gunfire in front of him, accompanied by a deafening explosion.

… ….

Skysc.r.a.per had been beaten into a sieve, while the Peace Corps were trapped inside the building with almost no defenses. The gunshots from all directions made it so that the members of the Peace Corps couldn"t even look up.

On both sides of the front and sides, the Ogres were still roaring. The hundreds of zombies formed the most terrifying defensive line, giving the team no chance to break out.

"Elephant, come back!" You Mengshu shouted. He was lying on the ground with half his body covered in blood. He could only use his left hand to shoot.

The elephant acted as if it didn"t hear him. It let out an angry roar and rushed out like a tiger down the mountain. It had lost its iron stick and was holding an aluminum alloy water pipe. With a sweep of the stick, the heads of the three zombies were smashed into pieces like watermelons.

Puff, puff!

Two spurts of blood appeared on the elephant"s body. Its sharp voice could tell that it was no ordinary bullet, a sniper.

The elephant"s expression did not change. Instead, it increased its speed. The muscles on its body bulged as the stick drew a heart-shaking arc in the air.


When the stick and the ogre"s head came into contact, the 12 centimeter diameter aluminum alloy water pipe instantly bent. A groove appeared in the middle of the ogre"s head, and its size was exactly the same as the water pipe.

If it were a human, they would have died a long time ago. However, the Ogre wasn"t a human, so it was as if it was fine. Its four fists smashed into the elephant"s body.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

The elephant did not dodge, and his two fists also struck the ogre.


The ogre"s face caved in as two deep fist marks appeared on it. Four fist marks appeared on the body of the elephant that was sent flying. Pu, pu, pu!

In mid-air, the elephant"s body bloomed with three b.l.o.o.d.y flowers, missing its head by a hair"s breadth.


The ogre"s power was truly terrifying, directly sending the elephant back into the building. Fortunately, this allowed the pursuing sniper to lose the opportunity to shoot, and only after rolling on the ground for a few times did the elephant stop, and it hid behind a pillar, gasping for breath, and the gurgling blood on its body remained, staining its clothes red. However, the blood soon stopped flowing, and only the deep fist marks were not easy to recover from.

"The elephant is fine." His left hand hung limply from his waist, his abdomen was simply wrapped in a belt, the white belt had already turned red, and with every movement, there would be a large amount of blood flowing out, to the point where he didn"t care about talking loudly, but the gun in his right hand never stopped, and he used one hand to change his magazine, he didn"t know how he did it.

The elephant had a gloomy face. It was hard to tell if he heard or what, but he did not say anything. Huang Guofu limped over to the elephant, carelessly touched it with his hand, and loudly replied, "It"s okay, I won"t die."

"We can"t hold on here anymore, we have to retreat." The lynx suddenly groaned. In order to exterminate one more zombie, it had been shot for a few seconds before a bullet cut off half its shoulder.

"Where to?" You Mengshu asked.

"Behind!" The lynx looked back.

"No way!" Zeng Huaicai didn"t have any room for negotiation and directly objected.

"Even if it"s dangerous, we still have to go all out. If we stay here, we"ll die." The lynx gritted its teeth as a trickle of blood flowed out from the corner of its mouth.

"The reason why we are surrounded is not to reduce our fighting spirit. Our army"s senses tell us that if we stay here, we will most likely die. If we retreat, we will most likely die." Zeng Huaicai said.

"We three captains here, let"s put our hands to the vote. My opinion is to retreat. " The lynx looked at You Mengshu.

"Stay here." After he finished speaking, Zeng Huajing looked at You Mengshu.

"My opinion is-"

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