Rise From The Doom

Chapter 469

The Changhui city was a small city with only two-thirds of the area of Wu Xun city and it did not have many characteristics. Its development was relatively slow and the economy basically depended on the surrounding urban areas.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

The roar was like a clap of thunder that could be heard from several miles away. The elephant took a tube that connected to the vacuum pump and swept it onto the zombie"s body. The huge force of the collision exploded and the zombie"s head exploded, a terrifying force rushed out from the crack, dispersing the head and sending pieces of flesh flying everywhere. The zombie was shot dozens of meters away, rolling on the ground twice before it stopped moving.

Due to technical requirements, the vacuum pump"s pipes were made of alloy. The materials used to make the s.p.a.ceship were extremely recommended and were not much worse than the new material. The elephant was very satisfied with this weapon since its size was convenient and it would not be damaged.

Bang, bang, bang …

The zombie that was charging towards them was shot back at an even faster speed. At the time it came back intact, there was no head left. The vital points of the zombie were on its head, and without a head, it was dead.

Elephant"s pole technique was simple and crude, direct and direct. To deal with a simple and crude zombie, it was simply tailor-made and had a very good effect.

On the long street, zombies that heard the sound all rushed out, and the already rotten air became even stronger, these zombies were either rotten or intact, most of their clothes were messy, and experienced people could see that these zombies had been turning from human to zombie for a long time, not fresh zombies.

Judging from this, the situation in Changhui city is very bad.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The zombie"s head exploded, and its body was sent flying back five to six meters. The contrast between advancing and retreating gave people a strong visual impact.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

One after another, the zombies" heads were smashed into pieces. After they fell to the ground, they no longer moved. The interval of time between the zombies remained within 0.5 seconds. It looked like the zombies that were thrown into the air had formed a line.

On the rooftop, about a hundred meters away from the elephant, Liu Wei An stood with his huge sniper rifle staring at the concrete wall that was as tall as half a person.

It was unknown what the zombies in the Changhui city ate and grew up, they were basically level 2.1, their strength far exceeded that of level 2.0. Even if it was a new type of bullet, they wouldn"t be able to kill a single one, they would still need two.

The difficulty of killing the elephant doubled, so he had to temporarily transfer the elephant.

The muzzle moved and in an extremely short period of time, the trigger had already been pulled twice. The gap between the two bullets was less than 0.2 seconds. In such a short period of time, practically no zombie was able to react and was directly shot to death.

To be honest, Liu Wei An liked to snipe zombies. Humans had an intelligence of their own, they knew how to dodge, but zombies were different. Stupid, they charged in a straight line, maintaining a uniform speed.

Sudden situations were the greatest test of a sniper"s abilities.

Liu Wei An"s sniper rifle formed a line of fire. There weren"t many zombies that could pa.s.s through his sniper rifle, and this small amount of zombies posed no threat to the elephant.

From the moment the attack was launched, the elephant"s footsteps had basically never stopped. It was basically in a half-charge state.

Swish, swish, swish …

A professional sniper was very clear that any impatience could cause a sniper to make a mistake. To a sniper, stability was of the utmost importance, and Liu Wei"an had done this very well. Other people could do this because they had been trained countless times, suffered a loss, and trained to this point after falling into the trap; he was a gifted sniper, and the moment he received the sniper rifle, he had easily entered this state.

Zeng Huai wanted to follow Liu Wei An and kill zombies, because killing zombies was very safe in Liu Wei An"s field of vision, so he didn"t need to worry about his future. Liu Wei An was the most powerful sniper he had ever seen, and it seemed like he never made a mistake.

After Liu Wei An fired his last shot, he put away his sniper rifle and started running. He jumped three buildings in a row and just stood there, his eyes suddenly opened up and shrunk into a slit. The sniper rifle was aimed at the street in a split-second.


The sound of gunfire echoed through the street. The bullet pierced through the void and instantly arrived in front of the target. The target seemed to sense something and suddenly somersaulted away from the elephant. Almost at the same time, the elephant that was sent flying fell to the ground. It became dizzy and only its weapon remained.

Bang, bang, bang …

This was a zombie that he had never seen before, a little like a monkey, with long hands and legs, a slim figure, of course, compared to ogres, it was very refined, its entire body seemed to have been trained through the most rigorous fitness training, it was incredibly smooth, its brain was very small, its eyes were blood-red, it was filled with a strong killing intent, its claws had four blades protruding out of them, it was incredibly sharp, as it casually sliced through the air, one could clearly see the slight ripples in the void.


Although he had never seen it before, Liu Wei An had heard of it before. It was a zombie that was as famous as an ogre, but far more difficult to deal with than an ogre. Ogres followed the path of power, while ghouls followed the path of agility. They moved as fast as lightning, coming and going like the wind, using corpses as food and not living beings.

Even though they were over a hundred meters apart, Liu Wei An could still feel the murderous aura of the ghouls, which was incredibly strong. In an instant, his heart sank into a state of tranquility as streams of flame sprayed out from the muzzle of his gun.

Puff, puff, puff …

One after another bullet holes appeared on the ground, connecting these bullet holes together into a chaotic and irregular pattern.

Ghosts could change their direction at will and were incredibly agile. Liu Wei An"s mind had already locked onto it for a long time, but after twelve consecutive shots, not even a strand of its hair was touched. This was something he had never done since he had gotten his sniper rifle.

The bullet was unable to keep up with the ghoul"s speed, and his prediction was also ineffective. The ghoul"s reaction speed was too fast.

The gunshot attracted a large amount of zombies to appear. Liu Wei An"s eyes flashed with anxiety. After the elephant fell to the ground, it was unknown if it was still alive. There were no traces of blood on the ground. One could tell that the elephant"s injuries were not serious, but it did not get up for some reason. With the elephant"s abnormal physique, not to mention light injuries, even heavy injuries would not have much of an impact on him.

As the zombies got closer and closer, Liu Wei An couldn"t stay calm anymore. He retrieved his sniper rifle and jumped down from the thirty meter high rooftop. In mid-air, the Silver Winged Bow appeared in his hand.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Arrows were drawn, drawn, aimed, and shot in a single breath. The arrow was like a bolt of lightning, traveling for tens of meters in the blink of an eye. The ghoul"s body, which had appeared in front of the elephant, twisted in an impossible way.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

As if frightened or angry, the ghoul suddenly turned its head and stared at Liu Wei An, who was descending from the sky, and let out a threatening shout. What greeted it was a long string of arrows, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, they instantly arrived in front of it.

"Consecutive Arrows!"

The ghouls seemed to sense the danger and turned to run. But how could they escape so easily? The long arrows suddenly split into nine parts and blocked off all the ghouls" escape routes.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The ghoul let out an ear-piercing roar. It waved its claws and split the three arrows into two. The cut was smooth and its two claws danced wildly. In an instant, all nine arrows were sliced off and shot in all directions. Liu Wei An was startled when a broken arrow was shot at the elephant"s side.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

The exceptionally thick bowstring began to vibrate once more. The long arrow did not give the ghoul any chance to escape as it continued to envelop the ghoul.

The ghoul was furious, but it dared not to block the arrows. It seemed to sense the power of the arrows and could only swing its claws. Liu Wei An drew his bow for the fourth time when he was only five meters away from the ground.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

This time, there was only one arrow. The ghoul landed on the ground and broke the arrow, flying up to meet Liu Wei An. Liu Wei An"s continuous attacks had angered it. Just as it took off, the atmosphere changed drastically.

A sharp arrow shot out of thin air and hit its body at an unimaginable speed.

"Consecutive Arrows!"

The ghoul was just a monster. It had no intelligence and couldn"t understand what was going on. It was shot fiercely and its body was hard. It wasn"t any weaker than the Ogre. When the claw touched the arrow, the arrow exploded.

"Explosive Talisman Arrows!"

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

The intense explosion sent the ghoul flying. Blood and flesh splattered around its chest, but not much blood was seen. Only a small amount of dark red liquid flowed out.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

The arrow cut through the air like a bolt of lightning, hitting the ghoul"s wound the instant it landed. Liu Wei An"s feet touched the ground, and he instantly bent down, rolling to counteract the powerful impact. With a terrifying explosion, he quickly stood up.

Even though the ghoul had a powerful physique that was not inferior to the ogres, it could not withstand the bombardment of the two explosive talismans. Its body was broken into two halves, and the lower halves could no longer move.

It was a pity that it could not stand upside down. Otherwise, it would be able to use its two arms to support itself while it ran. Unlike now, it could only run around in circles.

"Consecutive Arrows!"

Although the ghoul was severely injured but it was still agile. It waved its claws and the arrow was broken into two and flew away. However, it didn"t learn its lesson the last time as the second arrow easily hit its head.


The ogre"s head exploded, sending chunks of flesh splattering to the ground.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

Liu Wei An changed his direction and shot a string of arrows in all directions, causing an explosion. The zombies that were charging at them were all blown into smithereens, their flesh and blood flying everywhere …

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