Rise From The Doom

Chapter 482

Puff — -

Wu Lili ate rice everyday and her mouth was already empty. When the steaming hot meat was served to the table, she grabbed a piece of meat without caring about the heat. The others could not wait and grabbed a piece each. It was just that she did not expect Wu Lili to spit it out after the meat entered her mouth.

"You"re not allowed to vomit, pick it up and eat it." Liu Wei An shouted. The others quickly shut their mouths. The rough flesh was stuck in their throats, and they were choking tears.

"Why are you eating with such relish?" Wu Lili looked at Liu Wei An chewing his teeth in fear.

"It might be a bit hard to eat, but it"s good for the body with plenty of energy." Liu Wei An said with a smile. Not everyone had the same culinary skills as the nine-fingered chef. The demon beast meat was the hardest to eat, even more so than the meat of the Flaming Demon Cow.

Wu Lili turned around and saw that the expression on Fu Jiang"s face didn"t change. The others, including You Mengshu, all had the same expression on their faces. However, he could feel the benefits of the meat and gnawed hard on it.

Ten minutes was over as usual, but today it took an hour. After eating their fill, they left the meeting room as if they were fleeing for their lives. Although their expressions were painful, their faces were rosy and full of energy.

"Are all this meat?" Wu Lili pointed at the fist-sized black bag on the table.

Liu Wei An nodded and drank water, waiting for the elephant and the three inch nail. The two of them seemed to have been competing since the beginning, and even though they had started eating, they still couldn"t finish it. But very quickly, they realized the great benefits of meat, and the more they ate, the more delicious the food became.

The others had run away, and the two of them were still eating. Over three hundred catties of meat. The evolved person would be full after eating just one catty. f.u.kang and Youmeng only ate three catties of meat. Liu Wei An had eaten more than six catties, and the two of them had already eaten more than ten catties.

Twenty minutes later, the three-inch nail stopped eating and stared viciously at the elephant, unconvinced. The elephant gave him a provocative look and stopped eating after three pounds of meat. It patted its bulging belly with a face full of satisfaction. Ever since he was young, this was the first time he had eaten so unrestrainedly. The feeling of being full was truly beautiful.

The three-inch nail weighed twelve pounds, the elephant about sixteen, and the two of them together ate twenty-eight.

"Have you eaten your fill?" Liu Wei An looked at the two of them.

"I"m full!" The two of them quickly nodded.

"Eat and work!" Liu Wei An suddenly stood up and strode out of the building. Elephants and three-inch nail quickly followed, and there was no need to talk about elephants, he treated Liu Wei An as a relative, and the three inch nail used to lead a life of rummaging through garbage cans. Now, everything he could eat depended on Liu Wei An.

… ….

Nanding City was similar to Changhui City, it had a complete defensive system and was not broken through by monsters. On the surface, Nanding City was much better than Changhui City.

However, once you entered, you would discover that it was all just a piece of gold and jade.

The ground was littered with rotting corpses, humans, zombies, and unknown monsters. Maggots were crawling all over the place, and the white bodies of the maggots were moving all over the place, leaving wet trails on the ground that had dried up in the blink of an eye.

Flies, mosquitoes, and almost no place to put their feet. In the corners, under the stairs, and in the bus kiosks, emaciated human beings could be seen from time to time, staring innocently at the occasional pa.s.serby with their hands slightly raised, making a begging gesture. Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to them.

The three of them quietly entered the city, and no one noticed them. The three of them had been sneaking around on the streets, but now that they were out in the open, no one paid any attention to them. However, as they saw more and more refugees arriving, the three of them fell silent, even though they weren"t paying attention to the current situation.

"Who are you two?" A group of people suddenly walked out from the left side of the road. They were wearing the uniform of the security forces. The person in the lead was holding a gun and pointing it at Liu Wei An and the elephant. The three-inch-long nail was too small and deformed, so he treated it as a beggar and neglected it.

"We are from …" Liu Wei An answered back, his fingers touching the ring. Just as he was about to pull out the Silver Winged Bow, he stopped.

"It must be a mixed team. You two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, there"s an enemy invading at any time, how dare you two loiter around? Hurry up and stay on the city walls. If I find you again, be careful of your dog heads."

"Yes, yes, yes, we will go immediately." Liu Wei An bowed his head and bowed. The city walls were heavily guarded and he was still thinking of ways to sneak in. He didn"t expect the opportunity to deliver himself to the door.

"Ergou, Sanmei, send these two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds to the city wall. If they don"t listen, shoot them to death!" The person in the lead should be a government official. He would kill someone with a harsh tone if he didn"t say anything.

"Let"s go." Ergou and Three Cat said unwillingly. The city wall was the most dangerous place. Once in battle, the death rate would be as high as 50%. They would rather patrol the city, even if it was a zombie it was better than on top of the city wall.

Liu Wei An and the elephant followed behind, not daring to say anything.

"You"re so tall, why haven"t I seen you before?" After walking for a while, Ergou did not try to find anything to say. However, the elephant was indeed a terrifying size. Ergou could be considered a big man, but in front of an elephant, he was just like a child.

"He picked up a genetic medicine and drank it and became like this." Liu Wei An answered in place of the elephant.

"What luck." Ergou and the three cats looked at the elephant with envy and hatred in their eyes.

Everyone knew about the gene elixir, what was rare was that it was actually picked up by a fool. However, since they had already been eaten, there was nothing they could do.

"We are not part of the troops on the city wall. It"s not good to go up like this." Liu Wei An had a worried look on his face.

"If Boss Rock isn"t here, then the Power King won"t care about this. Just follow him, who else would have the time to bother with you?" The three cats said disdainfully.

"But we don"t even have guns." Liu Wei An said worriedly.

"I let you guys go up to move the bullets, but I didn"t make you kill the enemy. You want to get a gun? You think a gun is that easy to get?" After walking for a few hundred meters, he suddenly stopped. He banged on a stainless steel door.

"Open up, open up. I"ve brought two laborers over."

Liu Wei An noticed that the camera suspended from the ceiling turned. Someone was checking their ident.i.ty. After a few seconds, the stainless steel door opened automatically with a creak.

"Go in." Ergou pushed the elephant, but did not push it. Instead, he took a few steps back and was about to get angry when he saw the elephant turn its head and glare at him. He felt a strong wave of killing intent rushing towards him.

The elephant followed Liu Wei An inside the door, and the stainless steel door automatically closed with a bang. The three cats were still cursing, "These guys are getting more and more stingy, not even sparing a single cigarette."

"Hurry up and go, stop wasting your breath. When I run into the King of Strength, I"ll take you to the city wall to guard it." Ergou felt an indescribable unease.

Thinking of the brutal strength of a king, the three cats felt a chill in their hearts. At this moment, an ear-piercing alarm rang throughout the entire city. When Ergou and the three cats heard this, they did not return to the city walls, but instead sped up and disappeared into the streets in the blink of an eye.

The three-inch-long nail looked at the city wall from a distance, at a loss of what to do.

Liu Wei An and the elephant entered the door and walked up the stairs. When they were about halfway up, they heard an ear-piercing alarm. At the same time, they heard footsteps leaving in a hurry. Anxious shouts came from above.

"When the enemy attacks, it"s not like they"re a group made up of leopards. I wonder who they are."

"There are armored vehicles and tanks. Their firepower is as good as a leopard"s."

"Bullets, bullets, get ready. Hurry up."

… ….

No one paid any more attention to Liu Wei An and the elephant. The two of them did not encounter any obstacles along the way. It was like they were walking on the street.

Liu Wei An relaxed a little when he saw the fl.u.s.tered crowd. Fu Jiang and You Mengshu had arrived at the right time. He brought elephants and three inch spikes to destroy the city. If he could open the city gates, then it would mean that he had won half the battle. On his way here, Liu Wei An had formulated many plans to prevent different situations from occurring, but only now did he realize that everything was unnecessary.

"Young master, what should we do?" The elephant growled.

"Find the person in charge of the city wall called King Li, and defeat him. If you surrender, then spare his life. If you don"t surrender, then kill him." Liu Wei An said.

"I see." Elephants are stupid and cannot say too complicated things, or he will not understand. He charged into the crowd and shouted loudly.

"Who is the Strength King? Get the h.e.l.l out here!"

His voice rumbled like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. The ears of the crowd buzzed, and several people were so shocked that their faces turned pale.

"Where did this idiot come from? He actually dared to call out to Boss Li"s name. He doesn"t want to live anymore." A burly man with a black dragon tattoo on his neck raised his spear.


The big man"s head exploded as his body was sent flying. The crowd went silent, and then everything went into chaos.

"There"s a traitor —" A man next to the big man roared. Before he could finish his words, his head exploded like a broken watermelon as his brain splattered all over the ground.

"Here …"

Liu Wei An"s figure flashed and appeared in front of the enemy pointing at him. His fist lightly touched the enemy"s body, and with lightning speed, two grenades appeared in his hands. The enemy looked as if he had been struck by lightning. A pained expression surfaced on his face. His eyes quickly dimmed as his body slumped to the ground. If someone were to dissect his body, they would discover that his heart had shattered.

The sound of an explosion rang out and miserable screams came from the crowd. Liu Wei An took the other two grenades off the corpse and threw them like lightning. During the explosion, the enemy"s handgun was already in his hand and the concentrated bullets swept in all directions.

At such a close distance, using a sniper rifle was an overkill. Using the enemy"s spear to hit the enemy gave them a sense of accomplishment. No one had expected that an enemy would appear on the city wall and that Liu Wei An alone would kill everyone on the city wall.

This situation did not change until the appearance of the Power King.

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