Rise From The Doom

Chapter 502

After occupying the level road, the various reconstruction work proceeded at the fastest speed possible. Although the amount of tasks involved was large, it was actually small as well. The world today was a world where science and technology had reached a very high level. The level of mechanization here was extremely high. The difficulty of the previous work in each city was mainly due to the lack of equipment and manpower. After the entire level road was taken down, the manpower, equipment and various resources had basically formed a complete ecological circle. As long as the control was good, the reconstruction work would be faster than expected.

Cleaning, road repair, communication repair, transportation network all over the city. The first to improve were Zhengping city and the six cities in the south. That was where Liu Wei An had started his family and was also his base. His foundation was solid, and it only took a day for him to complete it.

One after another, corpse carriages carried the bodies to the corpse storage station. After sorting them out and sending them off, there would naturally be people from the Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce who would take them away. Genetic medicine was also being delivered in batches.

This job was done well, the air quality in the city returned to normal at an alarming rate, the more thoroughly cleaned the corners, the more thoroughly recovered the air quality. With the safety team"s tentacles covering every place, the hidden zombies were also found and killed one by one, the city"s security also greatly improved.

The survivors were driven by food and joined in the construction. With the help of these people, many places that could not be reached by machines could be built as quickly as possible.

Provincial, national, highways, railways, subways, highways … After the transportation line was restored, the time that Zhengping city took to arrive at each city was shortened to an hour and a half. The time between the city and the city was less than an hour, which was basically up to standard.

Liu Wei An would go back to South Dragon City every day. Xiao Wei"s situation was becoming more and more stable, and his heart was becoming more and more at ease. Little Wei became like this in order to save him. If he couldn"t save Little Wei properly, his conscience wouldn"t be able to rest for the rest of his life. The old driver was the only one on the level road who was eating with his mouth wide open.

The old driver was now squeezing out four drops of liquid every day. Two drops for Little Wei, one for his wife, and one for saving the lives. In the front lines of the battle, hundreds, or even thousands of people were heavily injured every day. Some of them had to be saved, but those who could not be saved with the current level of medical care would be sent to the old driver. The old driver did not disappoint the crowd, as long as he still had a breath of air, a drop of liquid, he would be able to save them. His ability was indeed magical.

As the reputation of saving others spread, the old driver gained everyone"s respect.

Watching the old man squeeze out the last drop and fall into a weak sleep, Liu Wei An did not disturb him and quietly left the room. He went to the reception room and saw that Chang Yueyue was already waiting there.

"Why do you suddenly want to leave?" Two days ago, Liu Wei An"s goal was not to worry Xiao Wei, but seeing that her situation was getting better, he didn"t plan to come back today. Liu Wei An"s goal was not to worry about Xiao Wei, but seeing that Xiao Wei"s situation was getting better, he didn"t plan to come back today.

The moon was about to leave.

In the beginning, when he was still a fugitive, Chang Yueyue and the last star represented the government, and they were not friends, but enemies. Afterwards, the monsters of the abyss invaded, and zombies ran rampant, and everyone tried everything to survive, and they worked together for a short time, until the Blood Corpse appeared, and beat almost everyone into h.e.l.l. The last star and Liu Yueyue escaped, but in the end it proved that only the last star escaped, Liu Yueyue did not succeed.

Liu Wei"an, who had been rescued, had led the security team to save the life of Liu Yue Ying, who had almost lost her life when they were fighting over the territory. At this time, their relationship had turned into that of the saved person and their benefactor, and while Liu Yue Ying was recuperating, the Rock Giant of Nanding City had attacked the city, pulling everything apart like rotten weeds. When the security team couldn"t hold on any longer, Liu Wei An"s security team had saved Liu Yue Ying, who had saved the life of the zombie. This time, the relationship between Liu Weian and Liu Yueyue had advanced a step. Although they still rarely communicated with each other, at least they now had a certain amount of trust in each other. The relationship was developing towards the better side.

Liu Wei An wouldn"t kick her out even though she hadn"t yet recovered from her injury. Although she didn"t do anything, her ident.i.ty was still a huge advertis.e.m.e.nt for her. Honestly speaking, Liu Wei An"s heart was hoping for her to stay. Even if she didn"t do anything, she was willing to serve him like a Bodhisattva.

However, it was clear that this was just an illusion.

"This place doesn"t belong to me." Yuan Yue Ying"s expression was plain, and it was hard to see what she was thinking.

"Excuse me, but where are you going, home?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Where I am going is where I am going. I went down the mountain to gain experience. I haven"t achieved my goal so I won"t go home for now." Yue Ying gently shook her head.

"Everywhere is the experiential learning, how do you know that this place does not belong to the experiential learning?" Liu Wei An asked.

"I feel like I can"t get the experience right now." Yue Ying"s eyes flashed a look of confusion. Perhaps she herself didn"t know what she needed to gain experience from.

"Have you recovered?" Liu Wei An saw the drama, began to think of how to convince Yuan Ying to stay.

"No, I recovered ninety percent." Liu Yue Ying said.

"You went down the mountain to gain experience. It"s not only about your martial arts worth. Your heart"s experience should also be a part of it, right?" Liu Wei An asked.

"The experiential learning naturally includes everything." Liu Yue Ying said.

"Your heart is getting impatient." Liu Wei An stared at her for a while before suddenly saying.

Liu Wei An"s casual words made her suddenly realize something. It seemed like she was missing something. She could see it, but she couldn"t grab it.

"There"s a powerful monster in the city. I"m worried that I won"t be able to beat it. Can you help me guard it?" Liu Wei An saw a flash of hesitation in Liu Wei An"s eyes, and he quickly said: "Although I don"t know what "experiential learning" is, but I should also be clear that escaping from it is definitely not a qualified experiential learning."

"Lead the way." Yue Ying"s eyes regained their calmness.

At the moment he turned around, Liu Wei An burst into laughter.

Jinri City.

Jin Rui City was a legendary city. Not only was it a legend on the Righteous Way, it was also a legend in the Wind Province. In fact, it was even a legend in the entire Darkhan Dynasty.

At first, the human army fought smoothly, and with their formidable firepower, they defeated all of the life forms on Mars. However, the evolution ability of the life forms on Mars shocked the entire human race, and in a very short period of time, the life form on Mars evolved to have the ability to swallow bullets, while the life form on Mars was attacked and the humans were beaten back little by little. At that time, the human race was hiding in the Gold City, and it could be said that the Gold City became the last stronghold of the humans on Mars.

Luckily, he succeeded later on.

During this period of time, there had been a few times when the overpowering rebellion had fallen and the regime had almost changed. Coincidentally, the government army had used Jinri City as their final stronghold, and they had persisted until the arrival of Earth"s reinforcements to pacify the rebellion.

After the Darkhan Dynasty came to Mars, Jin Rui City became the capital of Tianfeng Province for three months and had been the capital of Tianfeng Province for six months. Up to now, there were only a few cities in Tianfeng Province that had private land, while Baron Qian Ruhai owned almost a tenth of Jin Rui City.

After the zombies exploded, they also coincidentally set this place up as their base camp. Not a complete count, the zombies in Jin Rui city occupied a quarter of the road, and a large number of Abyss monsters were gathered in Jin Rui city, across the river from the zombies.

It was unknown what kind of strong characters the Abyss monster had, for the time being, because the Abyss monster"s movements were nimble and agile. Most of the time, it would hide inside the building and not appear, which greatly increased the difficulty of detection.

In comparison, zombies had a much better habit. They didn"t climb the stairs and instead stayed on the street. Only at noon when the sun was too high would they return to the shade. It was much easier to count them. It was easy to get points, but when the interrogators returned, their faces turned ugly.

However, not all of them could be seen. There were over 300 Ogres, two Loathsome Evils, and three Ironrope Zombies. However, the most terrifying one was still a Tree Demon.

By the time Liu Wei An and Chang Yueyue arrived in Jinli City, the Peace Corps was already waiting. Fifty thousand soldiers were on standby. Jin Rui city was too dangerous. With the addition of twenty thousand men by Liu Wei An, Liu Wei An felt that taking Jin Rui city should not be a problem. However, the moment he saw the tree demon, he felt that his confidence was lacking.

There were so many people in the squad, yet no one had seen this tree before, and this was a very strange thing. Mars was short of water, and plants were scarce, so even if a new gra.s.s appeared, it would be discovered and named in a very short period of time. With such a large tree, no one could find any information about it in the plant database.

The first thing he saw when he entered the city was definitely this tree. It was over two hundred meters tall, and was more than twenty meters taller than the tallest building in the city. It was as tall as a pavilion, and its branches and leaves stretched out to almost cover half of the city.

If it weren"t for the fact that the branches were covered with corpses, everyone would have thought that it was just a tree.

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